I Will Not Allow Appetite To Control ME

The Mystert of the Omnipotency and Omniscience of GOD

FATHER DIVINE'S Office Talk Given To Some of HIS Secretarial Staff and Some of the Coworkers
of the Retired School Teachers Home, Riverton Mansion, Riverton, New Jersey Tuesday, October 30, 1945 A.D.F.D. Time: 12:30 Noon


FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE at the Table, Riverton, New Jersey



As FATHER had just shortly arrived and was sitting in HIS study at HIS desk, one of the coworkers remarked to HIM that she had just said the evening before to another sister that she was going to pop some corn for HIS study, not knowing that HE was Personally coming the next day, and that she wished that she had carried out her plans, because then she felt she would have been in the spirit.  As the sister finished speaking, FATHER gave this constructive little talk for the benefit of all concerned, that hey might know from now, henceforth and forever, the ways of GOD are past finding out, for as high as the heaven is from the earth, even so are HIS Thoughts above ours, for whatsoever HE might Will to do at one time, HE cannot be confined or bound to it, for HE might Will to do just the extreme reverse the next time.


(The foregoing statement is that of the transcriber, and the following is the brief office Talk:)

(FATHER speaks as follows:)


I said : "A little while you shall see ME and again, a little while you cannot see ME."   So you cannot confine GOD doing or being the exact same thing or eating the exact same thing HE did, for I will not allow appetite to control ME!    That is the Mystery of the Omnipotency and Omniscience of GOD!  Many different things, such , as soda pop years ago, around ten or fifteen years' ago, they started using soda pop in our places and of course, the orange soda pop was pretty nice in the beginning and I drank it for considerable length of time and it was very delicious for a season, for an instance, and of course the companies got MY publicity I gave them and they sold all flavors of sodas at a price according to MY request, less on the case than what other companies could sell them. for at retail. But we bought them by the wholesale, by buying thousands of cases, in a way of speaking, at the different places, and of course I made it possible for everybody to drink soda at three cents a bottle, and everybody sold the same bottle for five cents at least, and the refreshment places and places of resort and the like and on boat excursions they would sell them for ten and fifteen cents and the like, but I would not allow the followers to sell them but at the same standard price of 3~ a bottle for the ordinary would be called five cents a bottle ; boat excursions and everywhere and all resorts of our connections and wheresoever they would go and hold public meetings — not more than three cents a bottle, and the soda was very delicious.

Mystery of Growing in Grace and Knowledge

But I was not confined to it and I would not allow appetite or the taste of anything being delicious to control ME continually, not even to control ME instantaneously, but for a purpose I allowed MYSELF to use it and speak of it.   But shortly thereafter, I discontinued it, and the same like manner about "Seven Up", for an instance this summer, just for an instance, just for an instance I thought to drink some, and so I did, and lots of them take it for granted that I especially care for it.  But I did at that particular time I called for it, but I could not be confined to that particular beverage, hence, I refrained MY consideration for it and no longer have an appetite for it especially.   That is the Mystery of growing in Grace and in Knowledge, also the Mystery of not being confined nor bound to any limitation.   So that is the way those things go.

So the popcorn, it just came on the spur of the moment and as it was here the other day when I came in — for MY office and MY office staff, why of course I tasted it and it did taste very delicious and I ate considerably for a while, while sitting here; but after this or that time, I may not care for it.   So I do not want you to put yourself out for anything like that, because you can never tell what I may do or how I may like anything after the first time.   The Spirit will take care of the situation without any premeditation or pre-consideration.   That is the Mystery.

One of the housekeepers : I thank YOU, FATHER.

FATHER: So I appreciate your effort in trying to get it and produce it, but I do not require you to do it, and the same like manner about anything else. I AM one with those who are one with ME, therefore, whatsoever they have, if they desire to express hospitality or be hospitable when I come, I want them to know, with them I AM one!   Whatsoever you have and can serve, be the same with ME as with yourself and with others, and be the same with others as with yourself and with ME!   By this, we are universalizing this Universal Brotherhood, for Christ in the Sonship Degree came as the poorest among men, yet making many rich; yet He was an Heir to the Throne of GOD as being termed, to the throne of DAVID.   But He made you heirs and joint heirs together with HIM.   So it is a wonderful privilege.

(With a few more remarks, this brief constructive Office Talk concluded.
