"You Want GOD in Your Business, Profession, Labor and Trade . . . for There
Is Where You Need HIM!

"Men of Business and Trade Bring About Equity and Justice for All
Bring an End to All Division and Discrimination."
--- Father Divine

FATHER DIVINE'S Message Given In the Holy Communion Hall of the Unity Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc.,
907 N. 41st Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Tuesday Evening March 8, 1955 A.D.F.D. Time 11:13 P.M.

Cooperative Business Enterprises

Cooperative Business Enterprises.

The vast Holy Communion Hall was the scene of this gala occasion, and literally every large company and corporation dealing in meat, vegetables, dairy and other food products, as well as non-food items sold in groceries and super markets, were represented by the managers and business associates of same.

Our beloved FATHER and MOTHER Personally served the bountiful Banquet, and as the guests partook of the many and various courses of delicious food they were blessed indeed to partake also of these profound Words of Spirit and Life from the LIFE-GIVER HIMSELF!

In this Sermon FATHER unfolds the great mystery of what living in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose can and will bring about in the daily lives and affairs of men, and stresses the essentiality of recognizing GOD'S Actual and Omnipresence in every instance, whether on land, on the sea or in the air; for by so doing GOD can and will be a Partner that is Real and True and will solve the problems of every-day living and bring about Righteousness, Truth and Justice, Equity and Fair Dealing, and above all, International Peace among the children of men!

Later in the services many of the guests took advantage of the invitation extended them to speak. These speeches, along with a beautiful speech of MOTHER'S and a very important Ultimatum by FATHER, will be found published elsewhere for your edification and enlightenment.

Almighty GOD, for THY Divine Guidance unto the children of men, we truly thank YOU!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which is firstly recorded the inspirational composition sung by the Rosebud Choir just before FATHER arose to speak:)

It's International Peace, on the Land, in the Air, on the Sea;
It's International Peace, for FATHER'S Spirit is with you
Wheresoever you be!
If you'll contact HIM mentally and spiritually,
In a harmonious and sympathetic way,
HE will always protect you every minute of the day!
You need not fear any disaster for GOD always watches over you,
HE will keep you from all hurt, harm and danger
And will bring you victoriously through!
Just recognize HIS Ever Presence and MOTHER'S Presence too,
Their Holiness and Virtue, and They will give to you,
International Peace! International Peace!
On the Land, in the Air, on the Sea!

(FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will, a Good Appetite; Good Manners, Good Behavior, All Success and All Prosperity! These and all other Blessings I AM freely giving! Aren't you glad? ("So glad!" came the response.)

Then I say, that little composition is well worth considering for it is International Peace in the Air, on Land, on the Sea! and this Peace I will give you wheresoever you may be if you will allow it to be to you as it is to ME! Aren't you glad? ("Yes, so glad!" came the reply.)

Then in the melody as we sing it vividly, conscientiously and sincerely, we also transmit it, the spirit and the meaning of this International Peace, of this International Brotherhood, to bring an end to all divisibility among us, so that we all might live in peaceful and quiet resting places all over this wide extended plane! (Loud applause resounds.)

Then by composition you have heard us sing many of our inspirational and intuitive predictions International Peace, and many such proclamations as given by our representatives to represent Peace and Fellowship! Aren't you glad? ("So glad!" came the response.)

Then it affords ME no small degree of pleasure, even as I AM, to observe the Ingathering of the people into this Recognition; not necessarily coming into our Church or Organization, but the great unfoldment of that Universal Brotherhood of man and the Conscious Realization of the FATHERHOOD of GOD for which you all have prayed!

While we were singing that last number, I thought how marvelous it is to realize this International Peace in the Air, on the Land and on the Sea, wheresoever you may be men of business, profession, labor and trade as it may apparently be with ME, you can have International Peace in Business, Profession, Labor and Trade, and can live in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, with your patrons and with your fellowmen. (Loud applause sanctions this.)

