"Put on the Christ Characteristics and the Christ Nature Completely,
and Also Put on the Christ Consciousness and Put off the Former Mortal Consciousness.

"The Body Is the Expresser of the Mind and Spirit."--- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table Stone Ridge Extension, the Promised Land, Ulster County, New York
Tuesday, April 27, 1937 A.D.F.D., Time -- 10:40 P.M.

FATHER DIVINE in the corn field,
Stone ridge, the Promised Land,
Ulster County, N.Y.

FATHER DIVINE in the corn field, Stone ridge, the Promised Land, Ulster County, N.Y.

The indescribable Joy of being in the Presence of the Personal Body of GOD added to the tranquil atmosphere of the beautiful Stone Ridge Mansion, where the Savior's Ever Presence is always so strongly sensed, instilled a deep peace in the souls of the group at the Banquet Table, and supreme happiness was manifested on the countenance of everyone.

Who could wish for a greater Blessing than to sit in the Presence of the LORD of Hosts Himself, partake of food blessed by His Holy Hands and hear His Beautiful Gentle Voice raised in song, or the Dynamic Words of Truth spoken with the Authority and Power which none but Almighty GOD FATHER DIVINE could speak?

For some moments a sacred silence prevailed, and when all were consciously stilled, volitionally the Spirit spoke and sang. The beautiful inspiration which is recorded came forth spontaneously and at the conclusion of his recitation the speaker made a few remarks, also recorded.

Righteousness, Justice and Truth

'I ride three horses . . . eager, all powerful, ever footsure,
Controlling negation in Holy Grace, lightly and freely
I ride through all space.
All Righteousness, Justice and Truth, with the strength of eternal youth.
And FATHER Almighty to guide, I ride, and I ride, and I ride!
Nothing can stop us, prancing and gay . . .
Princely and peaceful, we have right of way, loving all
Creatures at home and abroad, nothing can stop us!
Who can stop GOD?
No one can stop them, Love has gone wild,
Riding o'er earth and space, three horses astride,
But Who it that holding the reins with such ease?
Why? It's our FATHER -- CHRIST -- PRINCE of PEACE!'



"FATHER, we were visiting Greenkill Park and such majesty I have never seen before in nature, and to me I shall always know -- to me, Greenkill Park will always be the 'Hollow of GOD'S Hand' in nature. I can't see it any other way! So whenever we sing the song that we have sung, FATHER, I can't help but think of Greenkill in its majesty and in the 'Hollow of Your Hand,' and I ask YOU, FATHER, here and now to hold me in the 'Hollow of Your Hand,' and when I say, 'Hollow of Your Hand,' I mean Greenkill Park."


'Let ME live in you today, Let ME live in you today,
If you let ME, I will let you, Let ME live in you today.
I AM Lowly, I AM the Truth and the Light,
I AM the Joy of all mankind, I AM the Hope for Eternity,
If you let ME live in you today.'

A few minutes later FATHER again Sings:

'Make your mental and spiritual contact and you will be
Blessed, you will be Blessed; make your mental and
spiritual contact, and you will be Blessed of the LORD.
Deny yourself and follow ME, and you will be Blessed,
You will be Blessed, take up your cross and follow ME,
And you will be Blessed of the LORD.
Your hearts and minds will be My Home,
You will be Blessed, you will be Blessed,
Your mind will be My Reigning Throne,
You will be Blessed of the LORD.
I AM the Light, that Beautiful Light, the Light for your soul,
The Light for your soul; I AM the Light, that Beautiful Light,
I AM the Light of your soul.
I AM your Joy, your Life, your Health and your Love,
I AM the Light and I AM the Life, Joy and Peace,
Your Life and your Love, I AM the Light for your soul.
I will give you Life where once you were dead,
I AM your Life, I AM your Life,
I AM your Joy and your Life and your Soul,
I Am the Light of your soul.
Walk in this Light of this beautiful Life,
I AM your Life, and I AM your Light, walk in this Light,
This beautiful Light, I AM the Life of your soul.'

FATHER Speaks as follows:

PEACE EVERYONE! Those little compositions I brought forth this morning as a Message for consideration; for the consideration of those who recognize My Presence. Even for those who may disrecognize it, as a declaration to those who may not recognize it, it has long since been declared: "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life," from the angle of expression as being JESUS CHRIST, the Son -- your Savior. "No man cometh to the FATHER," said He, "but by Me." This Assertion and Declaration was made as an abstract expression of what would be fulfilled in these Last Days.

No man cometh to ME -- the FATHERSHIP Degree -- saving by He of Whom they have declared to be the Son of GOD.

