Getting Somewhere
The Significance of Being Married to GOD

Explaining the Significance of Being Married to GOD



and a Few Secretaries in the office at the Circle Mission Church. Philadelphia

and a Few Secretaries in the office at the Circle Mission Church. Philadelphia


That one and all might vision and discern the Allness of GOD and the nothingness of matter, and recognize the Most High GOD, Personified in the Name of FATHER DIVINE, the greatest power on earth, this beautiful and significant Office Talk is transcribed that you might be enlightened sufficient enough to follow in the path of Righteousness for HIS Name's Sake that, you as an heir and a joint heir, might receive grace for grace. For when you know GOD aright, you will be even as Paul, you will count all else as naught.

Thus, it is an honor and an honor rare, to be counted and numbered with the blest that name the Name of GOD, FATHER DIVINE, and no greater honor or blessing could one have than to be just a child of the King. For it is written:

"The least in the Kingdom is greater than John the Baptist."


(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is the Office Talk with FATHER speaking as follows:)


Followers have said to ME at times, "I can't seem to get anywhere."   Where is there to get to when you get to GOD?   And that is that to which I AM married — that which realizes GOD is the highest station in life that could be attained, and that thought, if it was only that thought.   Now, if a different thought comes, why then, I AM not married to a different thought — I AM not married to that thought!  So that is just the way those things go.   She said that "YOU are GOD !" And that is the height of Perfection in the consideration of those who consider it, therefore, there is nothing else to come.   There is no way for a person to think, "Well, if I could, I wish that I could get somewhere."   I have had so many to say, if not to ME, "If I could only get somewhere.   It looks like I can't get anywhere!"   Where do they expect to get if they get to ME?   And like the same that was said — a party said once, knowing the conviction of MY followers and yet one supposedly the head secretary, the head stenographer and someone would tell them, "Why, what you could do, you could come and be secretary to a lawyer, to a state senator, to a Congressman," or something of that sort.

Now what could be greater or bigger or better to those who know the Truth concerning the Mystery, if you are united with the Supreme One?   So that is a true thought.   That is what was said in reference to getting somewhere.

Secretary: YOUR Spirit certainly gave a good answer too.


Another Secretary: Someone said yesterday and conveyed the thought so beautifully, that YOU are lifting up a different standard of Society. But YOU are lifting up a different standard that they must come up to.


GOD is Perfection

FATHER: Whatsoever it is, there is nothing short of anything.   If necessary acquirements would be made, it is nothing from any angle of expression.   GOD is Perfection in MY consideration if not in others.   That is a thought, you see, that they say about a different kind of a standard; but on any grounds, if you take it on any standard, if it is the gold standard or silver standard or any grounds, it makes no difference; I say, if there is to be a standard, why, GOD is equipped with all of the necessary equipment to establish such an establishment if necessary for any advancement of life or for any unfoldment or demonstration of life.   That is the Mystery!

They would try to lower your thought by saying that Perfection is demonstrated in the Kingdom.   They will try to lower your standard by dividing it or giving you some spiritual right, but they will say, "on the account of the spiritual side it is this," or "on account of the spiritual side it is the other."   GOD is Perfection Spiritually, Physically and Materially, and from every angle of expression GOD is Perfection and HE produces Perfection.   The Supreme One expresses supremacy from every angle expressible as necessary to be expressed.   So that is the Mystery!

Secretary: I had not considered it like that.  It is wonderful!   It is like people trying to divide religion and science, but they can't be divided.

FATHER: How could they get away from it if you know your GOD?   When GOD moved out upon the face of the water and spoke into existence certain existing or non-existing creations of things—of the things of the creation, whether it was things of science and invention or discovery or what not, it was if it was controlled by the Spirit.   Therefore, the Spirit is the thing of it, the Author and the Finisher.   It is the Inspirator, the Inspirer of all Wisdom whether it be science or invention or any other version of the conscious thoughts of men.


