Minister Desiring Public Office Seeks Counsel from Father Divine



Heaven and Earth United

Heaven and Earth United


After an early morning arrival at HIS beautiful Kingston, New York Headquarters in the Promised Land, Friday, June 19th, FATHER, received an urgent request for an interview from the Reverend Harrison F. Lamb, Assistant Pastor of the Beulah Baptist Church, New York.

This was granted, and FATHER, had already served the noon-hour Holy Communion Service and was interviewing when the Reverend arrived. After a short wait, he was introduced to FATHER,. He said he was involved in a serious financial loss and asked FATHER's support to elect him to a political office. The following conversation ensued.

Reverend Lamb: I feel in my own conscience that YOIJ will help me in some way, because YOU have helped millions of people.

FATHER : Well, it is according to your faith. As I often say, GOD did not have any respect unto HIS Son, saving according to His work and according to His faith. According to His faith He received, and according to one's faith—everyone's faith whichever—they will receive. So, as I often say, just as it is with ME, if the Life and the Teaching of Christ can and will be applied to the lives of others, they too can be the expressers of the same I AM expressing, which is success and prosperity, health and happiness, and every other desirable expression.

It is the privilege of everyone to enter into this state of expression. Even over and above every difficulty, over and above every conflict or persecution, prosecution, or adverse or undesirable condition, GOD in HIS own Majesty, Love and Mercy can and will lift you if you will live according to HIS Teaching, that is MY faith.

And as I often say to persons I have freed— hundreds of persons from time to time—I say to them, I say, "If you can and will make an open confession of your sins and return from them, making up your mind and doing what you make up your mind to do, never to commit those sins again or any such thing but to live wholeheartedly consecrated to GOD, mercy will be found." And they, usually come out practically every one.

There was a man charged with bigamy here about a month ago—with both bigamy and the same as white slavery, like immorality—had three felony charges against him, and MY Spirit freed him.


Confess and Forsake Sins

Confess and forsake your sins, and make up your mind to live no longer therein, for an open confession is good for the soul. In the uncovering of one's sins by confession, there is a promise in the Book where one's salvation stands by so doing. His salvation stands in the confession and the forsaking of such things, with an intention or with a determination never to do those things again, although through weakness of the flesh at times, a person may go back and do those things again. Of course it will cause them to be liable to the reaction of such an expression that has come upon them; it may cause the reaction to be more severe than the action was in the beginning. But if a person actually makes up his mind to confess, and does confess and forsakes his sins mentally, with a determination never to commit those things again, GOD will have mercy and will bless him and restore him to the place from whence he has fallen, and it is real.

It will be! It will be! " But if the person will go back, or goes back into those things again, the reaction of his condemnation will be more severe than that of the sentence would have been, without the confession and the forsaking of such sins.

So it is the same way in reference to any limited condition or undesirable condition we may undergo. If a person confesses and forsakes his sins—if he has not sinned against the Holy Ghost where there is no forgiveness—GOD will have mercy and GOD will abundantly bless him and lift him above those conditions to which he has fallen.

Reverend Lamb: Pardon me! The reason why I stopped YOU was because YOU brought to me much more Light. YOU see, I often feel the vibration when I AM sitting up —sometimes sitting up wide awake I go to sleep–but if I don't go to sleep I get the vibration, because I talk about YOU so much and I talk about how good YOU are and how good all YOUR people are. I even talk around to my folks at my church, and if any of them say anything against them, it goes out of my heart, the goodness that YOU have done; and I understand it because I read a great deal in psychology, phrenology and those studies. I know that the Christian Spirit is above the consciousness of man. It is the Christ Consciousness. t have often told the people, do not create within even the walls of the building—do not create a bad spirit, but have a joyful, loving affectionate spirit and that will help. Before I came up here I laid down and took a little rest, and the door opened and I saw myself standing there watching. The door of the outside was open and I saw myself standing there watching the little bit of money I did have left. My spirit was guarding it for the Christ Spirit. When I can learn more about YOUR, Work I will be more powerful, maybe GOD— YOUB Spirit—is starting me off. It is starting me off possibly as a leader. I have wanted to break up the bad places in the neighborhood and I used to feel I had the power, but no matter what I do it is unsuccessful.


