If a Person Dies Because of Your Negative Thought and Antagonistic Ideas and opinions You Are the Same as a Murderer.

Those Who Try to Hint to Others or Tell Others Directly, 'You Should Confess,' Are the Ones Who Should Confess Their Sins and Forsake Them.

Trials Will Turn You to the Saviour

129th Street Peace Mission Extension, New York City

129th Street Peace Mission Extension, New York City.


Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table 152-160 W. 126th Street, New York City
Thursday Afternoon January 5, 1939 A.D.F.D. Time: 3:25 P. M.

"Out of My Mouth goeth a two-edged sword and with it I smite the nations!" This is indeed a true saying and daily is the LORD, FATHER DIVNE, the Controller of one and all, bringing this to fruition. What inconceivable lies a tongue can tell and what impure thoughts a mind can think that is steeped in mortality and its fornication! But when these minds have been taken out of one and they have been redeemed apparently and then these same minds come back in them by the individuals allowing them to, they are just twice as vile and dirty as they were before. Just think of what GOD is daily and hourly doing for each and everyone! But especially think of HIS Goodness and Mercy to those under HIS Personal Jurisdiction and then they can turn likes snakes and bite the very HOLY Hand that is feeding them! This is true in many cases! Those that creep like the very snakes that they are and cover up their dirty work and come around saying, 'FATHER, I love You!' If they were known or revealed to the angels of the Kingdom no doubt they would be literally torn to pieces which would be none to good for them!

Oh, that men might turn from their wicked ways once and forever and learn to praise and give thanks eternally to their Redeemer and their Saviour Who shows such Infinite Mercy and Compassion upon the stinking bodies of the children of men! No one but GOD could or would do this!

An open confession is good for the soul and unless one and all remember this, the life you live profits nothing! For if you are going to keep as much as a single little thought between you and your Savior, that thought may be the thing that will hinder GOD'S Access when you need HIM and call upon HIM to help you.

So take these thoughts to consideration, beloved ones, and imbibe the Great Lesson which is herein recorded and profit thereby, for GOD is no respecter of persons; therefore HE desires that all might enjoy HIS attributes and characteristics of which HE is so freely giving, that all might be partakers once and forever.

Thank YOU, Sweet FATHER Dear!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER Speaks as follows:)

Peace, Everyone: I have long since declared, 'Thoughts are things.' and things in expression, good or negative, they are constructive or destructive. For this cause as I afore explained, when you think negative thoughts, think negative things and put then forth into expression, you are poisoning the minds of the people!

If their minds are poisoned, it may have as much effect on them as a dose of a chemist's poison; it is equivalently the same. only the poisonous minds of the children of men are more destructive, in a way of speaking; for they even come through mental telepathy, through harmonization, whilst the material chemist's poison cannot be transmitted merely by mental telepathy unless you get the psychological concept of it. But when you transmit negative thoughts and antagonistic ideas and opinions, if a person dies because of what you have thought or said, you are the same as a murderer! You are the cause of that person dying; therefore, it is true, your thoughts that go out from you, if they are negative, piercing and antagonistic and conflicting, they are as machine gun bullets going out from the machine gun in every direction; especially when you are scattering your thoughts of negation and antagonism by being malicious towards any person.

These thoughts are well worth considering! Then I say, When the Spirit goes out and apprehends and arrests a person and brings the person into subjection to publicly make an open confession to right their wrongs that they have done millions of others, why, you are worse than they are if you try to prohibit it! You are worse than a murderer! That is what I AM talking about, for thoughts are things, I say!


Blest or Cursed by Your Words

By your words you can be blessed and others can be blessed, and by your negative and antagonistic thoughts and words, you can be cursed and others can be cursed!

"The wages of sin is death, but the Gift of GOD is Eternal Life through JESUS CHRIST your LORD!"

Then I say, when you send out negative thoughts and come or be in this or these different audiences or communities casting out poison from your poisonous mind, you are worse than a biting serpent and a stinging adder and whatsoever comes to you personally is good for you!

Thoughts are things! When a man is overtaken trying to undermine, trying to hide, trying to murder another, why naturally, an official who is in authority has the right to try to defend the life and lives of those of whom that one is trying to destroy. If this is true officially among you in the world with which you have to do in outer consciousness or in mortal consciousness, as it could be said, how much more should it be considered when you as individuals are going around or would go around and try to poison the minds of millions when their lives hang in ME as the REDEEMER and the SAVIOR!

