"For Your Asking, God Will Give; for Your Giving Thanks, God Will Increase; and for Your Giving Praises,
God Will Multiply.

"Praise The Lord at All Times."

FATHER DIVINE'S Sermon given at the Brooklyn Palace, 130 Rockaway Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Friday,
January 6, 1933 A.D.F.D.

(Reprinted from "The Divine Light", 1933)

107th Street Extension, N.Y.C.

117th Street Extension, N.Y.C.

The thousands who filled the Brooklyn Palace to overflow on Friday, January 6, and had taken part in the praises and rejoicing of the meeting for hours, were well rewarded with the Water of Life that flowed so freely when FATHER Personally entered the meeting during the evening. Just before FATHER arose to speak, a song was brought through one of the Angels as follows:

'Praise HIM, praise HIM, praise His Holy Name,
Praise HIM, praise HIM, praise His Holy Name,
Glorify HIM, glorify HIM, glorify His Holy Name,
Glorify HIM, glorify HIM, glorify His Holy Name!'

(Then the following Words of Life came from FATHER:)

PEACE! You are happy, and I AM glad. The wonderful little song that you heard is not confined to the one that sang it. Whensoever a song is sung, it is sung for the good of the individual that sings it, and then for the individuals that take part in it. Now that was a little message, saying "Praise HIM!" That does not merely mean to praise personality, or person, or the individual, but to praise this true Principle of Life, the Fundamental of your Salvation, and when you praise, you tend to increase and multiply your blessings. You tend to bring into expression the thing that you are praising. You tend to produce that in your own experience, and hence, visualizing, you begin to materialize.

At this juncture I call your attention to one of the compositions or poems long since composed for a little boy to sing, and it was a true composition. It goes:

'Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,
He teaches us just He used to do.
He teaches us to watch and He teaches us to pray, He teaches us to follow on every day,
He teaches us to sing, and all of those things.
If you sing a song as you go along, in the face of the real and fanciful wrong, if you sing a song as you plod along, you will see that singing will make you strong!'

I recall when I said that little rhyme for a little boy, and I find that it is really -- truly it is real. If you sing a song as you go along, in the face of the real and the fanciful wrong, if you sing a song as you plod along, you will see that the singing will make you strong!

There are those of you tonight, under the sound of My Voice, that have heard the many songs that have been sung, and many praises, and through the unfoldment of these compositions cometh the best of all; I might say, cometh the strength of your energy being unfolded. When you begin to sing, you begin to draw from the source, an unlimited supply of energy and of spiritual vigoration. You notice that on the battlefield they have music and they have singing, so the songs and the music combined will make men faithful and zealous, and courageous and strong.

I feel tonight, if you will continue to attune yourselves to these wonderful compositions of songs and praises, your sorrows and your trials and tribulations will all pass away.

I set a Sample and an Example before you all! You hear the many songs and praises we sing, and you see the victory that goes forth through the singing. Thousands of people are being resurrected from the limited degrees of all of their adversities by their contact with ME through their singing.

So you can be happy and be glad! Through the singing you attune yourselves to One Heart and One Mind, and you become to be with One Accord. Singing is more essential than that which is known as praying!

There are two things you can do effectively and agreeably with one accord, and that is to sing and to eat. Why do we have so many blessings when we go to these wonderful Banquets? Because we are there with one accord as at the day of Pentecost. They were all with one accord and when they got with one accord the Spirit could penetrate through them and it was expressed in the midst of them as though it was the Holy Ghost coming down from Heaven some place. It unfolded Itself and came out of their imaginations in the expression as cloven tongues of fire. Because they were all with one accord!

So, that is one of the mysteries of this great Truth, is to be with one accord. So I just rise at this time to convey this thought to you, the great essential of singing and praising GOD and visualizing the Perfect Picture. When you have something to praise GOD for, you tend to increase that blessing that you are praising GOD for; you tend to multiply it. As I so often say, if you will ask, affirm, give thanks and give praises, GOD will give, GOD will confirm, GOD will increase and GOD will multiply. For your asking, GOD will give; for your giving thanks, GOD will increase; and for your giving praises, GOD will multiply; and the more you get, the more you praise GOD!

I don't have to ask GOD for anything else. I AM not telling you to pray anymore, nor to ask GOD for anything else, until you have praised HIM for that which you have received!

