You Are Going Through the School of Salvation, Being Taught the Redemption of Your Bodies by Being Scientifically Taught the Law of Life
When you Personify that Which You Have Actually Vividly Visualized You Have Become to be the Word That Was Made Flesh





FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table 152-160 W. 126th Street, New York City
Friday, December 31, 1938 A.D.F.D. Time: 12:45 A. M.

On this evening of the regular Righteous Government Forum, though there were many visitors present as usual, FATHER did not speak Personally during the meeting; however later at the Banquet Table HE delivered a beautiful Message following some interesting remarks by Dr. Broadman.

During his talk Dr. Broadman related his experience in conversing with a teacher who told him that she taught the followers of FATHER DIVINE on the school days of the week, but on the other days she came among them to learn from them. He also referred to this great Truth as the School of Salvation.

FATHER, we thank YOU for being daily partakers of this great education, which has no equal in all of the colleges that develope the human intellect.

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and FATHER'S Lecture follows.)


Peace, Everyone!

I was just thinking of that little song the brother sang a moment ago. The song is very appropriate for the occasion, realizing according to the statement of the second to the last speaker, Dr. Broadman, if men are taught the dictionary of Salvation and inculcate the meaning and the spirit of it within them , they will be emancipated from all undesirable conditions and will live in the land of the living, with victory over all trials and over all tribulations.

I was just thinking how marvelous it is to be at a place in consciousness where you realize you are going through the School of Salvation. You are being taught the redemption of your bodies from sickness, diseases, afflictions and adverse conditions of every type. You are taught this by being scientifically taught the Law of Life. For this cause you are actually going through the School of Salvation.

How marvelous it will be when men realize the School of which we are now taking you through is a School you have not experienced before. Out of all of your past experience from your early existence up until this present time, you have not seen such Joy, such Happiness and such Peace exemplified. Now the time has actually come, since GOD has glorified HIS Son, HIS Son shall glorify HIM for the Work HE has done. Aren't you glad!

I AM receiving letters now from abroad. They are realizing according to one especially, just received this evening, that I AM the hope of their redemption. Now think not to say within yourself I must necessarily do anything Personally.

"It is not by power nor by might, but by My Spirit."

Therefore I will accomplish MY Endeavors regardless to the consequences and regardless to the oppositions. Aren't you glad! Hence, that which I have spoken into consideration, I shall not be discouraged until it shall have been universally established.

A Great Contagion

I was just thinking about this Peace Mission Movement. As it goes forth as a great Contagion, it is contagionizing the atmosphere in which you live. It is causing men to become to be partakers of this great Contagion. The time is not far away when they all shall seek that of which I AM. It is immaterial to ME whether they seek ME as a Person or merely seek this of which I AM, it is all the same; for I AM Joy, I AM Happiness, and these and all other attributes and characteristics of GOD are Impersonal; therefore others are partaking of the same Contagion because they are impersonal. Aren't you glad!

For this cause they are seeking ME. Those who do not know definitely that I AM not obliged to do anything Personally, they may seek ME Personally. From a Personal point of view they may seek ME; nevertheless I have long since declared,

"It is not by power nor by might, but by My Spirit."

Hence, I shall go forth conquering and to conquer. I may do a few little things at times personally merely to attract your attention, to let you see it is not any such a thing as a prevention. There is not such a thing as a prevention, there is not such a thing as an opposition. Aren't you glad!

Oh, it is a privilege to know your GOD, for those things which seem to be oppositions and are set up as preventions and prohibitations, it is a matter of impossibility for those things to hinder—they only help ME! I thrive on them! Aren't you glad! You all know it is true! I thrive mentally, spiritually, socially and otherwise! I thrive physically from every angle expressible! I thrive on oppositions!

