"If You Are Consecrated Whole-heartedly to the Almighty, Your Physical Bodies Will not Express Poverty.
"But to the Extreme Opposite, They Will Express the Riches
of GOD'S Righteousness, and Glory of HIS Love." --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table, 20 W. 115th Street New York City
Thursday Evening March 28, 1935 A.D.F.D. Time 11:15 P.M.

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE and some of Their staff
at the Bible Institute, Philadelphia, PA.

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE and some of Their staff at the Bible Institute, Philadelphia, PA.

More and more as we live in this New Day, can we appreciate that Scriptural quotation:

'All things work together for good, to them that love the Lord,'

etc.. Through His great Condescension, our King has spoken into existence the changing scenes of time; and the people of one generation may be the fulfillers of the predictions of another, as has been made so clear to us, through the Life and Teaching of CHRIST, our LORD, FATHER DIVINE. The Truth of the expression, "GOD never changes, but is the same today, yesterday and forever", has been proven here among us. The Words of the LORD are precious, and not one of them should fall from His lips without the due consideration of all of His hearers.

For this reason, we are glad that GOD has unearthed much valuable information that has been hidden and buried, as it were, for in these buried treasures, these Messages which FATHER delivered to us some four or five years ago and possibly more, we can see the very identity of the reality of GOD even as HE is today, and as HE was from the Foundation of the world, when HE performed the Works of His Infiniteness through and by His Spirit alone.

The revival of these Messages is good to our very souls, and we have GOD alone to thank for the resurrection of His Words, which are as new and as alive and as sweet and as vital and as wholesome and as dear to us today as they were when they came forth from the Fount of Wisdom, the Holy Tabernacle of GOD. This certainly bears out the statement afore quoted, "GOD is the same today, yesterday and forever."

Our Condescending LORD, we thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! ("Peace, FATHER Dear!" exclaimed the merry throng.) Righteousness, Justice and Truth, I AM calling forth into expression, that Righteousness, Justice and Truth might have dominion, and reign and deal justly among all mankind.

These words I have said, not merely as a formula, neither as a poem, but as a Message of Truth. These Words are facts and figures too stout to be denied. These are words that everyone after a while will realize: Righteousness, Truth and Justice as a living factor in the hearts and lives of all humanity, as well as for those of you under My Personal Jurisdiction.

If Righteousness is not elected and enthroned on the throne of the minds of men, Justice will have access over the wicked, and they will slay one another even as they have been doing. But I call forth Righteousness in with Justice, that Righteousness might have its access in the hearts and lives of men as well as seeking for Justice; hence, I have called forth into expression Righteousness.

I desire not to see the whole world once again in a world-wide war; but, as I say, unless Righteousness as well as Justice is sought, there will be wars and there will be that which is termed race riots and there will be disasters of every kind, supposed to be the destructive forces of nature, but they are organized and originated by wrath, by anger, by resentment, by prejudice, by division and by the confusion that causes war and chaos among the people mentally.

Every eruption that there is, or that has arisen, such a volcanoes and storms of every kind, such as earthquakes, these are caused by destructive thoughts of men as they have thought destructively. I have thought constructively, and I AM building you up in the most Holy Faith I AM lifting up a standard for the people; not only among you as individuals, but even through the cosmic forces of nature; they will work in perfect harmony with ME, for that which is going on in the minds of men is also in the Hands of Nature, or the cosmic forces of nature's expression. It is wonderful!

Jesus spoke to the rolling sea, and the winds and the waves they obeyed. Why did they obey? It was because He was calm in His mind, and was not destructive within; therefore, that which was on the without obeyed Him and became to be in perfect harmony with Him from the within. That is the mystery of GOD on earth among men. Then I say, Righteousness, Justice and Truth I have called forth into expression for you, that you might recognize the Ever Presence of GOD as a Reality, and as a Living Factor in the hearts and lives of all humanity; even though at times HE may be lying dormant. The CHRIST is in every living creature, but HE is apparently dormant, inactive until you relax your conscious mentality and allow GOD to act in you upon the impulse of the moment. Then I say, it is Wonderful!

