Annual Business Meeting of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School of Panama
March 15, 1976

elbourn, Victoria, Australia


The Annual Business Meeting of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School of Panama was officially opened by the reading of the Church Discipline, Constitution and By-Laws, which was read according to custom. The By-Laws were read by Asst. Secretary, Miss Leathene Grant; member Miss Lilla Parris; Trustee Mr. Vincent McPherson.

President: Thank FATHER and MOTHER for the reading of the By-Laws. We will endeavor to get together to read and study the By-Laws in portions until we have accomplished all. Thank FATHER and MOTHER for a song. "Just loving YOUR Body, just loving YOU so," was sung. Thank FATHER and MOTHER for a portion of Scripture. (The 5th chapter of second Samuel was read by Mr. Vincent McPherson, Trustee.)

Thank FATHER and MOTHER for the reading of the Holy Writ. Thank you for a song: "Stand together in unity, stand together as one man at Jerusalem." This was joyfully rendered in praise to the Lord.

President: Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER, Peace everyone: I thank FATHER and MOTHER for Their loving correction concerning the Secretary's report —the Secretary's report of last year was read by Miss Angel Peace, Secretary. The Secretary's report was accepted as read. I thank YOU FATHER and MOTHER.

Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER, Peace everyone, thank FATHER and MOTHER for the Secretary to read the President's Report.  Miss Angel Peace, Secretary reads the President's Report as follows:


Llano Bonito, Estafeta, Balboa Ave., Box 6987, Panama 5, Rep. of Panama  (For the fiscal year ending March 15, 1976 A.D.F.D.)

Let us praise GOD. Let us praise HIS Holy Name. Let us magnify HIM. Let us shout Hallelujah FATHER DIVINE is GOD Personified, and with HIM HIS beautiful Church MOTHER DIVINE Personified. And from this flows Your Churches established from land to land. We give YOU thanks for YOUR Holy Principles as our guide, to let YOUR blessings flow for the good of all. YOUR Ever Presence, our daily only protection gives us these blessings, to report to YOU that the Circle Mission Church of Panama is free from debt. No soliciting, begging or borrowing, we pay our way as we go. Oh, praise YOUR matchless Name!

We thank YOU for our New Day reading and Bible and Creed classes every Sunday morning; in the afternoon, praise service and Holy Communion; Easter service; celebration of YOUR Anniversary of YOUR Sacred Marriage; Mother's Day; Father's Day; 4th of July; the 3 Holy Days, 10, 11 and 12 of September; Thanksgiving service and Christmas—(Christ's Mass).

Thank YOU for the sisters from there that received their blessings to visit YOUR Church here and all other visitors as YOUR Spirit bids them enter. Thank YOU for the abundance of all good things. Thank YOU as it pleases YOU in all things, the way of directing YOUR Bride to go out to Sayville; the discontinuing of the services at Woodmont, we are just praising YOU, listening and watching and waiting, for we know greater blessings are in the storehouse. Thank YOU for the new stereophonic Sanya recording machine; an electric clock for the church. Thank YOU for increasing the blessings of what is planted in our church garden: okra, sorrel, bananas. Thank YOU for all of YOUR coworkers so lovingly serving our Bishop, Founder and Pastor of our churches. We are also preparing to start our painting.

Thank YOU for YOUR Mind and Spirit that inspired the brother at Campeon in the art of improvement: first a 2-story building, this contains the Communion Hall, downstairs and kitchen, etc; upstairs is sisters' quarters of 6 bedrooms and shower baths. A cottage of 4 bedrooms, kitchen and a pantry, and shower baths, a grocery store, a 3-apartment garage. All of this work is being done by outside help, which is all paid for. All of this is not complete as yet. Land is also cleared away and planting is in progress. We are thanking YOU to go with us as we are looking forward to go there on February 23rd and enjoy our holidays there. We know it will be soon completed and we will be there to give YOU thanks and praise for YOUR wonderful, wonderful, wonderful blessings to the universe at large. We thank YOU, our Blesser and Redeemer and King, our all in all, our GOD Personified.

Respectfully submitted,
                      Miss Angel Peace, President

elbourn, Victoria, Australia



President: Thank FATHER and MOTHER for a motion that the President's Report be accepted as read with any necessary corrections. (The motion was made, seconded and passed without corrections.)