As a Man Soweth He Must Reap

FATHER: I was just talking on that subject at the luncheon Table a little while ago. We can sow the seeds of poverty, and we must reap the fruit of the same. Even through every opposition, I sow the seeds of abundance in the fullness, and independence in words, in deeds and in actions, and I produce and reap the fruit of the same, for such as a man soweth, he must also reap.

So if you allow the spirit of pessimism, through self-pity and self-indulgence, to suggest to you any negative suggestion as the spirit of pessimism suggests, it will cause your physical body to vibrate in such suggestions, and you will become to be the producer of such a negative suggestion. It will lower your vibrations, and retard your advancement in your endeavors; so that is what I was just saying at the Table a little while ago. But if a person will be persistent in his or her ambition and will stand to his or her integrity, denying all suggestions from the spirit of pessimism through self-indulgence and human mortal pity, they can and will overcome every difficulty, for Christ in one man has the victory. It is a positive fact!

As I thought for consideration, it may be that you have apparently lost a little something; you see it may apparently be great to you, but it is only a percent of a percent of a percent of a fraction of a grain of what you will gain by making a complete surrender and a consecration. Since that little bit was lost you see~—or it may seem to be great—it was for a purpose, that you might contact the Source of all supply and seek through the Consciousness of GOD's Presence, that which you sincerely desire.


Limited by Spirit of Pessimism

As I was saying today, if a person will subject himself to the suggestions of pessimism through self-pity, through self-indulgence and other mortal tendencies, he will be limited, because self-pity through self-indulgence and through the mortal spirit or the spirit of pessimism, will suggest to him and will suggest to all of us at times, "Well, you know I am handicapped." If it is not one thing, it is another.

There are those who may be intelligent people the same as yourself, and other intelligent teachers and educators, if they are not subject to the suggestions of pessimism by the thought of that suggestion of being limited from an educational point of view, or from a social point of view, they are limited, for the spirit of pessimism at times will suggest to them such expressions as saying, "Well, you know we are `so-and-so', which is commonly known in the mortal world humanly speaking, "We cannot do this or we cannot do the other; you cannot do this because you are `so-and-so."' The same as your ambition may be to be a leader you see; the spirit of pessimism may suggest to you through self-indulgence and self-pity, "Well, you know you cannot make it, because the people will not stand back of you like they will a`so-and-so' man."

You see we call what the people call race, "so-and-so", because we do not like to use a segregated word, but that would be the word from the spirit of pessimism, coming through self-indulgence and self-pity, don't you see. Therefore it would lower your vibrations or retard your ambition or your persistence in your ambition, therefore you could not be courageous to press forward to do what you have endeavored. But by being persistent and overcoming every mortal suggestion that may be suggested from and by the spirit of pessimism and by the spirit of self-indulgence and self-pity, you will have the victory over every difficulty — over every one of them, it matters not what they may be. I have the victory over every one!


Not Supporting or Endorsing Unrighteousness

As I was saying to a political party at Sixty third Street Mission Wednesday night, I will stay the hands of MY followers until we get the endorsement of the parties. If they cannot endorse us in Righteousness, Truth and Justice, we will stay the hands of the followers and cause them to even be inactive politically, until we can find a party that will endorse Righteousness, Truth and Justice, or at least some of the representatives who will stand for it; because we do not mean to continue to indulge in and endorse, unrighteousness! I would rather throw MY vote away in a way of speaking, than to support unjust and unrighteous officials. Oh, it is indeed Wonderful!

Of course, as you say, naturally we know there are those who oppose us, many of them through jealousy; not so much because they do not know that I AM doing the things they would desire to do and accomplish for them—the thing they would desire to accomplish—but because of mortal, human, political, religious and selfish prejudices etc. Because of such, with envy, naturally many of them will oppose or try to criticize ME. But as I say, I AM standing alone apparently, yet absolutely independent, as a Sample and as an Example for others, that you and others might do the same even as I AM doing, for your independence in whatsoever you have endeavored.