You know, once there was a story told about a preacher, and they say the story was true. But whether it was true or not, I bring before you this story as a consideration concerning something I wish to convey to you. Now they said this minister, before he went to church that morning, before he left the parsonage to go to the church, he sent his boy over to Uncle John's to get some liquor. But when the boy stayed so long that is was church time, the preacher had to go. So he went ahead to the church and he was preaching when the boy arrived. The boy came in and sat back in the audience and the pastor said, "What did John say?" So the little boy sat back there and said, "Uncle John said he wasn't going to let you have any more liquor until you pay for what you did get!" (Merry laughter resounds.)

Now I just said that to say this, and I hope you will get some logic out of it: you have been praying and praying to GOD, and praying to GOD for GOD to give you blessings, more and more blessings, and more blessings, and GOD has been giving you blessings and giving you blessings, and you have not praised HIM for that you have!

Now the reason we use the words, "It is Wonderful!" so much, is because we are praising GOD for the wonderful blessings we have. It is Wonderful! And as we continue to praise GOD for the blessings we have, we always get more and more blessings out of it!

So again I say unto you: PRAISE GOD AND GIVE THANKS FOR THE BLESSINGS YOU HAVE, AND GOD WILL INCREASE THEM AND GOD WILL MULTIPLY THEM UNTIL YOU WILL NOT HAVE ROOM TO RECEIVE THEM! That is why I have so many Blessings! You see, almost every word I say is, "It is Wonderful!", isn't it? Now I AM praising GOD for all of the blessings that I have, and I AM not asking for any more. I do not have to ask for health -- I have health! I do not have to ask for wealth -- I have wealth! I do not have to ask for friends -- I have friends! I do not have to ask for any desired blessing -- I have them all! All I must needs do is to praise GOD for the Blessings that I have! And as a Sample and as an Example I AM doing this for your sakes! PRAISE GOD!

Then, as the song said, "Praise HIM!" It is Wonderful! Now it is immaterial to ME whether you see GOD in ME as a Person or not, but wheresoever GOD is, all the Glory and all the Honor belongs to HIM! I AM giving you the keys to the Kingdom! It is Wonderful! And with the right understanding of how to use this combination you can always unlock the hidden mysteries of GOD!

Praise the LORD always for the limitless Blessings that you have, whether you see them or not. "Praise GOD from Whom all Blessings flow. Praise HIM, all creatures, here below!"

I recall, about seven or eight years ago, I was here in Brooklyn at a small church and there was a minister there, and they began taking up a collection, and the minister said, "We are not like Reverend Divine, of course. HE lives out in Sayville and has automobiles and a whole lot of servants out there, and such as that, and HE says all of His Money comes from GOD!" I sat there, and when I did get up, after he finished taking up his collection, I said, "You have taught us to sing the song and you have sung it from your earliest existence, up until this present time:

'Praise GOD from Whom all blessings flow!
Praise HIM, all creatures here below,
Praise HIM above, ye heavenly Host;

If that minister should happen to be around here now, I know he would remember it. And whether he is here, living or dead, I AM here to say, by praising GOD I have limitless Blessings. If he would praise GOD for all things, and recognize the blessings that he received to be coming from GOD and not from man, why, he would be blessed even as I AM. Then he would not have to take up collections! He and no other person would have to go around soliciting and begging any man, for they would have the keys to the Kingdom and the world couldn't do them any harm!

I say, PRAISE THE LORD ALWAYS, IT MATTERS NOT WHAT THE WORLD SAYS. THAT IS THE KEY TO THE KINGDOM. PRAISE GOD WHEN YOU LIE DOWN AT NIGHT. PRAISE GOD WHEN YOU GET UP IN THE MORNING. I did not tell to pray that GOD is going to give you enough blessings to praise HIM for. You don't have to ask HIM for anything else now, until you praise HIM for something you have! Because you will not get any more blessings until you praise HIM for what you received!

GOD is just like the bootlegger; HE is not going to give you any more blessings until you pay for that you did get!

Now you all are happy because you say, "It is Wonderful!" It is Wonderful! Now just say that with ME: It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! It makes you feel good to

'Praise GOD from Whom all Blessings flow,
Praise HIM, all creatures here below,
Praise HIM above, yea Heavenly Host,

Everyone of you that will rightfully make this contact and will praise GOD for the blessings you have received, you will receive more blessings! They will be increased and multiplied by as many more daily, until you have no room to receive them!