The Sonship Degree of expression in the Person of Jesus was an expression and an unfoldment of a degree developed in the consciousness and the consideration of the children of men as an abstraction -- in other words, as an extraction from GOD -- the very essence extracted from GOD HIMSELF Manifest in the Flesh in the Name of the Son of Whom they say I AM, but in the FATHERSHIP Degree at this time. It is understood I came in the Sonship Degree of Expression as an unfoldment through which mankind should come into, and learn of, the FATHER, and come through as the Doorway to the FATHERSHIP Degree, that you might return back to the FATHER from whence they had been driven in Adam; for in Adam they all were driven from the Presence of GOD.

As a committee of one, Adam was driven from the Garden of Eden, the curse was placed upon him and that curse remained, until CHRIST JESUS, the SON, came; for they could not observe the Mystery whereby they could be emancipated. For this cause it was essential, the most important essential, and necessary for GOD in the Sonship Degree to come to redeem mankind from that curse that they were under, that they might have an access in the Grace wherein I stand and might return to the FATHER from whence they had been driven -- been driven from the Presence of GOD. Because of the disobedience of man, all, in the Adamic state of consciousness and in the characteristics and nature of man, were driven from the Presence of GOD -- driven from where I AM, that they might not partake of the Tree of Life and eat and live forever.


CHRIST Is the Way Back to GOD

For this cause it was GOD'S Plan to put the Cherubim to keep the Way to the Tree of Life -- in short it could be said, to keep Adam away from the Tree of Life lest Adam would put forth his hand and take and eat and live forever. But as GOD has said,

'The day you eat of this fruit ye shall surely die,'

it was then and there distinctly known by him, mankind could not continue to live in sin. Hence,

'In Adam all die; so shall in JESUS CHRIST all be made alive.'

Because of this, it was essential for JESUS the CHRIST to come as an Individual as the Mediator between GOD and man, and GOD'S Wrath imposed upon them, that they might be Redeemed from the curse and have an access back in the Grace wherein I stand, to be with GOD here where I AM.

Hence, when Jesus came as an Individual, He presented His Body as a Living Sacrifice as the Redeemer to Redeem mankind from the curse, and to emancipate them from that bondage of limitation that was placed about them as a prohibitation to prevent them from going back to the Garden of Eden and having an access in the Grace wherein I stand, here and now with ME where I AM. But Christianity declared, and still declares, Jesus died that you might have a the right to the Tree of Life; therefore the rights were going back to the children of men -- to everyone who would believe on Him.


Now We May Eat of the Tree and Live Forever

Hence those who have actually believed in Jesus and lived according to His Teaching, they have been emancipated from the curse of the Law that was broken and they have an access in this Grace wherein I stand. Back to the Garden of Eden they can return and have a right to the Tree of Life, that they might take and eat and live forever, as Adam would have done had he not been from the Garden driven and the Cherubim put there to keep him away from the Tree of Life. The Cherubim have been taken away from the Tree of Life and the Sword has been put up in its shield, that it might no longer prevent man from his access in the Garden wherein I stand, that it might no longer prohibit him from partaking of the Tree of Life; therefore you have a right to the Tree of Life that you might eat, drink and live forever!

Then I brought forth this little composition for consideration that you might observe the significance of living Evangelically and harmonizing with ME by contacting ME mentally and spiritually. Through harmonization you are partakers of GOD'S Nature and Characteristics, and by such your are being renewed by the renewing of your mind. You become to be new creatures -- new creatures in reality -- new life and new nature in reality, for you will no longer be partakers of human nature as of the corruption of the world, neither will you be subject to corruption when you shall have put off the old man completely, but you will be a new creature and have new qualities, new nature and new characteristics and new disposition. You will lose your identity from the old world of expression and walk in the New Light of the Living as so freely given and manifested.

In Jesus as the Sample and as the Example you can observe the Mystery of Self-denial and Consecration. You can observe the significance of it, and you can observe the Mystery of your real emancipation and how you can and will be lifted from every undesirable condition by the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence, and by living in harmony with Jesus. The transmission of CHRIST to the children of men, as being termed the "Son" was to come in their recognition and realization that they might be the partakers by nature and by characteristics, of Jesus and of His Life and of His Teaching. The reproduction of the Life of CHRIST in the Sonship Degree, and the reincarnation of the same as manifested, when it is reiterated in words, deeds and actions, you shall have put off mortal and put on Immortality.


Men Did Not Understand the Mystery

Men have preached concerning putting off mortal and putting on Immortality. They did not understand the Mystery. It merely meant putting off those conditions mentally and getting out of that state of consciousness wherein mortality exists and where materialism has access in humanity. When this is accomplished then and there you have put off mortal and put on Immortality, for mortality is a state of consciousness and Immortality is equivalently the same but to the extreme reverse of the foregoing statement or expression, mortality. Then I say, mortality is in reality merely a mortal state of consciousness under the name by the metaphysicians and the psychologists as being under the Adamic state of consciousness -- Adam state of consciousness -- that is mortality. When you get out of that state of consciousness and put on a new state of consciousness -- the CHRIST Consciousness -- you shall have put off mortal and put on Immortality.


