Annual Business Meeting of the Palace Mission Church and Home Inc., of New Jersey

Annual Business Meeting of the Palace Mission Church and Home Inc., of New Jersey
540 Central Avenue Newark, New Jersey Saturday, April 3rd, 1976 A.D.F.D. Time: 1 :30 P.M.


FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE at Halleck Street
Palace Mission Church and Home Inc., of New Jersey



During the Annual Business Meeting of Palace Mission Church and Home, Inc., of New Jersey in 1974 the following Amendment was introduced and adopted into law by unanimous vote according to parliamentary procedure:

"In as much as the date of the annual meeting of this Church was originally scheduled to be held in September of each year, and since it seems preferable for it to be held in consecutive order with the other annual meetings, I move that the date for the annual meeting be officially changed to be held on the last Saturday of March of each year."

However, as is the case, some years the month of March has five Saturdays, and some years, four — this year having only four, so the Meeting was moved up to April 3rd, as the Palace Mission, Inc., of New York holds its Annual Business Meeting each year on the third Saturday in March, and it was more convenient to all concerned to have a week in between the two Annual Business Meetings.

A large Assembly of Officers, Trustees, members and Followers were present, including representatives from some of the other incorporated Churches under the Peace Mission Movement — all awaiting the official] opening of the Meeting which was promptly called to order by the President, Mr. James Station. He asked for the first order of business — the reading of the Church Discipline, Constitution and By-Laws. This was carried out, various Officers and Trustees taking turns in the reading until completed.

Before calling for a continuation of the business of the meeting at hand, a song was requested by the President and all joined the Rosebud Choir in enthusiastically singing, "FATHER We Thank YOU!"

President: Thank FATHER for that beautiful selection. As FATHER has said, that song is a prayer within itself.

At this time we will have the Scripture reading — Chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation. The President read verses one through six, after which he requested a selection from the Rosebud Choir. They sang the following inspirational composition:


Palace Mission Church and Home Inc., of New Jersey
Central Avenue, Newark

>Palace Mission Church and Home Inc., of New Jersey 
Central Avenue, Newark



Walk in HIS Footsteps day by day,
Let HIM guide us all the way,
HE will lead us on to perfection
If we trust in HIS Will always.

This is a wonderful way with FATHER,
HIS Love has made us One,
This is a glorious way with FATHER,
Just have faith and the work is done,
HE has given of all HIS Fullness,
HIS Words of Life, Hope, Truth and Love,
It's a wonderful way, it's a glorious way with FATHER!


The President then called for the Secretary to read the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting. Miss Patience Budd, Secretary, read a very comprehensive report of the Meeting, after which the President called for a motion as to its acceptance. A motion was duly made, seconded and passed unanimously that the minutes of the last Annual Meeting be accepted as read, with any necessary corrections.

The President, in presenting his Report as the next order of business, asked that it be read by another, and Miss Colar Lea, Trustee, read his Report as follows:


ANNUAL REPORT of the PRESIDENT for PALACE MISSION CHURCH and HOME, INC., of NEW JERSEY (for fiscal year ending March 27, 1976 A.D.F.D.)


Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER DIVINE; Peace to the Members of the Palace Mission Church and Home, Incorporated, of New Jersey and all of our visiting friends and fellow brethren in the Christ Mind and Spirit.

We have gathered here for another Church Annual Business Meeting under the auspices of our dear Beloved Bishop and Pastor, the Founder of the Peace Mission Movement here in America and overseas — the Right Reverend M. J. Divine, Ms. D., D.D., better known as FATHER DIVINE — this being our time to take stock of our department and give an account to the paymaster. Someone said once upon a time, and they looked to be grown up, words to the effect that they did not know where they stood with FATHER. Well, maybe they would not like to know so much. All I can say is, please don't rush GOD for an answer; we will get that sooner or later; just keep on praising HIS Holy Name! HE has the answers to every question and HE told us it is better revealed than told.

Now we thank YOU, FATHER, for YOUR Personal Presence with us this evening. It is always good to have YOU and YOUR Holy Spotless Rosebud Bride in our presence. May we realize and consider that it is better to recognize YOU and MOTHER'S Personal Presence than to have the "other fellow" and all of his host to move in — then we have to begin to call on FATHER and MOTHER because of this happening. But it is better to always know FATHER and MOTHER are Present, because we desire THE1R Holy Presence with us at all times. See that we love YOU more, for nothing else can help us. In G0D alone we trust!

