"Your Devotion, Your Sacrifices That You Are Making With Zeal and Courage and
With A Determination to Stand Firm -- It Is I FATHER DIVINE

"The Catholic Religion . . . If it Were Only for the Sake of Those Devout Sisters
and Those Who Are Called the 'Mothers,' Who Sacrifice Their Worldly Pleasures,
the Church Could Be Redeemed."

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table, Stone Ridge Mansion, Ulster County, Upstate New York
Wednesday, April 27, 1938 A.D.F.D., Time -- 12:25 P.M.

Stone Ridge, The Promised Land N.Y.

In the cool whispers of the morning breezes, FATHER Personally rode away from the city to travel northward to The Promised Land. When FATHER drove away from the 115th Street Extension, HE left a crowd of devoted and happy-hearted children in front of the Kingdom and all along the street and avenue, who had gathered around His Car, peeking and peering through the instantaneous gathering to spy a glimpse of the Sweet Presence of GOD. As the chariot moved off briskly, some of the more agile individuals fleeted down to the corner to head off the light, the traffic light, which they felt would delay the car which bore the LORD apparently away, long enough for them to get another glimpse at HIM, and a smile in return. As the car sped up the avenue and on the highway, they returned to the Kingdom to continue their Praise to HIM, the LORD of their Salvation, in loyalty and faithfulness.

In the Promised Land, the news had spread that FATHER was up there, and at the Breakfast Banquet, the Kingston Dining Room was quite well filled with the Angels who had quickly joined the LORD from the various Extensions. Shortly after the Banquet FATHER led the way through the verdant woodland and o'er the well-kept highways, stopping at first at one Heavenly Mansion and then another, until we arrived at the Stone Ridge Mansion ("Home Sweet Home") where the delicious evening Banquet was served, and this very significant Message was given. FATHER'S guest seemed much elated, and at intervals gave expression of her appreciation of FATHER, by stating that she knew FATHER possibly longer than any of the Angels who were present with HIM at this particular time. She also stated that in her long years of acquaintance with FATHER, she had many experiences and knew FATHER'S Teaching, and the things that HE had accomplished.

At this instance, amid this joyous multitude, FATHER arose and imparted the following recorded Truths from the Fount of Supreme Wisdom, to the delight of us all. Omnipotent LORD, we thank THEE.

(FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! ("Peace, FATHER Dear!" greeted the Angels and guests.)

Here we all are again; there I sit and stand! It is a pleasure and a pleasure indeed to know by harmonizing with you and by setting your house, your mental house in order to harmonize with ME and then unify with ME in Spirit, Mind, Aim and of Purpose, we can bring about a universal moral betterment; cause the reality of the Individual to be universally recognized by you as individuals concentrating on the Fundamental; the Principle lifted as a standard and put forth into expression.

When I say, "Here you all are and there I AM," I AM stressing in expression the Condescension of GOD to the children of men, the Name of which I AM, to bring into your consideration a sympathetic sense of feeling, of love, of meekness and of obedience to the Will of GOD by association and by harmonization.

I have often mentioned how marvelous it is to know, all of the different Religions of today and of yesterday, they are all representing GOD in some way. The original, in other words, the foundation of all of the different Religions means something more than mere materialism, mortality or the mortal version. It starts from the Souls and the hearts of the children of men, it reaches the Souls and minds of them. It changes them automatically by concentrating on something better and something much greater than they are as individuals.

I often think of how glorious it is to observe the devoutness of some few of the churches, especially a certain part of the different churches. If you notice it closely, in the most of the Religions, the laities are more devout than those who are leaders in a Spiritual way. They are more conscientious from a Spiritual point of view, the majority of them, for the average minister, clergymen or representatives of the different Religions, they are usually paid servants, but just think of the different members of such a Religion or organization, the majority of them work voluntarily with the spirit of sincerity, conscientious in their endeavors to do something for GOD.


