

Through Oppositions Cometh Perfection — Father Divine

Re: Ann Lee etc.



Home of the Soul - Sayville, Long Island, N.Y.


FATHER returned Personally from Sayville, shortly after twelve noon on Sunday, May 26th, accompanied by Mother Divine and part of HIS staff.

A great shout went up as followers and visitors alike lined entrance and stairways to behold the Body of GOD.

Pausing awhile in HIS office before going to the Banquet Table FATHER permitted the reading of HIS Letters published in the May 25th issue of The New York News, being read aloud to the assembled group in the Office, laying special stress on the letter addressed to Dr. Parker, M.D, of the Kings Park State Hospital.

In this letter FATHER called the attention of the Doctor to the history of religions, and how the identical emotions now being attributed to a certain racial background, had existed in England and in the experience of Ann Lee, better known as Ann The Word and her followers in the eighteenth century.

At the conclusion of the reading of this particular letter, FATHER spoke, revealing deeper Truths — unadulterated Truth — to enlighten the world, unfolding another mystery that every student of religious history should know.

FATHER commenced as follows:


Religious history repeats itself over and over again.   As it says, it is "a wheel within a wheel."   The majority of them think the coming of Jesus was the first and the last up until now.  They do not know that the identical reaction and the repetition of Biblical History has been repeating itself from time to time, from ages even up until the coming of Jesus Christ, and from the coming of Jesus the Christ — repeating Himself — Christ, coming over again from time to time, appearing and disappearing, up until this present time, since the coming of Jesus that was called the Christ.  It is indeed Wonderful!  They do not know, history repeats itself every seven years.  You are made over so many times. It is Wonderful! It has been veiled, through persecution and through prosecution.  It has been kept from the public eye.  The history of Truth as it repeats itself is destroyed.  It is not revealed, it is not published; it is not released to the public.

This would have been destroyed if they could have destroyed it, but this time in the Fathership Degree, they could not destroy it.  Therefore it is established once and forever; but the repetition of this identical expression and this history, has been from time to time, the same as it was in the Name called Jesus.

It was the same Christ that was in others before the Body called Jesus came; and in the person of Ann Lee was the same Christ in expression, as He was in the Body called Jesus — in that appearance as being; called a woman, yet it was not recognized politically and legally — it was not legalized.  Therefore, it was not established, and the history of it was destroyed, as it would have been in this case had I been in the Sonship Degree where death could have intervened. It is indeed Wonderful!

History is repeating itself over and over again, and it was to continue to repeat itself until the Fundamental came to a perfected state of expression where it would be destruction proof!

It was the same in the body called Ann Lee, but it was not brought to fruition to that degree.   It was the Christ reflected, and manifested, Christ as a Spirit, reincarnated, and brought to fruition and personified to that degree, but in the reincarnated state of expression.  Therefore the body did not go on to perfection, because it was in the reincarnated degree of expression and not in the personified degree of expression.  Hence the body could not become to be, or did not become to be, the reality of the Personification of that Principle; but it was the reincarnation, or the reincarnator of that Principle.

That is why it pays to live and be and do just what you said you would do and be.  If your word fails, you have failed yourself.  If your word fails, you will fail yourself.  Christ in her said she should never marry.  She could not be the Christ, living in human affection from the mortal version, from that angle, for she was handicapped.  She put herself beneath a man, in mortal consciousness; therefore by him she was bound to some degree and continued to violate the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in her.  Hence, she destroyed herself indirectly, and yet it was the repetition of the history of the coming of Christ.

As they said, first Christ came in the likeness of a man.  The same Spirit could be developed in the likeness of a woman, as GOD is both male and female, hence it was expressed from that angle.  The Sonship Degree was to be, and still is, "unmarriageable!" It is indeed Wonderful! so it was in her to live the life of Mary before Jesus was born; but she failed to live it, therefore she suffered much torture and persecution for violating the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in her.  Read on.

Following these remarks, FATHER descended to the Dining Hall to the great joy of those assembled, and served the Banquet, speaking again at length, after which HE returned to HIS Office until ten o'clock when HE was again called to serve the evening Banquet. There, HE again spoke Words of Spirit and of Life to the assembled thousands, after they had fervently sung the familiar song:

"See that I love YOU more,
My sweet loving FATHEER,
See that I love YOU more."


It is indeed Wonderful—and it is not so funny — but it is just Wonderful, and we understand it better.  That little song, if you continue to sing it, in you I will explain it.  Remember, when you continue to repeat and repeat anything, it will become to be a living reality in your consciousness, for you are the quickener of that of which you are speaking, if you concentrate on it vividly; for that in a man — which is within yourself — will quicken the words you are speaking, if you speak them with sincerity.  That is why MY believers, coworkers and followers will go all the way with ME. ("Yes, FATHER!" came a mighty shout from the throng.)