We truly thank YOU for YOUR Kindness, Love and Mercy, FATHER, which YOU show to this little planet. We know without a doubt that man's day is out. Because the sun will not shine without YOUR permission; the wind will cease to blow. If man don't know now, he will KNOW or GO! Just let GOD have HIS Way. Yield now and HIS Gentle Will obey!

Oh what a wonderful ~AVIOR we have! — a shelter in time of storm; a full and a plenty; the bread-basket of the world! I for one heard YOU say, FATHER, YOU would feed the whole world after a while. Now FATHER Dear, if I misquote the Words, please correct me. Thank YOU.

We thank YOU, FATHER, for saving the Day. It was YOU that laid the foundation and opened up the way. Oh yes, it was YOU in that Sweet Holy Body! It was YOU that introduced us to that Holy Body and made a brand new world for us to live in. YOU picked a good many of us up out of the slime, murk and mire, and started us on an upward way — and those who were not living physically in such filth, they came to YOU for YOU to lift them from the spiritual and mental degradation they had fallen into. Thank YOU for giving us the privilege to live a Holy clean life here on earth.

We have found that if man has any desire to go to Heaven, why die to get there? By the time he would get by all the moons and sun and stars, he would find that Heaven may not be just where he thinks it should have been, for YOU have taught us that the sky is nowhere and is nothing but it is everywhere, where there is nothing, and that Heaven is a state of consciousness. We truly thank YOU for giving us a chance to discover this great reality! YOU and YOU ALONE can make it plain, for it was YOU Who introduced us to the fact that CHRIST dwells within us, just waiting for us to let Him awaken and make us One with YOU even as JESUS, YOUR Son. We thank YOU FATHER Dear! Yes, some of us had the Spirit, and some more of us, we just had spirits, period!

We truly thank YOU, FATHER, for bringing to us in this serious hour and time YOUR Spirit, Mind and Body Personified, walking the earth with us as JESUS did in His Day, to show us the way — the FATHER, Son and Holy Ghost Personified; the Three in One! GOD is just GOD and HE is just the SAME TOUAY as yesterday, and will forever BE. GOD came to this earth to seek and save that which was lost, and we are so glad!

I would like to mention something about the weather. FATHER it has been so beautiful this last winter until we are obliged to sit up and take notice. YOU Personally told us years ago that YOU would change the weather from the south and bring it right here where we are, and we believe it because we have received it. Yes, weather-wise and otherwise — even wisdom wise — things have changed since FATHER came! Great things have taken place, all for the betterment of humanity. GOD surely loves HIS Creation and HE ALONE can provide for them, for in this day and time man is moaning and groaning and they are not ashamed to say they have not any money today. FATHER, YOU told us many years ago, also, that if man kept visualizing the negative, YOU would let it be — just what he said concerning himself — and we can see the results of YOUR, Wisdom and Knowledge. It is taking hold. For nowadays everyone is beginning to broadcast the thought, THINK POSITIVE — and CATCH THE SPIRIT. Truly YOUR Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding are covering this earth like the waters cover the deep.

FATHER, YOU are our Wealth, Health and Happiness, YOU are our Joy and Peace in body and mind. May we keep in this straight and narrow way, night and day, until we reach that perfect state of the Christ Consciousness, for in unison we stand, letting it be made known to the world that there is nothing more to be desired in Heaven here on earth, when we obtain this

brand new birth !

FATHER, there is so much more to be said, and more to be done; we will have to leave place and space to mention some of our past blessings here in this Church at 540 Central Avenue, and at other Hotels and business places under the Jurisdiction of the Peace Mission Movement that we have had the privilege to visit earlier this year, and the year before — 1975.

First, we were all treated as royal guests at the session of the Righteous Government Meeting held in the beautiful Unity Mission Church in Philadelphia, and from time to time, at Woodmont, the Holy City sitting upon the mountain, better known as the Mount of the House of the LORD; eating at the Banquet Table spoken of by Solomon in the Holy Bible, where "HIS Banner over us is love," and being spiritually fed with the Words of Life from our Redeemer, direct from HIS Holy Temple—food for our mind, spirit and body. For all these Blessings, FATHER and MOTHER, we truly thank YOU.

