"The Meekest Way You Can Express the More Near You Are to the Likeness of CHRIST,
the Lamb of GOD." --- FATHER DIVINE

FATHER DIVINE'S Message at the Banquet Table Hope Farm, Promised Land,
Sunday Afternoon, Sept. 26, 1937 A.D.F.D., Time -- 12:50 P.M.

FATHER DIVINE, Atlantic City, N.J.

FATHER DIVINE, Atlantic City, N.J.

Delighted were the followers and visitors to be present with FATHER, Personally, our Adorable Savior, at the serving of another bounteous Banquet in the spacious Dining Hall of Hope Farm.

Limitless are the comforts in the expression and open manifestation of the Love of GOD, our FATHER DIVINE, for His Children of this dispensation, and it is as a Sample and an Example of our Savior's Love, "Hope Farm" stands today. This Garden Spot of Beauty is a marvelous transformation from the old and former things to the new and modern way. It has attracted the attention of many who were familiar with the old homestead and daily they come to witness the change that has taken place and to pay tribute to FATHER DIVINE, to His Work and to His Mission on earth among men.

In appreciation and amazement they stand, for the Realness of the Practicality of GOD is so convincing and so far-reaching they know and are consciously convinced it must stand and continue to unfold until all nations of the earth are caught up under the influence of It and will prosper and succeed even as those do who are led and governed through and by the Spiritual Guidance of FATHER DIVINE.

This Masterful and Glorious Message shall ever Live as a great Inspiration and Illumination to all who will accept of it and be blessed thereby, for it is through and by His Condescension at this Day and Time the peoples of the earth will receive their Real and True Emancipation, for GOD is the Only Liberator. In Love and Mercy HE came and in appreciation of the great Sacrifice HE has made that we might be saved, we Love, Adore and Reverence His Holy Majesty.

Immediately before arising to speak, the following composition was sung by FATHER for the consideration of one and all:

'You may testify in actions, testify in deeds;
Testify in words, but more in deeds;
Testify in actions, and testify in deeds,
That is the way you can please ME.'

(FATHER Speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! That little composition as a few words of consolation, and yet as a Message, I AM conveying for consideration:

'Testify in actions, testify in deeds -- that is the way you can please ME.'

. . . yet words will point out the way at times to the conscious minds of men, that they might get a slight glimpse of the way I have gone -- yea, they way I CAME!

It is written: "Show me the way my Redeemer has gone" -- I heard them say be composition, "HE is the Lily of the Valley, HE is the Bright and the Morning Star; show me which way my Redeemer has gone." Truly might have one said:

'Oh, for a closer walk with GOD,
A calm and a Heavenly Frame;
A Light to shine upon the road
That leads me to the Lamb.'

Aren't you glad! You are glad the Light has truly shown, for the Light of which David spoke of has shown upon the road, for, "Light is shown for the Righteous and gladness for the upright in heart." That is why you can see such a Light has not, or had not yet been seen until I PERSONALLY Came -- and came forth into consideration in the hearts and minds of millions.

By this, the Light is freely given that all might see plainly, and no longer walk in darkness. Then, the Light that lighteth every man who cometh into the world is the identical Light of which the composer was speaking:

'A Light that shines upon the road to lead me to the Lamb.'

What Lamb was that of which the composer was speaking? And Who was that Lamb, the Lamb of GOD of which John spoke of

. . . "that taketh away the sins of the world"?


The Lambship Degree of GOD

Remember, it is not confined to a person nor personality, but as a Principle put forth into expression, I AM stressing . . . the Lamb-likeness of GOD, the Lamb of GOD, John said. Behold, the most meek state of GOD put forth into expression, the most meek and the lowliness of GOD! That is the mystery of the Lamb of GOD.

The Lamb of GOD, the Word -- the Lamb of GOD does not mean matter especially; not at all. It does not mean a visible expression according to My Tabernacle especially; but as a Principle, as a Lambship Degree of Expression. I AM stressing through John when he declared it:

'Behold the Lamb of GOD Who taketh away the sins of the world.'

Behold that meekness of GOD! Behold that degree of meekness of the Majesty of the Infiniteness of the Omnipotence and of the Omniscience of GOD; and yet, behold the meekness of such an Omniscient and Omnipotent, and of such an INFINITE One! The most meek and the most humble expression -- there is the Lamb of GOD in Person Personified. Aren't you glad!

GOD in His Majesty, coming in the most simplicit and the most meek and the most humble way of expression, coming from His Majesty, Dominion and Authority, coming down in that which is termed Mercy and Pity for all of us . . . the meekness of GOD, it could have been said, but as a Person it was described as though it was an animal expressing the meekest of all animals and the lowliness of all of the animalistic Kingdom.

