International Utopia Described by FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message given whilst at the Banquet Table 152-160 West 126th Street New York City,
Monday Evening AND Tuesday Morning, December 4th and 5th, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time 1: 25 A.M.

International Peace 5

PEACE EVERYONE! Here we all are again and there I sit and stand. In the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose to you and with I remain! As a Sample and as an Example for all humanity I come, unifying the children of men together in one. By this we shall have a Righteous Government.

Real International Defense

As I sent the Message to Czechoslovakia and to the democracies of Europe and to the other countries the proposed purchase of Czechoslovakia that Germany might have what she desired; even so I propose the purchase by the United States of America, of Central America and South America, that we might have a real international defense; but not a defense for destruction but a defense in a constructive way of expression, in the act of fulfilling the Gospel and the Life and the Teaching of your Savior!

How glorious it would be if this country even if it was this country alone would attempt to purchase, if necessary, Central America and South America; and North America, Central America and South America be unified in one democracy! Can you not see the resources that would be derived and acquired by the democracy that would purchase either one of those, or each and all of the Americas, and bring them into one democracy, that we might unify together nationally as I have unified you all together individually and severally?

How glorious it will be! For this proposition may not be considered at this instance, but the time will come when it shall be considered and considered with the spirit of sincerity as an important issue, that we might bring an end to the probability and the prospective destruction of civilization.

I have not said anything yet to what I will say! I have not even, so much as you may term it to be, thought anything yet to what I will do! For we shall bring all of the nations of the earth together; for it is written:

'Let there be no division among you.'

In the beginning of the creation, according to Biblical history, they were all of ONE language and of one speech. When the spirit personified or requested by the spirit of the Requester, said:

'Let there be no division among you,'


'I pray that they may be one even as We are One,'

such a request or such a prayer was not in vain. We shall bring all of the nations of the earth together even as I have it jurisdictionally! For as with an individual, so with a nation, and as with a nation, so with all of GOD'S Creation! Can you not see the mystery?


International Utopia

When this is observed and made observable to all humanity; when the Light of this Understanding as exemplified among you, advances and shall have enveloped the world, we shall have an International Utopia! All of the kingdoms of the earth will be able to enjoy what you are now enjoying the Universal Brotherhood of man and the conscious realization of the FATHERHOOD of GOD!

Now propose I first an offer to merge all of the Americas into one democracy! This could be accomplished without the slightest harmful act against either one of these great democracies. Can you not see the mystery? If they would but come into one, firstly, that should be the proposal.

The proposition should be presented that these countries or continents should be unified together. Lift the embargo and the division from each other that they all might be absolutely one with the Constitution and with the one government to control.

This is not to be done for the purpose of the United States of America, this part of North America, enslaving any other country nor nationality, but to the extreme reverse, that they might have their real freedom and a chance for expression and for the advancement in this civilization. Aren't you glad?

Then this proposition I AM now putting forth as a proposal these three great Americas merging into one it would not be necessary if each of these Americas would be absolutely unselfish, to purchase any. It would not be necessary for any purchasing to be done! Can you not see the mystery? But if it would be necessary to purchase these different continents, it would be justifiable for you, the United States of America, to purchase Central America and South America and bring them into and under this Democracy and under this flag by a legal, a wholesome and a righteous purchase of these different countries.


Strength in Union

By this the fear of being destroyed by and invaded by other countries would be eliminated, for the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose would cause them to know definitely,

'Where there is Union there is Strength!'

And others would not attempt to invade this country. Can you not see the mystery?

This is the way we can propose an issue that will volitionally protect this democracy without the destructive plans and customs of men by national defense. Can you not see the mystery? Your defense would be in the purchasing of these different countries as advised and inspired by My Spirit, to give My followers individually, severally and collectively and others, a free access in and under this democracy, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness!

MY followers and others are copying after the fashion I have shown them. They are now pursuing happiness, and the majority of them have it! Aren't you glad?

Now as with an individual, so with a nation. If you desire to have anything, purchase it, buy it! If you cannot unify together harmoniously and merge into the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose in the outward expression of the manifestation of the Universal Brotherhood of man, you can purchase such countries and such lands.

When this is established among you, you will eventually learn nationally how to do by the Co-operative System I have demonstrated to you where Capital and Labor among the true and the faithful have unified themselves together as one man at Jerusalem. They are no longer at war, one against the other, but as one man at Jerusalem as far as MYSELF, My followers and true Co-workers are concerned; they are in the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose; they have unified together cooperatively. Hence, Capital and Labor have not only shaken hands with each other but they have unified themselves together as one man at Jerusalem!

I AM pleased once again to get back to the point of consideration and to cease the slightest reflection of digression; for I must go on carrying out My Plan and My Purpose for which I came to unify all of the children of men together in one those who will live on the face of the earth and enjoy Life, Liberty and the reality of Happiness!

I have lifted a standard for humanity, as predicted and requested by the spirit of prophecy.

'Lift up a Standard for My People.'

The Standard has actually been lifted and you all can see it distinctly!

We shall have a RIGHTEOUS GOVERNMENT! But it shall not be bound to this democracy as it stands today, alone, but other democracies or countries shall merge into this one, and shall lose themselves in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, until there will not be any division among us nationally, neither will there be any division among us internationally!

Now as the proposal for the purpose of purchasing Czechoslovakia: If it could be a proposed Message to be considered, if it was applicable for Czechoslovakia and could be endorsed by My Spirit in all of the people, it is applicable to each and all other countries if they must necessarily come together, if they are obliged to be purchased. That is to say, if they must be purchased to come into the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose and be one, then I propose and suggest the purchasing of such countries instead of invading the lands of these minority countries.


Merge the Governments

Oh, how glorious it will be! As I say, if it was worth considering concerning Czechoslovakia, the proposal of such as has been conveyed to you on this particular issue would be much better. It is best to accept of this proposal that all of these three continents and their governments merge into one in other words their governments, as they may be termed, merge into one.

It would not hinder the advances of civilization, for I have manifested the mystery of our advances by this demonstration of which you all have observed and are daily observing.

You have come together those who were once called the rich and the poor, the high and the low and the lower those who represent Capital and those who represent Labor I have unified you all together as a sample and as an example for others; even as a sample and as an example for the governments of the advanced civilization governmentally, that they might copy after this Fashion and measure up to the Sample and emancipate themselves from undesirable conditions, from lacks and wants, depressions and all such miseries as the millions and billions have been undergoing. Aren't you glad?

We shall have a Righteous Government, and it shall not merely be from the Atlantic to the Pacific; from the Dominion of Canada to the Gulf of Mexico; but it shall be from shore to shore and from land to land, wheresoever lands and countries are found!

I AM just now moving these little things out of the way! The slight digression of My daily activities today was just an act of moving those little things out of the way that I might put forth to the world the BEST I have, that they might enjoy the BEST of your GOD!

When all of these things shall have been removed completely, every expression of an actuated digression or deviation from My Personal Activities and My Personal Mission, then I will put something to you more deeply in the mystery of GOD'S Actual Presence, of His Work and of His Mission, and you and all humanity will see it more distinctly! I thank you, I thank you, I thank you!