Now we reflect back to 540 Central Avenue. At 540 Central Avenue we are very proud to say, every Sunday morning, be it sunshine or rain, the little chapel here begins to fill up, and from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. the praises are rolling at top speed. FATHER, they are coming, praising YOU and MOTHER for the Life we are privileged to live here and now. It is pure and holy, it is building up bodies to let the whole world look and be proud of the youth group, for they are coming along in car-loads and station wagons from far and near, filling up the chapel and Dining Rooms. Only YOU can do that! And the elders and the youth group tell us in every meeting, they will be coming back ! Besides that, we have quite a few testifying they are healed by calling YOU and MOTHER into their problems. Yes, YOUR Spirit is working marvelously here in YOUR Church. My desire is to stay in YOUR, Praise Meetings some place for I truly know deep down in this heart YOU are here, there and everywhere!

FATHER, a few years ago I felt the spirit to ask YOU to bless the youth group, and now I wish to give thanks and praise to YOU and MOTHER how YOU have changed some that first visited this Church; they certainly have a different attitude and disposition — they even look different and walk and talk different, and for that, we truly thank YOU and MOTHER, for this is letting the whole world look and see what GOD has accomplished, and what HE can do for one HE can do the same for all creation, for in the first place HE made us all.

FATHER, with so much Love YOU are giving to us daily, maybe some of the people on the earth plane may call us fanatic or optimistic — we find that either one of these characteristics is more desirable than the pessimist, or just plain pest — p-e-s-t! Since we claim the Name of GOD FATHER DIVINE we have no desire to think wrong, neither do anything wrong, as HE has taken all malice out of our hearts and made us new creatures. So much for that.

Now may I ask forgiveness for taking up so much valuable time. I am just trying to express my love and appreciation to FATHER and MOTHER for being able to say that I have been drinking from the Well of Living Waters for quite a few years, and the more I drink the more I am refreshed. So at this time allow me to call attention to some of the activities in the maintenance of this Church. As before stated in our reports, there is no end to the work and labor, materials and skill that is required to operate a building of this size or type as required under the Peace Mission. I will name a few of the improvements:

(1) The steam boiler, oil burner and the whole system, have been repaired — fitting consisting of copper and brass pipes. One water-feed motor on boiler and also a circulation pump-motor, for hot water throughout the system.

(2) Many rooms being painted and decorated on the five floors, including the basement. The work continues day to day the year round. Improvement is made when and wheresoever it is most needful.

(3) Our latest addition in machinery — household products — is a new recording machine that carries FATHER's and MOTHER's Messages and Words of Spirit and Life throughout the building over the P.A. System.

Also one of the latest type of ice makers, by name, Uniflow Kold Kraft.

These are just some of the blessings enjoyed by one and all. This is the way of showing us and the world the PRACTICALITY of FATHER DIVINE's unselfish Love to all mankind. We receive all these things by living according to HIS Principles; without solicitation, begging, stealing or borrowing — paying cash or C.O.D. for every item. This is truly something to PRAISE GOD for!

FATHER, we thank YOU for this Peace in body, spirit and mind that the world cannot give in money of silver and gold, for all of the money in the world will not satisfy man. We find this Peace within our own temples through LIVING RIGHTEOUSLY, and when individuals and officials in our land and country do the same, and in other nations the world over, then Peace will reign supreme on earth, through YOU, FATHER DIVINE, granting creation this BRAND NEW BIRTH!

So may we again thank YOU and MOTHER DIVINE for being Personally Present with us this evening, and may we ask YOU to forever be with each one of us here and throughout our wonderfully blest city. May it prove itself to be a beacon light out there on the shores of the Atlantic ocean. With YOUR and MOTHER's Blessings, may our visiting guests by the way of the Bicentennial, see the Light, giving all Glory and all Honor to GOD, in Whom all must trust, and may we on the earth have peace, joy and prosperity forevermore!

Now before we close our report, let us hear from the Palace Mission Church and Home, Inc., at 22 Halleck Street, North Newark, New Jersey:

Peace FATHER and MOTHER Dear: We thank YOU for being conscious of the Presence of GOD which is the Source of every good and desirable blessing to the City of Newark, monetarily, mentally, spiritually, and in every other way that could be conceived, and for those who live in the Church and those who have contacted the Peace Mission Movement through the Church. Special Banquets are held at intervals


Down through the years there has been gradual improvement of the property. Many things have been added in the past year, such ~g new rugs, lamps, drapes, spreads, curtains and pictures.