GOD is the Master

Truly might have I said:

"Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to reward every man according as his works may be."

If their works are scientific or if they are religious or if they are skillful or what not, it matters not.   GOD is the Master of Omnipotency and the Controller of the mathematicians' destiny, the Author and the Finisher of both it and them, and when it is necessary for GOD to put forth into expression in HIS world in which HE is known, any manner of expression of HIS creation, since GOD is the Author and the Finisher, HE can do it as HE pleases!   So that is the Mystery!

So when you realize the Allness of GOD and the nothingness of matter, you will not allow your confidence or your understanding to be shattered by the mortal versions of men trying to split your confidence or your understanding by deterioration and by low-ration.   "Yes," they may say, "you all got the spiritual, all right," or "You all got it spiritually or inspirationally."   We have everything!   We have everything that life demands.   When you have the thing that gets the things, then you have everything in the making.

When the Spirit moved out upon the face of the water — that is why I stress that point so much, it is bringing into existence everything that is created.   In other words, that was created!   Everything was made by HIM and not anything that was made was made without HIM.   Can you not see, that brings you right back to that thought so you could stand independent to every mortal version and especially every superstitious and critical one?


Nothing is Impossible

Realize, it was as it is, the Spirit was the Author and the Finisher.   GOD is the Creator of all science.   GOD is the Creator of all wisdom, all knowledge and all understanding!   Everything imaginable.   Then where cometh anything that can be without HIM?   And GOD saw it was good and very good.   The same Spirit is speaking today.   And when you know that, you can attain to any place in life you may desire.   It is nothing impossible because since GOD, the Spirit of which you are representing, is the Author and the Finisher, it can, as it did in the beginn3ng of the creation, move, as if in you and produce whatsoever is necessary to be produced and bring it to fruition as I produce it, since GOD is the Author and the Finisher.

Mortality will try to take the things of life away from you.   Want to put you in some mythical realm on the psychic plane in your concept and that merely suppositionally.  Well, you are all right in the spirit, but ..."   What are you going to "but" at?   The Spirit is the thing that created every tangible substance and expression of life, from the beginning of the creation until now!   The Spirit is it that did it!   So when you get the Spirit, you have the key to the Mystery of the Secrets of the Ages and even the mystery to the Inspiration and the Prophecies and predictions or sayings of the prophets, the seers and the sages!

And you would never drop your head to the thought of being impaired or the lack of perfection to carry the necessary unfoldment of whatsoever it may be, because GOD IS the Author of a11 things.   Humanity is coming to it now, since I AM releasing a few sketches of reflections of the split Atoms I AM cracking.   Just like you pick on a rock, picking a millstone or anything of that sort, you see reflections, sparks flying from it; and when the atom has been quickened within and it has been spit, the spangles and sparks of the reflection of the quickened and split atom go out in a different direction, and you cannot limit the unfoldment of the mystery because it goes in so many different directions.


An Illustration

I have seen many people, in filing a saw or something of that sort — you see the sparks flying in every direction according to the pressure that is given by the filer.

Secretary: I never thought of it from that angle.   I have seen people act like they are praising YOU, but at the same time they try to slip in a little point of division.

FATHER: Sure!  They want to minimize it even though they may not be conscious of it.   They want to minimize the Omnipotence and Omniscience of GOD and maximize mortality's version.   When you see the Allness of GOD and the nothingness of matter, you realize that of which you have seen of matter is only the shadow.   Matters not what it may be, how great or how mighty it may seem to be, matter and matter's or mortality's version can be only deemed or considered as the shadow of the Reality.

Secretary: It is so wonderful, FATHER!   It gives us such freedom.

FATHER: It is true.   No barriers or limitations!   No obstructions that cannot be overcome by the recognition of the One who created all things, as the obstructions are just the reflections of the opposing forces which are only sketches and reflections of that which may seem to be in apposition, but it is bringing out in a sketch, something that seems to be.

