"We Will Not Have Peace By Arms But By Love and Truth and By An  Understanding Such As I AM Giving You"

"If I AM Blessed Abundantly Above All Opposition and Can Control the Thousands By the Spirit Of MY Presence You Can See GOD Can Control All the Affairs of Men" — FATHER DIVINE



FATHER'S Message at the Rockland Palace, 155th Street and 8th Avenue
New York City Sunday Evening, January 1, 1939 A.D.F.D. Time: 6:35 P. M.

Verily, verily I say! Never before has GOD spoken these mighty words as given by FATHER DIVINE Himself during the two-day and night mass meeting at Rockland Palace, January 1st and 2nd, 1939.  Upon this occasion,  confessions were made by Faithful Mary, who, according to her statements, being maliciously and mercilessly drugged and doped, coerced at the hands of representatives of the Hearst newspaper syndicate and temporarily insane, had revoked her faith in her LORD and SAVIOR.

This deplorable and infamous plot, devised by these fiends in an attempt to destroy the Kingdom of GOD on earth among men, proved indeed futile, and showed more conclusively the strength of FATHER DIVINE'S declaration:

"When everything a tongue can say and everything a mind can think, when every attempt to cancellate and dispel even the slightest appearance of ME as a man, then and only then can I prove to you conclusively I AM that I AM and continue to establish MY Kingdom, of which the increase shall know no end."

The above, which became an established fact in the hearts and minds of men the universe over as a direct rebuttal to the legal investigation, promoted, as before stated, at the behest of Hearst representatives, of the morals of the Kingdom Life, a beautiful sacrifice and presentation of three angels (maidens) of themselves before any medical board for personal examination was offered, thus proving beyond a doubt the chastity  of the lives of the followers of FATHER DIVINE.


(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks  as follows:)

Peace, Everyone:

Good Health, Good Will and a Good Appetite for everyone, with Good Manners, Good Behavior, all Success and all Prosperity!  These and all other blessings to you I bring, the same as I have been bringing them.  Aren't you glad!

At this instance I have arisen to say, I desire to say it in short, with the old familiar adadge or composition, whichever;

"Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; it was grace that brought ME safe thus far and grace will carry ME on."

Aren't you glad!

At this time we are fortunate to have a good many of our newspaper representatives here. Of course, I know there are those whoare critics and there are those who are fearful, but what said I concerning this mystery?

"Fear not, little flock, it is your FATHER'S good pleasure to give you the Kingdom."

That is it! It is a privilege to realize, GOD through His condescension, in Love and Mercy Came; is now bringing the Kingdom of GOD, on earth among men and will give it to each and every one of them that will bring their bodies into subjection to HIM.

Rejoicing in Tribulation

While listening to the testimony a little while ago, of Faithful Mary, the confession of the malicious attack of the Hearst newspapers and his representatives, I rejoice because they did!  I rejoice and AM exceedingly glad!  By this all men will know definitely, it is a matter of impossibility for anything to hinder ME!  Now aren't you glad!  I have long since declared and I re-declare the same; GOD Alone Shall Reign and None Shall Hinder HIM!

Did I not say in nineteen hundred and thirty-six, according to the excerpts read, those who rise in opposition to ME, though they may be great, I will put them down!  You all can see Hearst is going down, is he not?  He shall not only go down, but he has already gone down!  I did not have to do anything legally about it, although someone may consider it yet.  Humanly speaking, if a group of newspaper men such as they, would get a woman, as being termed ignorant as Faithful Mary was, and would induce her and influence her against her will and give her liquor and drugs to influence her to commit perjury, can you not see they are the ones who are committing perjury, themselves?  Every one of them!  And legally they can be handled.

I would like to say in short, it is true, they attempted to try to frame ME up by getting some evidence against ME concerning some young girls.  They encouraged and induced Faithful Mary, under the influence of liquor or other drugs, and made her mad and lose control of her mind, to say those things concerning ME in order to hang ME if they could; but it was and still is a matter of impossibility!  For if GOD is even for you, who can be against you?  Aren't you glad!  And you have declared, I AM that GOD!

