"I Set Before You an Open Door. GOD is a Free Gift to the World."

"MY FATHER and I Are One"

Our FATHER'S Message given at the Banquet Table, 20 West 115th Street New York City,
Saturday, July 14, 1934 Time 12 Noon

(Reprinted by special request from The LIGHT, August 7, 1934 A.D.F.D., pages 1-4)



In the Bible we are told of a Man,
When His miracles first began, said,
'I of myself nothing do,
It is I that the Father works through."

When asked that the Father be shown,
He said, "By the works be it known.
Whensoever you see Me, the Son,
I and the Father are One."

When all of His trials were past,
Speaking unto Himself at the last, said,
'My Son, you're well pleasing to Me,
For Myself I'm expressing through Thee."

Nineteen hundred years ago it was one among His so-called representatives that sold the Body of Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, and today the whole civilized world condemns the traitor in the body called Judas, who tried to profit on the Body of GOD in the Sonship Degree. But the spirit of Judas, the spirit of graft and racketeering did not die out with that individual body of Judas; it still is operative today in other bodies.

It cannot sell that Body today, called FATHER DIVINE, that more than twelve million declare is, "the very same Jesus, the very same GOD", for HE is Reigning in His Glory. Praise His Holy Name. But in this more scientific age, the age of production, it is committing the same crime against the Person of GOD, many times multiplied, by selling photographs of that same Holy Body and taking profit as high as two hundred percent.

When this racket was confined to those who were not followers of FATHER, it was suffered to be. But when one of those claiming to be a Representative, was involved, and was too drunk with the spirit of graft to heed the many warnings and the many instructions given in FATHER'S Message, it brought forth a necessary rebuke from the Almighty.

This Message was given at the Banquet Table, 20 W. 115th Street, New York City, Saturday July 14th, as the usual throngs filled the air with praises. The following song came forth by inspiration from the assembly, just before FATHER'S Message:

'FATHER is Calling, Calling you and I,
Why don't you answer? HE's calling,
Calling you and I.
HE's Calling from the South, HE's Calling,
HE's Calling from the North, HE's Calling,
HE's Calling from the East, HE's Calling,
HE's Calling from the West, HE's Calling,
HE's Calling You and I.'

PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite, I AM still recreating, inserting, injecting and expressing. It is indeed wonderful! These are the qualities and attributes and expressions, all mankind have been seeking. They all have been seeking these desirable qualities and expressions. Every good and desirable characteristic you desire others to have it, if you do not. It is indeed wonderful! But we are privileged to say, if it is operative for you or for others, it is for others and it is for you. For this cause we are rejoicing, and we are exceedingly glad. That little composition that was conveyed for consideration was a Message of the Spirit, transmitted to the different individuals, being conveyed to the nations of this generation in this particular Dispensation and at this particular time. The composition says: "FATHER is calling, calling you and I." Remember, this is not confined nor is it bound to an individual, but as I have said heretofore, I set before you an open door.

I have striven to get you to see the Reality of GOD'S Presence, of His Love, His Mercy, yea, and His Majesty with or without a Person. I have striven to get mankind to recognize the Fundamental, the Principle, without a person. If you will live it and be it, and express it in deeds and in actions, without My Personal Presence it is just as effective. But remember, if you do not live it, and be it, and express it, and manifest it, and let others see it, at My Personal absence and without My Personal Presence, the same as you would or should with My Personal Presence, then and there My Personal Presence is essential for your redemption.

There are thousands of people striving to justify themselves as individuals living in mortal consciousness, desiring to appease the mortal concept of their human minds, trying to justify themselves in materialism, in mortality, and in the mortal version of things, and still they will try to use My Words for their own selfish purposes and for their own individual selfish gains. For this cause mankind, as it has long since been said, as being termed the d-v-l, will quote the Scriptures to answer his own purpose. That is to say, he will quote the Scriptures to justify himself. So it is with many. The different individuals will quote My Quotations and My Message, to justify themselves as individuals, but I AM here to tell you, your only hope of Salvation is to quote the Scriptures, My Quotations and My Message for an UNSELFISH purpose and for the Glory of GOD ONLY. All that you say, and all that you do, do it all for the Glory of GOD. By so doing, the Spirit of GOD'S Presence will Glorify you as you Glorify HIM. It is indeed wonderful!