The Fourth of July was a big day at Halleck Street, with an all-day outing. The grounds had a Bicentennial look with the beautiful colors of red, white and blue — Old Glory flying on the top of the building.

More outings were held during the summer. Special invited guests were invited to attend these. Among the guests were Professor Rayful of the Newark High School; Mrs. Rayful, teacher from the Patterson High School, Patterson, New Jersey; a guest from North Carolina; a sister from Australia who stayed at the Church for a few weeks. The sisters took great pride in trying to give the guests the best service, and they all enjoyed themselves.

The sisters at Halleck Street have been attending some of the Bicentennial Association Meetings in Newark, conducted by Mr. Charles Cummins of the Newark Bicentennial Commission.

In the Church Senior Citizens are given special care at all times. They are given little tasks to do each day and are taken to church services and Holy Communion occasionally. They are also taken out from time to time to see some of the handiwork of GOD's Hand of Nature.

The Peace Mission Nurses call special meetings at intervals and discuss new drugs and treatments in their field.

Everybody is looking forward to a HAPYY BIRTHDAY AMERICA on its Bicentennial, but Newark is celebrating its Tri-centennial year. Newark is 300 years old; it was founded in 1666 and incorporated in 1836.

As the Bicentennial year opens, the church is getting ready to take some of the overflow that will come to the U.S.A. After being touched with our FATHER's and MOTHER's Love, we now say, come one, come all, and share all of these blessings with us as we praise GOD, for thi4 is AMERICA, the birthplace of Democracy. FATHER and MOTHER, may we all live together in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave to enjoy a Utopian Government in YOUR Mind and Spirit — the same Mind which is the governing force of the universe and that will bring all laws into subjection to GOD and make them righteous!

We are so thankful to YOU, our FATHER and MOTHER Dear! May the 200th year of our Country be a beautiful one. If we have that conscious recognition of YOUR Actual and Ever Presence with us, and will use it as a tool in helping others to recognize it, I believe we will be in line with the Bicentennial Celebration of our Country.

We thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER Dear!

Palace Mission Church, Inc., of N. J. 22 Halleck Street North Newark, N. J.

So FATHER, again in conclusion of this report we all wish to thank YOU and MOTHER for the goodness and kindness to us and the patience with us all. May we learn day by day in every way, as that last report said, to recognize YOUR Ever Presence. Let our minds and attentions be directed always on the Positive and not the negative. May we ever give Praise, Glory and Honor to YOUR rich and Only Name! I thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER.

Reverently and Respectfully submitted, James S. Station, President.

President: Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER, Peace Everyone: You have heard the reading of the President's Report. May we have a motion?

Officer: Peace FATHER,, Peace MOTHER, Peace Everyone: I thank FATHER, to make a motion that the President's Report be accepted as read, with any corrections necessary, if there be any.

Trustee: I second the motion.

President : It has been hereby moved and seconded that the President's Report be accepted as read, with any necessary corrections. Al1 in favor let it be known by the usual sign, (Assembly: Ay!) and by the raising of your hands. (Hands were unanimously raised.) It seems unanimous. The ays have it, thank FATHER and MOTHER. (applause)

Thank FATHER at this time we will have the Treasurer's report, please.

Miss Janet Hendereon, Treasurer„ read her report as follows:


TREASUBER'S REPORT of the PALACE MISSION CHURCH and HOME, INC., of   NEW JERSEY (for fiscal year ending March 27, 1976 A.D.F.D.)


Peace FATHER and MOTHER, Peace Everyone: We appreciate this opportunity of getting together again for our Annual Meeting and report of the various activities that are going on in the Church.

We desire to praise and thank YOU, our Beloved Pastor, Bishop and Founder of this great Peace Mission Movement, and our Holy Virgin MOTHER, the Church without spot or wrinkle, ever guiding and leading us, YOUR Children, as we journey up this beautiful Highway of Holiness.

Here at the Palace Mission Church and Home, Inc., 540 Central Avenue, Newark, New Jersey, we appreciate the lovely new recording machine, enjoying FATHER's and MOTHER's Voices no matter where we are in the building.

Many rooms have been painted and redecorated, making everything so bright and cheerful. Also repairs have been going on in the basement on the steam boiler and oil heater, keeping the plumbing and heating equipment in good repair. We thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER. Dear, for our many blessings!