The Body Is the Expresser of the Mind and Spirit

The physical body is the outward expresser of that mental and spiritual conception. Your mental condition and expression and state of unfoldment is manifested in your state of being, and your state of being is the outward expression of your state of consciousness as it is manifested. Now isn't that Wonderful! Express your state of consciousness by your state of being, for your physical body is the outward expression of your mental and spiritual conception.

Then I say, if you think mortal-mindedly and live in that state of consciousness, your physical body will express it, for your physical body is the manifestor of that which you have mentally conceived as the outward expresser of that which is internally manifested. It is indeed Wonderful! For this cause you can observe the significance of the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence. The recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence and His Active Service on Active Duty is an outward expression of the forelight and forerunner of the CHRIST Consciousness coming forth into expression, and a forelight of the CHRIST Consciousness being manifested. Now isn't that Wonderful! ("It is truly Wonderful, FATHER!" came the assurance.)

'His Name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted, GOD is with us.'

It was the stressful prediction of the Spirit through the Prophet, that mankind might be stressfully impressed with it, that

'His Name shall be called Immanuel, being interpreted, GOD is with us,'

that they might be conscious of GOD being with them and be partakers of His Nature by putting on His Mind, His Consciousness, and getting out of the consciousness of that which was mortal and corruptible, that they might no longer be corruptible living beings, but that they might be Incorruptible even as HE is.


We Are Manifesting Perfection

For this cause we stand, expressing, reflecting and manifesting Perfection, that mankind might observe that which we are manifesting and stressing, that it might impress them through concentration, that they might be partakers of that which we are stressing, and materializers of the same, that all mankind might eventually realize the Truth concerning CHRIST since I came. Aren't you glad? ("So glad, LORD!" returned the listeners.) By this all mankind shall actually understand, and shall understand the Actual Presence of GOD and realize GOD is on Active Duty at Home wheresoever you are! By this the Scripture will be fulfilled: His Name then to you is Immanuel, being interpreted, GOD is with us; and when you realize GOD is with you once and forever, you will put on the CHRIST Characteristics and the CHRIST Nature completely, and also put on the CHRIST Consciousness and put off the former mortal consciousness, and be a new creature. That is the Mystery!

Truly might have one said,

'Put off the old man (the old mind) with all of his deeds, and put on the New Man -- CHRIST JESUS.'

When you shall have put off the old mind, the old man, you shall have put off mortality in reality, and shall have put on the CHRIST Consciousness; you shall have put on the New Man, Immortality. When you shall have silenced mortality completely, it will be no longer you who speaks, but it will be CHRIST within you. That is the Mystery.

For this cause the world is stirred today as never before -- because of the unfoldment of GOD'S Actual Presence among you, and because of the conviction of GOD'S Majesty, Dominion and Authority, yet His Love and His Mercy towards all of you! Aren't you glad? ("Yes, FATHER!" was the response.) His Access in the Grace wherein I request you to stand that you might no longer be partakers of the nature of the children of men, that you might be partakers of the Nature and the Characteristics of HIM Who liveth forever and forever without and within, filling all space and absent from none.


You Cannot Be Shaken

If you build upon this foundation, you cannot be shaken, for you will be new creatures mentally and spiritually. Your physical bodies will also be mentally and spiritually quickened and unified with the spiritual realm of your conscious expression, for your physical bodies will be the outward expression of your mental and your spiritual conception.

Conceive these Ideas as I convey them! You will be the conceiver of the Perfect Picture as was in the experience of Mary. As a Virgin she conceived the Message given to her by Gabriel. She also conceived the Holy Spirit because it was embodied in the Message, Gabriel the Angel, gave her. That is the Mystery! When she perceived the idea and conceived the Message as was given, she conceived the Holy Ghost that was in it. It was a mental and spiritual conception, but by dwelling on it in consciousness, the conscious conception concerning the Mystery from a mental and spiritual point of view, it brought into outer expression that mental and spiritual conception -- GOD brought it through materialization and materialized it and made it Flesh -- the "Son" of GOD.


Show Mankind the Reality of GOD

Upon this foundation if you will stand, realizing you are the reproducers and the reincarnaters and the re-manifestors and reiterators in actions and words and in deeds, of that of which had been fulfilled, and of that which had been manifested in the experience of Mary and others, you are the reproducers, reiterators, reincarnators and re- materializers and re-personifiers of that which has been both personified, reiterated and manifested in the actuated expression of those who have gone before you.

