FATHER DIVINE on a Boat Trip up the Hudson, Admonishes All Mankind to Live an Evangelical Life
that They Might Be Free from Poverty and Enjoy the Abundance of Everything Now on Earth!

FATHER DIVINE'S Talk on Board the S. S. Clermont
Friday, August 26th, 1932 A.D.F.D.  Time: 7:15 P. M.


Part lll

The S. S. Clairmont having left Bear Mountain going up the Hudson River as far as Newburgh and Beacon, New York, turned around and docked again at Bear Mountain for an hour on her return trip. FATHER and the angels went below deck to the dining room where a second banquet, more delightful than the first, was served. The sun was sinking behind the hills in the flaming sky while the light blue surface of the water skimmed by. Around the sides of the dining room were many spectators.   FATHER first sang and then talked as follows:


"I AM glad if you have joy.
I AM glad if you have joy
I AM glad if you have joy
In your soul."

It is Wonderful! Yes, I AM glad if you have joy.   For this cause came I into the world, to bring peace and joy and happiness to all mankind.  Therefore, I AM glad if you have joy.   It is Wonderful!   I AM glad if you have joy in your soul,

"For a merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones."

That's why so many folks are dried up.   It is Wonderful! Dried up mentally and spiritually and physically, because they have broken spirits and they are not filled with joy unspeakable, and they are not filled with this great glory.   And I AM glad that you have joy in your souls whether you actually believe it or mean it or not.


The Lamb and the Bride, FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE

>The Lamb and the Bride, FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE.

Joy in Reality

I know that you have joy in your souls, because it was declared by the composition that you so often sing, "Joy to the world! the Lord has come." It is not just joy imaginarily, but it is joy in reality. ". . . Let every heart prepare Him room, And heaven and Nature sing."   I know you have that joy whether you are conscious of it or not. Eventually the whole world will enjoy this mighty joy and this mighty love. When you breath in, you will be breathing in joy, and when you exhale, you will be exhaling love, and the very atmosphere you breath is filled with joy and peace, life, health and love; and Jesus is Christ and Christ is GOD.   You are breathing in the very Presence of GOD and it is producing and reproducing the very conscious realization and the conscious materialization of the materialization of GOD.   And the thing that you visualize you tend to materialize and bring into actuality in your own lives.   It is Wonderful!

That is what it is all going to do, and that is what it is doing.   It will go through and through your system and purify your whole physical structure and make you new, and make you true, and make you ". . . perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."  It is Wonderful! So then you can rejoice and be exceedingly glad because we know that there is joy in this land where I AM. It is Wonderful! Joy to make you joyful, making you happy, making you loving, making you successful, making you prosperous and making you every desirable expression of GOD and of good that you have heretofore desired.   It is Wonderfu!

All May Enjoy GOD'S Abundance

You know at the time of so-called depression, as it is now and as it has been brought into ex pres ion, the average person or persons could not come out on a picnic like this and enjoy the abundance of all good things.   But because you realize that in GOD'S Abundance there is a-full and a-plenty for all and none need lack in GOD'S Abundance, that is why you can come and rejoice in the Spirit of GOD'S Presence, and being conscious of GOD'S Presence, why the very adverse and undesirable conditions disappear.  It is Wonderful!   And the very spirit of progress and success and prosperity comes, and it reigns in the place of the spirit of poverty, failures and displeasure.   And I set it before you as a sample and as an example to produce and reproduce it to the world, that it may also be a producer and reproducer even as I AM. It is Wonderful!

For this cause I know that you are happy, and I know that I did bring Joy to your souls —brought joy to your souls and where once you cried, you are now rejoicing, for GOD has wiped all tears from your eyes, and there is no more sorrow, neither is there any more crying, for the former things have passed away, and GOD has wiped all tears from your eyes.   Therefore, rejoice in the Lord and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven here and now.

