FATHER'S Work in Advancing Integration

Remarks of Miss M. J.

Holy Communion Table,
Circle Mission Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Whilst at the Holy Communion Table of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc.
764-772 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Wednesday Afternoon July 17, 1957 A.D.F.D. Time: 4:45 P. M.

Peace FATHER, and Peace MOTHER: I was somewhat waiting, I thought we might have a Personal Word from YOU, FATHER; but I would like to say just the same: As we were singing that song a little while ago, "O United Nations of the earth, you need GOD to settle your affairs! You have met right here so near the Body of GOD." It is Wonderful, FATHER! And it goes on to say, "The Stone that the builders rejected  has become the Head Cornerstone!"

I can't help but think every time we sing that song, why YOU are rejected by the world or, I should say, have been rejected by the world; not so much now, because the world has begun to realize that unless they receive YOU there shall be no lasting Peace! You are that stone that the builders rejected in the building of the temple! I often like to repeat that little story because it's so significant, FATHER, compared to YOU. When they began to put the temple together they missed that little cornerstone. The building would not stand up without that little cornerstone! It is true with your Kingdom today. What would it mean without YOU? Without YOU they could not bring the Kingdom of GOD on earth, without this type of religion that YOU have established today, FATHER!

I thank YOU from the depths of this heart. I thank YOU! There are no words to express my thanks to YOU for being that Cornerstone!— because I'm convinced deep down in my heart, that they cannot establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth without YOU! ("Loud applause resounds.) YOU are that Cornerstone that was rejected because YOU do not fit in to the actual scheme of mortality. Mortal mind schemes of planning and figuring out will not fit in YOUR Plan and YOUR Plan will not fit in their plan because YOU are that Cornerstone! And the Kingdom of Heaven can never come on earth and could not come on earth until YOUR Plan and YOUR Purpose, that Everlasting Cornerstone, fits in every field of profession, every field of activity! —and I do thank YOU for the way that YOU brought it about.

YOU came treading the winepress all alone and of the people there has not been one to help, and I thank YOU for that! I thank YOU because YOU are so unselfish. You are not bigoted. You do not carry religious bigotry and religious prejudice around in YOU. YOU want everybody to have the selfsame rights, regardless to race, creed or color; regardless to one's station in life, profession or activity; YOU are just the same with everyone, and I thank YOU, FATHER! Words cannot express. And I know personally what YOU have done on this earth plane for humanity in general.

I know for myself, at least twenty-some-odd years ago— twenty-six, I believe to be correct—  when we began in New York City trying to break down prejudice; sitting day after day in the different official's offices trying to get them to enact the Bill of Rights on One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street; FATHER, YOU did not do one thing as a Person; Your Spirit began to break down prejudice right then and there throughout the forty-eight states! And as one of the speakers expressed today how you have broken it down now in Delaware. I thank YOU! — because Delaware  was one of the most prejudiced states on the map.

I thank YOU, FATHER, for YOUR Blessings, and as YOU sit there today insignificantly apparently; just, I would say, just a cover of YOUR Spirit there; and YOU are just as operative in the four corners of the earth as YOU are sitting right there in that chair! — and those who are in Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, all over the world, feel YOUR Presence there just as we feel it sitting in this room now! That's what makes YOU GOD. That is what makes YOU GOD, because YOU are Everpresent! And I do thank YOU, wherever we go we can feel YOUR Everlasting Spirit!  And I say in closing, You are that Stone that the builders rejected. But they cannot finish the Temple without YOU! Thank YOU, FATHER.
