Visualize The Perfect Picture





Interview Granted By FATHER DIVINE In HIS Private Office Study Circle Mission Church of Philadelphia
764-772 South Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Friday, April 25, 1947 A.D.F.D. Time: About 6 :30 P.M.

Although there were many on the interviewing list awaiting a Personal interview by our LORD and SAVIOUR, FATHER DIVINE, and although FATHER had said HE would grant each one five seconds, as this Sister brought forth questions which drew our SAVIOUR out into deep water and caused HIM to lose HIMSELF in HIS Infiniteness, HE condescendingly, in all Love, Mercy and Tender Compassion, took the time to: explain some beautiful points which are good for the Healing of the Nations. For the enlightenment and edification of one and a11 who will read these beautiful Words, this interview is published, for which we thank YOU, our GREAT CREATOR.

(The foregoing statement is that of the transcriber and the interview opened with the Secretary speaking as follows:)

Secretary: FATHER., this is Miss P— of Los Angeles, California.

FATHER: Peace, Miss P—.   Take a seat for a moment.

Sister: Peace, FATHER.

FATHER: What did you want to see ME for, Miss P—?

Sister: I am so glad to be here, FATHER.

FATHER: So glad! Did you just arrive?

Sister: Oh no, I came last Friday but I didn't have a chance to get down here sooner.

FATHER: Oh, you have been here a week. Where are you staying, Miss P—?

Sister: At R,idge Avenue. I have had a very nice experience in meeting such very nice children.

FATHER: I think there are qaite a few here.

Sister: I suppose YOU received my little note the other day about a physical condition.  I really didn't come for a healing. I came to break up an environment I had there and I thought the only way I could get away from it was to come here and get lost.  I was working in the daytime in the millinery business and where I was living there was a child that I gave YOU years ago, not with them, but I had an extension there; then I was earning my room and board by waiting when they go away.  They go away quite often.  I didn't like the environment.  I wanted to get out of it, and even where I was working, although it was a wonderful job and I liked my work.  Ilike Los Angeles and if anything opened up there for me I would go back, but in the meantime I would rather keep away.

FATHER: Is that your daughter?

Sister: I don't claim any daughter.  I gave her to YOU years ago.  I wrote YOU and I gave my children to YOU, FATHER, and I know YOU sure have talsen care of them.  There were two boys in New York and this girl.  She didn't remember her father at all; he died when she was twenty-one montha old; so she clung to me a good deal.  She has a huaband now and they have plenty of money and a beautiful home.

FATHER: Well, then they can live without You as far as aupport is concerned.

Sister: Oh yes, but they do think that I am the only one that can take care of the place when they are away.  So that is what I have been doing.  They haven't been antagonistic for years; they brought me down to the station in their car and were just as sweet as could be to me.  They haven't acted antagonistic in any way.  Years ago she said something and I gave her warning about and I said, "People have dropped dead for saying things like that."

FATHER: What kind of business are they in?

(At this time the sister explained to FATHER the type of busineas in which the ones referred to are engaged and continued speaking as follows:)  So I am here and it is up to YOU as to what I do; but about that physical condition I want some advice.  I had refused to have an operation because I had so much faith in YOU I felt it would be overcome.

FATHER: I understood you to say a little while ago you did not come for a healing.

Sister: No, "I didn't.  No, I didn't; but since I have been here it seems so pressing I thought I had better talk to YOU about it.  I have really made wonderful contacts when I had anything wrong.

(At this time the sister related an experience which she had had to FATHER, and told HIM how HE had healed her one morning just by calling on HIS Mighty, Holy NAME, after which FATHER spoke as follows:)

Keep the Faith

FATHER: Okay.  Well, keep the faith and I will be with you according to your faith.

Sister: But I wanted to ask if YOU think about me having an operation if you could recommend — well, of course YOU haven't said that I should have one.

FATHER : Well, I had not considered your physical condition.  It had not been brought to MY Personal attention as to what the actual condition was and whether—

Sister: According to YOU it is nothing.

FATHER: Whether it was a belief.

Sister: There is no reality to it as far as YOU are concerned.

FATHER: Sure!  Sure!  That ia true.  But if it seems to be a reality to that degree that the physicians would diagnose your case as something that would warrant an operation no doubt, I would endorse it; which is to say, I would say that if they say that you should have one through their diagnosis and if you desire to have one —

Sister: I don't desire.