Just think of it!

'Whatsoever you measure unto others, the same shall be measured unto you.'
'Whatsoever you would that other men do unto you, do ye also the same to them.'

That is the way the Kingdom of GOD will, as it HAS, come. It will universally come into expression and all will see it, for it will be manifested. The song says, "FATHER is Calling, Calling you and I " calling you from materialism, from the mortal versions, from your human fancies, from your human tendencies, and from your human pleasures, calling you according to the Message of your Savior Jesus, when He called the disciples saying,

'Lay down the world, take up your Cross, and come and follow Me'

Calling you from the city of destruction to the Celestial City the Celestial City that is not made with hands nor with the mind of men by their mortal versions, but made with the Eternal Spirit of HIM that Liveth Forever.

"FATHER is Calling, Calling you and I," said he. This was a composition that found some place in the Kingdom of Heaven, for it is a Message that was sent out from the Spirit of My Presence; it contacted the individual, and it was brought forth in a composition for the consideration of the people "FATHER is Calling, Calling you and I." I have called you from the fields of sin, from the fields of ruin and from all materialism, from all mortality, and every mortal version, that you might live in this recognition: GOD in reality is a Living Factor in the hearts and lives of the people, and HE will manifest it if they will let HIM.

While sitting just before I arose to speak, while singing that song as a repetition of the composition for consideration, I looked around, and behold I beheld one claiming to be representing ME, claiming to be of ME, claiming that I have healed them from a contagious disease, and they could say, "What FATHER has said in His Writings, or in His paper, or in His Message, is not for me." If My Words are not for you, My Brother, your old complaints, ailments and afflictions are for you! It is indeed wonderful!

One thing or the other must be for you. My Words must be for you, or your old complaints, ailments and afflictions, must be for you.

'The very Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are Life.'

The time is out for grafting and racketeering, and for lazy, slothful and impractical men, trying to lean on the arms of others for help trying to depend on that which is termed weak vessels, as being termed women, for their support. GOD is tired of such. It is indeed wonderful! It has long since been said, and this Message or request still remains

'Not one stone shall be left upon another.'

One person should not depend upon another, for if you do, you are dishonest. It is indeed wonderful!

My Spirit is not telling you to borrow money from someone else. My Spirit is telling you to go to work. My Spirit is telling you to be competent, My Spirit is telling you to be honest, My Spirit is telling you to pay your debts, My Spirit is telling you to owe no man. My Spirit is telling you to be as I AM. That is what My Spirit is telling you! I wish for you to know these things, and I AM speaking them openly, that it might be confirmed in the hearts and minds of others My Version concerning you, when these things come upon you. If you do not do as I bid you do, others will know why you have fallen physically and mentally and otherwise, from your steadfastness, and from the blessings wherein you were blessed.

Live honest, be honest, be competent, be reliable and true; that is if you desire for GOD to express these things to you. If GOD is to be your Servant, you must be willing to serve GOD. Serve GOD by doing that which is just and right and good, and refuse to be dishonest in words, deeds and actions, but live in the Spirit of GOD'S Presence when HE is apparently absent. You cannot live in harmony with the Spirit of GOD'S Presence when HE is apparently absent, unless you live exactly according to His Teaching. If you deviate from His Teaching, from His Versions, from His Ideas and from His Opinions, it is a matter of impossibility for you to be in harmony with His Spirit. If you are not in harmony with His Versions, His Views and Ideas and Opinions, personally or consciously, you cannot be in harmony with them in His Personal absence as being in His Spiritual Presence.