Investigation of Promised Land Activities

After they induced Faithful to swear or testify to those lies, the district attorney's office made a general  investigation of all of MY activities in the Promised Land.  They had all of the young girls, especially those who they thought did not look like ME, they had them before them in the district attorney's office, before the Grand Jury for investigation.  I AM glad of it!

Miss Great Love, Miss Victory Dove, Miss Merrines Truth


I spoke to MY attorneys, both those in the Promised Land and these down here, and questioned would it be justifiable to present a physical test as an examination by any health department of each and any of these young ladies who had not been married and prove to the world conclusively that they are still innocent maidens?  This was there and then ready to be performed.  We have on the stage here a few of them, a limited few who were willing at that time and even now, if it was necessary, to present their bodies as living sacrifices as evidence to the truth of MY Honesty and Purity concerning them, and every other one can go through a physical examination by any medical board.  We will ask some few of these to come forward that the general public may see them and see some appearance of their personal attributes.  Miss Great Love!  (Miss Great Love stepped forward to the front of the Rostrum.)  Miss Merriness Truth! (Miss Merriness Truth stepped forward to the front of the rostrum also,)  And Miss Victory Dove!  (Miss Victory Dove also stepped forward.)

The Authorities Saw it Was a Frame Up

Ladies and gentlemen, these are a few of the innocent girls who were willing there and then, and even now if necessary, to present their bodies to the medical board of examination to prove to the world that they are innocent, although they have been with ME many years!  These are some few of the many they had up there before the Grand Jury, for investigation, whichever, but GOD, in the men of authority, could see and know it was a frame-up by the newspapers and by Faithful Mary and other such malicious individuals, as they were at that time.  Can you not see what GOD has gone through, in bringing about a moral betterment generally, that you all might see and know there is a reality in GOD'S ACTUAL PRESENCE among you?

Take these thoughts to consideration and live in this recognition and build upon this Foundation that naught can hurt you.  if you do, lo, I will be with you now, henceforth and forever.  You will have Peace and Pleasure with victory over every trial and every tribulation.  I thank you!  (And FATHER turned to the three angels who had come forward to verify HIS statements.)

What a glorious privilege to live such a life in your community, that you are not ashamed or afraid to have such innocent girls as those to present their bodies as living sacrifices for  a physical examination by the health department, to prove they are innocent although they have been in our connections.  I need not say more.  I will tell you more later.   I will be here from time to time, and on and on, to tell you more and more concerning the Work of MY Mission and the Mission of MY Spirit as the Universal Peace Mission Movement of which is actually sweeping the world.

Come Into Subjection or Be Failures

All the inhabitants of the earth shall be brought into subjection to it or they all shall be failures.  I declare it!    Therefore I will not say very much more at this particular instance, but I thought I would draw your attention to the fact of what the Hearst newspapers tried to do to ME.  While they were trying to crush ME and even murder ME with the frame-up, if they could do it, Hearst stepped down and all of his reporters.  Aren't you glad!

It is a privilege to realize you are dealing with GOD in a Bodily Form.  Therefore you do not have to fear; for why should you fear if GOD is near when HE has spoken Peace On Earth and Good Will  To Men?  Now I need not say more as I afore said, for I will speak more before the close of this two days' meeting.  I will speak more in deeds and in actions and also in the transmission of MY Spirit and by mental telepathy intuitively, as I transmit MY Message to this people.

I will refrain from speaking so much in words, as words are inadequate.  All of the vocabularies of the earth, with all of the words of our advanced civilization, are inadequate to explain the significance of the work of this Mission among this people.

A little while ago you heard the reading   of the Message, MY Message I gave, of which was supposed to have been gotten out in this last issue of The New Day— while there are about twenty messages in this last  issue of The New Day with many other excerpts and statements, advertisements and such like that are well worth considering.  As I afore said a few days ago, if you stop and consider getting a publication like The New Day, one hundred and twenty-four pages, for only five cents per copy— just think of it!  One Hundred and twenty-four pages for only five cents per copy!  Having a chance to get the new year calendar, of The New Day— yea, this is the Dawn of The New Day.  It is not only the dawn of it, it is the reality of the New Day.