Now if you are happy, if you are glad, why then, I AM happy because you are happy, for I came to bring peace and prosperity to the world that all men may enjoy the abundance of the fullness of the consciousness of good and that no space may be vacant of the fullness thereof: that all men may realize that "In GOD we live, move and have our being," and as in Him you live, move and have your being even so in you GOD lives moves and has His being. It is Wonderful! Now if you are happy, if you are glad, why then I AM happy because you are happy, for I came to bring peace and prosperity to the world that all men may enjoy the abundance of the fullness of the consciousness of good and that no space may be vacant of the fullness thereof: that all men may realize that "In God we live, move and have our being," and as in HIM you live, move and have your being, even so in you GOD lives, moves and has HIS being. It is Wonderful!

The Way GOD Was to Come

That is the way GOD was to come. HE always was here, but HE was to come into the conscious realization and the .materialization of man and produce Himself manifestoed in them; and then in reality you can say, "In him we live and move and. have our being," and in you and in ME, HE lives, moves and has HIS being. It is Wonderful! And that is what has brought so much joy to your soul. The very Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD brings joy, for it is . written, GOD spoke through the mouth of, Isaiah even unto them and said,

"In all of their afflictions he was afflicted, but the angel of his presence saved them"

The very Spirit of GOD's Presence will save you from limitations, from lacks and from wants and from all adverse and undesirable conditions and will establish your going, will make you happy, will make you joyful, will make you peaceful, will make you loving, will make you successful and will make you prosperous in this land even as I AM.

Now I know you all can rejoice at that, because I know you realize that I AM a sample and as an example that you would desire to copy after ... if not in some expressions of life, I AM sure you would in some. It is Wonderful! I AM sure that you would be pleased to copy after the success and the prosperity and the limitless joy and the limitless peace that I have — I AM sure that you all would like to have that — and it is free as the breath that you breathe! It is free for everyone! It is Wonderful!

Tune in on Principle

This joy and peace and happiness, and this success and this prosperity, and the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD is the same as a broadcast message, free for one and for all. But remember, you must tune in on this Principle and if you desire to produce it quickly, you must attune yourselves to the vibrations of it and then tune in on it. It is just the same as a broadcast message.

If you have a radio in your home, even on a ship, just think about tuning in on the message that is broadcast from any station. You can receive that message in your own home, in your own ship or even in your own automobile if you have a radio installed in that. So it is with this Grand Principle, this Grand Principle of Life, this Grand Principle that supplies you with all of the desirable attributes and - with all of the fullness of GOD's expression of good. You can tune in on this Principle and you can produce it in your own lives, for it is free and it is full and it is abundance for a11. It is Wonderful!

Just tune in on this Principle, dear ones, and you will be producers of the same, even also as I AM, and then and there and here and now you will not have an occasion to talk about lacks and wants and poverty and depressions, etc., for the Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, no space is vacant of the fullness thereof.

No Room to Receive Blessings

And again I wish to say as I have so often rehearsed in one of MY recent composed mottoes:

Just beyond your highest affirmation lies the field of endless joy beyond degrees.

If you affirm and give thanks and give praises, GOD will give and will confirm, will increase and multiply. It is Wonderful! But you must ask, affirm, give thanks and give praises and GOD will give, confirm, increase and multiply. For your asking, GOD will give, and for your affirming, GOD will confirm, and for your praises, your thanksgiving, GOD will increase, and for your praising GOD and praises to GOD, GOD will multiply the abundance of the fullness of all things, and to you the windows of heaven will be opened and pour out unto you such blessings that you will not be able to receive them.

Do you not see that whithersoever I go the abundance of the fullness of all good things is poured out unto ME? It is Wonderful! Do you not see that I have friends, an abundance of friends? I have an abundance of food. I have an abundance of raiment and everything desirable. And as with ME, so it can be with each one of you, for it is free for one and free for all, only for the asking, affirming and giving thanks for that which you see not, for you are justified by faith.

Just Shall Live by Faith

"Therefore being justified by faith, you have peace with God."

Now it did not say that you were justified by understanding something, but the Word says you are justified by faith. Faith is something that you do not understand. When you have faith that you will do something, you don't know that you will do it, but you have faith that you will, for

"Faith is the substance of the thing to hope for, it is the evidence of the thing not seen."