Be honest to yourselves. Be true by being honest to, and true to everyone else. It is indeed wonderful! Oh, what a glorious world this will be when all dishonesty as visible expressions, shall be eradicated or erased from the face of the earth when all dishonest concepts, ideas and opinions shall have dispelled from the consciousness of the people, when CHRIST will rule and reign in them in the Spirit of honesty, competence and Truth; in the Spirit of Love, obedience and faithfulness to GOD and to your fellow brother, with Love for one another

'even as I have loved you.'

Seek not the gains of others, but seek the good of giving by giving, for

'So freely as you give, so freely shall you receive.'

I AM telling you, if My Message is not for you, My Life and My Health is not for you. Take these thoughts to consideration. Live in this recognition. Deny yourselves whole-heartedly, and live for CHRIST, which is called Jesus, in Christendom. By so doing you will be dialing in on the Fundamental; you will be successful, you will prosperous, you will be healthy and you will be happy. Live it, believe it, and you will be it, for

'As a man thinketh in his heart'

vividly and enthusiastically,

'so is he."

"According to your Faith so be it unto thee."

It is indeed wonderful! Such a privilege!

I hope these thoughts will go home with each and everyone. I AM sure they will not only go home with you, but this Message is conveyed to the Universe at large. All mankind shall hear My Voice, and they that hear and heed, shall live. It is indeed wonderful! Just think of it, living at a time when GOD, in your very presence is manifesting HIMSELF in Love and Mercy, as a Sample and as an Example for the people, giving His Time and His Service continually, without compensation; giving His Body continually as a Living Sacrifice wholly, that you might copy after this Fashion and be willing and ready to serve the Almighty. If you are willing to serve the Almighty, you will serve the Almighty, by willingly and voluntarily serving your fellow brother. That is not for one to think within himself "Well, FATHER said you should serve your fellow brother, therefore you should go out and go to work and get the money and give it to me." That means for YOU to go out and go to work and get money and pay your debts. That means for you to live "competent" and "independent", be honest and true in words, deeds and actions, it matters not where you go and it matters what you do. That is what that means. When you do that you are serving GOD, and you are serving your fellow brother. I say,

'One stone shall not be left upon another.'

Each one should stand, as far as mortality is concerned, absolutely independent of the other. If you do not earn and give to the world, more than you are receiving of it, you are depending or leaning on some other. You should give to the world more than what you are receiving of it. By so doing you would be profitable. A profitable servant will be giving and imparting to the world and those of his fellow brothers, more than what he is receiving of it. If you are in business, and you do not get more out of your business than what you put into it, after paying all of your obligations and all of your expenditures, it is a matter of impossibility for you to be profitable, until you are getting more income than what your expenditures are. It is indeed wonderful!

If you are not giving out more and earning more giving service, than what it would take to keep you as an individual, you are still an unprofitable servant. That is what I AM talking about! I came to make profitable the earth. By such a recognition, the earth will be progressive. The earth at large, in our great light of civilization, humanly speaking, cannot be progressive, if each individual will be unprofitable. How can you go on and advance, increase and multiply the abundance of things, if you are more destructive than you are constructive? You are diminishing the expressions and the expression of the Blessings of GOD daily, when you are not profitable, when you are not putting out and making more, than what you are consuming. You would be an unprofitable servant. That's why men, even in the financial world, soon pass away when they retire, especially when they retire and will cease to put their money to an exchange, because they become to be unprofitable. GOD, in the Invisible Realm, usually calls His Spirit and Life from them.

Profitableness and practicalness is essential for your continuance. If you desire to continue, you must be profitable, and you must be practical. It is wonderful! I heard a man say once he was about eighty-two and was in business he said he was not thinking about quitting business, because he knew, as I explain it, and explained it to him he said he knew when he retired he would soon die. When you become to be unprofitable and impractical, useless and good for nothing, then there is no need for you to stay here. It is indeed wonderful! These are hard sayings to the impractical, unprofitable and good for nothing, but they are soft and real sayings to the profitable, to the practical and to the good for something. To them these facts and figures are too stout to be denied. They rejoice in them, for they are on the progressive side, and they enjoy success and prosperity; they enjoy the advancement of things, for

'Of His Kingdom and of His Increase there shall be no end.'

