"Unless You Are Independent, In MY Version,
You Are Not A Real American Citizen.

"Your Citizenry Comes Forth Into Expression As You Live Out
the Declaration of Independence In Its Fullness . . ."--- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message given at the Banquet Table at Peace Center Church, 152-160 W. 126th Street, New York City,
Sunday Evening and Monday Morning, September 18-19, 1938 A.D.F.D., Time 12:50 A.M.



Today, in this great and modern civilization, we find men as the leaders of the people, willing to sacrifice the lives, honor and principles of nations for their individual selfish, personal desires in contrast to the wishes of the people; and they, the people, being denied "freedom of speech", and the "freedom of the press", revoltingly submit themselves to the dictatorship of these stubborn-hearted powers.

On the other hand, CHRIST stands in the midst of this great civilization, warning the people of the consequence of greed and the acquisition of power under selfish control, and presents a literary picture of the ruins of other civilizations, for the very same reasons that men in power today are fighting.

In this great Message of Truth, FATHER declares the positive stand of the millions of His followers, and others who have been effectively inoculated with the "Germ of Righteousness", and who declare unanimously with our LORD and Savior, FATHER DIVINE,

'We will not fight for the wrong, but we will die for the right if necessary.'

If men and powers and civilization as a whole, will hearken unto the Voice of the LORD, FATHER DIVINE, they all will be saved, as saith the LORD herein,

'for since the beginning of the world, men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O GOD, what Thou hast in storehouse for the children of Thy Creation, if they will but heed Thy Voice.'

And for this supreme Lesson, we thank Thee, our Creator!

(For foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! ("Peace, FATHER", responded the multitude.) While sitting and thinking, I re-affirm and confirm the same: I repeat! I repeat! I repeat:

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health! Good Will! Good Appetite! Good Manners! Good Behavior! All Success and All Prosperity!

PEACE! Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, and the reality of it I bring into expression when I said, "I affirm, I repeat; I repeat; I repeat!"

This was the reiteration of the invitation as given in the manuscript just read as an invitation which I had given through the announcement I repeat the same: Those of our visiting friends who wish to have a word to say, you are welcome if you care to. It is your privilege to speak volitionally. It is your privilege to speak in whatsoever way you may choose to speak. Be governed by your highest intuition, if you care to speak. If you do not, do not feel obligated by any emotion, unless you care to speak.

The reiteration of the statement as afore related in the Message, I still stress it for your consideration. If you desire to produce the desirable and bring such qualities into expression, visualize them vividly with the spirit of harmony and sincerity; you will give deliverance by giving birth to such expression, and you will become to be the expressers and the reflectors of the desirable instead of the negative.

I believe at this time, the majority of the inhabitants of the earth universally, especially those who are commonly known as of the civilized world, can see, and they can declare with you as well as I, Myself, that which I desire I bring into outer expression, and will cause you to come into possession of those Blessings, if you will let ME.

What a glorious privilege to be in the Actual Presence of GOD, where the "Tangibilization" of GOD is no longer a long-sought-for expression, but in the conscious recognition and the realization of millions; GOD having "tangibilated" and materialized HIMSELF; for the "other fellow" has been materialized and personified long enough. It has long since been declared, the "other fellow" is walking the earth as a mighty man and as a roaring lion. If the "other fellow" can walk the earth, GOD shall compete with him on every hand. I thank you.

(One of the visitors responded to FATHER'S kind invitation to speak, and said:)

"FATHER DIVINE, I have never met a group of people who were more happy and joyful. I ate two meals today, and I saw something I never really dreamed of. I did not think it was really true, but now I see it is. I thank YOU."

(FATHER inquires again:) Is there anyone else as a stranger, who would like to have a word to say? MY Spirit will not always retard its advances.

(Right here there were several more testimonies given.)

"I have read a lot about YOU. I have been very curious to see what Your Heaven looked like. I came in here today; I was never so inspired as I was to see the faith and the devotion that Your people have with YOU. No matter what other people might say, I say this, YOU have instilled in Your people, the feeling of love and a strong devotion, and the very signs that I see, the signs that I read, and the testimonies that I hear, are such that no matter what they say, I feel YOU have done a lot of good for Your people."