If you do, if you will return and if you will stand for Righteousness, Truth and Justice, GOD HIMSELF with HIS own Majesty wheresoever HE is—if HE is in this Tabernacle or Body, if HE is Personally here or if HE is not even here, if HE is invisible, just something as a myth or mythological—HE will help you and abundantly bless you if you live accordingly. Now it is indeed Wonderful!


Cancellation of Personal Body for Humanity's Redemption

So upon this Foundation if you stand, you will not have an occasion to fret nor worry. As I said, I AM for Righteousness, Truth and Justice, and we will put our issue through with or without any other organization. With or without even this organization, I will put MY issue through. If I have to stand even without MY own Personal Body—I will trim it down until it gets to MY Personal Body as an Individual— then I will even cancellate MY Personal Body in consideration and establish MYSELF as an Impersonal expression, as a Principle for the redemption of all humanity, and I will accomplish MY endeavors!

So if all of us who are endeavoring to work for the common good of the people and humanity generally, if we will stand in such an endeavor, ignoring ourselves as races, creeds and colors, and as partisan parties and every other limited expression, even to the extent of ignoring our personal bodies as a bodily existence, but recognizing the Principle as an impersonal expression, we will overcome every difficulty and have victory in all of our endeavors. Oh, it is indeed Wonderful!

Reverend Lamb: It is indeed Wonderful!


Transcending Limited Barriers of Men

FATHER: We lose sight of ourselves as individuals, as persons, as races, as creeds and as colors, and by so doing we transcend the limited barriers of men We transcend the so-called Caucasian race of whom the average person would consider to be the supreme race of people. In other words, those who are commonly called "so-and-so" people, whom they look upon as perfection, our Standard can and will transcend them, for they are limited as long as they are a race, but we are universal as long as we are unified together, recognizing the Universal Brotherhood of Man and realizing the Consciousness of the FATHERHOOD of GOD.

By so doing, we are limitless. We are not limited even to the extent that they who are supposed to be of the higher standard of expression are. We are not limited as they are, for we are unified with every standard of expression. Therefore it causes us to be limitless in our consideration, and in our recognition of the Allness of GOD and the nothingness of matter.

Oh, it is a privilege to stand in this state of expression. By so doing we have the victory mentally, spiritually and socially, financially and otherwise, to cause mankind to sit up and take notice: "I cannot understand how they can do this, that or the other." Because if GOD is for you, who can be against you? None can be against you in reality if GOD is for you, for GOD in one man is the majority. It is indeed Wonderful!

So I hope your contact will mean a blessing to you, and I AM quite sure it will. I AM quite sure your contact will not merely mean what the average person might consider it means— the loss of some limited means of exchange— but causing you to seek the way out, as a personal sample and as a personal example of one who has victory over difficulties, you can observe it.

I have never taken up a collection, have never done any soliciting, have limitless wealth and such at MY disposal if I would but accept of it; but yet I will not indulge in self, or selfish fancies or tendencies or pleasures, or hope and depend on the limited concepts of men, and their ways and means. By so doing, I hope T will be a Sample and an Example for you and for others.


Led by the Heart to Come

Reverend Lamb: You certainly are, and I am becoming more and more perfect by YOUR sayings— by YOUR Teaching—what I have heard YOU say and what YOU have written, and by YOUR people. YOU certainly have good, honest, upright, clean, truthful people. They are really an inspiration to all who meet them.

I know that YOU know the Truth even before I speak it, because now I am not talking because of some mystic standpoint, but if I explain it YOU will surely see that. Say, for instance, when a man studies psychology, it has a tendency to give a man a deeper inward thought; and if you take that and take the Bible together, you find that it kind of works and helps you to understand your inner conscience, what it really means.

When a man begins to study the Bible, he can see that the Spirit of GOD dwells in all men to a certain extent. That is what that passage of Scripture means when it says, "Behold I stand at the door and knock." That is the Spirit of GOD, and the Spirit of GOD prior to the Crucifixion, when Christ was born into the world, why that Spirit came into man and came unto man, because Christ after He grew up, said, "The kingdom of heaven is within you." That has got to be developed, and YOU have developed that more than any man that I have ever seen or heard tell of. I have heard lots of Philosophers speak, and it is not only because I just wanted a favor that I came, but I came because my heart led me to come.

