"Everything That Is Practical Of God's Real Creation That Was Invisible Is the Word Made Flesh
and Dwelling with You. GOD Unified with All Creation, the actual tangibilization
of GOD's Word" --- Father Divine

Our FATHER's Message given while at the Banquet Table 152-160 West 126th street, New York City, N.Y.
Sunday Eve. And Monday Morn. October 15th and 16th, 1939 A.D.F.D.

at The Mount of the House of the Lord

MOTHER DIVINE at The Mount of the House of the Lord

While man sleeps, GOD works on. In the early hours of the morning, when all mortality is dormant, then the Spirit of GOD has easy access to the conscious and the subconscious minds of men. Precious to our hearts are these beautiful pearls of Wisdom that come forth in the dawn when mortality is apparently dispelled and only HIS own Holy Spirit and Mind remain to inspire the Lord GOD Almighty.

At this particular banquet , when the morning was fast approaching, a brother testified, thanking FATHER for the wonderful privilege of dining at the Holy Communion Table. He stated that he had long desired the privilege of breaking bread with the LORD, but as time went on he began to realize how unworthy he was, as the consciousness of being in the actual personified Presence of GOD awakened with him.

Following the brothers testimony FATHER explained the mystery of why in the beginning many do not realize that GOD is Personified, and therefore, many who walk daily with GOD Almighty and are served at the Holy Banquet Table by the Hands of GOD Almighty HIMSELF, do not realize the blessing that is bestowed on them. Then, as the visible earth was invisible in the beginning of creation, and the very food we eat was spoken into materialization, so the BODY of GOD was firstly invisible. But as we accept the tangibilization of the earth, so must we also recognize the actual materialization of the BODY of the Creator, GOD Almighty, FATHER DIVINE!

Thank You FATHER!


Peace, Everyone! As you hear ME say from time to time, it is a privilege beyond all privilege to live in such a recognition as those of you on MY immediate staff and MY followers, whilst there are others longing and yearning to have such a privilege as you all have daily, and a good many of you almost hourly, to be in MY Presence and to partake of the Holy Communion mentally and spiritually and materially. You are communing with GOD right now! This is a Spiritual Communion!

When you are assembled together wheresoever I AM Personally Present and wheresoever I AM Present but Personally absent, if you are concentrating in one and only one direction in harmony with your Savior, you are partaking of the Communion. Even though you may not see ME Personally, you are partaking of this Communion of Spirit and of Mind without the Personal Presence of GOD, and at times without the personal presence of anyone.

But it is a privilege when you can come in these different assemblies such as this one as it is now, and be able to partake of the material Communion, for the food for the substance of your body as well as such as comes from the invisible realm realm immediately by inspiration for the sustenance of your soul. All this food comes directly from your GOD! This material food we are eating is the actual tangibilization of GOD's Word, of GOD's Love and of GOD's Presence; they have been made bread and meat for you to personally eat.

When I said through the mouth of the apostle:

'In the beginning was the Word and the Word With God and the Word was God, and the Word Was made flesh.'

I did not say it in vain, neither did I say it erroneously nor mistakingly. I said it convincingly as a living reality, for I said it by the Spirit and by the Truth as I gave it.


All Things A Substance Of GOD's Word

In the beginning of the creation the Invisibilization of the creation was the Word of GOD and the visibilization as GOD visibilated the invisibilization of HIS WORD, the visibilization of HIS Word was also the WORD of GOD. The invisibilization of HIS WORD was the Word of GOD and the Invisibilization of HIS Word was the Word of GOD; therefore in the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth and all things that are in them. As they were created in the beginning, they were created as a substance of GOD's Word spoken into outer expression in the creation mentally and spiritually yet in the invisible in a great measure.

A great part of GOD's creation in the beginning was in the invisible, yea, it was in the invisible realm until GOD through HIS own Word again had spoken into consideration and into visibility and into tangibilization that which HE had spoken in the creation that was in the invisibilization. In the invisibilization of HIMSELF HE brought HIMSELF into outer expression tangibilated; therefore that which was in the invisibilization of GOD's actual creation, GOD brought it into outer expression and tangibilated it.

Oh, how glorious it is to observe it! Then the Word is made Flesh there and then. The invisibilization of GOD's Word as GOD had spoken HIS creation into existence, was not made flesh until HE spoke again, but when GOD said:

'Let us make man,'

and after GOD formed man out of the dust of the ground, the tangibilization of things was getting on its way. GOD had started out into the outer expression of HIS tangibilated expression, of HIS Word, making HIS Words flesh. Can you see the mystery?

