Capital Punishment Profiteth Nothing in the Act of Curbing Crime
For the Same Spirit Will Get In Others

Artist Colony, Milton-On-The-Hudson
Artist Colony, Milton-On-The-Hudson.

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table Artist Colony, Milton-On-The-Hudson
Saturday, January 7, 1939 A.D.F.D. Time 1:10 P. M.

Not long after FATHER delivered a wonderful Message, did He again condescend to give us more Bread from Heaven, to uplift, to inspire and revive the souls of the children of men; for these words are the Life Substance, the Hope and the Salvation of all mankind!

FATHER brought out in this Message, points well worth considering by all; in the which He pointed out in several instances most convincingly and very distinctly, that in most cases and in all probability, capital punishment does not pay; it does not prevent crimes from being committed; for the same spirit of the one who is being punished for a capital offense, is reincarnated in other bodies and goes on to accomplish that which the other person failed to do.  Read these words of FATHER'S, that you may learn more concerning this subject!

(The foregoing statements come from the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE, EVERYONE!  Here we all are again: there I sit and stand!  I have arisen at this instance to say, according to MY Righteous Government Platform and according to MY Personal Consideration, it is not for the highest good of mankind to institute capital punishment in any country land or clime.

Wheresoever capital punishment is represented, it does not prevent the capital crimes from being committed!  If anything, it apparently increases it, it increases such a crime by putting an end by death, to the individuals who had committed such a crime of capital offense.

While sitting, I thought for consideration, to draw the parable most distinctly and to let you see and know, capital punishment does not eliminate crime, neither does it prevent it; it does not even so much as curb it!  Since capital punishment has been represented in this country, it has not decreased the crimes that have been committed, as punishable by capital  punishment!


Evil Spirits Are Reincarnated After Capital Punishment

I mention this because every year there are hundreds and hundreds of people carried to the electric chair and to the gallows and other ways of execution, for taking the life of a person, in the act of punishing such individuals for the crimes.   Then I say most distinctly, it does not actually curb such crimes!   For when a man is put to death under such a spirit, that spirit is reincarnated in another, if you will allow it to, or if he can find another body of his own type, and that crime still goes on.  By the experience of something, I wish to convey to you from a scientific point of view . . . .  Now, as I have said in MY Messages from time to time, I do not will for every person who is malicious, antagonistic and destructive, to physically die, for it profiteth little saving as a warning to others!  But still, those who are not changed by being educated out of such vices and crimes, and being born again, they still are in the same spirit or mind and same condition of the mind, that others have in.

I spoke through Shakespeare on one occasion and said:

"He who is convinced against his will, he has the same opinion still."

If a person is not converted in the will or in the mind to do right, it profiteth little for him to die or to be killed!   If he must needs go to the electric chair, it profiteth little or nothing, for another will take on the same thoughts and will attempt to do the same thing!


An Example

Now I would like to call your attention to that which has been call to MY attention of last evening!  Sufi Hamid, one who opposed ME, and was supposed to (according to the statements made) drive ME out of New York City; the first time he went up in his airplane on a trip last year, it fell and he was killed instantly.   He called himself a great leader, and they used to call him the 'so-and-so' Hitler, to persecute the Jews in Harlem, as Hitler did in Germany!  But as he thought himself great and attempted to and desired to destroy ME Personally, he destroyed himself!  But this did not stop nor prohibit the same spirit , according to record as given in newspaper excerpts.  It is on record this morning that his wife, at the same temple, and his successor (the bishop who has been elected to succeed him) they have set up arms against ME! . . . saying what they were going to do to ME, and it even quoted what Mrs. Hamid said, that she was going to knock the props out from under ME, and such like as that, —as they said that I had decreased the birth rate in Harlem so much, and had cut cosmetics so many thousands of dollars —they said forty-five thousand dollars a year in Harlem alone and such like; and the hair dressers —I had caused them to lose so much ( one million dollars in the United States) and at the Church of Tranquility last night, he was supposed to lambaste ME!

So, I AM saying this to show you, it does not save anything by a man dying; for GOD allowed him to get capital punishment, but his spirit is in his wife, (so I AM informed) and in the other bishop who has been elected in his place, and they are going to do the same thing!  So, they do not fear, as I said; when one goes before the battle and goes down, another one steps up and takes his place!  So it has been for the last fifty years or more since I have been known on earth here in this Country, among men.  They would rise in opposition to ME from time to time, and every one who would rise, they would be cut down in some way!