Realness is Made Known

As a party said to ME this afternoon, "If YOU can get YOUR followers to do what YOU say do, it will be O.K.", or words to that effect. I said, MY Followers will do exactly what I will them to do.  That is why we know it is real.  I heard you sing and I heard you say, although I haven't heard you sing it recently, "FATHER DIVINE is real!"  How do you know I AM real?  By the realness of MY Spirit reflected in you, causing you to act and do some of the realness in ME — that is the way you know the realness of MYSELF, or ME.

Therefore it is a privilege to know, one can tell just what the other one is, if that One in the other one moves and lives. "I pray that they may be one, even as we are one." When you are one in heart and in mind, just what you are thinking and the way you are feeling at times, you will reflect it to the other one that is in your heart and in your mind.


Electrified Through Mental Contact

You said, "See that I love YOU more." Love is the keynote to salvation, and the contact with GOD your Maker is the way through which it is reflected. When you make your mental and your spiritual contact, the reflection of that love will take place instantaneously. Your mind will be as the electric wire, and the Spirit of love transmitted through this mind of yours and that one that you have contacted mentally, is like unto the electricity that is transmitted through the electric wire.

You have made your mental and your spiritual contact as you have made up your mind to live Evangelically and have denied yourselves wholeheartedly. I hear you say quite often, "I would like to contact FATHER."  Contacting ME is not merely sitting down concentrating in the old custom of concentration, but contacting ME is by making your contact mentally to live and do and be and think as I do. The contact is made instantaneously when you contact ME mentally from some angle, but it is essential to make the contact effective, and you can only make the contact effective by contacting ME mentally from every angle — agreeing harmoniously with all of MY Ideas and MY Opinions, and deviating from none. Your self-opinuations will be dispelled, and your preconceived ideas and opinions will be also dispelled. By so doing and by so being, causing them to be dispelled, your physical bodies will be abundantly blessed, and if you have ailments and complaints in the physical system, they will be eradicated.


Bodies Reflectors of Mental and Spiritual Conception

You can see the very outward expression of the eradication of the undesirable conditions of your physical afflicted bodies.  When your bodies were physically affected, when you made your mental and your spiritual contact they were physically the reflection of the desirable condition, for those undesirable appearances disappeared immediately.  You can look at your physical faces and you can feel them.  You can see, as others have seen, your physical bodies have been physically changed, your physical bodies have been cleansed and your physical bodies are made clean.  Your faces are free from all sorts of complaints and ailments, and you are not using face cream and powder,

"For the Lord takes pleasure in his people; he beautifies the meek with' salvation."

Do you not see the great beautifying process going on? It is going on in your hearts and in your minds, and your bodily forms are the outward expressers of this that is going on mentally and spiritually.  Therefore your physical bodies are the outward expression of your mental and spiritual conceptions.  It is a privilege to realize, your physical bodies are as a mirror and will reflect whatsoever you put before it.  If you place something before your physical body, through concentration, you will tend to reflect it as the mirror reflects your likeness.  You can see your identical likeness, and all of your personal or physical actions when you stand before the mirror.


Infinite Spirit as a Recorder

So it is when you stand before this Light of Salvation and concentrate on the Fundamental.   When you stand before this Light of Salvation and concentrate on the Fundamental, when you think vividly on this Principle and make your contact with it, you will reflect whatsoever you are thinking, for this is the Current of GOD's Infiniteness — as electricity in the recording needle, when it goes on the p1ate, the record, it will cause the voice to be recorded.  Are you catching MY Thought?

Electricity will cause the voice to be recorded.  When the needle that is connected with your recording machine goes on the record, it will cause your voice and other sounds to be recorded. The Spirit of MY Presence among you is as the current that has charged your dictaphone — has charged it with the current of electricity that will cause the needle to record what you have spoken, and all the other sounds that are heard and reflected through the receiver. It is indeed Wonderful!  The microphone will take it over to the needle, to the machine — the microphone may be the transmitter, but the machine and the needle, they are the recorders.

Therefore I say, when you make your mental and your spiritual contact in the Presence of the Spirit and in harmony with it, whatsoever you are thinking and have thought on vividly, will be easily recorded in your physical system.  Do you not see the different individuals expressing their very words and expressing their thoughts?  They are expressing them in their physical bodies for they are in the Presence of GOD.  This Power of Infinite Spirit will record it.  It will also convey it and transmit it, etc., but it will record it.  When it contacts your conscious mentality it will be established in your physical body, and you will become to be the outward expression of what you have been thinking.  After a while I can say, yea, even others can say that did not know it — they can say, "I know you thought it."