In the beginning of the creation the invisibilization of the creation was the Word of GOD and the visibilization as GOD visibilated the invisibilization of HIS WORD, the visibilization of HIS Word was also the WORD of GOD. The invisibilization of HIS WORD was the Word of GOD and the visibilization of HIS Word was the Word of GOD; therefore in the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth and all things that are in them. As they were created in the beginning, they were created as a substance of GOD's Word spoken into outer expression in the creation mentally and spiritually yet in the invisible in a great measure.

A great part of GOD's creation in the beginning was in the invisible, yea, it was in the invisible realm until GOD through HIS own Word again had spoken into consideration and into visibility and intro tangibilization that which HE had spoken in the creation that was in the invisibilization. In the invisibilization of HIMSELF HE brought HIMSELF into outer expression tangibilated; therefore that which was in the invisibilization of GOD's actual creation, GOD brought it into outer expression and tangibilated it.

Oh, how glorious it is to observe it! Then the Word is made Flesh there and then. The invisibilization of GOD's Word as GOD had spoken HIS creation into existence, was not made flesh until HE spoke again, but when GOD said:

'Let us make man,'

and after GOD formed man out of the dust of the ground, the tangibilization of things was getting on its way. GOD had started out into the outer expression, of HIS Word, making HIS Words, flesh. Can you not see the mystery?


In The Beginning GOD Was Spirit Only

But when GOD first created the heaven and the earth, HE did not nor has not made HIS Word flesh. As I mentioned to a metaphysician last evening, yea, last night at the Righteous Government Meeting in Milton-on-the-Hudson, the tangibilization of GOD's Actual Presence is the Redemption of your tangibilated body in which you are living. But if you disrecognize the tangibilated and the materialized Body of GOD, GOD will disrecognize the tangibilization and the materialization and the personified and materialized body of you. You must reap just what you sow: for,

' As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.'

Therefore in the beginning of the creation GOD was Spirit alone, and water, as it may be termed. The Spirit of the Lord moved out upon the face of the deep and said:

'Let there be light and there was light.'

The spiritualization of GOD as an abstract, invisible expression of creation, of good, it was. Can you not see the mystery?

But it was essential for the invisibilization of GOD as an abstract expression in creation to be tangibilated, but firstly HE tangibilated things that pertain to HIS creation by bringing them into outer expression being made tangible and practical. Then the Word was made Flesh, made a reality, but it was not until it was tangibilated! Can you not see the mystery?

So then, when this lady said to ME she believed, she said:"I believe even as YOU do in a way, but I cannot see how about the Body, for we observe the Spirit and not the Body," or words to that effect. I said,"Naturally you are justified in observing the Spirit alone firstly, for GOD in the beginning of the creation was Spirit alone. GOD was not a visible, tangibilated Bodily Form, for GOD had not made visible HIS creation. HE had not started HIS process of tangibilization until HE said to let these things appear. Even the earth on which we live, the material earth was invisible at that time. It was void and without form, therefore all of you, of mankind must firstly believe in the invisibilization and the intangibilization of GOD; but after a while, the visibilization, the tangibilization of GOD will appear with HIS tangibilated, materialized and personified Bodily Form."

'Let dry land appear.'

And as dry land appeared, the invisible earth was known to be material, no longer suppositional as something invisible, as something that could be discerned only superstitiously, but the materialization of the tangibilated earth appeared when GOD said, "Let dry land appear."


The Earth Not Real Until Materialized

It was made real when it appeared, and when it was material and materialized and made tangible, then it was a reality but not until then. Therefore, your suppositions concerning the Spirit and concerning GOD and heaven, they are not real until they are tangibilated, materialized and personified. They must be materialized and personified in your concept concerning the mystery, concerning your GOD on earth and in heaven.

When this is done, GOD to you is a living reality, but not until GOD has been made in consciousness real, tangible and practical. Then, to you, GOD can be a living factor in your business, in your affairs and in all things that concern you. That is the mystery.

Now you shall realize hereafter that which was a supposition, that which was superstition, that which was intangible has been made tangible, it has been made real, it has been made practical because of the tangibilization of that which was invisible. It is a reality when it is made tangible, when it is made visible, when it has been materialized. Every mortal man can realize that which is materialized when it is personified and made tangible and practical, but they cannot realize the mystery by superstitiously and suppositionally observing these things.


Some Do Not Appreciate GOD's Presence

Now then I say, it is a privilege for you, those of you whom are MY immediate followers, to live in this recognition of the tangibilization and the personification of your loving FATHER! Others are seeking and beseeching with groveling attitude towards GOD, others are yearning and longing to have the privilege of you all, and yet apparently there are some few who do not appreciate GOD's Presence and the tangibilization of HIS Actual blessings where HE has made HIS WORD flesh and dwells among you as a living reality, something that is made real, tangible and practical, something that is made observable, something that is made a living reality; and yet there are those who grope in darkness, in misunderstanding, ignoring GOD's actual tangibilated and personified Presence, ignoring that which is made Flesh, and the Flesh is the reality of it; for all of GOD's creation, the material observation of this creation, is flesh, yet it is Spirit, for GOD did it! Aren't you glad!