Now you feel good, don't you? ("Yes, yes, yes, FATHER!" came back in joyous tones.) You feel better than if you had been down praying and begging GOD! I came to take you up off your knees, and to lift you up and let you stand and praise the LORD with All your Heart and with All your Mind and with All your Strength, and give Thanks at the remembrance of His Holiness and you will be continually abundantly blessed! You will

not lack for anything, for the "Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, no space is vacant of the Fullness thereof!" All you must needs do is to recognize the Ever Presence of GOD, and the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD to you will be the Source of all Supply, and it will satisfy your every desire!

Then and there, from henceforth,

'I will CHRIST in Words but more so in Deeds and in Actions, and I will put My Spirit in you and I will cause you to walk in My Statutes!'

And you will know the Truth for the Truth has set you free -- free from sorrow and all misery! You are free from all limitations and all adversity. You are free because the Son has set you free and you are free indeed!

Therefore, I say all you must needs do now is to continue to praise GOD --

'Praise GOD from Whom all blessings flow,
Praise HIM, all creatures, here below,'

and you will be increased and multiplied in blessings wheresoever you go; and as I AM, so will you be:

'The Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, no space will be vacant of the Fullness thereof!'

And you as well as I, will realize that GOD is your Source and your Supply! And GOD being the Source and the Supply, then you will also bring it back to your conscious realization that GOD is Incorruptible, Undefiled and GOD fadeth not away! Then your Source and your Supply -- your Supply cannot diminish. The more I give out, the more I have, and who can refute it?

Therefore, who can defeat me? There is no one who can defeat ME, for the Mouth of the LORD hath spoken it!

Then I say, PRAISE the LORD AT ALL TIMES, and GIVE THANKS UNTO HIS MAJESTY and UNTO HIS MERCY to you-ward, that you might increase and multiply in the Abundance of All Good Things! And in that you are explaining the Presence of GOD and making it plain to mankind that GOD is at hand. I say,

'Rejoice in the LORD always, and again I say, Rejoice!
Let your moderation be made known to all men,
the LORD is at hand!'

You let it be made known unto all men that GOD is at hand by expressing the abundance of the fullness of all good things and by not allowing the negativeness to be expressed in your world, not allowing to exist in your world. For the positiveness of all things, and the perfection of all things, and the expression of the Life of GOD, to you I bring! I have not come to register or to mete out to you so that you may register the negative and the imperfect and the impure, but the POSITIVE and the PERFECT and the PURE! By your visualizing these, you will also materialize the same!

I have expressed happiness in this Country and in this land, here, where I AM, until it is expressed wheresoever I go! Why? For "the little leaven leaveneth the whole lump," and "Evil communications corrupt good morals. Evil qualities are catching as well as diseases, and a man is known by the company he keeps!" The reverse is equally true.

To you there has appeared something that is the expression of Something most important, and that Something has contacted you and you have contacted It, and therefore, you have made your mental and spiritual contact and you are now expressing that Something! And whatsoever it is, men can see it expressed in you. Now aren't you glad? ("So glad!" came the response.)

I see every expression of joy and happiness, of health and of Life, in your physical bodies. Why? Because you have contacted Something; and that Something has gone forth into the land with seeming magic touch and it is penetrating through the hearts and minds of men, and it is changing their vile bodies in fashion like unto His, and it is causing them to walk in the newness of Life! You do not think like you used to think, do you? ("No, FATHER, we don't!" was the hearty response.) You do not act like you used to act, do you? ("No indeed, we don't FATHER, since YOU came!" was the reply.) Therefore, there is a great change. There is a great change, I say! There is a great change since you have been born! GOD changed you heart! GOD has changed your mind! And you, yourselves, have been transformed by the renewing of your minds. Therefore, you are new creatures, and the old man no longer liveth!

Because you are glad, I heal your soul and your body! Because you are glad, this night I heal your soul and your body! Because you are glad! Solomon says,

'A merry heart doeth good for it is a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones!'

This wonderful merriness, this happiness that I impart to you is sufficient to heal anyone; to heal you of a sin-sick soul. To heal you of a troubled mind, to heal you of a worried mind, to heal you of a physically ailing body and make all things new! The Mouth of the LORD hath Spoken it! Now aren't you glad? ( "So glad!" came the reply.) I say aren't you glad? ("So glad, FATHER!" burst forth again and again from the audience!)

Then you can in reality say and sing, "Joy to the world for the LORD has come; let earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare HIM room, and Heaven and nature sing!" CHRIST has come to Reign! The LORD has come, has HE not? ("Yes, LORD!" was the overwhelming response.) Have you not elected CHRIST as KING of kings and LORD of lords? CHRIST alone shall Reign! CHRIST alone shall Reign! And I AM glad! Sorrows and miseries, they all must go!

