"GOD Is Operative and Expressive and Just As Electrifying As an Electric Wire!" — FATHER DIVINE

"Since School Has Begun . . . Young Children Should Retire at Night When They Are Going to School the Following Day,
Not Later Than 10 o'clock! Those of the Adults, You Should Retire at a Reasonable Hour at Night to Get Your Rest
if You Are Going to Work the Following Day!"


Palace Mission Church, Home and Training School, Inc.
of New Jersey, Pine Brook Hotel

Palace Mission Church, Home and Training School Inc., of New Jersey, Pine Brook Hotel


Out FATHER'S Sermon Given At the Holy Communion Table
Palace Mission Church, Home and Training School of New Jersey
(Pine Brook Hotel) Pine Brook New Jersey
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning October 8-9, 1949 A.D.F.D. Time: 4:55 A. M.

This profound Sermon was Given by FATHER shortly after a brother had given a very beautiful testimony of praise to FATHER and thanked HIM for the healings HE had performed in Sayville many, many years ago. He stated that he took a party out to Sayville that had been blind for several years; and the party having faith, stated that if FATHER could heal others, she was sure that HE could heal her blinded eyes; and sure enough, as this party could not walk and could not see, she was taken out there by two brothers and her faith made her whole when she went into that Holy atmosphere.

FATHER, in this profound Sermon enlarged upon the testimony and stated that HE had spoken to a party earlier in the evening that came bearing witness of HIS Wonderful Healing Power, stating that she had also  come to Sayville in Nineteen Thirty-one and had been completely healed and had now come to give HIM thanks and praise for same.

FATHER also sets a curfew for school children and advises adults to do accordingly if they have businesses or positions in the which they should express HIM and HIS Mind and Spirit to the letter, that CHRIST might be seen in all you say and in all you do. This Sermon is well worth considering by each and everyone, both young and old, for the words of GOD are the Scale of Justice for you and all concerned.

Almighty GOD, We Humbly Thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber and the following is FATHER'S profound Sermon with FATHER speaking as follows:)

Peace Everyone! Here we all are again. E Pluribus I stand. By the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose I AM reaching humanity all over this wide extended plane, changing the characteristics and nature of men, bringing them into the recognition of a Supernatural Presence that causes them in turn to be Supernatural too! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD!" responded the assembly.) Because of their concentration on the Supernatural expressions of GOD among the children of men, they are becoming to be partakers  and contagionized with the Actual Presence that gives Life wheresoever man is found!


I AM pleased to hear the testimony of the last speaker for the sake of those who did not know it and had not heard it; but as I was telling a party in an interview tonight in Newark, I AM just the same today! She was telling ME how she came to Sayville in nineteen thirty-one, in that year when there were many coming out there from all parts of Jersey and other places, how she came and did not touch ME, neither did I touch her, but she was healed of her ills, set free completely! From that time until now, she has not been sick since, she declares. Yet she did not even attend the meetings and come back and testify here, at least there, how I had healed her, but one time she mentioned testifying in Vaux Hall how I had healed her and yet MY Love beyond degrees kept her healed until today, saving just now, a little high blood pressure and she said it does not bother her to amount to anything! But she knows she has just a little high blood pressure! She says she works every day and MY Spirit has been with her since that time, eighteen or nineteen years ago according to the time of the season she came out there! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, Almighty GOD!" came the response.)

GOD works in mysterious ways, HIS Wonders to perform: HE plants HIS Footsteps on the raging seas of the minds of men and rides upon the storm!  Oppositions, trials and tribulations are the wind, as the wind for your sails in your sail boat! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, FATHER GOD!" exclaimed the masses.) No doubt if it were not for oppositions at times, your ship would not move apparently; but every knock is a boost! Every criticism is a praise, and all oppositions are convincing humanity generally, in other words in general, GOD deals in the affairs of men and none can hinder HIM!