Now we shall live in this recognition hereafter. Everything that is tangible, everything that is practical of GOD's real creation that was invisible, is the Word made flesh and dwelling with you.

Just look at this beautiful expression and tangibilization, yea, the materialization and the actual materialized expression of GOD's Word made flesh, made flesh in expression, in illustration of the mystery! That which is tangible is fleshly in the parable. That which is materially manifested in the parable is the Word made flesh. It is fleshly expressed and manifested that you might observe the mystery of the reality of the Word being made flesh and dwelling with you. Aren't you glad! GOD's Word made flesh and dwelling with you, all things that were created in the beginning in the earth and in the heaven, they were the Words of GOD spoken into existence, and into the creation by the Creator into existence, and when it was made visible, it was the outward expression of the invisibilization and it was the actual tangibilization of the Word; for the Word was made flesh, made tangible and practical that you might observe the mystery and understand it better have it and enjoy it for your comfort and and convenience, that you might live in reality surrounded by the Words of your Creator tangibilated, materialized and personified, made a loving reality and having become to be a living factor. Aren't you glad of it? I said, aren't you glad of it!


What About Those In The Personal Presence Every Day?

By this you should rejoice and be exceedingly glad for if one man or one brother can be glad and exceedingly glad and cause such to be the happiest moment of his life to sit at this banquet table once or twice, what about you? How should it be with you every day of your life, with the privilege and opportunity to be with your GOD? With the privilege and the opportunity to be in the Presence of GOD all the time?....to be under GOD's Personal jurisdiction where the tangibilization and the materialization and the personification and the realization of HIS Presence is a living reality made real, tangible and practical now, henceforth and forever? How happy you should be!

Then, once again for your edification I repeat, I said to the lady, though she was a metaphysician, "The tangibilization of GOD is a living reality," or words to that effect. "Unless you recognize the personified Christ or GOD, GOD will not recognize the tangibilization of your bodily form! Your spirit, your mind will be saved, but not you as a person," I said.

For this cause I have come in contact with many, many metaphysicians, Christian Scientists an Christian Science practitioners who have ignored and criticized the Personified Presence of GOD. GOD has ignored and criticized their bodies and they have lost their bodily forms!

The WORD has been made Flesh! GOD is the tangibilated expression of HIS creation. GOD's Word has been tangibilated even in material things, for all of HIS creation GOD by HIS Word made them. Out of HIS Word HE made these things we are now enjoying!

When GOD said,

'Let dry land appear,'

when the earth was void and without form, dry land came. When GOD said to let those things appear and be seen that were invisible and unseen, the tangibilization of them was made a reality. They were brought into outer expression tangibilated, materialized, then you could realize what you had surmised. Aren't you glad!

Now, take these thoughts to consideration. If you live according to MY Teachings, as you believe sincerely in the tangibilization and the personification of GOD, your great CREATOR, of HIS Presence, Spirit and of HIS blessings, GOD will tangibilate that which is of HIMSELF in you and GOD will spiritualize you as you materialize and personify GOD in your concept concerning HIS Majesty, HIS Love and HIS Mercy. I thank you.


GOD Unified with All Creation

Peace, Everyone! I will not bore you longer---- I have unified GOD with all of your observations, with all of HIS creation in your observation that you might be partakers not only of HIS creative forces of nature and of HIS creation, the Word that was made Flesh that dwells among you, but that you might also partake of HIS fullness as it is filled with grace and with truth; you might partake of all of it, for it is for you. I thank you.

I need not say more I have said enough to stir up all humanity's pure mind, to cause them all to observe and see the things that I AM showing, unless they are blind. Now take these thoughts to consideration. Live in this recognition and I will be with you, for I AM Omniscient and MY Omniscience I AM transmitting and reincarnating in this people that they might be partakers of GOD's unadulterated nature and characteristics and be One with the Creator. I thank you.

At this instance I just would like to say, those of you who are sleepy, those of you who have something to do this morning, you should go home and go to sleep. It has long since been declared, and I actually declare the same by the actuated words of MY expression, GOD has an eye that never sleeps nor slumbers. GOD never sleeps nor slumbers, but you need not try to stay awake if you are sleepy. Just go home and go to sleep. You cannot do your duty materially or physically unless you sleep according to your ability.

Go home and go to sleep. It is an injustice to your employer if you stay awake; even though you may be enjoying MY Presence and getting information and be inspired with MY SPIRIT and illumined, it is an injustice to your employer if you stay awake all night or so long at night and go on your jobs and are not qualified to do your duty according to what you are required to do. I thank you.