FATHER: I AM glad you came.

Reverend Lamb: Of course I came nearly breaking down, but I am trying to hold up, because I really feel within my own self, honestly, that YOU will find when I am elected District Leader that I will base my administration on just what YOU have said, because after all, if we are representatives of the Spirit of GOD, we ought to as Ministers—I mean the Ministers that are around Harlem, and everywhere in the world—they should be trying to perfect themselves more. I heard YOU speak of perfection a while ago and it really touched me, and I want YOU to know, FATHEB, that I am honest about coming to YOU. I am honest, and sincere, and truthful within my heart in coming to YOU, because I know that there is no other man that I could have gone to anywhere, that I could ... I thought when I was sitting out there, if I could just drive away with YOU it probably would be the place for me.


Concentrate on Positive

Often I talk to YOUR people~—Brother R--- and I—and sometimes I can hardly hold back the tears. Those good people! And of course what I have asked YOU, I have asked YOU in just as good a way as I know how. YOU can see that I have been studying YOUR Speeches and meditating and concentrating. That is the main thing in YOUR Work, and if people would concentrate more they would be better men and women.

FATHER: It is true. Concentrating on the positive and ignoring the negative; recognizing the real as it is and denying the reality of the unreal and untrue. By harmonizing with the thing desirable—the desirable expression—and refusing to associate or harmonize with the undesirable, such is the great unfoldment of the mystery.


A Crime to Sell Spirit, of Christ

As I was saying a little while ago, as a Sample and as an Example I have never taken up a collection; I have never done any soliciting! I have never been connected with anyone who did any soliciting that I knew anything about, and I have had many offers in many different ways, yet through self-denial, denying that which would be as a sense of self-indulgence, I always gain an hundredfold more.

As I said some time ago, once I was offered fifty thousand dollars for the composition of one song to be put on phonograph records. Now whether I could have received it or not that has been about fifteen or sixteen years ago— whether I could have received that or not, there may be a question in the minds of MY hearers from time to time — but I was offered that, whether I could have received it or not. And I refused to accept of it, for as a free Gift to the world, gratis to mankind, I feel as if though it would not have been as much a crime for Judas to sell the Body of Christ as it would be for him to sell the Spirit of Christ.

The inspiration that is given and brought out into the composition as the Spirit of Christ, is a free gift coming forth spontaneously, absolutely free, voluntarily and volitionally, from the Christ within your being, The Christ within, by inspiration, bringing out the composition in melody as a song, I felt as if though it was more than that of the physical Body of Christ, for it was the real Christ by inspiration ... the True and the Living GOD inspiring the mind, or coming forth through the mind into expression through the composition. Therefore I could not sell it, and refused to sell it or accept of the offer!


Gain of an Hundredfold

I have said, Christ has said, you will gain an hundredfold more in this present time, by self-denial. I have gained a hundred for every dollar I sacrificed and denied MYSELF of—a hundred times as much. As a mathematician we may consider, one hundred times as much of everything that I have sacrificed or denied MYSELF of, then sacrificing it over and over again— gaining it over and over again—a hundred times as much and a hundred times as much, until there would be no end—if that would have been the mere beginning. So it is a wonderful thought.

Now the other day, we had a visitor from Texas. Presumably it is assumed that this visitor was from the Chamber of Commerce. They sent him up here to offer to take ME back and a part of MY staff; charter a train and take us back for a few days, just for a tour of Texas— Dallas, Fort Worth and two or three of the main cities of Texas. They say I AM needed there. They offered ME the use of a chartered train to take ME and MY group back, all hotel fees paid and all expenses going and coming, and would give ME a thousand dollars a day for a few days.

I refused it and declined to accept of the offer as I was busy and it was not according to MY method anyway. He returned back home to Texas and they sent ME a special delivery letter. offering ME for one month, the month of July, a trip with two of MY representatives aside from MYSELF, to pay all hotel fees and railroad fares, and all expenses there and back—I would not have to spend a penny for one month—,and give ME ten thousand dollars. They would send a contract if I would only accept of it, writing back by special delivery or sending a telegram in time, between this and July first They would send a signed contract to that effect.