Worse Punishment to Live

Many times I would not allow them to die for mercy's sake, for it would not profit anything for them to die.  At times they may be punished more, to live and to see ME go on!  But there is a record of hundreds who have risen in opposition, even as this man did of whom I AM now speaking; and they have been cut off of the stage of action by the malicious wrath in them, and resentment an jealousy, with prejudice!  Such has caused them to lose their bodies, and yet the others will follow suit and do the same thing right in the same place.  It looks as if though, Mrs Hamid would have been the last one, or anyone in connection with his church; because when he rose up against ME, he went down so quickly, the body and all; and his pilot was killed immediately with him, and his secretary was almost killed!  It looked like they would have considered, 'Well, I think I will stop now.'  But I AM bringing this out, beloved ones, to let you see and know, capital Punishment profiteth nothing in the act of curbing  crime!  It may profit to pacify or to appease the resentment and the anger and the prejudice that may be in one's mind towards a person, to have him killed; but it does not profit anything in the act of curbing the crime, for the same spirit will get in some others!

Those spirits are reincarnatable and will be reincarnated from time to time, as quickly and as briefly as they can find one who will compromise with their mind and consider what they have said or done is right!  If they consider that that one is right, why, they will take on that same spirit and the last state of that expression in another will be, no doubt at times, more destructive than the first one.  And yet he may destroy himself more quickly; but another will get the same spirit, and will attempt to do the same thing!


Drawing the Substance of Life

But how glorious it is to live in the Actual Presence of GOD, when you know you are drawing from the substance of life from the fount of GOD'S  Mercy, from the Fount of GOD'S Love that brings you Peace  and Joy beyond degrees, and will give you victory and protection and real tranquility of spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose!  Such a privilege to be under the jurisdiction of the Loving Redeemer and the Savior of humanity, where you are protected from all hurt, all harm and all danger, knowing once and forever, GOD is the true Fount of your Salvation and the Hope of the Redemption of all humanity!

How glorious i is to live in such a recognition!  Then you can rejoice in tribulations and glory in them, knowing this; that 'tribulations worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope, and hope maketh not ashamed.'  Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery and to live in such a recognition!

I was just thinking about how glorious it is to be in such a pleasant atmosphere!  Where hate and vengeance are not in evidence, where you are not fighting against your neighbor and against your friends; where you are not overcome with jealousy and prejudice that are exhibited in the hearts and minds of men!  Where you can praise GOD with the spirit of sincerity, where love has free access in the hearts and lives of the majority of the people.


The Glorious Privilege

What a glorious privilege to live in such an atmosphere and to be the reincarnators of such an environment.  Oh, it is a privilege I say, to live in it!  To just transcend and surmount every mortal version and every mortal versionated concept of men; to revel into the  glorious liberty of the Sons of GOD, by taking on the Christ's Characteristics, and His Nature. His Spirit and His Mind being developed and being brought to fruition in one and all!  Knowing you are protected from sickness, from diseases, from afflictions, from every adverse and undesirable condition, by merely recognizing GOD'S Actual Presence and living exactly according to His Teaching and bringing your body into subjection to the tranquility of the Holy Spirit.  We do not mean the mere name  of tranquility, but I mean the reality of tranquility of the Spirit, as established among you.  Such will bring all the nations together universally, as 'one man at Jerusalem' as they were in the beginning of the creation!

In the begriming of the creation they were all of one language and of one sp each; therefore , there was not such a thing in the beginning of the creation as races, creeds and colors and some rising in opposition to others, to persecute and to brutally treat them.  But it was in the beginning so pre-ordained; GOD created the Heaven and the earth, and formed man, all out of one blood!

Selfishness, it is true, would arise as has been among you,— I mean in this last dispensation— and brought about a great division and many discriminations, and the discriminatory practice has been a living reality among all of the different races; But when you come back to the Foundation from whence you were driven, you find yourselves unifying yourselves together in the unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose!  And you will find automatically you are loving one another according to the Gospel.  That is the mystery!

So it is a privilege to live in this recognition!  Now, how do the expect to represent anything pertaining to GOD in Heaven, when they are strifeful, when they are hateful, when they are desiring to murder and mistreat each other?  It is a matter of impossibility for them to be representing the true tranquility of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, such as was created in GOD, through GOD and in Heaven.  I thank you!