Therefore, the just shall live by not seeing things. It is Wonderful! Therefore,

"the just shall live by faith."

Now you can be justified by faith because you are believing in the thing that you have not yet received, but you wait patiently and know that you have received it mentally and spiritually before it is brought into materialization, or outer expression. Now I have a full and a plenty and to spare! And not because I say that, does it mean that you haven't it; you have the same as well as I, if you only know it. You have the same right to the abundance of the fullness of all good things as well as I, but you must claim it by faith. It is Wonderful! Not by sight, nor by hearing, but with a righteous judgment you will claim that you have not seen, and claiming that you have not seen, it will be brought into materialization, or outer expression, according to your faith. It is Wonderful!

Sky is Limitless Space

So we can say as I aforesaid, I know that you are happy, and I know that you are joyful, for I have brought joy to your souls. Not because I AM in some way different than any other man should be, but it is because I have brought to the conscious realization of the world, the conscious realization that GOD is Present here and now. You don't have to die to go up in the sky, for again I say unto you, that the sky is nowhere and is nothing, but is everywhere where there is nothing. It is Wonderful! Many of you did not stop to consider that, I AM quite sure, that the sky is nowhere and is nothing, but is everywhere where there is nothing. The sky is "limitless, emptiness of space" and wheresoever there is nothing, that is where the sky is.

Only an Imaginary Heaven

Therefore, how can you say that you are going to heaven far above the sky some place, when one of the astronomers discovered the Twin Plaskett Stars here about in this last generation, around about nineteen twenty, somewhere about that time discovered two stars known as the Twin Plaskett Stars. Those stars are only fifty-eight quadrillion miles from the earth, and those stars being fifty-eight quadrillion miles from the earth, it would take light rays, at light rate speed, to descend from those stars, ten thousand years. The light rate speed runs at 186,000 miles per second. Many of you understand that, or at least the majority of you do because you are intelligent people. But I just mention that to say this, that at light rate speed, 186,000 miles per second, it would take light rays, ten thousand years to descend from those Twin Plaskett Stars, and they are not the most distant stars, there are some much farther from this planet. It is Wonderful!

Then if it takes light rays ten thousand years to descend from those stars, or to ascend to those stars, when and where will you get to heaven? Going at the rate of 186,000 miles per second, if you would start from this earth, this planet, if you would start at that speed, you could go around the earth seven times in one second and then take a little time to rest, and then starting out for those planets, when would you get to heaven? It would take you ten thousand years. Then, where is that heaven you said was above all the other planets? That heaven it only an imaginary heaven — it has not the slightest reality. It is Wonderful! But we have come to bring to your realization, the materialization of the Kingdom of GOD, for you have been taught to pray,

"Let thy kingdom come, let thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."

And that was the imaginary heaven that your fore-ancestors and orthodoxy have taught since the earliest of Christendom, especially that there was some heaven above the sky for you to ascend to, that you would go there after you died.


New Heaven and Earth Taking Place

But this we do know, that John, according to the records given in Revelation, twenty-first chapter, he said,

"I saw a new heaven and a new earth : for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away."

That first heaven is fast passing away, and I AM erasing it out of your consciousness. I AM eradicating it out of the system and out of the understanding of the children of men that this new heaven and that this new earth might take place in them, and that they might recognize the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD here and now. Now what you imagined once would be in the sky some place, now bring that out of your imaginary heaven and put it in your Kingdom here on earth, for in this Kingdom here on earth, there is neither death nor birth. It is Wonderful! Then you are changed from that mortal version of that human mind to the spiritual inspiration of the Almighty GOD, and then and there and here and now you are beginning to rise and walk in the newness of life; having escaped the corruption of the world through lust you have become to be partakers of the Divine Nature. It is Wonderful!

For this cause you all can rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for GOD has changed your vile bodies in fashion like unto His glorious Body. GOD has changed your nature itself. Your characteristics are being changed from the human nature to the Divine nature, and therefore produce I unto the world the Angelic Race, the Angelic Host, through the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD that condescended to be produced through ME. It is Wonderful!