'Behold the Lamb of GOD Who taketh away the sins of the world!'


The More Meek the More Majesty

It was an expression, I say, stressing the Mystery and the significance of the meekness of Jesus and the Work and the Mission of the Almighty, coming down in Mercy and tender Compassion to all humanity. The more meek in expression, the more distinctly and more in Reality, in Majesty.

'Behold the Lamb of GOD!'

The most meek expression among expressions, the most simple, the most insignificant. Behold! Such an expression in Majesty, Dominion and Authority, yet in Mercy, simplicity and meekness, and the simplest humbleness expressible, coming in the lowly state of expression, showing GOD'S Love and Mercy yet with all Majesty, Dominion and Authority, being Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent but yet coming in simplicity, in simplicitness and meekness and obedience,

'led as a lamb to the slaughter, dumb as a sheep before her shearers.'

Behold such an expression! You will see your sins are taken away by such a recognition and by such an observation. By such a visualization, by visualizing such an expression and by recognizing such an unfoldment of meekness in Majesty, a meekness in the Authority, of obedience and of simpleness, if I must say it -- in dominion and in authority and in omnipotence . . . Behold the meekness of such an Expresser expressing Himself in the least, as may be termed the very least among you, that HE might not be discerned as HE Is, from that angle of expression, but yet in the meekest and the most simple way of expression CHRIST Came, to show mankind the Way they could and would be redeemed.


Redemption Through the Spirit of Meekness

Truly might have one caught the Inspiration as a mental and a Spiritual glimpse of the Mystery of Salvation, and said:

'There is not a Friend like the Lowly Jesus, no, not one; no, not one.
There is no Friend so Meek and Lowly, no, not one; no, not one.
Yet, there is no Friend so High and Holy, no, not one; no, not one.'

Can you not see the simplicitness and the meekness and the humbleness and the

obedience and the very expression of GOD in simplicity, yet in Majesty coming? Showing you and others the Way of Redemption that you might be redeemed through the Spirit of Meekness, through the Lamb-like Spirit of HIS Mercy and Compassion, as HE stressed it in HIS Deeds and in HIS Actions?

Can you not see the Mystery? Look at such an expression! John could have said: "Just look at GOD in all of His Majesty, Dominion and Authority! Look at GOD in all of His Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence, and Behold His Infiniteness -- yet in the most simplicit meekness of expression HE is coming, HE is coming. Behold such a One coming!" For such an expression is the only Way of Redemption whereby man can be saved. Such an expression will take away the sins of the world. Aren't you glad!

And by this CHRIST Came --

'Led as a Lamb to the slaughter, dumb as a sheep before her shearers.'

Showing you the Mystery of the Kingdom of GOD and how you all could be saved by the Spirit of His Meekness, His Obedience, His Love and His Compassion for mankind -- by being in all of His Majesty, Dominion and Authority, but yet coming in Meekness, Simplicitness and Obedience and coming in Mercy and tender Compassion.


Degrees of Unfoldment

Then I say, copy after this Fashion I have shown you. I AM showing you, I AM telling you and I AM stressing to you and others the Way to get rid of sin. Then I retrace the quotation back for consideration:

'Behold the Lamb of GOD that taketh away the sins of the world.'

Such a Lamb-like Meekness, such a Lamb-like Obedience, such a Lamb-like Compassion, such a Lamb-like Mercy, such a Lamb-like Suffering put forth into expression, and such a Lamb-like unselfishness manifest among us. Behold such an expression, for there is where you will find your Redeemer, in such an expression as that, and as those.

I need not say more. Every visible expression of JESUS CHRIST, MYSELF, FATHER DIVINE, in Person are expressions of degrees of Unfoldment and of a Principle expressed in the act of expression as a Person, but stressing the Principle of that which I AM manifesting that mankind might observe GOD'S Majesty, yet Love and Mercy and tender Compassion for all humanity. Aren't you glad!

Every expression of Jesus as a Person was an expression not merely confined to the expression of the Person as a Person, but as a Principle and as a Degree of Unfoldment manifest that mankind might observe the advancement of the CHRIST and recognize GOD'S Presence in this present Life. That is the Mystery! That is what it is all about!

Every bit of it was an expression being brought forth in outer manifestation and personified as the Personification of that which was a degree or as a Principle manifest, as a Sample and as an Example for others I expressed. Aren't you glad!