These thoughts are well worth considering. Live in this recognition. Dial in on this Fundamental, and I will give you the Spirit of practicalness, the Spirit of progressiveness, the Spirit of success and prosperity, the Spirit of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. I will also give you the Spirit of profitableness, and I will give you the Spirit that will cause you to be something, where you were good for nothing. I AM transmitting MY Spirit as a broadcasting station, sending out the wave lengths of Spiritual Understanding of each and every good and desirable blessing. I AM sending out such, for CHRIST did say, in the Body called Jesus,

'To Thee I commit My Spirit",

and He also said,

'GOD so loved the world that HE gave His Only Begotten Son.'

Jesus the CHRIST, HE gave His Life He gave His Life to everyone. It is your privilege to dial in on it and receive it and be partakers of it in reality, not merely imaginarily, but in reality be partakers of the CHRIST Characteristics, the CHRIST Nature, from every angle. You will be profitable, you will be practical, you will be intelligent, and you will be desirable, and you will be successful, and you will also be practical in every way, and you will not have an occasion to be like unto the slothful and unprofitable servant that must be driven from GOD'S Presence.

Now do you see the fulfillment of the Gospel? The Gospel is being fulfilled this day in your hearing. Did He not say that He would say to the slothful and unprofitable servant,

'Depart from Me, I know ye not!'

Do you not see the fore-light and the fore-reflection of it termed the forerunner of this great Judgment, coming into expression; the forerunner when GOD in His Majesty shall say to the slothful and unprofitable servant,

'Depart from Me, I know ye not.'

You continue, here and there, every once in a while to get a slight reflection, that which could be termed if it were in your systems, a symptom of it. It is indeed wonderful! Just think of it! The slothful and unprofitable servants must be driven from GOD'S Presence! I have striven for "Lo these three years", teaching among you Personally in the City of New York and elsewhere, to get you to become to be profitable and practical servants, to get you to become qualified, that you might be accepted in GOD'S Presence, that you might live an Evangelical life continually and express GOD'S Love and Mercy, to produce the CHRIST Characteristics, and bring them to fruition in your systems. This I have striven to do continually among you, that you might do and be even as I AM. Cast out of your systems all prejudices, bigotry, hatred, resentment, jealousy, covetousness, races, creeds and colors, and all distinctions and divisions of every kind, that CHRIST in you Alone might Reign over those negative and detestable characteristics that are in your mind. It is indeed wonderful! I have Taught it, and I have Walked it, and I have Thought it, that you might see it, believe it and be it the Truth and the Life of CHRIST, as I put it forth into expression in your midst.

Through casting these detestable characteristics out of your consciousness, you are casting them out of your systems. Such negative conditions that these detestable characteristics have brought on in your experiences, will wane of their own abnormal weight, when such shall have been cast out of your consciousness and cast out of your system. Sickness and diseases and every negative condition that has ever been manifested in an individual, comes from negative thinking, negative acting or actions or some n e g a t i v e expression mentally or spiritually, or by some negative characteristic that has been created in your systems. When you shall have rid yourselves of such, then and there you will be purged

'as silver and as gold is purged".

You will be cleansed from all filthiness of the flesh and corruption, for such is but the conception and preinherited tendencies and fancies of the mortal versions.

These are the things that have your bodies filled with afflictions and diseases. Purify your minds, your thoughts, and all of your mentalities of all of these detestable characteristics, and your physical bodily form will be purified and purged with them. Your bodies will become to be pure and clean. Your blood, that has been impure, will become to be pure. Your physical blood is purified by the purifying of the mind. This is the great vaccination that is going on, purifying the blood of men and mankind, by the purification and purifying of their minds, causing their blood to be pure, for such is enacted by the heart, and the heart by the mind. It s indeed wonderful!