The Apparently Insignificant Are the Most Devout

Those who are apparently far away from the Fundamental in actual profession or classification, they may be nearer in the spirit of sincerity and conscientiousness in their endeavors. For this cause I bring to your attention in the experience and in the experiences of millions of My Followers, those who are apparently insignificant, those who are apparently non-responsible, they are the most devout even as in all other Religions.

You all know I have often mentioned the Catholic Religion . . . If it were only for the sake of those devout sisters and those who are called the "Mothers," who sacrifice their worldly pleasures, with all of its forms and fashions and customs of the world, the Church could be redeemed by such sacrifices they are making. That is the reason that all Religions must recognize and also respect your devotion and your devoutness to your respective Religious conviction.

I you retrace your thoughts back to My Message from time to time in reference to the Catholic Sisters, aside from all of the other representatives of the Catholic Church, you can see they make such sacrifices of all of their worldly pleasures, human fancies and human tendencies for Righteousness' sake, according to their respective Religious conviction. If they can do this with the Hope of the redemption of the body and the Resurrection of Life, how much more should you rejoice and be exceedingly glad with your conscious conviction and realization, according to your version of being in the Presence of the CHRIST. For this cause you and millions of others the universe over, have thrown away your equipments of war, of vice and of crime and of sin of every kind, and are endeavoring to live Evangelical lives, which by other Religions may be termed "a Holy Life" in the sight of GOD and of man, and are not bound to live that way.


A Glorious Privilege

Is not this a glorious privilege, to observe the great transformation of the children of men which the Spirit is performing among them? Just think of it! Millions and millions of those, such as you yourselves, as being termed young men and young women in the sight of the children of men, having sacrificed all of your human fancies, tendencies and pleasures for Righteousness' sake, without being actually coerced into doing those things. Is not this something to consider that such a Spirit could be inculcated and reincarnated in the hearts and lives of the children of men to transform them characteristically, yea, naturally and dispositionally by the Renewing of their minds?

Is not this something to consider, to think of this, and to observe these My Followers? Those who are not conscious of the actual Work of My Mission, they could not believe it. They would think it is too good to be true, that My Spirit and My Mind through your conscious conviction and realization, according to your Religious conviction, have brought you into the place of Holiness, of Righteousness, of Truth and of Justice, and of Equity, where you stand.

How glorious it is to observe the mystery! Who could believe such a thing could be? When I AM Present and when I AM Absent as a Person, I have faith -- implicit faith in ninety-nine percent of My Followers as they have faith in ME. I can trust them, and I know they will tell ME the truth and nothing else but the truth. By believing I AM GOD and knowing it, according to their version, they will tell ME the truth and nothing else but the truth, for that is an oath according to our legal custom of today, and even of yesterday. It is an oath with them to tell ME the truth, and nothing else but the truth. Aren't you glad to live it and express it, to produce it and bring it to fruition in yourselves individually, all of the Characteristics and the Nature of your Savior through concentration?


Set Apart For the Service of GOD

By harmonizing with the Principle which I have lifted, and concentrating on the Standard as the Fundamental, these My Followers are lifted from the mortal versions, from the human fancies, from all human tendencies and from all human pleasures, that they might reckon themselves among those who are consecrated and those who are set apart especially for the service of GOD.

Just think of it! When this was put into practice by the different Religions through coercion and by the customs, rules and regulations and by the vows they have taken to do such things, they were but bespeaking the reaction of such. They were making a prediction of that which would come forth into expression in reality.

The time has truly come, the Spirit and the meanings of every devout disciple of all of the different Religions must be a living reality Spiritually, without being merely a reality theoretically or documentally. It is not necessary to be a document to be set apart, to be spoken of and to be stressed, but as I said many years ago by composition, as a motto for consideration:

'I will Preach CHRIST in words, but more so in deeds and in actions, and I will put My Spirit in you, and cause you to walk in My Statutes.'

