Those Who Are Not Awakened Into the Spirt and Meaning of God's Presence Do Not Have the Real Liberty
and that Happiness that God Alone Can Give Them — FATHER DIVINE


FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE at the Holy Communion Table,
Ciricle Mission Church, Bronx, New York

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE at the Holy Communion Table, Ciricle Mission Church, Bronz, New York


MONDAY, JULY 5, 1943 A.D.F.D. TIME — 5:25 P.M.


Little did Thomas Jefferson think in 1776, when he affixed his signature to that unparalleled document, the Declaration of Independence, that the Personification of the very essence thereof and the Real Author and the Inspirator of it would actually come and do what was prescribed in that document for the subjects of this New World.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness were promised, but none could give them but GOD HIMSELF as is so beautifully brought out in this glorious Message.

We thank THEE, FATHER for being the Personification of all the good that there is.

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the Glorious Message given by FATHER follows:)


At this particular instance I have arisen to say, today is one of the three days this year that has been set apart for a good many of the American people to worship — in other words, celebrate as a memorial of the Declaration of Independence; but those of you who are real American citizens, we have brought our independence to fruition, and we have become to be the Personification of that Declaration and of this celebration. Aren't you glad ! Therefore, we are no longer merely setting apart the third, or the fourth, or the fifth day of July as a day for the celebration of the Declaration of Independence, but since we know what it really means, we have awakened millions into real Americanism, therefore they express their Independence individually even as our Country declared it as a nation.

If men learn the significance of all doctrines and will imbibe the spirit and the meaning of such doctrines as represented, they could and would be real true citizens, or representatives of such a doctrine that they are representing. They would not merely be representatives of the words of it documentally depicted and drafted, neither the words of it as inscriptionally inscribed from a literary point of view, but they will imbibe the spirit and the meaning of such a document and such as the doctrine of whatsoever they may be representing, and when they imbibe the spirit and the meaning of that doctrine and bring it to fruition, they become to be living epistles of that doctrine, seen and read by men.

Then I say, it is a privilege to be an Abolitionist and also a Resurrector, a Converter and a Reviver of those things that we emphasize and advocate and demonstrate, not only demonstrate, but emphasize, advocate and preach as a doctrine. Then I demonstrate the same and bring it to fruition within and transmit to others by the great contagion of it.


GOD Makes Real Whatever HE Is In

Oh, how glorious it is to live in the Actual Presence of GOD! For whatsoever GOD is in, HE makes it real. Through MY Condescension I came to America that I might be called an American, making American citizens out of the citizenry of the Truth as exemplified among you, and the significance of the doctrine of Americanism and of Christianity, of citizenship and of democracy and of religion combined as synonymous, that men might be united together. This is the purpose of the doctrines of which I AM representing. I would not represent a doctrine that would produce division, especially in a land and country like this one.

I heard you sing and I heard you say,

"My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty."

We realize documentally and inscriptionally, this is the land of Liberty, but does each and every person have the Liberty — in other words do we all have the liberty that our Constitution guarantees for the subjects of this Democracy? Until you, MY fellow citizens, hearers and friends, believers and followers and members, unite together and be awakened by the Spirit of MY Presence, you will not have your real Liberty that was spoken of Constitutionally — Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

You have pursued it, but those who are not awakened into the spirit and the meaning of it, they do not have this real Liberty and that Happiness that GOD alone can give them. Our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence speak of these privileges, the Liberty, the Life and the Pursuit of Happiness, but you must imbibe the Spirit and the meaning of it, by imbibing the Spirit and the meaning of these great doctrines that I AM representing, by being converted into these doctrines of Americanism, Christianity, of Citizenship, Democracy and Religion, that you might express also your universal brotherhood as the doctrine as represented and combined with it and them, that these doctrines might be brought to fruition within and unite the nations of the earth together universally, but especially under this Democracy.


Real Independence

For this cause I have united millions and millions in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, that they might express a real citizenry and be able to actually declare their independence by the actuated words of expression and not merely by the document as drafted and given. On this day that has been set apart as the day of the celebration of the American Independence, it is something to consider, it is to call your attention to our real Independence. You cannot have a real independence unless you are emancipated from that which would prohibit it, but I came to give you your real emancipation from that which would prohibit your independence; for discrimination, segregation, racialism and sectarianism, partisanism and all of the 'isms' that are in opposition to democracy, will prohibit you from expressing your independence. For this cause race riots or confusion and division and strife are exemplified among the children of men in almost every state in the union for the lack of Unity and Tranquility and preaching a doctrine that will unite the people together.

So long as you preach partisanism, racialism and denominationalism, or sectarianism whichever, all of these 'isms' saving true Americanism, Democracy and true Christianity and fellowship by Brotherhood, you are preaching division and it will create eventua11y, confusion; for where there is division there is strife, but I came to bring an abolition as an Abolitionist to all division among this nation and unite them together by the one 'ism' that is essential for this nation, and that is Americanism, Christianity, Democracy and Brotherhood combined as synonymous.