Physical Bodies Will Bespeak Your Thoughts

You have been thinking something. I will cause your physical bodies to tell what you have been thinking. You may cease speaking in words. but remember, your physical bodies in their personal appearances will be talking. "Actions speak louder than words." Your physical appearance will also speak the same. Therefore, if you have been thinking harmoniously on positive thoughts, your physical body will talk and you need not say a word personally — I mean orally — your physical body will talk.  Just what you have been thinking, you are talking daily.  You will record your thoughts scientifically, and after awhile they will be discerned, for your physical bodies will record them, and as your physical bodies record what you have been thinking, after awhile all will manifest it.  The positiveness of the Positive, the realness of the Real One, the infiniteness of the Infinite and all of the desirable qualities and attributes of GOD will be recorded in your physical bodily form, and you will reflect it and manifest it, each and every expression, as you live in the Consciousness of GOD's Presence.

It is not especially necessary for you to be conscious of GOD's Presence, but since you are living in the Consciousness of GOD's Presence where there are millions of minds on accord, with one accord, thinking and being conscious of GOD's Presence, they will record just what you have been thinking and what you have thought.  Now is not that Wonderful?

"It is eternal Life to know the only true God."


All Brought Into Subjection to Serve GOD

If you are living in the Consciousness of GOD's Presence, many things will be brought into subjection.  You yourselves will, individually and personally.  Even though you may not desire to be, you will be brought into subjection.  You may rebel against the Truth and try not to be conscious of GOD's Presence, but living in the conscious atmosphere of GOD's Presence and in the environment that this Consciousness has created, you will eventually be partakers of it.

We are not asking you whether you wish to cooperate or believe, or not.  The time has truly come, your conscious mentality has been harnessed.  Your energy and all of your human tendencies, all of your human fancies and all of your human pleasures, yea, even your detestable characteristics, even though they are wicked, hateful and sinful, they all have been harnessed and brought into subjection, and they shall serve GOD, your Maker.  Is not that Wonderful?  They all shall serve GOD, and even your characteristics, your human fancies, your human tendencies and your human pleasures, even though they be detestable they shall be GOD's servants, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.


Everything Works Better and Better

This is the fulfilment of the Scripture,

"All things work together for good, to them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose."

You can see, harmonious conditions and inharmonious conditions, they are all working scientifically and working harmoniously in the sight of the Almighty.  Where they are not apparently harmonious, they are working systematically, for that which is in opposition, it is working out its purpose and working according to the Will of GOD.

"For this cause God raised up Pharaoh, to spread his name throughout the whole earth."

Hence, the oppositions and those things that are contrary apparently to what you consider things should be, you can and will eventually see, they are working scientifically and they are working systematically—if not apparently harmoniously —yet they will bring all things into harmony, for they are GOD's servants.  All you have said, all you can do and say that is evil apparently, it will be to the glory of GOD when it is finished.

That is where this little composition came forth,

"Everything works better and better,
Everything works for the best,
Things don't work just like they used to,
Everything works for the good of man."

With this understanding, or recognition whichever, you will find yourselves free from worry, free from accusations, free from resentment, free from all of those tendencies that you have been subjected to heretofore, for you can rest assured, by the Spirit of MY Presence, all things are working for good.  Now is not this a wonderful place to be?


Through Oppositions Cometh Perfection

Ordinarily when something arises in opposition, you would feel resentful and would resent it, but when you learn to know the Truth concerning the mystery, your minds are changed completely, and you will be resentless — you will not resent it and you cannot resent anything when you understand all things as they are. You may not participate or agree with these different expressions, you may not take them in, it is not necessary; but when they rise in opposition, even though they be to the extreme opposite of that which you are endeavoring to express, you can rest assured by the Spirit of this declaration, that GOD is bringing all oppositions to bring out Perfection in your experiences.

Through oppositions cometh forth Perfection.  Oppositions, through your persistence, will give birth to Perfection, and every other good and desirable blessing.  Before the deliverance of anything— before the birth there is a travail, and before the travail there is a conception.  You may not consciously conceive this idea immediately, but you will conceive it, even though it is unconsciously conceived.  When the times comes for the fulfilment of these expressions to take place, the oppositions may arise, for you are going in travail as a mother with her little child. But when you shall have delivered this which. you are in travail with, then and there you can rejoice in it, that your deliverance has truly come.

Take these thoughts to consideration.  From henceforth,

"Glory in tribulations, knowing this, that tribulation worketh patience, patience experience, experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed, for the love of God is shed abroad in your hearts."