Righteousness, Justice and Truth, the trinity; this is to bring about the unity of the trinity; this is to bring about the unity of the trinity of the GODHEAD Bodily, manifesting all power; but it cannot be brought forth saving by the letting. You let GOD, and GOD will let you . . . Let there be light in this room, and light will appear. If you say, "Let the lights out," the lights will disappear. This is an outward expression for an illustration, for the convincement of the conscious mentality of men, that they might see there is a reality in what I have said and what I AM saying. Whatsoever can be spoken into existence, it can be spoken out of existence. Negative thoughts and minds will speak into existence chaotic conditions; the positive thoughts and minds can and will speak out of existence the negative conditions and will establish the positive, the desirable in their places.

Oh, it is such a privilege to be living under the influence of the radicalness of the radical harmonious Infiniteness of the INFINITE. It is Wonderful! As radical as these views may be, yet they are without fear, and they are expressing the calmness of the Infiniteness, the Love and the Majesty of His Grace. Then I say, Righteousness, Justice and Truth, these qualities I have called to come forth into expression that I might through others execute a Righteous Judgment to all mankind. By this, you will overcome, and naught can hurt nor harm in all of My Holy Mount.

Good Health! Good Will for everybody, with a good appetite. These qualities will come forth into expression as you have Good Will and Peace on earth among men; but this cannot be unless you let it and let them.

There are many things that could be said, but I need not speak so much in words, as I AM a Speaker in thoughts, but more so in deeds and in actions, being the Transmitter of My Mind to humanity, that they might partake of My Identical Spirit and My Characteristics.

Oh, it is such a privilege! Concentrate on the Fundamental, and let GOD, and GOD will let you. HE will let you how? HE will let you be a channel through which HE can act and speak and live; through which you can walk and can talk, that men might see the reality of GOD among them.

Righteousness, Justice and Truth: this is established for you! For if Righteousness is not enacted, the World War of a few years ago will not be compared to, nor with the war and disasters that will follow; but Righteousness, Justice and Truth combined, will bar and eradicate all adverse conditions, and will not allow them to have an existence in the land of the living to and among those who will live according to My Teaching. "We will study war any more." These are not mere words. You have laid down your equipments of war; and we have taken up arms in opposition to war. It is Wonderful! We will stand in the Liberty wherewith My Spirit has set you free!

We will not study division any more, for

'where there is division, there is strive.'

Where there is strive, there is confusion, and where there is confusion, there will come forth wars and rumors of wars, all sorts of adverse and undesirable conditions by the confusion that has arisen firstly mentally.

It is a privilege to know we can take a stand to that end, and can overcome every adverse and undesirable condition, not by fighting physically, but by fighting mentally and Spiritually against your adversaries and all adversities. GOD is One in the Name of CHRIST, the Son, that fought through forty-two different generations B.J., better known as B.C., and in each issue HE carried with Himself the Victory on each account and in each issue on every phase of life; yea, even in every expression that is made. GOD is Victory. GOD by Nature, is victory over adversities, as GOD is All and in All.

There is not a power given you, except that which comes from above. We will live in this Light of Understanding, and we will not deviate from our resolve. We will lean and depend whole-heartedly on the Fundamental and trust in the Ever Presence of GOD. When the Presence of GOD is not observed, just beyond the veil of the visible realm, just behind the veil, GOD is there veiling HIMSELF from your conscious observation, that you might learn to trust HIM whole-heartedly, for it is not by sight, but by faith. By faith you can and will overcome; hence, if you do not see anything nor anyone, if you are substantiated in faith and unshaken in confidence, the Spirit of GOD'S Presence will be with you when it is apparently absent. That is the great significance of the Omnipotence and the Omniscience and the Omnipresence of GOD.

When you did not see, GOD was as Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, to veil Himself from the conscious recognition of you as an individual, that you might trust HIM in His Infiniteness as though HE were absent; when you did not see a thing, when you were searching and were completely blind apparently. Your faith should be so substantiated and confirmed that you could not be shaken; that you could not be moved. When I AM absent in Body apparently, I AM Present in SPIRIT, in Reality. I say, when I AM absent in Body apparently, because it is only an appearance.

Truly might have John said:

'Behold what love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we might be called the Sons of GOD, and it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know when He shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.'

The appearance of GOD had veiled Himself, but GOD was there at first. When the reappearance of GOD took place, it is, or it was not because GOD has not been there; GOD has been there as at the first, but HE veiled Himself from your conscious realization, that you might learn to trust in that which you see not.