Your heart will jump quickly if you think quick. It expresses, and also every beating pulse, the very presence of your thinking, or your subconscious thinking, at times. You may have a negative thought your face will turn red. It is indeed wonderful! At times you may have a reflection of fear, and your face will turn pale. These are facts and figures too stout to be denied. I AM speaking physically. I AM even speaking to the physical scientists and they must verify it. It is indeed wonderful! These thoughts are well worth considering. At times, you may get angry and the very physical appearance of your faces will change. The expression of mind, the heart, controls the blood, by physical science you are told. Have positive, have pure thoughts, have pure ideas and a pure ideal before your view, and copy after such fashion. By gazing upon such a pure and positive expression, such you will produce in your own system and cause it to be manifested in your personal bodily form. Live it, believe it and you will be it, for

'As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,'

and as afore said,

'I have set before you an open door.'

I AM not closing the door of My Success, of My Prosperity, My Wealth and MY limitless Health and Life, from any individual. It is indeed wonderful! But remember, you cannot express this Life, so long as you are registering discords and undesirableness.

You cannot register and express the desirable, the positive and the true, and register discord at the same time. You must cast all discords from your systems by casting them out of your consciousness. Live in this recognition of Praises and Thanksgiving, and you will produce such characteristics that there were and still are, the Creator and Sponsor of Praises and Thanksgiving. The limitless blessings we are now enjoying, they come through your recognition of GOD'S Presence, by living, being and expressing GOD in Love, in kindness, and in compassion by endeavoring to be partakers, and producers, and reincarnators in reality of the Characteristics of CHRIST JESUS. Live it, believe it, and be it, I say!

But deny all of those detestable ideas and opinions as some have had and some still have, trying to get something for nothing, trying to infringe on the rights of others, trying to take advantage of your fellow brother, for whatsoever you are endeavoring to do to others, you are doing to yourselves. You may not know it, but you are doing the same to yourselves. You are doing it under disguise, but you are doing it to yourselves and you will soon realize you have done it to yourselves. It is wonderful! Be honest, be competent, be reliable and be true. My Spirit is not telling you to beg any person or persons for anything. It is indeed wonderful! My Spirit is not telling you to do it! If anybody comes up to you and tells you that "Father said for you to give me some money," you tell them I said I did not say it!

My Spirit will not speak I mean in the way of telling you to give them some money for nothing. If they are giving you service, food, comfort and shelter, or anything that is practical, they have a right to be paid for it; you have a right to give them money for such. If you do not, you are not honest with yourself. But I AM speaking of some going around telling this one and the other one I said to give them some money for nothing. My Spirit will tell you to do as I do. Have I ever asked any of you for a penny for anything? ("No FATHER," came back the overwhelming response.) Even for something that is practical, something that is natural, something that is tangible. I have not asked you for a penny, although I would be justified in so doing, if I wished to. If I AM giving you something natural, something that is tangible, something that is material, I COULD, and would be justified in receiving compensation for it if I wished to. But in the way of asking you for something, claiming to be giving you the Message of Salvation when Salvation is absolutely free, and I turn and ask you for something to pay for it truly might have Malachi said,

'Will a man rob God?'
'They all have robbed Me.'

If GOD has sent out Salvation, I mean the Spiritual Blessings free, and I charge for it, why I AM getting that for Myself. GOD says Salvation is free, and HE has sent the Salvation free, just like a free sample of anything. When men go out and sell the samples when man has been authorized to give them out free, and you go out and sell them, do you think that would be honest? It is wonderful! Salvation is free! When I say free, I mean every Word I say as Spirit and Life for the people and as Message of Salvation to them, it should be absolutely free. Ways and means could be, and they are made, whereby man can get the Message without price, I say without the cost of a penny, unless it would be your railroad fare going here or there to hear the Message that is all.

That is why I say, every one of My Auditoriums are free for all people to come and hear the Message, without any obligation whatever. As far as entering into any of our auditoriums and hearing the Message it is absolutely free, without any obligations, without any responsibilities on their part, saving to come and not interfere with the Work of GOD. You are not supposed to buy a newspaper around this nor any of the auditoriums that I AM connected with, or where My Name is, unless you wish to. You are not obligated to do so; you are not obligated to buy a five-cent or a ten-cent or a fifteen-cent meal, neither a five-cent newspaper of any description. You are not obligated to buy anything, so long as you are coming for the Message, to hear the Words of Truth as they are given. Do not feel obligated in the least. If you wish to buy anything in the dining rooms, that is your privilege to do so, but you can go wheresoever you choose, without obligations to this connection from any angle, receiving the Message absolutely free. That is what I mean.