It is a privilege to know that GOD does not only live in Heaven. I'm talking about the Universal GOD of All Creation and the GOD of Every Nation! (Loud applause resounds.) Matters not what you may call HIM, you want GOD in your Business, in your Profession, in your Labor and in your Trade. You want GOD in Every Activity and in Every Unfoldment, for there is where you need HIM! ("So true!" came the sanction.)

I hope our visiting guests will coincide with us with this declaration, for it is not just merely an affirmation. It may have been affirmed and affirmed and affirmed, over and over again, but now we are DECLARING that which we have affirmed! Then I say, it is not only a declaration for the present but it is a prediction for the future! I AM declaring to the children of men all over this wide extended plane, we shall have it just as we have it here, from Shore to Shore and from Land to Land, and shall bring about a destruction of every adverse and undesirable condition to Righteousness! (Thunderous applause rings out.)

Oh, how marvelous it is to observe what you hear and see, for it is International Peace, as afore said. And in your business places as you pray to GOD to bless you and bless yours and bless others, wheresoever they may be found GOD is truly a Blesser of All Mankind, in the Air, on the Land and on the Sea, wheresoever man may be!

How marvelous it is to realize while I AM Here I know I AM There! By the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose it is made possible to accomplish all of these objectives among us. It is made possible to Unite in Brotherhood, Democracy, Christianity, Americanism and Judaism Synonymously, and bring an Absolute Abolition to All Division among us. And just as it is under My Personal Jurisdiction on the small means and on the small scales, as it may be termed, so it can be with you and with yours from shore to shore and from land to land! And we sing these different patriotic compositions as declarations, we are declaring what we are singing and what we are predicting. We know that we shall not only live in peaceful and quiet resting places, but whomsoever you may be, if you will allow ME, I will be WITH you and you will be WITH ME! (Loud applause of appreciation rings out.)

We are happy to have you as visiting guests, and yet as in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, to bring about a closer relationship among us; to bring an End to All Divisibility and to all Racism and all of the stigma of what has been imposed upon all of us because of our racial abstraction, complexion, creed or color!

Oh, how glorious it is to know this Life will lift you ABOVE the limitations of men! It will lift you Above the Barriers of them and will establish your going in the Land of the Living, where naught will be able to hurt nor harm! where naught will be able to give you any trouble!

One writer declared, "

Behold, the people is ONE, and they have all ONE LANGUAGE, and this they begin to do: now nothing will be restrained from them to do, that which they have imagined to do!'

It was spoken of in the prophetic age. When you are ONE, nothing will be restrained from you to do, that which you have imagined to do! not only in business but in profession, labor and trade! Not only in those things but in Spirit and in Mind! Your souls will be united together, where it will be a matter of impossibility for you to be severed! (Loud applause resounds.)

Oh, how glorious it is to live in the Unity of the Spirit for GOD is your great Unifier and your Hearts' and your Souls' SATISFIER! (Again loud applause resounds.) We are not going to lack or want for anything! One writer said,

'The LORD is my Shepherd and I shall not want!'

Aren't you glad? ("So glad!" came the prompt response.) "I shall not want!" Not only so, but he also said,

'He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow of the ALMIGHTY!'

Aren't you glad? You will be abiding under the Shadow, the Protection of the ALMIGHTY, as you dwell in the secret place of the Most High! (Loud applause rings out.)

GOD is your Refuge and your Strength and you will be Protected, as the Shadow, by interpretation, is protection; so you will be abiding under the Protection of the ALMIGHTY, where naught will be able to hurt nor harm you! (Loud applause again resounds.)

Now I do not wish to bore you with My Words, with My Thoughts and with My Mind, but I thought to convey a few thoughts to our visiting guests, as strangers, as to what we are doing and according to what we believe in. I want to convey that thought My Fellow Citizens, Hearers and Friends that GOD deals in the affairs of men; and you as visitors and strangers are equivalently PARTAKERS, even if you are not conscious of it for one writer declared,

'The Government is upon His Shoulder!'

not only, in My Version, the Government of the Kingdom of GOD but the Government of Business, of Profession, of Labor and Trade! Every contract you sign and get an affidavit on your stand, you declare, "IN GOD WE TRUST!" Isn't that wonderful? ("Truly wonderful!" exclaims the Assembly.)