Take these thoughts to consideration. Relax your conscious mentality, and you will re-conceive everything that is of GOD; those things that have been hid, they will be revealed, for GOD Himself then and there shall reappear. The disappearance of GOD is the veil of the mortal versions of men. It veils GOD from their observation; but when the veil is torn in twain by the SPIRIT of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, then and there CHRIST reappears, and you can see Him as He is. That is the mystery; hence, the reappearance of CHRIST and the reappearing of CHRIST will take place as soon as you relax your conscious mentality, and allow the veil of the mortal versions of men to be torn in twain, that you might see just beyond the veil.

Truly might have one said by composition,

'Over the line hear the sweet refrain, the angels are chanting the heavenly strain, Over the line, why should you remain with but a step between you and Jesus?'

This was a composition in Jesus the Sonship Degree, but it is applicable for you and those among you, that you might realize there is only a step between you and your GOD; even when GOD is not observed by you, there is only a step between you and HIM.

Allow the veil of materialism to be torn in twain, and you will see HIM; you will see ME as I AM. Truly might have Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see GOD." If your heart keeps right, if your heart is pure, if your heart is true, and the veil shall have been torn therefrom, then and there you can see GOD just as HE is.

I would like to say in reference to the speaker here, saying how he was healed; it is a blessing to observe what GOD can do for every one of you. By being radical enough and ignorant enough to believe, the transmission of GOD'S Spirit will be transmitted to you; whatsoever ailment there may be with you, or that you may have, from every adverse and undesirable condition you can be healed completely. I need not raise My Voice, I need not say a Word, for

'it is not by power nor by might,'

as the voice of a man,

'but by My Spirit,'

I AM saying. Millions and millions the universe over have made such contacts as the contact the brother made in reference to the crutches. Millions have been healed from one way or the other. Some have been healed mentally. Some have been healed Spiritually. Some have been healed socially. Some have been healed financially, and some have been healed politically. Some have been healed intellectually and some healed physically. I have heard you say, I have heard you sing, "FATHER is the Healing Balm for your Spirit, your mind, your body and soul." This includes all. Wheresoever you are ailing, and whatsoever it is that ails you, you can be healed from all of your ailments; and GOD in the Blessedness of HIMSELF can take the place of these adverse conditions.

As I often say, if I can heal you physically, if your heart gets right, I can heal you mentally; I can heal you Spiritually and I can heal you socially; I can heal you financially; I can heal you politically, and I can heal you intellectually; I can heal you from every angle expressible. I heard one say, and I heard him sing:

'The Great PHYSICIAN now is here, the Sympathizing Jesus; He speaks, the drooping heart to cheer, oh, hear the Voice of Jesus.'

If you believe it, that GOD can heal you, I will heal you of all of your ailments, heal you of all of your complaints. Why should you go around in lacks and in wants and in limitations, if GOD is the Healer of poverty, if GOD is the Healer of sorrow, and if GOD is the Healer of worry? GOD is the Healer of all adversities; therefore, GOD will heal you of poverty as well as HE will heal you of sorrow. GOD will heal you of lacks and wants from every angle, in fulfillment of the Scripture as was spoken of by the mouth of David, saying:

'The LORD is my Shepherd, and I shall not want.'

That is the great significance of the Independence of GOD. GOD will make you independent from every angle expressible, and will give you the power within that your thoughts will not be condemned while Tabernacling here among men.

It is such a privilege, that is why you believe. You believe in GOD because GOD, your GOD, can and will if HE has not, HE can and will, if you will let HIM, heal you from lacks and from wants and limitations. HE will heal you from poverty as well as from sorrow; heal you from adversities as well as from afflictions, for GOD is the true PHYSICIAN, the HEALER and your REDEEMER and SAVIOR.

Take these thoughts to consideration. GOD would not be Omnipotent in and on all phases of life, and on all planes, if HE did not have all Power financially as well as mentally and Spiritually. Jot these thoughts down in your vocabularies and submit your bodies unto GOD; resist poverty, lacks, wants and adverse and undesirable conditions, and those conditions will flee from you. One writer said:

'Submit yourselves unto GOD, resist the d-v-l, and he will flee from you.'

All adversities and undesirable conditions, by interpretation, "the d-v-l", will flee from you, when you live in the conscious recognition of GOD'S Presence and know within yourself, GOD is your Great PHYSICIAN Who will heal you of all adversities.