I need not tell you, "Do not kill!" I need not tell you, "Do not steal!" I need not tell you, do not commit other sins of the flesh and other violations in violation of the Ten Commandments, but by My Spirit and by your recognition of My Presence, when you are prohibited by such a recognition from doing those things you used to do, then that is what it is all about.


The Sacrifice of the Catholic Sisters

A Standard I have lifted, as said the Scriptures, "Lift up a Standard for My people." I mention this because I have often mentioned it, especially the Catholic Sisters in preference to any of others, even over and above the Fathers; we know distinctly they have made a sacrifice well worth considering. We can see it, and you can see their daily actions and conduct among the people. If it were only for the sake of the Holy Sisters, why, the Church would be obliged to be blessed for such sacrifices as they are making. Can you not the mystery?

Coming to this movement, this Peace Mission Movement, there are those of both the sisters and the brethren, those who are called men and women in this movement, young and old, voluntarily they have made vows by inspiration, by the actuated words of their expression, to live devout and fully consecrated to the Service, and sacrifice all of their human tendencies, fancies and mortal pleasures for the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven. Is not this something to consider? By this, and from that angle of expression I can say in reality, according to your Religious conviction:

"Here you all are, and there I AM."

I AM speaking of the devoutness of you and your devotion, your sacrifices that you are making with zeal and courage and with a determination to stand firm.


"It Is I"

That part of which you are actually expressing, I will say, "It Is I;" for once upon a time, as you all have heard ME say, I would not even so much as touch a penny of money. When I did not allow Myself to have responsibilities and obligations, I would not touch a penny of money nor anything else that would tend to cause ME to trust in or lean on the arms of flesh. For what said the Scripture concerning the mystery:

'Cursed is he who leaneth on the arms of flesh, for I AM the LORD your GOD, that healeth thee.'

The same Spirit is speaking today, and when I see the reaction of such an assertion and such an actuated word of an expression as that coming forth into expression, I can say: "Here you all are," -- all of you who are expressing such a desire to stay self-denied and to be consecrated whole-heartedly and a living sacrifice to your GOD.

It is a privilege to live in such a recognition, and be at this place in consciousness where you will be at one with the great scheme of things, the Source of all supply. The reaction of My Assertions I have made from time to time, these Assertions I have made many years ago:

'CHRIST is the Source, and CHRIST is also the Supply," and "The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of all Supply and it will satisfy every good desire.'


Expressing Volitionally

Being conscious of GOD'S Presence will create an atmosphere, and you will feel it so vividly at times, you cannot control yourself. By being conscious of GOD'S Presence, the inspiration will come forth into expression by the vibration within you being lifted, until you cannot prohibit yourself from expressing volitionally by the Spirit of GOD'S Actual Presence. Then it is convincing to you and to others that it is the Source and it is the Supply. Success, Prosperity, Health and Happiness, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, Honesty, Competence and Truth, and all other desirable Blessings will come to you, if you will but concentrate on the Source of them, and live in harmony with the Fundamental for which you stand. How glorious it is to observe the mystery!

'CHRIST is rich and ALL you need, GOD will your every hunger feed.'

HE will not only feed you with the material food, but will feed you with the moral, with the mental and with the Spiritual food, and will satisfy every desire, for GOD in the Name and Nature is the Supply. Aren't you glad?

Since the recognition of GOD has been established, you can see yourselves individually advancing, socially advancing by leaps and bounds, morally advancing, industriously from every angle expressible, proving to the world conclusively as well as to yourselves as individuals,

'CHRIST is rich and all you need, and GOD will and GOD actually does your every hunger feed.'


GOD Can Teach You All Wisdom

If you are mentally hungry, if you are socially hungry, if you are socially thirsting, if you are intellectually hungry or thirsting after Righteousness, for the Right- use-ness of such expressions that you might desire to have, you can be supplied with both it and them by the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence, and by copying after the fashion I have shown you. Then I say,

'Here you all are, and there I AM; there I sit and here you stand.'