I was thinking about how marvelous it is in this state, how they tried to oppose ME! They have learned a lesson. Aren't you glad! ("Yes, LORD! So Glad!" cried the masses.) By the virtue of the fact that those who rose in opposing, practically all of them have gone out of existence, and gone in a way to let you know that it was retribution and retribution was assured and retribution was sure to come; and retribution will come to many more who rise in opposition, for GOD is operative and expressive and just as electrifying as the electric wire!

You have heard of many different times retribution coming to many different  individuals, ministers of the gospel in this part of the State of New Jersey and in all parts, especially in Newark, in Orange, Montclair and all around; they can but stand off and look and think now, and see and know definitely, crime does not pay!

When you rise in opposition to the fundamental of Life, the Hope  of your Salvation and the Redemption of mankind, you are as one trying to handle Live Wires with your bare hands! You may get a shock!

But Oh, how glorious it is to realize, as retribution goes forth into the land, even so the Blessing go forth to some, those who are susceptive and will live according to MY Teaching, for I did say:

"I AM the LORD, thy GOD, AM a jealous GOD; I AM visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children from the third to the forth generation of them that hate ME . . ."

You have seen no doubt, thousands of people and their offspring — who hate ME, and the inequities of the fathers and ancestors were visited upon them! So retribution did come, but greater is it and better is it to observe the Mystery,

"I AM showing Mercy unto thousands of them that love ME and keep MY Commandments!"

Just think of the thousands and millions who have loved ME and kept MY Commandments, how they have been shown Mercy and Compassion and Deliverance and Salvation, whilst the inequities being visited  upon the wicked, they have been cut off! But there is in the wake of those who love ME and keep MY Commandments, Mercy still extended! For it is written:

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

It is also written:

"The wicked shall be cut off, but the meek shall inherit the earth and the righteous shall dwell in the land forever."


Results of Righteousness

We are privileged to be in the land, to possess it! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, FATHER, Dear!" came the happy response.) To produce the Righteousness that will possess it! Can you not see the mystery? It is not that you will possess it by unfair means, by taking the advantage of others, but to the extreme reverse, you will come into possession of the inheritance and of the Blessings of the earth by doing good unto others and by living Soberly, Righteously and Godly!

By this, all mankind shall eventually see and know that GOD in the midst of you is your Redeemer and your Savior and redeems you and saves you automatically! As I have been telling you, it is not anything I do as a Person to reach your condition, but as you contact ME mentally and spiritually with implicit faith and unshaken confidence and be substantiated in faith, your prayers which are your sincere desires are heard and answered speedily!

FATHER, Just the Same Today

The lady of whom I mentioned a little while ago, when she was healed in nineteen hundred and thirty-one, why she was healed without MY touching her, and the same like manner with those of whom the brother mentioned, who came out there with him, and how I healed him! Now if it could reach others at that time, and could reach himself at that time, I AM just the same today!

No doubt you have heard an old familiar Christian song:

"He is just the same today,
Seeking those that long delay,
Seeking those that are on the way;
Praise GOD, HE is just the same today!"

Then it is a privilege to live in such a recognition! As the speaker spoke a little while ago, a digression in a sense, concerning little children and all being fed, school children being fed in our places, Righteousness shall live but wickedness shall perish! By being not overcome of evil, but overcoming evil with good, you will come into possession of your rightful inheritance and inherit the earth, for I did say:

"Suffer little children to come unto ME, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of GOD!"

I further wish to say in keeping with the little children being fed in all our places so freely and voluntarily and unobligatedly, by not being obliged to do so, but doing it of our own volunteer volition and according to our own will and good pleasure, thousands have meals when they are going to school in their infancy, and in the seminaries and universities they are also blessed in the same way! Can you not see the mystery? Many in Washington, in Washington, D. C.  and in other places near our places, from the colleges, universities and seminaries, they come and get meals!  They testify how they have been helped to get their education through and by attending our places. That is a blessing to them, and it is not very much trouble to us to do so, for

"The earth is the LORD'S and the fullness thereof."
"The cattle on a thousand hills are Mine, says the LORD, if I was an hungered, I would not tell you, I would slay and eat."