Fifty Years Ahead of Time

Men said years back, I came about fifty years ahead of time.  Well now, all humanity universally in this advance civilization can see this dawn just coming forth into expression, that which I have given and that which I AM exhibiting.  Fifty years ago, it is true!  Now you can see the dawn is breaking upon you and upon all civilization.  They are coming to the recognition of this Peace Mission.  They themselves will consider it eventually and will recognize GOD'S ACTUAL PRESENCE among them, for, as with an individual so with a nation.  I cannot stress it too vividly, for you can see I AM Blessed Abundantly, over and above every opposition.

If I AM blessed abundantly over and above all oppositions and can control the thousands and thousands as you see under this jurisdiction, by the Spirit of MY Presence, in this Peace Mission, you can see most distinctly, GOD can rule and control all the affairs of men and none can hinder HIM!                     

We will not have Peace by arms of war— by war; we will have Peace by love and truth and by an understanding such as I AM giving you.  Aren't you glad!  We shall have universal Peace as I have it under MY Personal Jurisdiction.  As you heard one say a little while ago, a few years ago they did not want to hear the name Peace; they did not wish to hear the word Peace.  It was because they were ignorant, living in this advanced civilization, super intelligent humanly speaking, and yet they were ignorant to the fact of living and speaking into existence the reality of that which you are seeking.  Can you not see the mystery!

Affirmation and Confirmation

You speak into actuality, the reality of that which you are seeking, by iteration and by reiteration and by affirmation.  When you affirm such an assertion as Peace, or any other desirable expression, GOD confirms it for you.  When GOD confirms your affirmation, it is no longer  merely an affirmation; but as this is in outward expression, this is the declaration of Peace On Earth And Good Will To Men.  Can you not see it?  Is not Peace controlling the masses?  The ten thousand or more under the sound of MY Voice, you can see Peace has the influence over them.  We do not have to have the forces of arms to control them, for the Spirit of Peace as a sample and as an example is actually controlling the masses even as Peace with Understanding from this angle of expression is controlling all the nations.

I shall bring all nations of the earth into this One Peace of which we are now expressing..  Aren't you glad!  If it is good for ME as an individual, it is good for you severally and collectively.  If it is good for you severally and collectively it is good for you nationally and internationally; therefore we shall have Peace over the whole universe just a I have it under MY Personal Jurisdiction and all shall see and know most distinctly, MY Message is not merely to the American people.

I say MY Message is n0t confined nor bound to the American people alone.— Just consider!  On the Peace Stamp that is being sent out now, though it may cost many dollars to send the cablegrams to the European authorities; yet you can get the Peace Stamp and other information at the rate of one twenty-fourth of a penny per page.  I AM bringing the cost of living down in your reach from every angle expressible.  I Am causing you individually and collectively to be absolutely independent, for when you can live on three to five dollars per week, you certainly can live, even if they try to starve you out!  Aren't you glad!

Virtues of the Followers

You see,MY Followers look decent, do they not?  They look clean and respectable.  They are self-respecting and self-respectable  They are reliable.  They are honest.  They are competent.  They are true.  They are doing exactly what I tell them to do.  Aren't you glad? I have long since declared;

"I will preach Christ in words but more so in deeds and in actions, and I will put MY spirit in them and cause them to walk in MY statutes."

Can you not read weekly of many different individuals paying their old bills, such as they never would have paid before I came? GOD in the midst of this people is actually renovating and re-creating and regenerating and giving new birth to the children of men.  Aren't you glad!  Therefore they are new creatures in reality.  I need not say more at this particular instance, but I will tell you more from time to time, between  now and tomorrow night at twelve o'clock. when the close of this meeting will be.

I would further like to say that Faithful Mary has more to tell you all.  She has much more to tell you.  She is ready to tell you from time to time but she will not at once tell it all, for the half has not yet been told.  Now I would like to say at this instance, I heard one of the speakers say what I would do for those who are called the Hebrews, those who are called the Jews.  If after the manner of men— of course, this is something I do not usually speak, but according to the moral version of them, Christ came in the likeness of a Jew nineteen hundred years ago.