I declined the offer, for I AM a free Gift to the world, gratis to mankind. I AM saying that to say this—as a Sample and an Example —when we sacrifice these things for Righteousness' sake, we gain a hundred times as much in return, and in the world of spiritual things, commonly known as the world to come—life everlasting.


Unbelievable Offers

So that is MY stand, and that is where we actually stand! Now it is a fact. We have the evidence of it. Also, we have letters from the Mayor of Los Angeles, giving ME a special invitation to the Righteous Government Convention there. I AM saying that to say this—"If God is for you, who can be against you?" Through self-denial, through sacrifice and through persistence and through being substantiated in faith, and unshaken in confidence, GOD will bless you and bring you out of every difficulty; give you victory over all undesirable conditions if you will but live it, for these are just some few sketches of unbelievable offers we have at our disposal, even say officially.

Just think of it! I recall when George W. White was elected, and just before he was elected with McKinley, he was talking in some of his speeches and he mentioned at the end of the string, he would get ten thousand dollars. They paid his Office at that time ten thousand for the four years. Now you see if I were a natural man, with a natural consideration of finances, I would be considering the ten thousand dollars for one month's service to be a great thing; but yet as a free Gift to the world, gratis to mankind,. if I go, no doubt I will go absolutely independent if I go at all, and will not accept of the offer. Now is not that Wonderful!

I mention this to let you see, as we make a sacrifice of the material things, the means of exchange of the customs of men, etc., we gain an hundredfold more in return in an invisible way, by faith, you see. We cannot lose by sacrificing. We are merely sowing the seeds in the consciousness of the great Universal Mind Substance, and from the invisible rea}m the blessings will come, from the seeds you are scarifying or sowing in the great Name, or for the great Name's sake.

So it is a matter of impossibility for ME to lose by sacrificing this ten thousand dollar offer for one month's service. It is indeed Wonderful! Oh, it is unbelievable! So our cooperation means more than actual dollars and cents. See? For if we build upon this Foundation we will gain all, and more than that which we have apparently lost. No man has lost these things in this life, if he is substantiated in faith and unshaken in confidence, lest he gain an hundredfold more in this present time, and in the world to come, life everlasting.


Be Not Weary in Well Doing

Reverend Lamb: Well, I have been taking YOUR Advice, and it continues to perfect me ... and of course I just knew if I could get up here to see YOU, that it would mean something to me just to come. I AM not exactly speaking financially, because I AM trying to familiarize myself with YOUR rule, and the rules that are in the Holy Bible. You know people in the Bible, they had faith. I have great faith. My faith, since I sat down and talked to YOU is stronger, because I can feel it inside, and I can feel a grip on my hand while YOU are talking to me. I just have that kind of confidence. But I was almost ready to cry when I came in.

FATHER: Well, be not weary in well doing.

Reverend Lamb: I really feel that I will be helped in some way ... I know YOU are very kind in receiving me ... I do not know hardly what to say, because I know YOU are so very generous. The things I would like to say, I do not know whether they would be violating any of YOUR rules, but I know YOU know my heart, and I know YOU know just how I feel about the situation, and I want YOU to manage my campaign. Now YOU have my card, and I will give YOU a couple more.


A Practical Course in Psychology

FATHER: Well, as I say, I AM glad to come in contact with those who have studied psychology, from time to time. Those who have studied psychology, they know the significance of the practical application of psychology, in other words practical psychology—applied psychology.

Through concentration and visualization, we produce such as we visualize. As I have often said, if it was only as a practical course in psychology, it would be a great work. I mean it would be a great blessing and a great work I would do, if I would as I have, allow the people to come and view—visualize—the abundance of the fullness I AM expressing, not only in words, but in deeds and in actions, in actual demonstration. I see it daily at our Banquet Table—if I must say it, such as the kings of the earth have not enjoyed; daily Banquets as we have in abundance, you see. It is a course in practical psychology, aside from what is said, aside from what is thought on, but just what you can visualize, the abundance of the fullness for the benefit of the psychologists and for the students of psychology to visualize the greatness of the abundance. It causes their minds to be filled with the observation of the abundance of the fullness, and by so doing you see, having their minds filled with such, whatsoever seed idea may be implanted in the soil of your soul for your own individual endeavor—if it is Righteousness, Truth and Justice—by you visualizing the abundance you will produce the abundance of the crop you have endeavored to grow, you see; whatsoever it may be, so long as it is Righteousness, Truth and Justice.