FATHER: No doubt, I wou}d say I would be with you as much as I can —

Sister: I know.

FATHER: In the operation as well as without the operation. That is the significance of the Omnipresence of GOD and the Everpresence of GOD. GOD can be with you in sickness as well as in health if, you will allow HIM to and I, in all sympathy and mercy and love, do extend MY thoughta, MY good wishes, MY co-operation, MY Mind and MY Spirit in the direction wheresoever a person is susceptive to receive these blessings of MY Presence, if they will even go through a physical operation.

Sister: Yes


Physicians Recognize FATHER'S Work

FATHER: There are many that have had physical operations here and some of the physicians here in Philadelphia especially, have recognized MY Presence and recognized MY WORK and Mission and I have worked with them and they have worked with ME to that end, you see; because if they have faith in ME and I have faith and knowledge to know that MY Spirit and MY Presence can be with them even through an operation, in they performing an operation, if they have the faith, I can help them.

On so many different occaisions there have been operations performed, physacal operations, by the M.D. surgeons, and they have declared they felt MY Spiritual, Supernatural Presence even while they were performing the operations and they have declared they knew that under ordinary conditions they would not have performed the operation because they knew it would be fatal; but under the condition of meeting ME on the halfway ground in faith and in sympathy and in harmony with ME, they were willing to perform the operation if they knew it would have to be done according to what medical science would give them to underatand, unless it would be done, why, the condition would be fatal. But under the circumstances, over and above the conditions of the physical system when they performed the operation they found MY Spirit and MY Presence and it was sufficient to help them, to give them the victory in that particular operation.

Sister: I am not eager to have an operation because I have never been in the hospital in my life, never had any kind of an operation and I have really had good health.  It is just that one thing, that physical drawback, and it has been a hindrance to go on with the work.


It Depends on the Faith of the Patient

FATHER: I would not approve of it unless it is necessary.  If one can make their rightful contact without seeing ME Persorally, and without seeing an M.D. surgeon physician personally, or Dr. personally, it is okay.  But if they cannot and do not make the contact readily and they must necessarily apparently suffer, I give them the benefit of the doubt.  If they desire to or feel they should, or if the physicians say by medical science and medical skill and physical science and physical skill, say that they should have an operation, why I would say yes; and if they do, I Can and will be with them if they are with ME as much as they are with ME sympathetically and harmoniously I can and will be with them sympathetically and harmoniously and if I can reach the condition to help them through the physical operation I can and I will do it.  While yet, if it is posaible for it to be done without such an operation it is okay.  Such conditions have been eradicated without an operation but it all depends on the faith of the patient.

Sister: Well, I have a tremendous lot of faith. And I want to thank YOU for YOUR beautiful BRIDE, FATHER.  She is so beautiful and innocent I can hardly keep my eyes off of her.  She is so submissive and so childlike.  But I thank YOU to make me more cognizant of the significance of the whole thing so that I can appreciate it more.

FATHER:   Sure! Well, of course, the average person would not know unless they had some foreknowledge of it and especially had the recognition of the TANGIBILIZATION of GOD as well as the invisibilization of GOD.  As GOD was PERSONIFIED, recognized and realized it was necessary for the fulfillment of it to be equivalently; in other words the same, in THE BRIDE.

Sister: Yes.

Concerning Christ and the Church

FATHER: THE BRIDE, THE LAMB'S WIFE, as it speaks of in the Bible —"And man should leave father and mother and cleave unto his wife," or "be joined unto his wife, and the two sha11 be one flesh. Nevertheless, I speak concerning CHRIST and THE CHURCH," it is very explicitly depicted that when CHRIST would fulfill in the flesh — would fulfill that part of the Scripture PERSONALLY, if HE Personified HIMSELF and made HIMSELF a PERSON, naturally THE BRIDE in the dramatization of the mystery would be essential to come into the picture.