The Door Not Closed

How marvelous it is to dwell in the actual Presence of GOD where the Fount of GOD'S Omniscience is flowing freely for one and for all, where GOD in His Love and Mercy and tender Compassion, especially in His Lamb-likeness of meekness, I set before you an open door. The door behind ME I have not closed

'. . . Behold the Lamb of GOD Who taketh away the sins of the world.'

That is the Mystery! And that is what it is all about. Hence, it is a matter of impossibility for ME mentally and spiritually, or even Personally, to be defeated -- for I have not represented Myself Personally, yet I AM Personified and AM the Personification of all I AM stressing. Aren't you glad! That is what it is all about! Hence, with or without My Person, as I AM not representing Myself as a Person, yet in all of what I AM stressing I AM bringing forth to your consideration the conscious Recognition and the Realization of GOD'S Impersonal Presence, yet I AM the Personification of all I AM stressing.

Upon this Foundation, if I as a Person would cease to function in your midst for an instance or for a season, the action of My Expression would be as expressive and My Mission would be as Effective; therefore, nothing on earth nor in any other place of expression can hinder My Existence and My Dominion, for GOD is Infinite, Infinitely expressing, being Eternal by Nature and in His Characteristics Infinite. Aren't you glad!


Meekness Is Likeness to CHRIST

Then I say: Behold such a concept, such a version, such a Principle LIFTED! Behold such a Degree of Unfoldment mentally manifest, and you will behold the Lamb of GOD in all of His Majesty, yet in meekness coming expressing; coming in the most meek way of expression -- not beholding so much the Omnipotence nor the Omniscience nor the Authority of GOD, His Majesty and Dominion, but in this instance beholding the Lamb-likeness of His Mission, of His Spiritual Meekness, Humbleness and Obedience. That is your Redemption, by beholding such a degree of expression, the only Hope of your Salvation and the only Hope of the Salvation of others.

You notice the average person thinks Authority is the expression of GOD and their Redemption, but to the extreme reverse, the meekest way you can express, the more near you are to the likeness of CHRIST,

'The Lamb of GOD Who taketh away the sins of the world
. . . these are they who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.'

Can you not see the Mystery? Follow the Lamb-likeness, the meekness, the humbleness, the obedience, the patientableness of GOD expressed in the most insignificant way, by being

'led as a Lamb to the slaughter, dumb as a sheep before her shearers.'

Such an expression is your leading and your only Hope of Real Redemption. But to the extreme reverse, I find some going in the different directions by thinking they will observe ME in Majesty. John told you to behold GOD in the Lambship Degree of expression, in the most meek and the most humble Way. That is the way to get rid of your sins, sickness and disease and everything else that will displease, and all things that do not appease.

You get rid of such things by beholding the Lamb-likeness of GOD in expression in your deeds and in your actions and in all of your dealings. I need not say more but as I aforesaid: how marvelous it is to dwell and live in the actual Presence of GOD, for none of the mysteries of GOD are hid then, from you all.


The Qualities of the Lamb

Behold the Lamb-likeness of GOD, the Meekness of GOD, the Humbleness of GOD, the Mercy of GOD, the tender Compassion of GOD and every other most simplicit way of expression! Behold GOD as a Redeemer and as your Savior in them; but to the extreme reverse of such expressions, you have been seeking and you have been aspiring for the extreme reverse to such an expression instead of following the Lamb whithersoever HE goeth, in meekness, in obedience and in tender compassion, in Mercy and in Love and in kindness and in forbearance, in long suffering and in patience, just like the Lamb.

That was the significance of what I AM stressing this afternoon. Upon this Foundation if you will stand as you are led by your Highest Intuition, I will lead you safely mentally and spiritually as though I AM leading you by your hand.

Behold the Unfoldment of this Wonderful Work of GOD on earth among you! Behold the Wonderful Unfoldment of the Reaction of that which has been observed and accomplished mentally and spiritually! You can see it is materially observable, in other words it is materially manifested and you can plainly observe it.

This place was once known and still is known as the "Hope Farm". It is the HOPE of the Redemption of mankind, when they observe with their physical sight the Mystery of GOD'S limitless blessings, of His Compassion, His Love and of His Mercy, yet in Meekness and in Humbleness HE came by expressing Himself, as I lifted you. A higher plane you have found, now you can, if you will, place your feet on Higher Ground.

In Meekness HE came, in Humbleness expressing in the midst of the children of men; yet from sinking sand you have been lifted -- but if you follow ME on in the Lambship degree of expression, in Meekness, you will be blessed continually and your blessings will never fail you, and of the Increase and the Unfoldment of this Majesty, yet in Mercy and Compassion, it will never cease now, henceforth and forever. I thank you.