For this cause we are Successful; for this cause we are Prosperous; for this cause, we have unlimited, Supernatural Wisdom and Understanding; for GOD is present in expression, in words, deeds and actions, expressing HIS Omniscience to the children of men, whereby none can comprehend HIM. Aren't you glad! They must be born again to be able to comprehend HIM Whom you say I AM.


The United Doctrines of Religion

Then I say, live in this recognition if you will to, and imbibe the Spirit of MY Presence through harmonization, self-denial and consecration, through the imbibation of real Americanism, Democracy, Brotherhood and Christianity, as the united doctrines of religion; for Americanism and Christianity are synonymous when they are lived and put forth into expression accurately, unselfishly and unbiasedly.

I need not say more, but I thought to call your attention to the fact that the American people in and under this Democracy, are endeavoring to celebrate the Declaration of Independence, but how can you celebrate the Declaration of Independence, unless you are independent individually, severally and collectively. I request the honor of MY hearers, and friends and those who adhere to MY Message universally, to endeavor from now, henceforth and forever to express a citizenry second to none, by expressing your citizenry individually even as our Country declared her Independence as a nation.

Why go around soliciting, borrowing, stealing and begging, for soliciting, borrowing, stealing and begging are synonymous in MY consideration when those things are done dishonestly and through graft and greed, and on many occasions it is done through selfishness and for the purpose of trying to get something for nothing with an ulterior motive, not expecting, nor intending to pay a bill when you make one, a good many of you do. But when you endeavor to pay as you go, and owe no man, and express a citizenry of Independence, of Righteousness, of Truth and of Justice with the Spirit of Equity and square dealing, I will be with the person and will awaken that sleeping giant within them that will teach them wisdom from the Fount of GOD'S Omniscience, that something that has been lying dormant within — I will awaken him in all Love and ail dominion and authority to give you the victory over oppositions, trials and tribulations, for greater is HE that is within you, than all they that are without that would be against you.


Overcoming Self and Materialism

Truly might have I said,

"He that overcometh, will I grant to sit with me in my throne."

To overcome all self and selfishness, overcome limitations by overcoming materialism; overcome materialism by overcoming selfish tendencies, fancies, and pleasures, self-indulgence, and every mortal versionated concept prenataled within you, or awakened by the mortal version. GOD Alone shall reign and have dominion and none shall slightly hinder HIM. For I came this time to be enthroned on the throne of the minds of the children of men individually, that they might recognize the Supreme One and reverence HIM Supremely. When you try to enthrone mortality or any limited expression on the throne of your mind, and desire to, or will compromise with the dethroning of the Christ, Who is Lord of lords and King of kings, you are destroying your kingdom within yourself, for the kingdom that divides against itself, it cannot stand. Take these thoughts to consideration.

All who recognize the Supremacy of GOD as exemplified among you all, and recognize GOD as the One as represented in you and among you, you must dethrone every mortal versionated concept and accept of GOD and GOD alone, for GOD alone shall reign. Everything else will be a failure; if it is not a failure today, it will be. Aren't you glad!

Self must be completely eradicated, dispelled and forgotten once and forever, for you should forget the things that are behind you and press on to your mark of your high calling in GOD which is in Christ Jesus, Whom you say I AM. Then I say, live in this recognition, and you will be able to express your independence, and your independence brought to fruition will express a supremacy as is given through and by the Supreme One, for GOD alone can give you the expression of supremacy; not by races, creeds nor colors, neither by any other 'ism,' but by GOD HIMSELF in evidence in your consideration, GOD can express HIS Supremacy within, for GOD alone is Supreme.


Workers of Iniquity — Mortal Versions and Fancies

Take these thoughts to consideration. You will be able to overcome all Hitlerism and all of the oppositions of life presently and in the future; for GOD alone is the Overcomer. Take these thoughts to consideration, and build upon this Foundation and fret not yourselves because of the workers of iniquity, your mortal versions, ideas and opinions, your human fancies, pleasures and tendencies, and your individual fancies, pleasures and tendencies; for you may say these are not human fancies, pleasures and tendencies, but if they are developed and manifested in you as individuals and individually expressing in you as being termed yourself, they are human ideas and opinions, if they are not transcending the mortal version, every mortal human fancy, tendency or pleasure.

Then I say, everything must be dethroned, saving GOD and GOD alone, for Christ alone shall reign. But when you express a citizenry as exemplified among you and as awakened within you, you will go forth conquering and to conquer every foe, and that worst foe for you is the foe of your own household. Take these thoughts to consideration, but remember this day as set apart as a day for the celebration of our Independence, we must express our independence, individually, severally and collectively so accurately until the enemy will not have grounds for criticism, neither will he have grounds to rise in opposition, for GOD'S Light will outshine and surpass his. I need not say more.

Just think of living our independence, living our Declaration of Independence and living our Bill of Rights; expressing our citizenry by expressing and living our Constitution; expressing our Christianity by reproducing and bringing to fruition the Christ within you; by the Christ within you being in evidence in expression, expressing the Holiness of HIS Majesty, HIS Love and HIS Mercy and the perfection of virtue as the virginity of Mary!

I need not say more, but these qualities must be lived up to, and brought to fruition within each and every person, if the person anticipates having victory over adverse and undesirable conditions. I thank you.