FATHER, in speaking about the renovation process going on, said:

"Nevertheless, it is Love in evidence, it is Love in expression bringing about a betterment for all things that are in harmony with the great Creator, the Author and the Finisher of all things. For this cause you find the cleansing process going on, the renovating process going on, and when you find it is construction work going on in a certain condition, it looks as if though it is destruction. First, it is the uprooting, the picking up of the earth and the cement, and rooting up trees and stumps and rocks and other things that may be in the way, to bring about a great renovation of things on the material plane.
This is merely a slight sketch and a reflection of the mystery of GOD's workings among HIS people — rooting up things that are not planted according to the plan and purpose of GOD in a certain particular vicinity. Rooting up things that are not according to the plan and the purpose of GOD in and along a certain line, that the construction work might go on. But it calls for a destructive expression, no doubt, in the beginning, for the making ready of the constructive work; therefore, it looks, at times more destructive than constructive.
For this cause men may somewhat fear at times, when they look over an expression and see the uprooting of trees and other things that may be in the way, but the Spirit of GOD's Presence moves on, conquering and to conquer. To renovate and to build up, something must be torn down.

Given: Jan. 28, 1938 A.D.F.D. Reprinted: November 15, 1975 A.D.F.D.

When you hear of so much confusion and bloodshed out in the world about enacting the Bill of Rights in schools and other places, we truly have something to Praise and Thank GOD FATHER DIVINE for! — how we enjoy the privilege of dwelling in such peaceful, beautiful, modern, quiet resting places. In all of FATHER DIVINE's Peace Mission Churches and Hotels we live together, work together, all amalgamated together as one big happy Universal Family regardless to race, creed, color or nationality — just no problems whatsoever. That's why we love YOU so, FATHER and MOTHER Dear!

And another thing we are all so glad about, there is positively no smoking, no drinking and no undue mixing of the sexes, no receiving of gifts, presents, tips or bribes and no collections ever taken up in any of our Church Auditoriums or meeting places.

FATHER, in speaking of the beautiful attributes in being resurrected, said:

"Oh, it is a privilege to observe the Resurrection of Success, the Resurrection of Prosperity, the Resurrection of Health and of Happiness, the Resurrection of All Wisdom, Knowledge and All Understanding, the Resurrection of the Majesty and Love and Mercy of GOD, your Holy Eternal FATHER!"

FATHER goes on further to say:

"Now GOD so loved the world that HE gave Joy, HE gave Happiness, HE gave Peace, HE gave Success, HE gave Prosperity, HE gave Wisdom, HE gave Knowledge, HE gave Love, HE gave Kindness and all of these expressions that consist of the reality of the Sonship Degree that GOD had so freely given."

Given: March 29, 1937 A.D.F.D. Reprinted March 29, 1975 A.D.F.D.

The Palace Mission Church and Home, Inc., at 22 Halleck St. North Newark, New Jersey, is kept in good repair. They are enjoying every comfort and convenience. FATHER & MOTHER have blessed them with lovely new rugs, lamps, drapes, spreads and curtains, etc.; so we truly have everything to praise GOD for.

We are always happy to report that all bills are paid up to date such as gas, electric, water and telephone bills. All dry goods and food supplies are paid cash on delivery. All taxes are paid promptly when they come due; so we can say without a shadow of a doubt we have no outstanding bills. I thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER Dear, how YOU take care of every situation.

On January 1st, 1937 A.D.F.D. FATHER said concerning "The NAME of GOD":

"Oh, it is a privilege to realize the Name of GOD supplies; the Name of GOD satisfies desires — the Name of GOD, with the recognition of GOD's Presence, is the great Satisfier of the conscious mentality of humanity. If you will recognize It and live It and express It in words, deeds and actions, the very Name of GOD will not merely be an abstract expression but the Name of GOD among you will be All and in All for you. Whatsoever you may do, whatsoever you say, you will gladly feel the expression as it comes forth spontaneously and volitionally "I thank YOU FATHER!" If you do not say it orally, the very Spirit of It will be an expression of a sense of a feeling surging through your system "I thank YOU FATHER!"

FATHER continues:

"You can see the reality of it among you in the Peace Mission Movement and in its connections; you can see GOD in HIS Spirit and in HIS Mind and in HIS Presence; there are things being made new daily. I take old buildings like this one and others and cause them to be made new — remodel them, renovate them and cause them to become to be new and modernistic structures. Now isn't that a wonderful privilege ..."

Reprinted: March 22, 1975 A.D.F.D.