(And another visitor said:)

"Peace! I was very much impressed with the reading by the young lady today, especially when she made the statement that FATHER made: That which you do for others, you do for yourself', and as I grow older, I find that the only genuine happiness is when you do for others."

(And still another one of our visiting friends said:)

"Peace! I only wish that FATHER'S Teaching could be transmitted across the sea, and that the Love could be put into the hearts of millions of people on the other side, that I see here. I wish FATHER great success in His Work." (And right here, we listen to the Golden Voice of our LORD.)

(FATHER so sweetly sang this Song:)

'Further along you will hear more about ME;
further along you will understand why;
further along you will know more about ME,
why I say, Men should live and not die.''

PEACE EVERYONE! ("Peace, FATHER Dear!" greeted the enthusiastic assembly.) At this instance I would just like to say with the last speaker, I speak for one and for all, those of My followers, co-workers and friends: if they are conscious of it or if they are not, I speak for one and for all. If this Spirit of Truth as exemplified among you could be universalized and established in the hearts and lives of warring men today, millions of lives would be saved that are threatened at the point of the finger of one man.

What a privilege to know that one man can cause the lives of millions to be lost, and one Man can redeem millions! I mean to say, one expression as being termed one Man. I thought of the two great expressions, as being termed "Man", how they may be exemplified and brought to fruition in an expression as being termed "man", but each of these expressions, one that kills and one that gives life, one is one, and the other is the other; therefore, we often say, "the other fellow".

If the wicked spirit can do billions and trillions of dollars' worth of damage by speaking through one man, the Holy Spirit shall do billions and trillions of dollars' worth of good, by speaking and transmitting His Spirit and Mind through the Body of GOD!

Oh, it is a privilege to realize what it means to live in the actual Presence of GOD, where GOD is on active duty and at home at all times! Aren't you glad? Where GOD is bringing Peace out of confusion; bringing the Abundance of the Fullness where there was scarcity. Where there were lacks and wants and limitation, GOD with His bountiful supply is in evidence among this nation. Aren't you glad?


The Ecstasy of GOD

As the second to the last speaker said, the happiness and the merriness as exemplified or expressed, this is an expression of the ecstasy of GOD transmitted, it is true it is well worth considering; but there is something better behind it all. They could not be happy, had they not be emancipated. The millions and millions of followers the universe over, and the hope of millions of others, have been emancipated from lacks, wants and limitations. I have solved the economic problem and I have adjusted matters satisfactorily, as a sample and as an example for all humanity.

Then I say, as the second to the last speaker said, what I have done for My people . . . it is true, I will lift all mankind, and especially Mine: for those who have chosen ME, I have chosen them, "and they are Mine", says the LORD.

'Since I have come in My Glory, they are Mine.
They are Mine, says the LORD, since I AM making
up My Jewels,
They are Mine, says the LORD; all they that fear the
LORD, they are Mine.'

Aren't you glad?

Then I say,

'My people will hear My Voice";

as said Jesus,

'My sheep hear My Voice.'

I speak in the language of men today. My people hear My Voice, and a stranger or strangers they will not follow. Since they are Mine, while I AM making up My Jewels, all they who fear the LORD, they are Mine. As I brought out in a Message as there was a question, "Who are GOD'S Chosen People?" or "Who is the chosen of GOD?" Those who choose GOD, GOD chooses them. Those who have chosen GOD, GOD has chosen them. For this cause, Biblically speaking, it has been declared, the Jews are the chosen people of GOD, because they have chosen GOD, and GOD has chosen them. For this cause we can rejoice to give everybody a chance to be GOD'S People. All can be GOD'S People, if they will allow HIM to be theirs, and HE allows Himself to be theirs, and them to be His.


The Social Problem Has Been Solved

As I said, if it were only to solve this problem that has been sought for, sociality the social problem it has been solved as a sample and as an example for you. The abolition of every tendency of races, creeds and colors and divisions among us, has been brought to fruition, and established once and for ever.