President: Thank FATHER and MOTHER for the Treasurer's Report. (Miss Angel Peace read the Treasurer's Report as follows:)


TREASURER'S REPORT (For fiscal year ending March 15, 1976 A.D.F.D.)

Peace FATHER,, Peace MOTHER, thanks and praise to FATHER and MOTHER for carrying us through the past year in this day and time, it is only GOD can carry us victoriously in HIS Mind and Spirit. We are trusting in FATHER alone to provide for us in these days of depression.

We are happy to report that all purchases made have been paid for cash, and there is sufficient funds on hand to make our daily expenses. Various repairs, painting and other work have been done in the church. And FATHER also blessed us to install a Lorenzetti Automatic electric shower for the bathroom.

On February 23rd, FATHER, blessed us with a wonderful trip to Campeon. We left Panama at 9:45 a.m., reached Campeon. at 12:15. Quite, a few sisters and visitors took the trip. On our arrival those from Colon were there waiting, and later in the day sisters from Colon came and joined us. The atmosphere was so beautiful, one could feel the Presence of GOD. We were all happy as we sang and praised FATHER and dined. We had a hallelujah time. FATHER provided. The brother came with his bus and visited the town of Campeon, which is very nice, then down to the lake. The same bus took us to Colon where we could take the regular bus to be back in Panama City. We thank FATHER to continue to bless everyone, the brothers with health and strength for the work they are doing until everything is accomplished. We thank YOU FATHER and MOTHER that as time goes on we will be able to draw closer to YOU, to YOUR Mind and Spirit.

Respectfully submitted, Mrs. R. Todd, Treasurer


President: Thank FATHER. and MOTHER for a motion of the acceptance of the Treasurer's report with any necessary corrections. (This motion was made, seconded and passed.) Thank FATHER and MOTHEB, the Treasurer's report is accepted as read.

President: Thank FATHER and MOTHER for an inspiration: "This church is dedicated to Righteousness." And this is why we are so happy-love.

President : Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER, Peace everyone: We thank our FATHER and MOTHER to be gathered here again for this wonderful occasion. We know that FATHER and MOTHER are present here with us and we truly thank YOU Dear. Before we move on to our next part of business, I thank FATHER and MOTHER to read a certain portion of FATHER's Words from the book : "The Peace Mission Movement as Explained by FATHER DIVINE."

"We Respect and Revere the American Flag. `We will keep the flag of liberty lifted high by living our Constitution and our Bill of Rights."

"It does not necessarily mean that you shall necessarily lift up the flag from a personal point of view, (FATHER demonstrates by lifting a small American flag off of the Communion Table and holding it in the air. HE replaces it and then says:) but the symbol of the Flag of the Free shall be seen in every land as we keep the Flag lifted high in honor and respect, by living our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Can you not see the mystery?

"By living the Golden Rule and by enacting the Bill of Rights in all you say and in all you do you are lifting the Flag high, and eventually the symbol of the Flag of the Free shall be seen in every land!"

(October 5, 1945 A.D.F.D.)


"In all of the places they carry the American flag. Aren't you glad. Even among the enemy nations, those of the nations that were our enemy nations, MY Message of Democracy, Brotherhood and Christianity and Americanism has been carried into these nations and they carry the flag."

September 11, 1948 A.D.F.D.


"An American flag of suitable size shall be properly displayed in this church auditorium at all times."

Church Discipline, Constitution and By-Laws


"We are Interracial, Interdenominational, Non-sectarian and Non-partisan. We believe every man has the inalienable rights to vote and worship according to the dictates of his own conscience. Though you may be different in religious affiliations, you may be different in political affiliations, but when you are living democracy, brotherhood and Christianity you will stand for the man that stands for that which is just and right and you will be free from partisanism, sectarianism, racism and every abominable ism that spells division. We shall unite the people together. We shall integrate men of business, profession, labor and trade in all professions and in every field of activity they shall be integrated and united and amalgamated as I have them jurisdictionally. And no man will be handicapped or prohibited from the access of expression because of the racial abstraction or complexion. Aren't you glad!

