You Find the Different Generations Rising and Waning Because of the Sins of Their Ancestors
and Because of the Continuous Sin and Sinning of the Fallen Generation, Dispensations and Civilizations — FATHER DIVINE

MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1943 A.D.F.D. TIME : 3:25 P.M.



Following the proof reading of a profound scientific interview granted to a young college student who recently received an honorable ,discharge from the Army, (as printed in The New Day, June 12, 1976 A.D.F.D., p. 12.) FATHER, the Dean of the Universe, arose and enlarged upon it, bringing out many hidden mysteries of creation. And as HE spoke from HIS Holy Infinite Mind, we who were blessed to be under the sound of HIS Voice, lost sight of gravitation, and we were caught up in the glow-rays of HIS Righteousness and the Wonder of HIS Love.

We were all left spellbound by the profundity of these priceless words, and for the edification of all who did not hear them, they are herein transcribed for,your salvation and your enlightenment.


(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber and the following are FATHEft's glorious Words of Spirit and Life:)

PEACE, EVERYONE! That little thought as conveyed by the Words I said, I wish to further reiterate the Mystery in part of what I was telling him. As with an individual, so with a nation; and as with a nation, so with all nations combined. Hence, as with an instance, so with a dispensation; in other words, so with a generation; and as with a generation, so with a dispensation; and as with a dispensation, so with a civilization. It is written,

"Kingdoms shall rise and wane . . ."

Generation after generation have risen and fallen. Dispensation after dispensation have appeared and disappeared and other dispensations take their respective places. Civilization after civilization, by refusing to observe the sins of the mother civiliZation or father civilization, as of your fatherland and as of your motherland, refusing to observe the sins and iniquities of these different expressions as generations, as diapensations and as civilizations, all of these different expressions~ they have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of GOD.

The Life of GOD Was to Bring Perfection in the Land

But it was predestined to bring Perfection. The Life of GOD to the children of men was predestined to bring Perfectian to them and in the land. Therefore, Life goes on. The path of the Just glows brighter and brighter until the perfect day. You find the different generations rising and falling — in other words, rising and waning because of the sins of their ancestors and because of the continuous sin and sinning of the fallen generation, of the fallen dispensations and the falling civilizations.

It is marvelous to observe one fraction of a percent of a fraction of a pereent of a fraction of a percent of a grain of that something which carries in it the properties of the whole, the nature and the characteristics of the Universe of its own kind. Aren't you glad ! Therefore, you can see the sins of the people — in other words, the sins of Adam — imposed upon all in the Adamic state of consciousness who are partakers with him of that state of consciousness in which he lived.

You can see them rising and waning as the kingdoms that are rising and waning. You can see them failing and falling continuously for the sins of those who have come before them as they reiterate in the actuated words of expression and re-imbibe and put forth into expression the same sins in deeds and actions. It brings the same curse upon them who are the imbibers of the sins of ancestors by tradition.

The Whole Dispensation Must Be Born of GOD

Oh, how glorious it is to observe the Mystery. Hence, the dispensation must be born of God, as I told you all of some most recent date. Not only a person to be converted, but the dispensation must be converted unto God. Yes, this dispensation in which we are living, from a dispensational point of view, must be born and needs to go down to the "mourners' bench" and be converted, so to speak. I AM sp~eaking in the language of the versions of men who in past time sought religion by the way of the "mourners' bench".

I speak in their language too, as well as in the language of yours and of your understanding. Then I say, dispensations and even civilizations —this one in which we are living—must be born again. As Christ in the Person of Jesus, told Nicodemus as a person, "Ye must be born again". He was bespeaking that of the Jewish dispensatian. Now I AM reiterating the selfsame assertion of Jesus to those of the Christian dispensation, and the Christian dispensation itself must be born again. The dispensa.tion must be born.

As civilization has advanced and it has made its strides by leaps and bounds scientifically, inventionally and inspirationally to a certain degree, yet this civilization must also be barn again. Not only the dispensation, but the civilization must be barn again.

Working Cancellation on the Imaginary Heaven

For this cause I AM working cancellatian on the truth as given in this civilization of that imaginary heaven. For this cause John caught the glimpse of the Mystery of this which I AM now speaking and said,

"The first heaven and the first earth are passed away."

You can see the cancellation and even the dispellation of your imaginary heaven and the bringing in of an issue of the light of understanding of a New Birth of this civilization, as well as the generation and as that of the dispensation. The civilization itself must be born again!

Then I say, live in this recognition and open up the windows of your soul, and the Spirit of GOD with HIS Own Omniscience will freely flow and will teach you wisdom until you shall want no more.

Oh, haw glorious it is to live in the Actual Presence of GOD where everything is brought into judgment. The generation, the nations, the languages, tongues and the people and even the dispensation and the civilization themselves must be born again of HIM Who liveth forever and forever and judges all things with equity according to HIS Plan and Purpose. I thank you.