What a privilege to live in such a recognition, where this Love which I have, can bring an abolition to all distinction and discrimination, segregation and to all of the results, the cause of it, and the effect thereof!

What a privilege to see the great unfoldment of this mystery, bringing into the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, every nation, language, tongue and people, in the fulfillment of the "revelationic" prediction of John, as he declared in the Book of Revelation: he saw a great number coming through great tribulations who had washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb the Life of CHRIST; of every nation, of every language, of every tongue and of every people; a number that no man can number. Aren't you glad? If these could have at that time, enumerated up into the decillions of decillions, it is still on record very plainly, "no man could number the number." Aren't you glad?

It is such a privilege to see every nation, every language, every tongue and all people coming into the recognition and the realization of GOD as their Savior and as the Redeemer of all humanity; coming into this place in consciousness where they can recognize GOD as their FATHER and where you can realize GOD is your FATHER-MOTHER-GOD, and you never had another.


You Cannot Think of All the Blessings

By such a recognition, all selfishness, graft and greed and all prejudice are dispelled; all of the adverse and undesirable, detestable tendencies are completely eradicated and GOD is reckoned in you and among you as your Redeemer and as your Savior.

There are so many blessings, you cannot even think of them. They are more than your mind, even in this advanced civilization, can adequately think of. Your minds are inadequate to think of the Blessings of GOD in the entirety and in the fullness of the measure of GOD'S Blessings.

It is a privilege to realize it! Then I say, the economic problem has been solved. Not one of My followers is on the welfare. Daily I AM saving the City and the City government thousands and thousands of dollars daily, I AM speaking of, millions and millions of dollars yearly, by lifting My followers from lacks, wants and limitations, by being independent instead of being dependent.

An American citizen, if he or she is an American citizen, they must produce the spirit and the meaning of the Declaration of Independence, and bring this great Document within them to fruition, and live it and express it vividly before they can be really independent. Unless you are independent, in My Version, you are not a real American citizen. Your citizenry comes forth into expression as you live out the Declaration of Independence in its fullness, and bring the spirit and the meaning of the Declaration of Independence to fruition within you as individuals and be absolutely independent instead of being dependent.


Bring the Constitution to Fruition

In My Opinion, you must also bring the great Document of the Constitution of this Country to fruition, and all of its Amendments within you, and become to be the expressers of such a document volitionally and voluntarily, by producing the spirit and the meaning of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and its Amendments combined, and bring both it and the spirit and the meaning of such documents to fruition and express them accurately and scientifically; why, then and only then, are you American citizens.

What a privilege to observe the mystery! Then I say, My Work, My Mission, My Activities are not merely to cause My followers to express fanatically, happiness in the emotional way of expression, but as scientific, expert workers for the establishment of a Righteous Government on earth among men. This is My Purpose on earth among them!

We shall have a Righteous Government, and it shall be legalized just what My followers realize. The realization of Righteousness as exemplified among them, shall be brought through "legalization" and universally legalized, especially in this country, or this government through the people, for the people, and by the people, shall perish from the earth.

The recognition of this government, as brought to fruition in this Tabernacle, as exemplified and personified among My people, it must be brought into the "legalization" of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, in the hearts and lives of the politicians and other officials, and even legalized and recognized internationally, or the governments of civilization shall perish from the earth . . . all governments I AM speaking of now. When I say the governments as many, I mean all civilization shall perish from the earth unless mankind recognizes this Government of which I have brought from Heaven, and of which the inventor of electricity in a parable was speaking, when he brought the lightning down, for the invention of electricity. He was parably speaking of this mystery, which I AM stressing.


The Government of Heaven to the Earth Plane

I have brought the Government of Heaven your fondest Religious Heaven I have brought it from the imaginary realm, from the imaginations of men down to the earth plane, for which you all prayed. We say you and millions of others, yea, all Christianity have prayed:

'Let Thy Kingdom come, and Thy Will be done.'