"I AM happy to cooperate with this church, and as I have been invited to do so, and as they cooperate with ME and we cooperate together we will expand and extend this brotherhood from shore to shore and from land to land. No longer trying to condemn one legal, partisan party for the other as a party, that is what I AM talking about, but we shall stand up for that which is just and right, and believe in true Americanism, Christianity, Judaism and Democracy as synonymous."

October 18, 1950 A.D.F.D.


President : Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER, thank YOU FATHER Dear for YOUR beautiful Words that were read. It's a blessing to receive YOUR Words directly from the Holy Temple of GOD. Oh, GOD we thank YOU. As this is concluded, we thank FATHER and MOTHER for the next order of business, that of the election or replacement of officers whose term of oflice for this year ends at this Annual meeting. The President requested the Asst. Secretary to read the names of officers and asked them to please stand as their names were called.;

Asst. Secretary, Miss L. Grant: Thank FATHER and MOTHER to read the names of the officers whose term of office ends at this time.


OFFICERS       President ............ Miss Angel Peace
      Vice President ....... . Mrs. Marie Augier
      Secretary ............ Miss Angel Peace
      Asst. Secretary ...... Miss Leathene Grant
      Treasurer ......... ... Mrs. Roselyn Todd

President: Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER, Peace everyone: Standing before you are the officers whose term of office expires at this time. First, the President's office is opened for election or replacement. You are free to nominate whomsoever you desire.

Member: Peace FATHER, Peace MOTHER, Peace everyone: I make a motion that all the officers succeed themselves for another term of one year.

Trustee: I second the motion.

President: It has been readily moved and seconded that all of the officers be re-elected to fill another one-year term, all in favor let it be known by the usual sign aye and the raising of your hands.

President: Are there any against? (silence) Thank FATHER and MOTHER. If anyone wishes to replace anyone, speak now. (There is no reply.) Thank FATHER and MOTHER for us to retain our office for another term Thank FATHER and MOTHER for the Asst. Secretary to read the names of the Trustees whose term expires at this time.



Mrs. Myrtle Martin
                Mrs. Marie Augier

President: Thank FATHE R and MOTHER. You have heard the names of those Trustees whose term of office expires at this time. May we have a motion of replacement or nomination as you desire.

Member: Thank FATHER and MOTHER, I make a motion that the Trustees succeed themselves for another term.

Officer: I second the motion.

President: Thank FATHER and MOTHER. We know it's all right to replace Mrs. M. Martin, although she is not personally here. FATHER has blessed her to sincerely and willingly serve her church there, as occasions arise. It has been moved and seconded that the Trustees be re-elected to fill another term. All in favor let it be known by the usual sign aye and by the raising of your hands.

Assembly: Aye. (A show of hands were seen.)

President: Is there any against? (silence) Thank FATHER and MOTHER Dear for YOUR keeping care throughout the year. That's how we are gathered here, although it's a few of us that is personally here. We know YOU and MOTHER's Ever Presence is with us, of which we gratefully thank YOU. All problems are solved that only GOD can do. We will all stand in the greatest honor, love and devotion to our Bishop, Founder and Pastor, and most of all our GOD Personified. As we stand with our minds and attention focused unto YOU, these songs came forth: "The Body of GOD is the sweetest Body I know." "FATHER, my Rock of Ages cleft for me." And, "I know YOU are GOD."

President: Thank FATHER and MOTHER for the Asst. Secretary to call the names of Officers and Trustees as they now stand.

Asst. Secretary calls the names as follows:



President ........ Miss Angel Peace
    Vice President .... Mrs. Marie Augier
     Secretary ........ Miss Angel Peace
    Asst. Secretary .. Miss Leathene Grant
    Treasurer ........ Mrs. Rosaline Todd



    Mrs. Rosalyne Todd 1 year
    Miss Leathene Grant l year
    Mrs. Myrtle Martin 3 years
    Mrs. Marie Augier 3 years
    Mrs. Ethel Hinson l years
    Mr. Vincent McPherson 'l year

President: We thank FATHER and MOTHER for a motion to adjourn the business part of the meeting. (The motion was made and seconded and passed that the Annual Business meeting be adjourned at this time). We thank YOU FATHER and MOTHER. Glorious King and Queen, we thank YOU.


               Respectfully submitted,

                                                                     A. Peace
                                                                              Secretary, President