Once upon a time you thought CHRIST was only up in the mythological Heaven; but I have come to let you know that CHRIST alone shall Reign here on Earth; and wheresoever you go, CHRIST alone shall Reign!

Truly might have the CHRIST said,

'My Kingdom is not of this world!'

It was not of that mortal, human, romantic, or Romanic political world. CHRIST'S Kingdom was not of it then; but the kingdoms of this world have now in the last time become the Kingdom of our GOD and of His CHRIST! And GOD alone shall Reign! I know you are glad! ( "So glad, FATHER!" came the echo.) GOD ALONE SHALL REIGN! GOD ALONE SHALL REIGN! AND WHO SHALL HINDER HIM!

You have long since sung that song -- you sang it years and years ago:

'Joy to the world, for the LORD has come, let earth receive her King!'

and then they turned right around and said GOD was in Heaven. But they cannot fool you any more! ( "No, no, no, FATHER, so glad!" shouted thousands.) Cannot fool you any more, I say! GOD has come, and the earth must receive her King!

'Let every heart prepare HIM room, and Heaven and Nature sing!'

And then and there and here and now,

'HE rules the world with Truth and with Grace, and HE makes the nations prove, the Glory of His Righteousness and the Wonders of His Love!'

I will make you call on ME! I say, I will make you call on ME, and I will make you Prove the Glory of His Righteousness and the Wonders of His Love! That is why it has to be like that; it is Wonderful! That is why it has to be like this! At the time of so-called depression, at the time of so-called limitation, at the time of so-called adverse conditions, as they are supposed to be existing in the world at large, GOD has come out on the scene to express HIMSELF as the Master of conditions and circumstances and as the Controller of it and them. Therefore, HE makes the nations prove the Glory of His Righteousness and the Wonders of His Love!

Therefore, you can rejoice and I can be glad for the Limitless Blessings that we have; and what I have is FREE for ONE and it is FREE for ALL so long as you will accept of the LORD and recognize your GOD!

GOD has always been a Present Help in every need; a Rock in a weary land and a Shelter in the time of a storm! GOD has always been with you!

'HE was in the world and the world was made by HIM, and the world knew HIM not!'

To you, GOD has heretofore been as Santa Claus -- you knew HIM not! Santa Claus has been with the children all along the line, and the children knew him not.

'GOD was in the world, and the world was made by HIM, and the world knew HIM not!'

Therefore I say, HE was just as Santa Claus! But the time has truly come for you to know ye your GOD! For it is written in the Prophecy,

'They all shall know HIM, from the least to the greatest!'

Did you hear ME say, "from the least to the greatest?" Well, I did not say, "from the greatest to the least", but I said, "from the least to the greatest!" Do you not see the great mystery there? The least shall know ME first! I say, the LEAST shall know ME first! That is what I AM talking about! (At this point thousands rose to their feet and stood with outstretched arms reaching toward FATHER.)

'Not many great men, not many mighty, but has not GOD taken the dumb things of this world to confound the wise?'

Therefore, the least in etiquette, in intelligence, in qualifications and in classifications -- the least among you, the same shall know ME first!

Truly might have the CHRIST said, "I thank Thee, FATHER, LORD GOD Almighty, that THOU hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes and sucklings!" Then I say, the least shall know ME first, for "Except ye be converted and become as a little child, ye can in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

Therefore I say, KNOW YE YOUR GOD! KNOW YE YOUR GOD, I say! The world by knowledge knew not GOD. "Hast not GOD taken the dumb things of this world to confound the wise?"

And when the invited guests were sent for at the great Supper, what did they do? They began to make excuses, Some said, "I have bought a house and lot and I have to go and see about it." Another had bought a yoke of oxen and he had to go and prove them. And some said, "I have married a wife and therefore I cannot come!" But what did He say?

'Go out into the streets, into the alleys and the courts and the lanes, and compel them to come in, that Mine House may be full!'

They first went out and got those in the courts, the streets, the alleys and the lanes, to fill the house with those that were most insignificant. GOD also sent out and brought in those from the hedges and the highways, but first it was from the streets, from the alleys, the courts and the lanes; the halt, the lame, the crippled and the blind, "that Mine House may be full!" They were maimed mentally, they were maimed spiritually, they were maimed socially, they were maimed financially! They were maimed and lame politically!