I have brought the Kingdom of GOD, the Government of Heaven, from the fondest imaginations of the children of men, in that imaginary heaven, from that imaginary God to the conscious recognition and the realization of men, and they must legalize it or else all civilization shall perish as it has heretofore perished.

You have heard the word "oblivion" as an expression in this advanced civilization. It was an expression in the actuated words of expression many years ago, when civilization had advanced in the prehistoric days, such as you do not read about when all civilization went into oblivion in the actuated words expression. You hear them speaking of King Tut's tomb, and many cities that have been discovered, as having gone into oblivion. Except civilization I mean, unless civilization accepts of this Message which I have given, and lives exactly to My Teaching and brings the Spirit and the meaning of this Truth as exemplified among you, to fruition, and brings it into "legalization" and legalizes it, civilization shall perish from the earth, as it perished before. Aren't you glad?


Emancipation for All Humanity

Then I say, this is the reason for the happiness! This is the reason for the zeal! This is the reason for the courage, and this is the reason for the devotion My followers have for ME: for I have brought emancipation for all humanity, if they will but accept of it! Aren't you glad?

It is such a privilege to live in the Actual Presence of GOD! If you live in this recognition, this country will be saved from war, regardless to what the President says. Aren't you glad? This country does not belong to one man. Uncle Sam declared, "In GOD we trust."

If you follow the leading of the Spirit, and follow in the trail of it this PEACE which I AM stressing although it may sound fanatical, I will lead all of you out of war, and I will lead you away from all confusion. Aren't you glad? Without the "legalization" of My Mission, I will emancipate all humanity from wars, race riots and confusion, if they will allow ME to emancipate them, and if they will follow My Leading as I teach them.

Now the destiny of man is in the hand of some, so long as they are beneath them in mind; but when you transcend the mortal minds of men, and revel into the glorious liberty of the Sons of GOD, your destiny will not be in their hands, for you will be above them. Aren't you glad?


GOD Will Lead You to Freedom

As I said in the beginning, one man can speak and millions can be slain by one man speaking, for they are under his, or under such, a jurisdiction; but when you are emancipated from such a jurisdiction, GOD will transcend the barriers and the limitations of men, and will lead you on to freedom, as Moses did, and as HE brought Daniel from the lion's den. Those who were under that law, why, they were bound by the law, but if you are under "Grace and Truth", and born of GOD, GOD can and will emancipate you from such a curse as war.

What is war less that a curse? It is nothing less, nothing more than a curse. It is a curse to all humanity. It is a curse to civilization. It is a curse to the human intelligence; much more it would be a curse to the light and the understanding of this advanced Spiritual civilization, which I AM representing. Therefore, you shall be saved from the curse, the curse of war, the curse of everything else, if you follow ME harmoniously. As Moses led "the Children of Israel" victoriously out of confusion, out of bondage, and out of Egypt completely, even so will the Spirit lead you victoriously and GOD Alone will be the MASTER of your destiny and the Controller of your fate.


GOD Has Declared Peace

Now whether men say War or Peace, with you it should be immaterial, for GOD has declared PEACE, and man may to declare war, but I have declared PEACE. Aren't you glad? I AM daily declaring PEACE, and as you go, you declare PEACE, and PEACE on earth, and GOOD WILL to men will go forth conquering and to conquer, and GOD Alone will be the MASTER of your destiny and the Controller of your fate.

Oh, it is a privilege to realize, if you really know your GOD, Peace has long since been declared, and Peace shall abide with you all. I AM not bothering about what the President says about war. If he is in My Spirit, he will say "Peace", but it is immaterial to ME, the same as it is about "prohibition". I told you all, even before they repealed the law, it was immaterial to ME; if they bring about liquor again, why, the people will not drink it, as they have been doing. If they declare war in this Country, men will not fight as they have been doing, for I have got a good bit of that fighting spirit out of them. Aren't you glad?

My followers and millions of others shall live according to My Righteous Government Platform. They shall live according to each and every Plank therein, and shall bring it through "legalization" if it costs the sacrifice of millions of bodies and dollars; for GOD in Love came to establish that for which HE stands, and you had just as well to fight against war as to fight in a war. I thank you.