Yes, FATHER and MOTHER Dear, we have so much to thank and praise YOU for! We do appreciate and enjoy the abundance of the fullness of all good things. We appreciate our comfortable churches and hotels. We do appreciate and enjoy our countless blessings to each and everyone. We thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER Dear, for YOUR Sweet Ever Presence with us at all times. We truly are a blessed and privileged people and our desire is to serve YOU and be more and more pleasing in YOUR. Holy Sight.

On this occasion, November 8th, 1932 A.D.F.D., FATHER commenced singing this song:

"Do you know the precious secret of the Holy Spirit's Power,
Do you know that joy and gladness is your portion every hour?
Oh be filled, be filled, my brother, with the Holy Spirit's Power,
Just believe and GOD will send it, like an overflowing shower."

FATHER spoke these Words later on in the Message HE gave following the song:

"But how glorious it is to contact this Infinite Spirit, this Omniscient One, that is All Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, and by HIS Own Inspiration HE is the Master of all Intelligence. And by these mighty inspirations that come from HIM that Liveth forever and ever here and now, you are being educated in the highest light of intelligence, and that is, to "Know ye your GOD!" That is one of the greatest expressions of Wisdom that has ever been made manifest to the children of men, to "Know ye your GOD!" Christ in the Person of Jesus, the great Love Master said:
'It is Eternal Life to know THEE, the only true GOD, and Jesus Christ Whom THOU hast sent.' "

Further on in this Message, which was reprinted September 13, 1975, FATHER said:

"GOD condescended nineteen hundred years ago to form HIMSELF a Body to bottle up this Infinite Spirit, this Life and this Love, and manifest It to the world. For this cause I came, to reproduce and to remanifest the same expression in this Infinite Love, as being the Only Ideal of Life, and the Redeemer of the world. Without ME, you cannot do a thing! It is Wonderful! It is Wonderful!"
Humbly submitted,
Janet Henderson, Treasurer

President: Peace FATHER, and MOTHER Dear: Peace Everyone: You have just heard the reading of the Treasurer's Report so we thank FATHER, may we have a motion as to your vote concerning this report?

Trustee: Peace FATHER and MOTHER, we thank FATHER that the Treasurer's Report be accepted as read, with any necessary corrections.

Another Trustee: I second that motion.

President: It has been hereby moved and seconded that the Treasurer's Report be received as read. All in favor, let it be known by saying ay, (Assembly: Ay !) and by the raising of your hands. (A sea. of hands were seen.) The ays have it and it is carried, we thank FATHER and MOTHER. (applause) May we have another selection from the Rosebud Choir?

All joined the Choir in singing~ "Walk In The Light of MY Presence," some of FATHER's beautiful Words put to music.

(FATHER says)


"Walk in the light, it's shining so bright,
Walk in the Light of MY Presence,
Walk in the Light, it's shining so bright,
Walk in the Light of MY Presence,
Walk in the Light, walk in the Light,
Walk in the Light of MY Presence.


Walk in the Light, it's shining so bright,
Walk in the Light of MY Presence,
Walk in the Light, it's shining so bright,
Walk in the Light. of MY Presence
And you'll have every desirable blessing without pleading,
Which the Spirit of MY Presence will bring,
If you walk in the Light, you will always have a shadow,
Which is every desirable thing!"

(Repeat 1.)

President: Thank FATHER at this time for the Secretary to conduct the election procedure, by first reading the names of the Officers whose term expires at this time.

Miss Budd, Secretary read the names of the Officers whose one-year term of office had ended. She requested each to stand as she called their name. Miss Budd also informed the Assembly that the Vice President had sent his regrets as he was unable to be present at this occasion, and asked to be excused.


President — Mr. James S. Station
                Vice President — Mr. David Elihu
                 Secretary — Miss P. Budd
                Asst. Secretary — Miss Nina R.
                2nd Asst. Secretary — Miss Anita Lea
                 Treasurer — Miss Janet Henderson
                 Asst. Treasurer — Mr. Leon Jeter

Secretary: All right, you may be seated. You have seen the Officers and I am sure you know them. What is your pleasure? Do yau want to replace any of them, or whatever you desire to do, may we have a motion?