He went out and got those! They were maimed and ill, "modestly". But GOD sent out and got all those that had been crippled, maimed and lame, from every version of an expression, and brought them in "that Mine House might be filled!" And after that was done there was still room. Then He sent out into the streets and the hedges and the highways, in the hedges and highways of life, and compelled them to come in; those that were not maimed and crippled, mentally blind, politically crippled and blind, socially maimed and blind, morally lame and blind. He went out and brought them in "that Mine House might be full!" So, therefore, I say unto you, the least will hear ME first!

Now you are happy and I AM glad! And I say, praise the LORD always, and forever give thanks at the remembrance of His Holiness, and you will rejoice continually, and you will be glad; for the joy that you now have fills the aching void wherein you once were sad. That is why you can enjoy this so! If you had never had any sorrows, woes and limitations, lacks, wants, depressions and oppressions, you could not enjoy GOD'S Infinite Expression of this Infinite Love that HE has brought here to this world. Did you hear ME? You could not enjoy it! You could not enjoy it so much as you can, had you not been limited through sorrows, miseries and woes, lacks, wants and limitations, adverse and undesirable conditions. But the DESIRABLE coming into expression in the place of those different adverse conditions, it has filled you with that Joy Unspeakable, and I AM glad!

Now take ME home with you! ("Yes, FATHER! Thank YOU, FATHER!" resounded instantaneously.) Will you all take ME home with you? (The scene as FATHER stood with outstretched Arms wide open and the audience stood on tiptoe reaching toward HIM, was indescribable.)


You all have heard ME tell the story of how John Brown started to try to bring about emancipation. Also of how old Nat started to try to bring about emancipation for the slaves. Some of you heard something about those boys in their day! They could not physically, or did not physically bring it about because they started in a mortal way, which was not according to the Plan and Purpose of GOD. They were touched by the Spirit and Zeal of the Almighty, and through their mortal version of their human mind, they took up physical arms to try to bring about physical emancipation, and they could not bring it about because they were starting out in a mortal way and not according to the Plan and Purpose of GOD. And that physical enslavement was just a sketch and a reflection of a percent, of a percent, of a percent of your natural enslavement through your spiritual and mental contact with materialism from a mental standpoint of view. You are naturally enslaved to sin when you are servants to sin, and you are subject to all of the complaints and ailments that sin will bring in your system and in your consciousness. Therefore, you are servants to sin. But this GREAT EMANCIPATION that I have come to bring about, I have BROUGHT IT ABOUT whether you see it manifestedly unfolded yet or not.

Then I say, when John Brown seemingly failed, Abraham Lincoln, Fred Douglas, and those who tried to co-operate to bring about physical emancipation, they tried to do so by political power; that was the difference; but yet that was not the TRUE emancipation. That was a sketch and a reflection of the outpicturing of the condition of the mind within, and showed you that GOD desired to FREE the children of men.

After John Brown was supposedly slain, it is written that,

'Old John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the clay, but his spirit goes marching on!'

Now I say, that was worth a thought! I will, and I have, accomplished that for which I came! I have brought about religious emancipation! I have brought about social emancipation! I have brought about political emancipation! I have brought about ecclesiastical emancipation. I have brought about emancipation for ONE and for ALL, in all walks of life and in all professions -- it matters not from whence they come and whither they go! You have a right to have equal rights mentally, spiritually, socially, financially, politically, and in every walk of life and in every profession, it matters not from whence you come and whither you go, so long as you are found worthy! Regardless of races, creeds and colors! The Mouth of the LORD hath Spoken it!

We will have it like this all over the world! There shall be no division among you any more than there is in My immediate Staff here. All races, all creeds, all colors and all denominations shall be ONE, and shall have equal rights on earth among men; and then and there and here and now, the Kingdom has truly come and the Will is now being done, and I will universalize this Infinite Kingdom and man shall enjoy the Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good; no space is vacant of the Fullness thereof, for GOD Alone shall Reign and have free access in men, through men, by men and over men, and GOD Alone shall be the Master and the Ruler of the people, with or without bodies.

Therefore, I AM rejoicing and you are glad, and you are freed from all of your adversities, from your sickness and from your diseases, from your limitations, from your barriers and segregations, and from all Jim Crowism and from every other "ism". For where there is division there is strife, and there shall be no division among you for ALL PEOPLE are the CHILDREN OF GOD, and ALL shall live in PERFECT HARMONY TOGETHER, for the EARTH is the LORD'S and the Fullness thereof, and they that dwell herein are GOD'S! Therefore, the LORD must have full control throughout all the Universe, physically, mentally and spiritually, and all men shall enjoy the Limitless Blessings, which I came to bring, throughout all eternity! I thank you!