Upon this foundation if you will stand, you will show mankind the reality of GOD among men, and prove to the world conclusively GOD is able to deliver you from all undesirable conditions and give you victory over afflictions and lacks and wants and limitations, for GOD, from that angle of expression, with the recognition of His Presence, will be your real Emancipator -- freeing you from all undesirable conditions, freeing you from all adverse and undesirable expressions and from all undesirable experiences.

Though they may come from time to time, HE Who is within you will be Superior to them and cause you to transcend all undesirable conditions and all adverse and undesirable expressions; will cause you to manifest GOD'S Actual Presence, with Victory as the Emancipator, and you will be emancipated from all undesirable conditions and exempt from all obligations that would tend to bind the children of this people, for GOD Himself within you will be the Victory! I thank you.

(A hush fell over the deeply impressed listeners when the Great Love Master ceased speaking temporarily, and after a pause a visitor from California asked FATHER this question:)

FATHER, may I ask a question?

(FATHER nodded consent, and the speaker continued.) Jesus took on the order of Melchizedek -- well, what became of Melchizedek?

FATHER: Where was He?

Visitor: I said, Jesus took on the order of Melchizedek -- what became of Melchizedek?

FATHER: He was made after the order of Melchizedek.

Visitor: Thank you, FATHER.

FATHER: But Who is Melchizedek?

Visitor: That is what I want to know.

FATHER: Well, the same thing became of Him as it has always been. Through His Condescension He appeared at intervals in the different dispensations and in the different generations of the children of men, as one among them, but yet WITHOUT A BEGINNING AND WITHOUT AN END.

(The hearers meditated over this Wonderful explanation for a few moments as FATHER paused, and then HE continued:)

John caught the glimpse of the Mystery by inspiration and said:

'Behold what Love the FATHER has bestowed upon us.'

He did not say what Love the Son has bestowed upon us, but,

'what Love the FATHER has bestowed upon us, that we might be called the Sons of GOD, and it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when HE shall appear, we shall be like HIM.'

It did not say when the Son shall appear; he was speaking of the FATHER!

Melchizedek appeared and disappeared at intervals, at times and at seasons, in different dispensations, in different so-called ages and generations, that He might bring to them the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence when mankind got away from the realization of GOD'S Presence. If mankind could have -- in other words, would have -- believed sincerely in the Actual Presence of GOD, and recognized GOD'S Presence at all times, it would not have been necessary for Melchizedek to have appeared in the likeness of sinful flesh, in other words in the flesh, among them; but because of the lack of the Understanding and the Faith of the children of men, it was essential for Him to Appear among them, that they might bring to their Understanding GOD'S Actual Presence, because they were Not Conscious of GOD'S Presence. They had lost the concept concerning the Mystery of GOD'S Presence.

Visitor: Those things do build us up, FATHER. It is a Wonderful help!

FATHER: It is Beautiful! It is a time when mankind filled and illuminated with the Spirit of GOD'S Actual Presence, through a Conscious Conviction of It, they seek no other. They seek not to observe It from a visible, personal or controlled point of view, for the Presence is so persistent and expressive they need not the visible observation of It. They are comforted, they are convinced, they are conscious of It and of all of the Qualities of GOD and the Attributes of HIM, until they are not even especially worried about observing HIM from a Personal point of view, for the Protection is so great, and the Presence is so vividly expressed, until they are Conscious of It without the Observation -- Visible Observation -- but when mankind gets away from the conscious conviction of the realization of GOD'S Actual Presence, then and there it is essential for GOD to express among them.

'When HE shall appear, we shall be like HIM.'

The average person has considered that Message as being a quotation in reference to Jesus:

'When He shall appear;'

but it said,

'Behold what Love the FATHER has bestowed upon us that we might be called the Sons of GOD,'

-- not the Son; therefore, Jesus was not mentioned in that particular quotation. The FATHER was mentioned, and the Sons of GOD were mentioned and the Love of GOD was mentioned, but the Son of GOD was not mentioned.

Visitor: In Your last Message in New York City there was a point there that was very strong for me to give to people who ask me questions:

'GOD is not mocked, be not deceived.'

That was Wonderful for me; it just brought out so much. It seemed to strike the spot. Those things have never come to me so clear!

FATHER: Well, lots of people in mortal consciousness, in selfishness desire to mock ME.

(During the pause which ensued, the Spirit inspired another brother in the visiting group with this beautiful poem:)

'I have a DIVINE FATHER, Who surely is GOD to me --
HE brings me precious Gifts, and all of them are free.
HE does not seek for anything, it's His Delight to Serve,
And when I lie beside the way, HE reconstructs my nerve.
How grand, how good, how wonderful to know
That I belong to His Angelic Company,
Whose Band is so Heavenly strong,
HE lifts me o'er all obstacles triumphantly along.'

FATHER: It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! Oh, it is Wonderful!