Trustee: Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER: We just heard the names read of the Officers of the Palace Mission Church and Home, Inc., of New Jersey and they are up for replacement or re-election, as the Secretary said — whichever we choose — and since they have served us so faithfully, so pleasingly, I feel that the Spirit of GOD ALMIGHTY, the Consciousness of GOD's Presence—the beautiful Body of GOD FATHER DIVINE and HIS Bride, are pleased; so I make a motion, if it is in order, that the Officers therefore be re-elected for this next fiscal year.

Another Trustee: Thank FATHER to second that motion. (applause)

Secretary: It has been duly moved and seconded that the Officers of the Palace Misson Church and Home, Inc., of New Jersey be reelected to serve the Church for another year. All in favor let it be known by the usual sign, (Assembly; Ay!) and by the raising of your hands. (hands raised fill the air.) Any contrary? (silence) The motion is passed — FATHER has it! Thank FATHER and MOTHER. (again applause)

Now I will read the list of Trustees who have served the Church for three years and their term of office expires tonight; will you please stand as your name is called?


Mr. Son Patience
                (and we have two vacancies on this board)
                Mr. James S. Station
                Miss Mary Devotion, and
                Miss Collar Lea

First I think we will consider the Trustees who you see standing before you. What is your pleasure? May I have a motion?

Officer: Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER, I move that these Trustees so named, succeed themselves for another three-year term of office.

Another Officer: Second the motion.

Secretary: It has been duly moved and seconded that the Trustees named, succeed themselves for another three-year term of office. All in favor, signify by the usual sign, (Assembly: Ay!) and by the raising of your hands. (A sea of hands was seen.) Any contrary? (silence) The ays have it and the motion is carried, thank FATHER and MOTHER.

Now as I said, we have two vacancies to be filled on this particular group of Trustees on the Trustee Board — do I have any nominees?

Officer: Peace FATHER and MOTHER, I nominate Mr. John Porter to fill one of the vacancies.

Secretary: Mr. John Porter, is he in the building? I don't believe he is at this time as he is busy fulfilling his duties elsewhere. I am sure you all know Mr. Porter — he is a coworker at the Divine Lorraine Hotel and has been for a number of years. (applause)

Trustee: I second the motion.

Secretary: Before we vote on it, there is still another vacancy. Do any of you wish to nominate someone who you think would fill this office?

Trustee: Peace FATHER, and MOTHER. Dear, I make a motion that Miss Peaches Love be elected to fill this office as Trustee.

Another Trustee: I second this motion.

Secretary: Miss Peaches Love has been serving for many years and I am sure our members of the Palace Mission Church and Home, Inc., of New Jersey know her. Miss Peaches Love will you please come forward ? (applause).

So now, if it is in order — first, are there any other nominees you wish to present? (silence) All right, we will take a vote. All in favor of Mr. John Porter and Miss Peaches Love filling the two vacancies in this particular group of Trustees, will you let it be known by the usual sign, (Assembly: Ay!) and by the raising of your hands. (A unanimous show of hands was raised.) The motion is carried.

At this point, cries of "Speech! Speech!" are echoed by members of the congregation, looking at Miss Peaches Love who is still standing near the front of the Assembly where she had been called.

Miss Peaches Love:

Peace FATHER Dear, Peace MOTHER Dear, Peace Everyone: I am lost for words, and when the Spirit brings it, at that day and time there will be more forthcoming. But I thank HIM, and since I was not prepared I have nothing to say but, FATHER, let YOUR wi11 be done always. (applause)

The Secretary then re~read the list of Officers newly elected for another one-year term of office, as well as the just completed election of Trustees for their three-year term. She also read the rest of the roster of the Trustee Board. Following is the complete list of Officers and Trustees as it now stands since the election.

(newly elected for another 1 year term)

President — Mr. James S. 5tation
               Vice President — Mr. David Aloha
               Secretary — Miss P. Bud
               Asst. Secretary — Miss Nina R.
               2nd As at. Secretary — Miss Anita Lea
                Treasurer — Miss Janet Henderson
                Asst. Treasurer — Mr. Leon Jeter

Trusses (whose 3 year term ends now in 1979)

 Mr. Son Patience
                 Mr. John Porter (newly elected)
                  Miss Peaches Love (newly elected)
                  Mr. James S. Station
                 Miss Mary Devotion
                  Miss Colar Lea

Trustees (whose term ends in 1978)

 Mr. Leon Jeter
                 Mr. S. Peter
                 Miss F. Light
                 Miss Ruth Victory
                 Mr. David Elihu
                 Miss Peace M. Love

Trustees (whose term ends in 1977)

Miss P. Budd
                Miss Nina R.
                 Miss L. Light
                 Miss Janet Henderson
                 Mise Anita Lea
                  Miss Angel Lee

Secretary: That completes the full roster of Officers and Trustees, thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER, Dear.