"He came to HIS Own and HIS Own received HIM Not" —

but the Gentiles received Him, therefore HE turned to the Gentiles until the time of reformation.   The time will come when they will be saved by HIM through HIS Transmission and through HIS Reincarnation, for this is HIS Reincarnation!

HE May Turn to Those Known as Jews

Jesus Came in the likeness of those who were called Jews— I mean the Son of GOD— and they received HIM not.  He turned to the Gentiles and accepted them for they accepted of HIM.  I came to the Americans and a good many who are commonly known as Afro-Americans, they received ME not, although I did, or do, physically look something like them!  If they will not come unto ME, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and let ME give you rest, I may turn whole-heartedly and completely to those commonly known as Jews, for they are the ones now suffering.

Since GOD HIMSELF Came it may work vise versa, for all you know.  God may turn  to those in the likeness, or called the Jews even as in the Sonship degree when HE sent HIS Son.  HE turned to those who were called Gentiles when the Jews refused HIM.  I sent a message a few weeks ago to all of the suffering Jews universally, those who are called by the name of Jews.  If they, as the minorities and under-privileged, in other countries, as being termed in this, will accept of ME, I will emancipate them nationally even as I have emancipated individuals individually.

"His Own Received Him Not"

This is the hope of their redemption!  It may sound  a little radical and fanatical and ignorant, but Christ in the Name of Jesus as the Son came to His Own, His Own received HIM Not.  He turned to the Gentiles, those who would receive HIM.  Can you no see the mystery?  Now GOD in the FATHERSHIP DEGREE has truly come; HE came to those who would have been termed by HIS Personal Appearance, HIS Own.  They received HIM not.  Now you may see it may appear as though HE is turning to the Jews.  You do not know how this thing is going to work out, do you?  It is wonderful!

Has it not been taught through Judaism, when CHRIST Comes, or the Meshiach Comes, your bills will allbe paid?  You will get your money.  Are you not getting your money?  Are you not getting your money as never before?  Is it not written in the prophesies:

"Return unto ME and I will return unto you,"

says the LORD.  "God will turn the hearts of the children to the FATHER before the great and terrible day of the LORD." Aren't you glad!

Then I say it is your chance now to accept of this message, for I AM not representing a special nationality nor special nation but I AM representing every living creature, for this is it of which John in his Revalationic  prediction predicted, when he saw

"a great number coming up through great tribulations, of every nation, of every tongue and of every people and every tribe, who had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."

It could have been said, "Made them white in the Life of CHRIST."

Cleanliness of the Spirit and the Mind

Now you can see your mental garments are,being made white, are they not?  AM I not teaching cleanliness of the Spirit and of the Mind?  Cleansing your morals of all filtiness of the flesh in the teaching of Jesus the CHRIST, which means the Life of Jesus and HIS Virtue.  HE was conceived, but in the body called Mary, according to Christendom.  Can you not see the Purity of aim and of purpose and the cleanliness of the body, as Jesus talked with the lawyers and the doctors in Jerusalem at the age of twelve, speaking of the sanitary condition of the City?  HE was speaking of the mystery of the sanitary condition as was taught in the Book of the Leviticals.  That is what Jesus was talking about.  He was talking with the lawyers and the doctors about the sanitary or insanitary or unsanitary condition of the city.  He wanted the City of Jerusalem to be more sanitary than it was.  Can you not see the mystery?  That is why HE talked with the lawyers and  the doctors, that they might make laws, rules and regulations and the health authorities might see to it that the conditions of the city might be sanitary, just as I keep the conditions in MY surroundings.  I thank you!

Peace, Everyone!

I AM called, have called, to mind another little incident, a little something in accord with the statement of
Faithful Mary.  I have in hand a note, another who desires to make a confession— one of whom I have not had any talk with since he has spoken things that were untruthful.  He desires to make a confession. "An open confession is good for the soul."  I did not ask for it He desires to make it. 

Now I would like to say again, this publication of The New Day, especially this issue, will give you critics, believers, friends and readers any information you are seeking.  I have spoken very open.   I hope you will consider it and read these twenty lectures in this issue  of The New Day, with other excerpts declaring MY past and present experience.  I thank you.