To realize, as a radio receiving set as an expression in this parable, even so is the individual if your heart keeps right with GOD. You as an individual can dial in on the Fount of GOD'S Omniscience, and GOD through His Condescension through your concentration can teach you all Wisdom. Aren't you glad?

Is it not plain to see as a Sample and as an Example I stand, without a book, without a Bible, without a manuscript of any kind, but merely speaking from the Fount of GOD'S Omniscience among the children of men; I AM speaking from the vocabularies of the children of men.

Oh, it is something to consider, for that which we have, if we have received it through information as given by your educators, even such is impersonal -- it is reincarnatable. It can and it will return to you and be transmitted to others, if others will gaze upon it vividly and be in harmony with you. If I did not know how to run an automobile, I would know how to run one by coming in contact with someone who did, and from their skill and skillfulness of such an individual, as it is impersonal, it would be transmitted, for I would concentrate on it. That is the mystery. Aren't you glad?


Electricity Is Impersonal

Oh, it is a privilege, Dear Ones, to realize what it means to recognize your GOD! As I often say, if you have the electric in your home, have a radio installed, you can dial in on almost any station and get the Message. It is your privilege to do so. If they broadcast it, it is your privilege to get it. This is a parable, but it is a psychological truth, and yet it is scientific. It is made logical for you, that you might see and know whatsoever I say or do, it is logical. Aren't you glad? Then as with ME as an individual, so with you as individuals, for all of these Blessings are impersonal.

I have said to My pupils, the pupils of the different schools, as Followers of Mine, these up here and elsewhere, "You should not stop at getting one hundred, go on to two hundred." If GOD is with you and you recognize GOD'S Actual Presence, you should be super-intelligent, while others will be merely intelligent, for you are with the Superior One in thought, in mind, in ideas and in opinions, in disposition, in love, in nature and in characteristics. Therefore, GOD'S Characteristics and Expressions and all of GOD'S are super-intelligent -- superior. Aren't you glad?


Produce the Spirit and Meaning of the Constitution

That is the mystery, and as I have often said, again I must continue to stress it until the whole universe gets it, until they all get it, to produce the Spirit and the meanings of the Constitution is the great essential to become to be a real American citizen . . . the Spirit and the meanings of the Constitution and its Amendments. Bring both it and them to fruition in you as an individual, and also the Declaration of Independence by characteristics, by nature and by disposition Spiritually, and when this is fulfilled within you, then and only then can you be the Expressers and the real reiterators of the Declaration of Independence. When this is brought to fruition in you as individuals, the spirit of supremacy will be your portion, for you shall have received yours, not merely theoretically nor intellectually, but you shall have received it inspirationally and characteristically from the Supreme One.

Then I say, all of you, each of you and all of you should produce the best in every expression. In business, profession, labor and trade, you should consider, with the recognition of GOD with you, you should be able to produce more than others could do. What said Paul concerning the mystery?

'I can do all things through CHRIST who strengtheneth me. It is no more I, but it is the CHRIST that dwells within.'

When you live in perfect harmony with HIM, the transmission of His Spirit, Life and Love, in short, the transmission of that which is known to the world as GOD, will be your portion, even as the inspiration coming from and through and by a composition, coming through and by the broadcasting system to your radio receiving set, that you might enjoy it. Even so can you enjoy the Actual Presence of GOD at all times by dialing in on the Fundamental and recognizing GOD'S Actual Presence when I AM Personally present and when I AM Personally absent.


Recognizing the Allness of GOD

The Personal Presence of Mine should not prohibit nor prevent you from the recognition of the Allness of GOD, and the nothingness of matter. Because you recognize GOD as a Person, or being Personified among you, having been Personified among you, whichever; because of such a recognition, it should not lessen your confidence in the Omnipresence of GOD and the Ever-Presence of GOD. It should strengthen it. By the recognition of GOD in Person, it should cause you to recognize GOD'S Universal and Infinite Presence fills all space and being absent from none, that will be with you wheresoever you are and when you are here, there or elsewhere; you will have the Consciousness of GOD'S Actual Presence wheresoever you are. With this, you could always feel the same.