Unwittingly and unthoughtfully a n d unwillingly it would have been. It was to be as it was because if GOD is Personified and the personification of THE LAMB in HIS return to the earth again, naturally the personification of THE BRIDE, THE LAMB'S. WIFE, should be exemplified and when it is fulfilled it is then made real —but as a sample and as an example for others, how the reproduction of that purity should be established universally even as it was in the Person of the individual that was chosen to be the selected BRIDE of THE LAMB. So that is the mystery and then it is actually fulfiIling the Scripture as explained, as was predestined to be; because if it was to be visible — if GOD was to be visible and not merely observed metaphysically and invisible, why, naturally it would be essential for the visibilization of THE BRIDE to appear in the fulfilment of the Scripture and to appear on the scene in the picture in the dramatization of the mystery. So it is actually fulfilled; yet, if I could have avoided it no doubt I would have; but over and above all oppositions, what is predestined to be it must be fulfilled and so it was and many other things to be fulfilled from a literal point of view as well as from a metaphysical or supernatural or from an invisible point of view must be fulfilled physically as well as mentally and spiritually, for THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH.

Sister: Thank YOU, FATHER.

GOD as Spirit Only

FATHER: You see, when GOD as Spirit and Spirit alone moved out upon the face of the waters, GOD did not have a BODY and GOD, being invisible, GOD was classified only as Spirit alone, according to the record given. After which, GOD formed man out of the dust of the ground after HE had spoken the visibilization of the earth that was without form, into outer expression; and when it came forth it was dry land, for GOD said, "Let dry land appear." Hence, GOD formed man out of the dust of the ground and that is the way the visibilization of HIMSELF came into being through and by man that HE had formed in HIS own likeness and image.

Sister: I have told people that have said, "Well, I can't imagine GOD being a man," I said, "Well, HE isn't a man but HE made man in HIS image and likeness, so why shouldn't HE look like a man?"

FATHER: You see, that was a mystery and as it was a mystery about THE BRIDE and THE LAMB and about man leaving father and mother and being joined unto his wife and the two being one flesh, so it was the mystery of GOD forming man in HIS own image and likeness and yet GOD was not visible when HE formed man, but it was man GOD visibilated or formed HIMSELF in HIS own likeness, the reproduction of HIMSELF that HE had formed man in HIS likeness that was imaginary from the beginning. It is Wonderful!

Sister: Well, FATHER, I thank YOU for this wonderful opportunity. There are so many out there waiting for YOU.

FATHER: Yes, it is true. I get off on these deep points and I lose contact with the earth even though I have said I would just give some five seconds.

Sister: Well, in five seconds all we could do is to come in and say, Peace.

FATHER: So that is Wonderful, Wonderful!

Sister: I tell YOU, I won't think any more about an operation; I will think of YOU, YOUR Perfection.

Visualize the Perfect Picture

FATHER: Well, if you visualize vividly sufficiently the PERFECT PICTURE as I have portrayed in the physical of the demonstration of THE BRIDE as SPOTLESS and VIRTUOUS, it was for the purpose of the reproduction of the likeness and the quality and the character of the individual as I have depicted it.

Sister: I just wanted to say something but I can't think of it now. I have so many of YOUR wonderful excerpts; I have typed them for years and I have so many wonderful things; I call them my jewels and I have such a lot of photogiaphs and I was wondering how I was goirig to get them.

FATHER: Well, when you get ME aright you have all of them. As I often say, I AM the TANGIBILIZATION of all LITERARY and MENTAL CORRESPONDENCE and when I AM RECEIVED ARIGHT the REPRODUCTiON OF THAT WHICH HAS BEEN WILL RETURN AGAIN. CHRIST said in the Person of JESUS,  "If I go not away the Comforter will not come." So you see, when that which is visible to your conscious thinking has gone, disappears apparently or you disaprear from it, the Spirit will bring it back again. It is °something like it was in the experience of some that did have many beautiful songs years ago and some of them lost the songs. Some of them said, well, the literary songs and the music that I had even given them they let them go; they say they will come back in Spirit, and they come back in Spirit a hundredfold. That is why the Rosebuds and others inspired with MY Spirit can bring out so many new compositions and songs of praise, both of the past and for the future, as well as also for the present.

Siater: This morning I awakened singing; - YOU were singing in me, "Rejoice and Be Glad," and I really do not know the song.


(And with a few more remarks this beautiful, instructive interview concluded and the sister left the oflice rejoicing in her LORD and 5AVIOR.)

