Address by Attorney David Diamond of Brooklyn. New York



Rockland Palace Auditorium.

Given at the Holy Communion Table, Rockland Palace, New York City,
Sunday, January 18th 1942 A.D.F.D.


Peace, FATHER; Peace, everyone:

As I have said on other occasions, when FATHER invited me to attend these banquets, it is an honor and a privileged to be here and sit at the same festive board with FATHER DIVINE and His followers and break bread.  Yes, Peace is truly wonderful!  What wouldn't the millions of people in war-torn Europe give for such as a little Peace?  But Peace will be denied to them until they set their house in order.  Peace will be denied to them unless they follow the Teachings and Principles enunciated by FATHER DIVINE.  There can be no Peace for them as long as they covet that which belongs to their neighbor.  There can be no Peace for them until they cleanse their minds and souls and are willing to accept the Spirit of Righteousness, Truth, and Justice!

You, the loyal followers of FATHER DIVINE, are indeed very fortunate, very lucky that you are so attuned that you can accept the Preaching's of  FATHER DIVINE with open hearts and be able to have the Peace that is so dear to everyone.  I have on several occasions brought some visiting's friends with me because some of them were somewhat doubtful when I told them of the wonderful things that I see happening here; and without exception, after they leave these walls they say that I did not do justice to it.  The things that they actually see here cannot be described in just mere words, because here they see One Who not only teaches  but practices what He teaches!

There have been others in the past who have uttered beautiful words, thinking that was sufficient to carry them and their followers to their goal, but when they learned that he who uttered these words was just making speech without carrying into effect those words, he was soon discovered to be a faker.  But when you come here and see the words that are uttered by FATHER DIVINE being put into living action, you cannot help but feel that He is the answer to everyone's prayer.  Peace to everyone!