As I said some time ago, you will not only recognize My Presence as a Spiritual Blessing when I AM Personally Present, you will not only recognize My Presence as a material Blessing, when I AM Personally Present, you should recognize GOD'S Infinite and Ever-Presence when I AM Personally absent so vividly and be so conscientious in all of your endeavors until you would have the same Blessings from every angle expressible when I AM Personally absent as you have when I AM Personally Present.


Blessings a Reality to Others

The Comforts, the Convenience, the Joy, the Happiness, the Peace and the Pleasure, the Success and the Prosperity, a plenty to eat and to drink and to wear and every desirable Blessing, all of these things are just as operative at My Personal Absence as they are in My Personal Presence. That is what I AM talking about. When this is established within you convincingly, it is a reality to others with whom you come in contact, for you will express it in your deeds and in your actions; they will see the expression of your Happiness, of your Peacefulness and Contentment, of your Honesty, of your Competence, of your Truth when I AM Personally Absent the same as they do when I AM Personally Present. They will see My Love, My Kindness and every other desirable expression and Attribute put forth into expression at My Personal Absence the same as in My Personal Presence. By this, you will be just as happy in a way, when I AM Personally Absent, as you are when I AM Personally Present, for you will always feel the Presence of GOD as a Living Reality.

By such a recognition as I aforesaid, even if I did not see you Personally, My Spirit and My Presence would bless you bountifully and would give you the Abundance of the Fullness of both material and Spiritual things, as much when I AM Personally Absent as when I AM Personally Present. That is what it is all for. That is what this recognition is for,

'And His Name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted GOD is with us.'

When this is once established in you, you will be the same, and conditions and circumstances will be in evidence and will be evidently the same. Aren't you glad? Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding will come forth into expression when you concentrate on these qualities of expression; ALL Wisdom, ALL Knowledge and ALL Understanding will come readily.

How many of the high-school Angels are here tonight? (One hand was raised, FATHER continuing, asked:) Only one? Let us see by standing on your feet, please! Where is the other one from Kingston? (One of the Angels responded and said, "She had too much homework, FATHER.") It is wonderful.


Do a Quick Work

I would just like to say as I have aforesaid, I have requested them and all others to look forward to do a quick work. Do not feel you must retard your advanced ability to go on to Perfection, for it is written in the Scriptures, yea, in the Epistles and the Gospel:

'HE will do a quick work and cut it short in Righteousness.'

If you work hard and prove yourselves workmen, as it may be termed, and be persistent in your ambition -- zealous, you can accomplish much more than those who are slothful and unconcerned; not only the younger pupils, but the older pupils as well as the younger ones. You need not feel, "I must be so many years advancing to a certain degree." You need not do that. On any subject prove yourself a workman and develop in reality, and produce it and put it forth into expression for investigation and for inspection and for the test and prove to the world conclusively you can compete with others who have had much more opportunity than you have had as individuals. Why? For GOD is with you!

GOD is ALL Wisdom, ALL Knowledge and ALL Understanding, and again I wish to say, the most precious gem comes from the most undesirable looking places, so be not dismayed and do not consider that Wisdom is bound to the mortal version, according to the versions of men; but through and by the ways and means that GOD has ordained that they should be expressed, GOD by inspiration can cause you to obtain and receive much more than what others can, by such a recognition. So go on to Perfection and be not retarded by the mortal versions of men and others saying, "You cannot make it in this time, that time nor the other time," but prove to the world conclusively, "If GOD is with you, you are not retarded in your advances, but you are substantiated in all of your advances, and you cannot be retarded -- for the Spirit of My Presence will be with you and will substantiate you in all of your advances in all of your subjects. I thank you.