Changing Mankind from Mortality to Immortality

Now just think about the moving pictures, think about the radios and broadcasting sets, etc. Sixty or seventy-five years ago you would not have believed that today you would have something that has been brought into mechanical manifestation and into expression through the mechanical world, a percent of a percent of a percent of the great mystery of GOD, how GOD has condescended to impart Himself to the souls of the children of men.

Now take these thoughts into consideration, and they will lift you from your limited degree of your material versions into the glorious liberty of the spiritual realm and the spiritual realm of the Truth, and GOD through that will change your views entirely and change your vile bodies by changing your mind from mortality to immortality. It is Wonderful! Then and there and here and now you begin to feel the very Presence of GOD surging through your very bodies and through your very souls. And that is what the whole nation is stirred up about. That is what the world has gone after it for, because it is so fascinating, it attracts the attention of men and women in all walks of life. It is Wonderful! It matters not what profession or class or society you may be of, or you may be in, it makes no difference, with ME, this Spirit and this Life and this Love will attract your attention from the kings on the throne to the street cleaners, for I have that which they all desire to have, and that is this peace and this joy that surpasses all human understanding. it is Wonderful!

This Electric Magnetic Current Shocks Out Pains and Aches

Truly then might they have sung that, "He has brought joy to my soul." It is joy unspeakable and full of great glory, for it fills and thrills your very souls. It is an electric magnetic current of love, and it will penetrate your whole system if you make your rightful contact, and you will not need an electric pad. All you must needs do is to make your mental and spiritual contact, and that will be electric pad enough, and that will be electric shock enough, for MY Spirit will shock every ache and every pain out of your body. It is Wonderful! MY Spirit, I say— MY Spirit ". . . is quick and powerful, and sharper than a two edged sword." MY Spirit is as the lightning, but Benjamin Franklin had to catch the lightning. He first caught it in a bottle, and then after he caught it in a bottle, he manufactured it. It is Wonderful! After man harnessed the lightning, now you see these beautiful lights on the ship. That was the power of GOD as a sketch of a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of the significance of the Infinite Spirit of GOD transmitted to mankind. Jesus Christ, the great Love Master, was one of the bottles. He was one of the first bottles that caught this current, this electric magnetic current of the Holy Ghost. It is Wonderful! But He brought it into expression and HE said,

"I will go away, but I will come again and receive you unto myself."

It is Wonderful!


Benjamin Franklin's Electricity Likened to Holy Ghost

Benjamin Franklin caught the material or natural lightning in a bottle one time by sending up his kite, but now Edison has put a bigger stress on the invention of electricity and invented more electrical instruments to be used thereby than Benjamin Franklin did himself, did he not?   Truly might have Jesus said,

"My Father is greater than I."

Truly might have John the Baptist said,

"One cometh after me whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose."

But there was another one to come after him, and even the Apostle said,

"When that which is perfect is come, that which is in part is done away,"

And Jesus Himself, the great Love Master, said,

"In that day you will ask me nothing ... but whatsoever you will ask the Father in my name, that will he give you."

It is indeed Wonderful!

Now you all can see what GOD has done for you. HE has brought to your conscious realization, the materialization of this magnetic, Infinite, spiritual current of Love and of Life that is sufficient to shock your mortal bodies and shock out every pain without any material electricity. I said Benjamin Franklin's invention of electricity was but a sketch of a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of this great mystery of the invention of the infinite, magnetic, electric current of the Holy Spirit that transforms your very body and changes your vile body in fashion like unto His glorious body. It is indeed Wonderful!


Bodies Made Youthful and Alive

Do you not feel your bodies being made alive? It is Wonderful! Do you not feel that magnetic electric current of the Holy Spirit penetrating your very system? When you make your mental and spiritual contact, the very Spirit, that was in the body called Jesus is transmitted to you, and you will feel the same current of the Holy Spirit penetrating your whole system and it will change your vile bodies in fashion like unto His glorious Body, and if you are old, then you will be young. It is Wonderful!