The same as the agriculturist plants his crop on a certain time of the moon, the full moon you see, and other scientific expressions of time and seasons, for the production of the abundance, don't you see? By so doing, they produce abundance. The farmers will kill their meat at a certain time of the moon that it might not waste away but that it might remain in the fullness, as it was at the time when it was killed, and it will remain the same when it is cured, you see.

So it is with this endeavor. As a practical psychologist, a person can observe abundance, and can take a course in practical psychology from that point of view, worth more than millions to them, and for whatsoever their endeavor may be. Now is not that Wonderful! As I say, observe the abundance as a practical psychologist, from a psychological point of view. You will produce the Spirit and the sense of abundance in your consideration, and by visualization, when you give birth to the seed idea implanted in the soil of your soul, whatsoever it may be, it will produce the abundance for you. It may not be in MY direct way, don't you see; it may be in another direction or expression, but whatsoever you do, you will be blessed by observing the abundance and taking a practical course in psychology from a psychological point of view. It is marvelous.

So we are living in this recognition, and as a practical psychologist or representative, I AM exhibiting and demonstrating the abundance of the fullness, and by so doing millions are being abundantly blessed, not only by what they see but even by what they hear. It is Wonderful! It is WONDERFUL!


Elimination of All Color Lines

Well, I think I must be going. I have an appointment over at Stone Ridge. You see I have several places up here, and I have several places to get around to, and they are expecting ME back to a convention tomorrow and Sunday at the Renaissance. It is a Farm and Labor Convention.

Reverend Lamb: Well, YOU can just feel that I am YOUR candidate and YOU have the platform. The platform YOU have made already is what I stand on.

FATHER: You have it, do you?

Reverend Lamb: Righteousness, Justice and Truth.

FATHER: And here is a Platform for this immediate Convention which will be given out tomorrow I presume. So we will be glad to have you attend and participate as I say, that others might be partakers automatically of what we are enjoying, don't you know, because there are so many limited degrees should be eliminated— barriers, etc. We want the elimination of all segregation in Harlem, completely, just as I have it on MY immediate staff—in schools—not only in Harlem but in all parts.

Of course this will come off in Harlem and we will stress that, especially in schools and churches: and in hospitals and in all of the business enterprises. There shall be no division among the people! We are contending for that, and as I say, of course there, are many of the countries trying to knock ME because of the selfish, limited prejudices, etc.

Reverend Lamb: That is what I was telling Brother R - - - - .

FATHER: But I will declare, what I AM endeavoring and what I AM actually doing, means something for all who may be concerned, especially when they would consider it as they themselves backing ME up. Now there is no color line in ME, and in MY Activity, and I AM the only One that I bear record of, who can produce an expression as a sample and as an Example for visualization, you see.

Visualize the elimination and the abolition of all divisions. You can visualize it by taking the Sample of it and observing it, and you can see the results—the results we get by abolishing races, creeds and colors, you see. By doing away completely with all division among ourselves as an outward expression, you see an expression of happiness, vigor and courage and zeal and faith, love and devotion; and executive ability to organize automatically, to bring into outer expression that which will bring pressure in every endeavor, politically as well as socially and socially as well as politically, financially and otherwise. But these two main, major expressions are brought forth to bear, you see, to bring pressure to bear politically, socially and financially.


The Best for All Concerned

Reverend Lamb: There is a lawyer on Lenox Avenue, Mr. L----. I thought I would call YOUR attention to him, as I wanted him on my Executive Board, and when the time comes why I will look to hear from YOU, and of course anything that YOU want me to do along other lines, why YOU could let me know through him.