You do not hear ME going around asking the people for a collection to buy some beef! You see, we have a plenty of it and we do not stop only on that kind of meat, but all other kinds of meat that you might desire to eat!


Do What Is Just and Right

So it is a privilege to let you see and know, you cannot lose by doing that which is just and right! Then I wish to say, it is written:

"It is more blessed to give than to receive."

That is why you can see all of these unlimited blessing are at our disposal and at our service, because so freely as you receive them, so freely give them! Keep them in circulation and your blessings will continue to flow; as one of our original songs was brought out:

"Keep the blessings flowing,

In other words:

Keep the cups a-going and the blessings flowing in.
Keep the plates a-going and the blessings flowing in."

So the same message is good for you today, to keep them going and the blessings flowing , for they are free! And as freely as you receive them, so freely give them! I thank you.

FATHER DIVINE with children

FATHER DIVINE with children

Important Announcement For School Children and Adults who are working

Peace Everyone! While I AM on MY Feet, I would like to say, since school has begun, all school children, those of the followers and others, young children should retire at night, when they are going to school the following day, not later than ten o'clock! I further wish to say, in keeping with that assertion or that proposition or version, whatsoever you may deem it to be, those who are going to business the next morning, the grown ups and all, they should retire at night and get their rest and not stay up all night even to see ME!

If you are going to work the next morning, going to business, matters not how young you may be, if you are from eighteen to one hundred and twenty-five years of age, if you are going to business or work in any way the following day, you should retire at night at a reasonable time and get your rest and do that which is just and right by your employer the next day! If your employer is yourself, do that which is just and right by yourself the next day, because when you stay up all night and do not get your rest, you will not feel fit to do your work the next day.

I know some like to stay up! They say they want to look at ME! (This brought loud applause from the audience.) Look at ME in your hearts, for I have long since declared by composition, as a motto for your consideration:

"If you take cognizance of MY Message, a greater picture of ME can be reproduced in your likeness!"

How beautiful the picture can I reproduce in your likeness, in your beautiful bodies as the mold in which I can shape and fashion MYSELF if you allow ME to!  Why it will be a greater picture of ME reproduced in your likeness, because in your beautiful bodies, after the manner of men, if I shape and fashion MYSELF in them, a greater picture of ME will be reproduced in your likeness; and a greater picture will be reproduced in your likeness mentally and spiritually if you will allow ME to qualify yourselves mentally and spiritually in the Beauty of Holiness as well as from a physiological point of view! Then you will see a Beautiful Picture of ME Universalized and all mankind will eventually be able to see ME, as I AM, E Pluribus Unum!

School Children Retire Not Later Than 10 o'clock

So take cognizance of this Message, all little children, especially the little children, those who are going to school the next morning early; not only those who are called followers of Mine, but since I AM Universal by Nature and Impersonal in Characteristics, I say all children, for your own sake and the sake of those with whom you are concerned, you should retire at night not later than ten o'clock so that you can be up in the morning early!

Those of the adults, they may not be obliged and especially required to retire at ten o'clock, but you should retire at a reasonable hour at night to get your rest if you are going to work the following day! Those of the people who are working for others, those who are serving the Cause and cooperating, those of you who claim to be MY followers and giving ME service, if you are doing physical manifold service or if you are giving mental or spiritual or professional service according to your respective profession or occupation, you must know you cannot stay up all night and get up in the morning to give that which is just and right to those with whom you are concerned!

Everyone should take cognizance of it and be not slothful and unthoughtful, for that which a man soweth, he must also reap! Give that which is just and right, for sixty seconds makes a minute!   How much work can you do in it? Very little, isn't it? But four and twenty hours a day is time for work and sleep and play! I thank you.