Then I say, 'Thoughts are things,' and thoughts, as you send them out, they are piercing; they are as though you are piercing the LORD in HIS Side if you could do it. But GOD came this time and you cannot do HIM any harm. Aren't you glad! GOD alone shall Reign and none shall hinder HIM! But as I said yesterday, those of you who are malicious and undermining and deceiving like snakes in the grass and come around and sit up around ME, why, then you are worse than a bold 'other fellow' which is made out of the 'other fellow!'

Such Are Good for Nothing

I would rather see an open 'other fellow' than to see a deceiving one who thinks he can deceive his fellow brethren and even thinks he can deceive ME, by coming and sitting around ME saying the same thing and yet do it and say it deceivingly and underminingly! Such a malicious and an undermining snake is good for nothing but to be cast out under the foot and under the feet of men to be trodden down! That is the only thing they are good for; they are not even good for the dung hill!

These thoughts are well worth considering! Then I say again, your deceiving thoughts, your deceiving actions and your deceiving words, they are going out of your mouth; as a biting serpent and as a stinging adder you are undermining! You are worse than any other person who would openly declare things on the house top, for you try to do it slyly and shyly, not only as a sly and shy fox but you try to do it as a undermining snake, which is one who does not walk!

A fox walks and barks! You may hear him when he is coming; but a deceiving snake like a good may of you, as I said yesterday, who want to take Mother's seat and because I do not give them Mother's seat and do not put them ahead of Faith Grace, why, then they are biting like a serpent and stinging like an adder, going around talking about different other ones and trying to condemn Faith Grace in the sight of GOD and man and go around and say the same things that caused others' bodies to go down and they are coming and confessing their sins when they know they lied and are declaring they lied and are willing to confess it and forsake it and you undermining snakes are deceiving, trying to go around in deception and in a deceiving way to try and get in the hearts and minds of others! Trying to destroy the happiness and the Peace and the joy and the life of your fellow brethren! Now that is what you are doing when you do those things.

Trying to Rob You of Blessings

I AM Life, I AM Health, I AM Happiness, I AM Success, I AM Prosperity, I AM Wealth, I AM everything else that is good— the Key to all of the Hidden Treasures and everything else that is desirable and when they try to get you to doubt ME falsely as said the Scripture, which you know is false from the beginning, they are trying to rob you of these limitless blessings; and not only you— those of you as immediate Followers— but they are trying to rob humanity of the Hope of the Redemption of their Salvation!

"The government is upon MY Shoulder"

Then when you are guilty you go around and tell someone else, 'You should confess!' Why don't you confess? Telling someone else, 'You better go and confess!' Think maybe they can hide and think that is the way they can hide! They cannot hide a thing! GOD has an Eye that never sleeps nor slumbers and wheresoever you go you shall be misery and woe to those who harmonize with you! Now you will continue to be unless you confess openly and forsake your cursed dirty sins! They will be a curse to those who harmonize with you, those who sympathize with you and those who associate with you.

Then I say, 'Thoughts are things,' and especially when you think negatively concerning the ALMIGHTY and with your malicious and antagonistic mind because of your jealous and prejudiced ideas and opinions and self-exalted mortal body, you make up such lies to tell others and tell them in a deceiving and undermining way to try to rob them out of their life!

What have I done for these people? Then I might say, what have you done for them? Make a comparison if you can or let any other one make the comparison as to what they can do comparatively with what I can do and what I have done and what I AM actually doing! Tell them I said make the comparison if they can make any or find any comparison universally, for GOD is Infinite by Nature and just GOD anyhow!

You Cannot Do a Thing

As Faithful said that they come to her, 'Why I wish I had known where you were, I would have gone to you,' and such like as that! Or, 'Well, when you get ready to go, let me know and I will go along with you!' Why don't you go now? It goes to show you they are the ones who are the actual expression and the reality of such a spirit! They are the ones who did it and said it even though it was said through Faithful! But I will re-declare it is a matter of impossibility for you to hinder ME! I know you will go off now if you can and try to say what you can, if you could say something, but I will bind you, and rebuke you and cast you out! You cannot do a thing!

I have declared an open confession is good for the soul! For months and months and months, and months I have known exactly what you have been saying and what you have been doing! I have known your thoughts afar off, even before you came! I knew your thoughts before you came but I was trying to see if you would confess your sins and forsake them and if you would have come to ME and confessed, then in meekness and obedience even privately, you would not have been exposed as you shall be now!