GOD spoke through the mouth of Elihu to Job and said,

"If there be a messenger among you, one among a thousand, that will tell man of His uprightness ... my soul hath seen a ransom. His flesh shall be fresher than a child's: and he shall return to the days of his youth."

Do you not see that some of our audience they look youthful, do they not? They got youthful, did they not? Because the very spirit of youth that is transmitted to them, it has changed their vile bodies in fashion like unto His glorious body, and it has and it is making their flesh fresher than a child's. It is Wonderful!


All Can be as Free as I

Then you all have something to rejoice for, and be exceedingly glad, for the Spirit of GOD's Presence will keep you healthy, it will keep you youthful, it will keep you successful and it will keep you prosperous. I AM sure that you all are willing to hear what I say, because what I practice, I preach. Then you can

"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be made known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.

By living an Evangelical Life, by casting out of your consciousness all prejudice, all bigotry, all hatred, all resentment, all envy, all malice and all strife and doubts and fears, all races, all creeds and colors, all denominations of every kind, and unifying yourself with your fellow brother, then you will be even as I AM: free from every barrier, free from every lack, free from every want, free from every limitation. For this cause came I into the world, to break down segregation and prejudice and unify mankind as one man at Jerusalem, that you might be healthy, happy, successful and prosperous even as I AM. It is Wonderful! Then as I said, you should rejoice and be exceedingly glad. You should be glad to know that you can be even as I AM, because I set before you as a sample and as an example one that is free from all wants and all limitations, free from all segregation, barriers, bounds and every adverse and undesirable condition, free from poverty but having a full and a plenty and to spare, mentally, spiritually, financially and otherwise, absolutely independent through the Christ that dwelleth within, having the Key to all of the hidden treasures of the earth and to the mental world as well. I think I had better stop. It is Wonderful! It. is Wonderful!

Upon this foundation you all can build a house that will be incorruptible, undefiled and it will not fade away. If you adhere to MY Teachings, MY Spirit and MY instructions, you will be free from limitations, lacks, wants and barriers ; you will be free from sickness and troubles, adverse and undesirable conditions in every way, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. I have no limitations! I have no barriers; for even the earth will lose its gravitation over you if you will live thus accordingly.

• • •

FATHER concluded the above remarks at 8:30 P.M. and all went again to the top deck. It was beautiful there in the moonlight and the fresh breeze, and the band in the cabin was playing many of the rhythmic airs used in the Kingdom. There were groups all shouting and singing as FATHER made HIS way on all decks, stopping here and there among the people, showering HIS Love and blessings upon them, distributing literature where desired, and talking with many. There were meetings held also in different parts of the boat addressed by the various ones.

At last about eleven o'clock, the glorious day came to an end, as far as the natural day was concerned, and the ship tied up at the 132nd Street dock. There were five hundred taxicabs scheduled to meet the boat. The way in which the great crowd filed off the boat and went to their respective places was something that could be taken as an example by the whole world: there was absolutely no confusion, everything was orderly, they just walked across the gangplank and vanished away. Fifteen minutes after they were off the boat, the dock was clear. It was reported that the Chief of Police was on the dock to supervise the handling of the crowd, but he and his men were not needed. He is said to have asked the Captain how he managed to keep order in such a crowd, as it was an unheard of thing for such an excursion to go out without eight or ten police. The Captain's reply was that he never had seen a crowd like it; all they seemed to want was the privilege of shouting and jumping. He seemed to be very favorably impressed, and justly so, for during the whole day there was nothing but peace, there were no trouble-makers and no fights, there was no gambling, no smoking, no drinking, no profanity and none of the sin that usually exists on such excursions. It was a pre-evidence of what FATHER DIVINE's Teachings will do for the whole world, or as many as will live up to them.

FATHER and HIS angels were the last ones, to leave the ship, for FATHER had stood at the rail and sang while all passed onto the dock. HIS cars were waiting, and all stepped in and were whirled away and the dock once again was empty. So ended a perfect day, but it has not ended in the hearts and minds of more than three thousand who are still talking about it, or in the hearts and minds of millions all over the world that will see and hear FATHER speak in the News Reels.