FATHER: Well, Sunday, if it is convenient, we would be glad to have you participate. We are demanding better schools and better hospitals, and the abolition of all discrimination, and the unification of prices, etc. I mean wage scales, etc., regulating wage scales, etc., that will give justice to everybody, and the other points. Of course there will be many different points represented, don't you know, the same as in any other convention. Some may be introduced which you may agree with, and some you may not. Every person is privileged to be governed by his or her highest intuition, but as I say, if we can convince the people that our platform is the ideal and most essential for the benefit of all of the community, why we are glad to do so. We want the one that can produce or present something. The best for all who are concerned, we want that presented.

Reverend Lamb: " With YOUR, endorsement, I feel that I could carry all of Harlem, more so than any leader ever did in the history of New York ... I feel with YOUR endorsement and YOUR help it will be the greatest election that ever was, and YOU know when to start and just what to do.


Confession is Made Unto Salvation

But yet and still, getting off on the other subject ... concerning that something I was talking about a while ago, now of course I came up here, and coming in personal contact with YOU has helped a lot, but I was just wondering in my own heart how I would find things when I get back.

FATHER: Well, it is according to your faith. You must have faith, if you go as Jesus said go, in Peace. You notice, MY first statement was in reference to those who are found sick or afflicted, and those who even are in prison and call on ME. I tell them by making an open confession, if they are sentenced in a way of speaking— if they are expecting to be sentenced to prison for a long term—if they make an open confession and forsake that which caused them to be brought into custody, you see, GOD will have mercy, "For with one's heart man believes unto righteousness; but with his mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Therefore, through the confession and the forsaking of one's sins that which would cause an undesirable condition to result, that person will find mercy and compassion following him. I applied that thought to your present experience and said, by making your contact and having substantiated faith and unshaken confidence, by confessing and forsaking your sins whatsoever they may have been, there is a propitiation. I did not use those direct words, but words to that effect.

The Spirit will go before you even, if you do not hold out, you see. It is your privilege to hold out, but if a person makes up his mind and confesses and forsakes his sins, with an endeavor never to commit them again, he will find mercy, even though he may afterwards be a failure, you see. But as he makes a promise and makes it in the heart, you see, that is according to our religious teaching, don't you know.


Adjustment of Body Made Through Mind

If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, you shall be saved. So you must get it in the heart, just the same as a person got converted in the old fashioned way. It is Wonderful! So you are changed, not only in the mind but in the heart, and by the change of the heart and the mind combined, the outward expression of things will take a change, and will change for the best. The same as it has resulted within mentally and spiritually, and in the soul as it may be termed, it will be manifested from the outside. It will be manifested in the affairs of things that concern you. Things will work harmoniously, you see, that is the idea.

The adjustment of the mind and of the soul will adjust the body satisfactorily — by the adjustment of the mind and the spirit or soul. When this is adjusted satisfactorily, the vibration of the spirit that goes out from the satisfied mind and the harmonious mind with GOD, will go before you and open up the way, and make things positive and harmonious for you. That is the mystery!

That is why Jesus said, "Go in peace and sin no more." "Go, thy servant liveth," is the mystery. The satisfied mind satisfies and adjusts matters satisfactorily by the Spirit of HIM that liveth forever within you, when you are in perfect harmony with the Infinite. That is the mystery!

It works! It does for ME, as I say, why should it not do the same for you and all others? I have not had a court case that MY Spirit did not adjust matters satisfactorily. Even the papers say I have never been in a difficulty that MY Spirit and MY Presence did not get the victory. I have always won, because the adjustment from the within, by the Adjuster, which is the Infinite, will go without as well as within, and will adjust matters satisfactorily, because within HIMSELF there is the victory, according to our religious teaching.

HE came through forty-two different generations; fought through forty-two different generations, but never lost a battle. The same Spirit is speaking today, and not only speaking, but acting and working in you, and with whom you are affiliated. Now is not that Wonderful? So the same Spirit carries within HIMSELF and within those whom HE is within and ruling supreme, the victory. If HE rules supremely in your consciousness and in your mentality, HE will rule supremely over your adversaries, and over all adverse and undesirable conditions, and will adjust matters satisfactorily for you. That is the mystery! It is Wonderful!

(With these last words the Interview terminated.)