Take these thoughts to consideration! Now those who go around and try to hint to others or tell others directly, 'You should confess,' they are the ones! Thou art the ones! You are the one who should confess— confess your dirty sins and forsake them that your sins might be blotted out before GOD and man! That is the only way you can be recognized!

The 'other fellow' will try to hide behind every way and every version, every expression and every emotion that he thinks that others think is all right or he thinks others think is wrong.

Hiding Behind Emotionlessness

Some time ago I mentioned about how you could sing or shout to the top of your voices and men might think you were true but you would be hiding things behind your emotions and expressions. Then they thought they could hide behind the emotionlessness of themselves. The emotionlessness of yourself is the deceiving, undermining serpent who is motionless, coming in through and by the tender vines of MY Love and Tender Compassion trying to enter into the Kingdom without making any noise or the slightest emotion, without making the slightest gesture in coming— only slipping in silently! That is the way the worst serpent and the undermining animal will do. But I AM here to let you see and know GOD has an Eye that never sleeps nor slumbers! GOD has an Eye that sees every emotion— every emotion of the heart and every expression of your thought! Aren't you glad!

Then I say, GOD alone shall reign and all of the powers that be in opposition to ME shall not hinder ME! Aren't you glad! Take these thoughts to consideration. Now, as I said yesterday, you would see the difference. You will see the difference, because they will not even want to come in the auditorium or in the dining room because they know they are condemned before GOD and man! They know the Light is turned on and they cannot hide! If I do not say another word, you will see and know by the way some may go— the way they may die or the way they may go down, down, down! I need not even call the name, for every body knows. Aren't you glad!

I delight in calling names at times when it is something good I can speak concerning MYSELF reflecting or expressing through them, but yet even at that when I express through an individual, remember I AM still impersonal even as I was Impersonal in the beginning of the creation. GOD as Spirit moved out upon the deep as being termed upon the water and said,

'Let there be light, and there was light!'

GOD was Impersonal in HIS Creation, therefore HE but bespoke in the actuated Words of HIS Expression HIS Impersonality in HIS Mission and HIS Impersonal Characteristics, HIS Impersonal Work and HIS Impersonal Mission that would come after HE should have and after HE had prepared HIMSELF a Bodily Form.

GOD Is Always Impersonal

GOD is just as Impersonal in THIS particular Tabernacle as HE was before HE had a Body! GOD is still Impersonal and shall always be Impersonal but HE shall have a Tabernacle now, henceforth and forever and none shall hinder HIM! The Mouth of GOD has declared it!

Build upon this foundation— the Foundation of Truth, of Faith and of Courage, for they shall come in one way, but they shall go out seven! This is the dispensation of the fulfillment of the Prophecy— the Prophecy as given by the Law and the Prophets, by the Gospel, the Epistles and by the Apostles!

Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery and to see and to know definitely, you are living in the day of the fulfillment of the Scripture and GOD through HIS Condescension is actually the Fulfiller! I need not say more; MY Spirit, MY Mind and MY Presence, MY Work and MY Mission shall go on throughout eternity! You need not think you can hinder it!

Jot these thoughts down in your memory! Because of your malicious resentment against ME, there are those who will try to create antagonism in the midst of this people when I AM bringing Peace and Joy and Happiness! The reaction of your antagonism may cause you to get that which you desire for others to get! That is the mystery! And you sure will get it, if not by ME or by these of Mine, you will get it by someone. That is the mystery. For you shall get just what you desire to come to others! You shall reap it for it has long since been declared and I re-declare the same;— all things are as chickens— they come home to roost! If they are blessings or cursings, they come home to roost; matters not, they come home to roost unless you have some cause to express them unselfishly and righteously because of the Righteousness of GOD as you may be required to do. But everything you send out selfishly, maliciously, underminingly, jealously and resentfully, the same shall be your reward for they shall return heaped up, shaken down, pressed well and running over!

I need not say more; I see and I know and yet I do not know! Your confession of your sins is the great essential, because if you do not confess them in words, I will cause your body to confess them! I will cause your body to be the outward expression of your sins and iniquities and the reward of such as sin brings! I thank you.