I hear men say at times, "FATHER healed me physically and Spiritually"; but remember, GOD can heal you from every angle expressible, from every undesirable condition; from all of those conditions GOD will heal you, that you might live free from adversities, and reflect and manifest GOD's Presence in reality.

Now is not this an outward expression of GOD'S Presence? If I were expressing lacks, wants and limitations, even though I might tell you something about Salvation, I would not be reflecting it, neither would I be manifesting it, for I would not be manifesting All Power, in reality. GOD is rich and All you need for your Spirit, your body and your soul. If you are consecrated whole-heartedly to the Almighty, your physical bodies will not express poverty, but to the extreme opposite, they will express the riches of GOD'S Righteousness, and the Glory of His Love.

These are true sayings, beloved ones, although they may not be discerned by some; nevertheless, as you see, I have been expressing in the time of poverty, depression and so-called oppressions, the abundance of the fullness over all adversities and establishing GOD'S Kingdom on earth among the people. At the time of so-called depressions, the abundance of the fullness is expanded. It is Wonderful! The abundance of the fullness of every good and desirable Blessing is manifested in the time of so-called depressions, showing you conclusively once and forever, it is GOD on the material plane as well as on the Spiritual plane and no longer confined to one realm alone.

You have been taught GOD would bless you when you come down to die, but what said Jesus? "Lo, I Am with you always"; and what said the Scripture even B.J., better known as B.C.:

'I will bless in your storehouse, and I will bless you in your baskets: I will bless you in the fruit of your land and in the fruit of your cattle, and whatsoever you doeth shall prosper.'

If you are not successful and prosperous, you are living in sin one way or the other. It is written:

'He who covereth his sin shall not prosper, but he that confesseth them, shall have mercy.'

It could have been said: "He that will uncover them, shall have mercy." That is why My followers, the majority of them, are so prosperous, because they are confessing their sins in the fulfillment of the Scripture; while they are confessing them, they are becoming to be successful and progressive and prosperous, in reality.

If you do not wish to enjoy the progressiveness of the progressive, and the prosperity of the prosperous, you do not have to, but I have it, and I AM it. You can be partakers of the identical, if you will bring your bodies into subjection and will not allow your poverty, your infirmities and your iniquities and the iniquities of your fathers and mothers to identify you. You must identify them by confessing and forsaking them.

Deny yourselves whole-heartedly and become to be new creatures, not only a new person, new spirit and new mind, but new creatures, which are new persons in reality, and your old infirmities and the iniquities of your fathers and mothers cannot identify you. That is the way you will get away from your infirmities. That is the way you get away from your sickness, your diseases, your ailments and complaints which you have been subject to. You can only get away from them by losing your identity with them by taking on a different set of characteristics completely and allowing GOD to live in you.

On the stage the other evening, the speaker said, "Enthusiasm " as a professor of words, he said, "Enthusiasm is GOD within you"; therefore, GOD within you will cause you to lose your identity with your infirmities and with your old iniquities, with your old afflictions. They cannot identify you with GOD in you.

As a parable I mentioned the Transfiguration, when Jesus was transfigured among the boys at that time. Jesus changed completely, and He became to be a New Creature apparently. It was because GOD reflected HIMSELF in Him. If GOD expresses and manifests HIMSELF in you, you will lose your identity from your old infirmities and from your old afflictions, sickness and diseases, and they cannot find you, matters not where you are.

Take these thoughts to consideration! Your old infirmities, afflictions, sickness and diseases, they all can identify you by your old characteristics; by your old disposition, they can identify you, but if you put off the old disposition, the old characteristics, the old tendencies, it will be a matter of impossibility for them to identify you. I do not believe a professor in psychology can deny it. It is wonderful!

It makes no difference to ME; it matters not from whence you came as a professor in psychology, you weigh it out and measure it out, and you can but verify what I have said: your infirmities can only identify you by your old characteristics, disposition, nature or ideas or opinions or by some of your mental tendencies, or some of your old mental world of expression. When you put them off completely, it will be a matter of impossibility for your old infirmities to identify you. By so doing, it will be a matter of impossibility for you ever again to be afflicted, sickly or in a feeble or weakly manifested state in the new, by leaving off the old, for you will cut off the old man with all of his deeds; you will be a new creature and you will be free and free indeed. I thank you.
