As MY Spotless Virgin Bride Is ... So Can You Be For It Is Written and It Was Not Written In Vain,
"Thy Maker Is Thine Husband, The Lord of Hosts Is His Name" -- Father Divine


FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE on the sun deck at Woodmont

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE on the sundeck at Woodmont

On this glorious occasion many visiting friends, followers and guests were present from all over the world having come to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the Marriage of Christ to HIS Spotless Church—yea, the Marriage of the Lamb and the Bride.

At each setting were two place cards, International Peace and Woodmont place cards. When FATHER arose to speak, HE enlarged on the description of these and the Scriptural quotations of the prophets, Micah and Isaiah on the back of the Woodmont place card; for just as the Almighty GOD gave them the prediction inspirationally in that day and time, HE has come HIMSELF in this day and time and fulfilled it before our very eyes that we might enjoy today the blessings of HIS predictions transmitted.


(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following are FATHER's profound Words of Spirit and Life, with FATHER speaking as follows:)

PEACE, EVERYONE! Here we all are again. There I sit and stand. I have affirmed it vividly and now I confirm it. Just like to say, the place cards you have before you, they are a message in themselves. International Peace, in the air, on land, on the see. When you take these place cards and stress the significance of them in your mind, you can rest assured you are under the shadow of the Almighty. That is, if you sympathize and harmonize with this, the Message I AM conveying, bringing to you and the world at large the consciousness of the Presence of your GOD.

It may have seemed small in Philadelphia when the Liberty Bell toned and after which proclaimed Liberty throughout the land. It is not just a supposition, it is not just an affirmation, it is not just a saying, but it is the fulfilment of what was predestined to be and what was predicted to be.

The Liberty Bell has proclaimed Liberty throughout the land, and by the virtue of the fact that GOD is interwoven in your thoughts concerning this, the Work of GOD, you can rest assured that you are actually in the Presence of GOD. And I have declared:

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."

The many quotations of the Scripture verifying such a prediction— we are happy to present to the world the significance of being in the Presence of GOD and in the Spirit and the consciousness of the Almighty. That was the mystery according to the prediction. I declared, "International Peace, in the air, on land, on the sea."

We are happy to say, not just merely the place card, but the essence and the substance of it. We have International Peace. Not any one of you should have any disappointment or a failure; for if you are under the protection of the Almighty, you are protected from all hurt, harm and from all danger, and lo, I will be with you now, henceforth and forever. The place cards as depicted show a small miniature picture of MOTHER DIVINE and MYSELF as an abstract expression as a sketch and reflection of how GOD can and will be with you if you will let HIM.

There are many things I could say along this line, but I desire to see you and have you take the place card along with you, and every symbol and image presented, so that you might produce the meanings of both it and them and live according to MY Teaching in MY Mind and Spirit and know within yourself, "Lo, I am with you always."

The Woodmont place card is another expression marvelous to be considered; for truly, the Woodmont place card of which the prophets predicted, and of the mystery of what you are now enjoying and how the Mountain of the House of the Lord would be established in the top of the mountain and men shall came into it, knowing once and forever, it was as it is, a prediction of what was to come to pass; and we, as the recipient or recipients of those things that were predicted, as it was depicted in the prophecy and also described many years ago in the prophetic age, some may not see it nor believe it. But you have this place card with you. If you can and will believe it, you can see the description of it as predicted and we, the recipients of such a blessing, are under this Infinite Omnipotent and Omniscient Protection.

I need not say more at this particular instant, but I want you to get ahold of the thought concerning the mystery just as it was predicted and described by the prophet; both the prophet Isaiah and also the prophet Micah. We are happy to say, we are ushering in that of which was predicted by them and we, the recipients of these blessings and observed of them as they have been depicted, are enjoying the actual blessing of the Presence of GOD that has made them both real and plain as depicted and as described.

The descriptive expression is sufficient to tell you, but I will tell you better, no doubt, some time in the near future; if not in words as written, I will by MY Spirit and by MY Presence with you. To think of this being prophesied of many years ago in the prophetic age and the building itself was drawn up, architecturally, described and built according to the description as given by the prophecy, as it was a prediction. In 1892 this building was supposedly built. Little did men think the reality of it would come to fruition just as we are now enjoying these blessings. But it is fulfilled and we, the recipients, shall make it more explicit as the Spirit and the blessings of it go forth universally and cause mankind to gain victory over limitations, adverse and undesirable conditions, for I have declared :

"The thing you vividly visualize you tend to materialize."

Aren't you glad!

Visualize this, the Mountain of the House of the Lord. Visualize this, MY Spotless Virgin Bride as She sits here by MY side. This was not universally declared so vividly and explicitly until the fulfilment of the Scripture as it was predicted. Then visualize all success and all prosperity. These blessings are made possible by your recognition of GOD being made a living reality and no longer something just imaginary. GOD is real! Real! REAL! And GOD automatically makes you real as you vision the perfect realness of HIS Majesty.

You may read the Woodmont place card and the prophecy as made, and you will see and will learn more about it just as I said, for it is revealed to others as well as it was to the first one. Aren't you glad! Those that have seen and do know these things are true, they can enjoy the actual blessings of the materialization of those things that were once just imaginary. Aren't you glad! GOD said:

"Let dry land appear."

In the beginning it may have seemed small, but as GOD unfolded the blessings of HIS Presence in letting dry land appear, those that reckoned it and believed it sincerely, began to be partakers of the blessings as the recipients of them, and as the materializers, reproducers and personifiers.

So take ME along with you in faith and confidence, and as you say you desire to be just as MY Spotless Virgin Bride, as She is, so can you be, for it is written and it was not written in vain:

"Thy maker is thine husband, the LORD of hosts is his name."

It is written:

"Man shall leave father and mother and be joined unto his wife and they two shall be one flesh. "This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and his church."

Those that are united in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim  and of Purpose, they are one in this great unfoldment together, as predicted by the prophets.

I need not say more at this particular instance, but you may read the quotations as given and take them along with you and also consider the place cards; I mean the International Peace card, for you should have Peace wheresoever you be, and there should be no more war with thee. I thank you.

(As loud applause resounded, FATHER spoke again as follows:)

PEACE, EVERYONE! I would just like to say, as there are many here to dine, we are endeavoring to rush through this setting and this banquet, for the serving of others, just the same as this one was served. So those who wish to dine, you may remain and dine. We have another banquet to serve right away immediately. I think the Swarthmore College group is at Broad and Catharine Streets now, waiting for ME. But when I AM absent, then I AM Present. But I will be there shortly, no doubt.

So those of you that have not dined, you are welcome to remain and dine right here and then come to Forty-first and Westminster Avenue, Broad and Catharine Streets, many of the places where we are serving, for

"Of his kingdom and of his peace and of his increase, there sha11 be no end."

Aren't you glad! Knowing this, that as you are fed here, you can be fed there and everywhere in all places over which I preside. I thank you! I thank you ! Take your place cards along with you because you will have a chance to read them in traveling. I thank you!