I cannot stress it too vividly, for there are some, at times, will see ME, and yet will arise among you, from among Mine, and will try to impress the people with the thought they ought to buy something. You should not buy a thing, unless you need it, and want it, and know you can get it for less, or just as small an amount as what you would pay elsewhere. I cannot stress these thoughts too vividly, for they are needful to be known, that I AM a Free Gift to the World, gratis to mankind. Yet I AM functioning on the material plane, bringing things down to the reach of man, causing the cost of living to be at least thirty to forty percent less that what it was or would have been, had it not been for ME Personally. That is what I AM doing, giving the Spirit of My Service and the Service of My Spirit, and My Mission, absolutely free, to cause the cost of living to be reduced from thirty, to forty, to fifty percent in some places, just by My Mission and My Presence on the Earth among the people Personally.

Then do you think I AM here to encourage you to take advantage of your fellow brother? I AM here to get at it, and get you to see and know, you should desire to give as much as you can for nothing, instead of trying to get something for nothing. That is what I AM talking about! As a Sample and as an Example I have been expressing as a Person, that you might see and know, as I AM so you can be, if you live thus accordingly and walk in the Light that is given. It is wonderful!

Now in reference to the sayings of men and women on the outside, I wish to convey this thought. My Followers, Believers and true Co-workers, are not bothering about what individuals say, and as I said yesterday, they do not appreciate any person coming in our Meetings, nor to them, or any other place, wheresoever they are or have been, to try to enthrone a man, it matters not how good he is. Man's time is out! GOD Alone shall reign! If you cannot see anything but a good man, you must go and come again. I will not ACCEPT of the CROWN of a GOOD MAN. Truly might have Jesus said to Nicodemus,

'Ye must be born again.'

The crown of a good man that would merely mean another man's kingdom, another kingdom that must wane. The kingdoms rise and wane, but

'of His Kingdom and of His Increase, there shall be no end.'

But all of the versions of good men and a good man such an expression and such a version must be born again. I have heard you say, and I have heard you sing, and also heard you pray,

'For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory art Thine, now and forever, World without an end.'

All of men's kingdoms have an end, and their worlds have destinations, but of His Kingdom, the Kingdom that the LORD GOD HIMSELF shall set up, that is not left to other people, for

'of His Kingdom, and of His Increase,'

yea, of His Increases it would be termed, they shall have no end. Take these thoughts to consideration. With or without My Personal Presence, the Spirit of My Mission will continue to stand, for of this Kingdom, and of this Increase, there shall be no end. Therefore, Beloved, My Spirit and My Mind will not ACCEPT of it. My Spirit will not allow the Prince of Wales, if he were still living, to come and crown a man in this Kingdom. Man's dominion is limited, but of this Kingdom and of this Increase, there shall be no end. Now I say, if the Prince of Wales were living if he were living in your consciousness, if he were living in your considerations, you might think he is a great man and he could come and crown some other man king, in the Kingdom of GOD but no man can be crowned in the Kingdom of GOD.

GOD Alone has been elected and GOD Alone has been enthroned, and GOD Alone shall Reign. The troubles and trials of the world can come they can come to you, those of you that are in the man kingdom and living in that recognition their trials and tribulations and criticisms and slanderous remarks can reach you, and can hurt that which is termed your feelings. They can do it because you are living in the man kingdom, and allowing the man kingdom in your consciousness to have dominion, yet you are recognizing ME as an Individual, as being Supreme among them, yet being a man and desiring to Crown ME King in your conceptions. But you must be born out of that version and out of that conception, that the recognition of GOD'S Presence might prove to you to be a Blessing, with victory over the adversaries, and the criticisms of the people. I thank you.