You Will No Longer Be Alone

I heard one say a little while ago, you could not be ashamed, and "I am not ashamed," etc.  I AM here to tell you - how could you? - you cannot — both to tell you and to ask you, how could you? for you cannot!  It is a matter of impossibility to be ashamed when the perfection of every expression of yours shall have been manifested to you and to all.  How could you be ashamed of that expression which has expressed that which was to bring to fruition the light of all things, and to establish your going and bring you your deliverance?

From henceforth you can rejoice with joy unspeakable, for you are not alone.  When your soul first awakened, apparently you were alone, but since that time you can see as the prophet did, GOD has many that have never bowed their knees to Baal, neither kissed the image.  Take these thoughts to consideration.  The prophet thought he was left all alone, but when GOD had finished speaking to him, he was convinced to know, GOD has many that have never bowed their knees to Baal, neither kissed the image.  Since your coming to this recognition, you can see, there are thousands and thousands agreeing with you and believing as you do, therefore you will no longer be alone.  I heard one say by composition in a song,

"No, never alone,
He has promised never to leave me,
Never to leave me alone."

This is a consolation for those that are faithful.  GOD is the Creator and Maker.  If there be apparently a scarcity of any desirable blessing, GOD will create them and bring them forth into expression by your consciousness of HIS Presence, and by living thus accordingly.


Consolated to Know You are Never Separated

The Consciousness of GOD's Presence will bring forth many in number.  You can see they are gathered together wheresoever I AM.  Why?  For I carry with ME the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD's Presence and I re-beget others that will believe it, and they too will express it.  Therefore they, as well as you, will be attracted to us through the contact mentally and spiritually.  That is why those of MY Followers will continue to stick.  It is because of the unification of Mind and of Spirit within HIM Whom you are concentrating on.  By so doing, concentrating, you are reflecting and reincarnating HIS Characteristics, HIS Nature, in fulfilment of MY original composition,

"I will preach Christ in words, but more so in deeds and in actions, and I will put MY Spirit in them and cause them to walk in MY Statutes."

You are partakers of MY Nature, you are partakers of MY Characteristics. You are so closely connected you feel loath to leave, and you cannot be separated.  That is the mystery!  You feel as though it is taking life away apparently, and you would never depart from ME if you could prevent it.  The consolation of you going, and the hope of remaining the same, is that you can and have made your mental contact.  Your mental and your spiritual contact is a great essential.  That is why you can relax your conscious mentality and feel satisfied to apparently go personally, for you know you are not separated.  You know you are not separated when I AM Personally absent.  This is the consolation, but being united so closely together as an abstract expression is but a sketch and a reflection of the unification of Mind and of Spirit, of Aim and of Purpose within you and within us.  That is the mystery!


Not Divided Externally When Not Divided Within

Firstly you have united yourselves in heart and in mind, by giving your soul, your spirit, your mind and your body to GOD.  All of these have become as one. Since they became as one, there is no separation.  When you are together you feel loath to be separated, you feel loath to go personally, because you are personally united.  Firstly mentally and spiritually in yourselves, your hearts, your minds, your souls and your bodies, they all are united "as one man at Jerusalem," you are not divided from the within; hence you will not be divided externally, for the individual is but a sketch and a reflection of the collective gathering you are manifesting when you are not divided within; hence you will not be divided externally, for the individual is but a sketch and a reflection of the collective gathering you are manifesting when you are not divided within. When you see churches and other organizations divided externally, personally, or abstractly, they are expressing the mental and spiritual condition within them. When you see MY Followers united together and they apparently cannot be separated, and will not leave ME unless I Personally tell them, it is an outward expression of a sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of the condition of the mind within.

You have united your heart, your soul and your mind as one, from the within individually, as a sample and as an example for others and yourselves collectively; and others and yourselves here and there, and elsewhere collectively, are expressing a sketch and a reflection in an external expression of the mystery of the universal Unity of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose.  Hence we will universally express the Brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of GOD, fulfilling that which has long since been said, "Charity begins at home and spreads abroad," and I thank you.


"Declarating" GOD's Presence

I would just like to say at this juncture, as I afore announced today, on Thursday next we are going to Newark.  All are invited to participate in "declaring" the Spirit of GOD's Presence as an abstract expression according to your version.  GOD's Presence has been universally established!  It has been universally established in the consciousness of the people, and in and at this particular demonstration we will be "declarating" not the death of the Savior, but this Life, and the resurrection that has taken place in your conscious consideration.  All will be bearing witness of the resurrection, according to your different individual versions.  You will carry your banners, placards and other expressions, such as your mottoes, etc., and will also carry your trucks and floats if you can get them and if you care to — buses and private cars, and also you will go by foot.  So we all can rejoice as we go forth. I thank you.