Now bring all of your powers under GOD'S Control and realize, once and forever, if you Trust GOD whole-heartedly and sincerely in every business and in every trade and even in every activity, you will trust GOD simplicitly, whole-heartedly and sincerely and GOD will be IN your business! Aren't you glad? ("So glad!" came the prompt reply.)

I need not say more at this time; but those patriotic songs and declarations of which we have brought forth into compositions, causing mankind to know what is going on we realize that this Country and our Nation today is more greatly appreciated than ever before. When men of business and of trade exercise the right of their franchise and bring about Equity and Justice for all, and bring an END to ALL DIVISION and ALL DISCRIMINATION how marvelous it is to observe! Insignificantly I stand, and yet I AM moving scientifically in the Hearts and Minds of men! (Loud applause resounds.) Whatsoever you have heard us sing here, such as "We shall have the SAME Rights, not only Equal but the SAME" these compositions as predictions and declarations are made, and our chief executives are carrying them out to the letter! (Thunderous applause resounds.)

One writer said Scripturally:

'There shall be no division among you!'

and today, the order of the Supreme Court, as it was an order handed down from our Chief Executives, not mentioning ME or Mine Personally, but they say they are bringing and have brought an END to ALL SEGREGATION in the schools! (Loud applause rings out.) Whatsoever you have heard us sing; whatsoever you have heard us say and whatsoever I declare it shall be, it is being DONE! (Thunderous applause and cheers resound.) Not by ME as a Person but by our Chief Executives and by all of the law-enforcing bodies of government; they are bringing these things to pass because it is logical! One writer said,

'The Government Is Upon HIS Shoulder!'

It would not be upon ME as a Person but it is upon the ones to whom you have entrusted our Government with, to bring an END to all graft and greed, to all stealing and to all racketeering!

True followers of Mine do not and would not buy anything on credit, neither on the installment plan! (Thunderous applause of appreciation rings from the vast number of business men present.) Our City and State and the Federal Government do not appreciate their employees as under officials receiving gifts and presents! (Again loud applause resounds.)

These points of view are deep to be considered when men in past years used to partially live on graft and greed they received from the common people! But here and now, hereafter, we shall have a Righteous Government, and all peoples shall know when you receive gifts and presents you are being influenced in some way and do receive something that is not rightfully due you and something that is not rightfully due them. They are attempting to give, to influence them, at times, NOT to do that which is Just and Right!

I know these are hard sayings, but yet they are true! True followers of Mine do not go around soliciting, begging and stealing! They do not even take up a collection in our public meetings for the spiritual and public service! (Thunderous applause rings out.)

Oh, how glorious it is to live above reproach! not above approach but to live above reproach! I thank you! (Again thunderous applause of appreciation from visitors and followers alike rings out, then FATHER, turning to one of the secretaries, says:)

May I hear from the Supplement, as it is My Words as well also as others' declaration and representation of ME: "FATHER DIVINE explains why His followers do not accept gifts and tips" briefly, please. One of the secretaries will read, while those who have the Supplement may look on with her, and we will try to rush through this as quickly as possible while we are serving, and after which, we want to hear from all of our visiting guests. You will not even need to wait to be invited to have an invitation, and a standing invitation!

So therefore, after this is read, if it is deemed necessary the President of the Church will introduce some of this party here, after that is read, and we will hear what they have to say. I thank you.

The Secretary then proceeded to read this famous letter written by FATHER, "To whom it may concern", as found on page three of the Supplement. This letter, incidentally, is to be found published elsewhere in this current issue of The New Day in an Interview which FATHER granted to Professor Viteles and Rabbi Markowitz earlier in the week. After the reading of this letter, which was deeply considered by all the business men and other visitors present, Mr. Peter, the President of the Unity Mission Church, arose to introduce many of the guests, who also responded giving very interesting addresses. This may be found, in part, elsewhere in this issue of The New Day.