(At this instance a testimony came forth from one who spoke of her previous misunderstanding of FATHER'S Words at times; but since reading one of the late Message in The New Day, she says she understands much more than she ever did. This angel also spoke of the mistreatment of the Jews in Germany at the present and seemed quite disturbed about the suppression and the depression they were undergoing. As her testimony came to a close, FATHER arose once more to give to the world another enlightening Message on this subject. FATHER speaks as follows:)

Peace, Everyone: I would just like to say at this instance,whilst the last speaker was speaking, I thought for consideration of the mystery of depression and of oppressions and of suppression. Because of you being suppressed and oppressed and going through many depressions, lacks, wants and limitations, you found your Savior!

The children of Israel down in the land of Egypt, when they were oppressed by the oppressors and suppressed to prohibit them from speaking and acting volitionally; when they were under hard taskmasters; when they could not express intuitively; when they were under that which is termed at this particular time, Fascism and were not under a democratic republic as this one, where you are here privileged to speak and move volitionally, where you have the freedom of the press, the freedom of speech and the freedom of assemblage. But by suppressions and by oppressions, by trials and by tribulations and by the oppositions they were undergoing, they sought the LORD and the SAVIOUR! They sought a deliverer! They sought HIM diligently!

Trials Will Turn You to the Saviour

I came firstly mentally as a consolation to them by visions and by dreams telling them something that would come on the scene in reality as a person as a REDEEMER and a SAVIOUR of them. Aren't you glad! Then I thought how marvelous it is to be under the opposers and be suppressed and go through many depressions, lacks and wants and limitations as in olden times going through famines. In modern times going through panics and depressions, trials and tribulations, lacks, wants and limitations— These are the ways and these are the things that will bring into consideration your LORD and your SAVIOUYR! Therefore I thought as I beheld as the last speaker was speaking and reading, how the suppressions and the suppressers and the depressions and the trials and tribulations individuals have undergone, it caused them to seek diligently something from a mental and spiritual realm, because on the material plane they found none. They found nothing as a deliverer for them, therefore they sought diligently and sincerely to find something from the mental and spiritual realm according to the dictates of their conscience; therefore I came in the name of Moses and said to them as they were enslaved at that time, 'Get you up and get out of this place.'

'Get you up and get out of this place!'

I said to Moses,

"Go down in Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let MY People go!"

Can you not see the mystery? Moses being born as though a child but appeared to them they knew not how. Aren't you glad!

'From whence cometh this strange child? Is this the King's daughter's son? He looks somewhat like a Hebrew, where was he born? But he has come as though he is the king's daughter's son!' The mystery of GOD was being revealed in the actuated words of expression but yet they did not get the interpretation of it. Aren't you glad!


Tribulations Brought the Deliverer

But suppressions and oppressions, depressions, trials and tribulations and the mistreatment of the Jews in Egypt brought about the Emancipator and the Deliverer of them as one who had been born as if tough he was among them. So then the Spirit moved and I worked in the mystery in a mysterious way, bringing them out of bondage by telling them in the actuated words of expression of the mystery of GOD'S Actual Presence and how GOD in Mercy came and how HE would emancipate them; therefore the Spirit when you are suppressed and when you are oppressed— firstly when you are oppressed by the oppressors, you are sincere and you become to be conscientious, you become to be sincere in seeking your SAVIOUR. You become to be sincere in that which you may endeavor because you are oppressed by the oppressors and you have no other to help you and because of this, naturally you contact the Spirit subconsciously and you call on your SAVIOUR and when you called on ME, I heard you and answered you! I responded to your request and you were emancipated and the Spirit came forth through you volitionally, inspirationally in compositions, in songs and in praises, in poems and in poetry, in rhythm and other expressions of GOD'S inspirations, giving you consolation and giving others information concerning the Consolator. Aren't you glad!

Then I could see, when you are oppressed, when you are suppressed, when you are self -denied and when you are going through depressions, therefore being depressed, GOD through HIS inspirations and by HIS internal Presence will be quickened within you and cause you to lose control of yourself at times when GOD has full control of you!

Then your gears of thinking are reversed. Your gears of action will be reversed. Instead of going in one direction, you will go in another when you shall have reversed your gears of thinking and reversed your gears of action by being converted to the ALMIGHTY!

Then I say it is a blessing when you see you have gone through and are going through oppressions, and suppressions, for GOD will come forth volitionally over and above all of your suppressions and will speak in you and inspire you yourself as well as others and will inspire others as well as you when GOD speaks in you volitionally and comes to the surface and manifests HIMSELF effectively. I thank you.