President: Thank FATHER for the beautiful performance of this Church Meeting and how FATHER and MOTHER have carried it out with us, and under such a wonderful atmosphere! (applause)

I was thinking, juat a little thought that came to me concerning the Peace Mission people: — I don't know a greater people on earth, and as FATHER used to say, if they had anything better, bring it to HIM and HE would accept it. Now from my personal point of view I don't know whether if anybody would bring me anything and tell me it is better, why, I would not be able to accept it right away, because it would have to be FATHER. HIMSELF! (merriment and applause)

So this is a wonderful thing, to be in such company. Not the one hundred and forty-four thousand, but FATHEft went up in the millions, and if HE has passed the one hundred and forty-four thousand, and, years ago HE passed the ten million mark, I think HE said — now you know today it is multiplied by so many and so many and so many more! So as I was saying — I will get this little thought in — tonight I see the Palace Mission Church of New York, the Palace: Mission Church of New Jersey, the Unity Mission Church in Philadelphia, and representatives of the Peace Center Church and all the Churches in FATHER's Mind and Spirit, they are all gathered here tonight. They are all represented here tonight! So for that reason there is a great UNITY, you know? (applause)

Now as we know, the Bicantennial is coming, and. when the people will gaze upon such a congregation as this, they will not be able to have a spirit to rebel against it. Overwhelmingly they will be bound, and it says whatever is bound on earth it shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever is bound in Heaven shall. be bound on earth. So now we want to hold FATHER's Name and M0THER's Name up to the world and let them know this is the REAL THING!(Assembly: Yes !)

So I thank FATHER at this time I will not take up any more time because, you know, we might get away and start to talking, and, that's it!

In appreciation to FATHER's and MOTHER's Love that THEY have given us for the last, well, many, many years, I don't see and I can't think, and I don't think anybody else can think how it can be better. This is just wonderful — you are in good company; as FATHER said, in HIS Ever Presence. And as I think I heard in that Report, there is no use getting out there where you have got to call for FATHER and you have got to call for MOTHER; it may be too late! Well now, why not STAY in this beautiful Atmosphere? (applause) So then, in appreciation of HIS Love and Mercy and Tender Compassion that HE has been showing us — HE and MOTHER — for these many years, and to see how we are coming up like beautiful flowers, you know, in a way of speaking — how FATHER and MOTHER have blessed us in Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding; HE said, "With all Wisdom, Know1edge and Understanding". HE didn't say you would have some wisdom and some knowledge and some understanding but ALL of it. Didn't HE say ALL of it?

Assembly: Yes!

President: Well, can we trust HIM for that? (Assembly: Yes!) FATHER said even the money — trust GOD for the money because HIS Name is on it — right? (Assembly: Right!) GOD'S NAME is on the money!

No.w these people out there talking about "we are broke and we haven't got money and we can't do this, that and the other" — FATHER says HIS NAME is on the money: "IN GOD WE TRUST" — and HE has given Power to it and we are going to use it! Everything that is necessary for the betterment of ma.nkind, the Peace Mission is going to have it! (applause)

So without further ado, ALL GLORY, ALL HONOR to FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE — we want to show our appreciation!

Immediately the entire Assembly arose and witb shouts and cheers and stomping of feet gave vent to their enthusiasm, love and adoration for the LAMB and the BRIDE, and for the glorious Work and Mission extended ao unselfishly to all mankind by their Beloved LORD and SAVIOR.

When the noise had somewhat subsided, the President asked for, and received a motion to terminate the business part of this Annual Meeting. The motion was seconded and duly passed that the business part of the Annual Meeting be terminated.

All joined in singing, "The NAME of GOD FATHER DIVINE Shall Be In Every Heart And Mind."

There followed a beautiful and truly sumptuous Holy Communion feast, and more songs of praise and thanksgiving as we dined on the abundance of both material and spiritual manna such as only GOD FATHER DIVINE can give to not only HIS Followers the world over, but to all nations who will but recognize HIS Actual Presence on earth among them, for truly, "The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD," as FATHER DIVINE says, "is the Source of all Supply, and it can and it will and it actually does satisfy every good desire!"