Calling from Far and Near

Then I say, it is a privilege to know your GOD and to live in this recognition by building upon a foundation such as this one that cannot be shaken. Now the time has truly come they are calling on ME from far and near, and the Scripture must be fulfilled. The time cometh said the Scripture, when they that shall call and whosoever shall call on the Name of GOD shall be saved. Aren't you glad!

If you can only make up your mind to call and call right, make that rightful contact and you can see the results of a harmonious contact, and you can see the results of an inharmonious contact, do you not?

Then I say, it is vice versa— it works either way. If you make an inharmonious contact the reaction of such an inharmonious contact as you have made, you will get the results in your physical and personal experience and you will demonstrate the inharmonious results from that inharmonious touch.

Then I say, it is a privilege to observe the mystery, for when you believe ME and work systematically and harmoniously with ME, blessings and blessings, limitless blessings follow.


Radiating the Energy of the Almighty

A little while ago whilst singing, I thought of how marvelous it is to be in this environment where the very Spirit and the Life and the Energy of the Almighty, I AM radiating from MY Own Tabernacle. I AM transmitting the Spirit of Courage, of Zeal, of Faith and Hope and Contentment. Then I thought of how glorious it is to be in such an atmosphere and in such an environment where the very Spirit of GOD is radiated from heart to heart and from mind to mind, where you are changed mentally and spiritually by the great radiation of this Love transmitted, and especially when you harmonize effectively with it, you become to be the reincarnators of it!

I could see the outward expression of this Love, of this Happiness, of this Joy, of this Peace and of this Contentment. By being contented you feel free from all of your worries, from all of your trials and tribulations; for the Spirit of GODS Presence dispelling your condemnation and your discontentment, it causes Peace to flow like a river. You become to be Successful and Prosperous, you become to be Healthy and Happy. Things work harmoniously with you, do they not?

As I said to the New Day Publishing Company—in other words, to the representatives here this week—I said, "I want those last stamps out by the first of the year." They thought—at least, the brother thought—they could not get them out, but you see they are here. Everything works harmoniously, peaceful and happy, and the desirable conditions result for that which you have harmonized with others for an unselfish purpose. Aren't you glad!

You Are Reproducers of Your Own Expressions

By this you are transmitting and reincarnating that which you have already transmitted and become to be partakers of that which you have sent out from yourself. Hence it is a privilege to observe the mystery. You are the reproducers and the reincarnators of your own expressions, of the things you are conveying through mental telepathy, of the things you are conveying through words, through deeds and through actions; for your thoughts are things, and you are conveying them in deeds and in actions and in expressions, and others are partaking of them and in turn you also partake of them.

Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery! What said the Scripture, yea, the Gospel concerning this mystery?

"If you continue in My Words, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

You can see you can be emancipated from lacks and wants and limitations, from sickness, diseases and all undesirable conditions, and from all contagion that is negative or undesirable. You can become to be immune to those conditions and the desirable will be your portion, for you are harmonizing with the desirable instead of the negative. Aren't you glad! 

I have often said, the thing you vividly visualize and idolize, is the thing you tend to materialize and personify. Aren't you glad! Personifying the desirable by visualizing the desirable and bringing into actuality, into the consideration of others by you bringing into materialization the desirable. When you bring the desirable into materialization, by it becoming to be a part of you, when others observe it as you manifest it, they are also partakers of it. They become to be reproducers of that which you are expressing. They become to be the photostatic copy of your own expression, your life, your actions and your emotions. Aren't you glad!


Facsimile of the Positive

You should be the exact facsimile of the Positive instead of the negative. You have 'facsimilated' the undesirable long enough. You have visualized it and materialized it and the word of the undesirable has been made flesh; now permit ME to make the Words of MY desirable, Positive assertions to be made flesh.

When you are the recipients of these, MY Positive Words I AM daily speaking, you are the reincarnators as well as the transmitters of that which is desirable, for you concentrate on it and you take it in by concentration in your consideration and then you bring it into materialization; and when you materialize by reincarnation, you also personify it by stressing it vividly in your consideration.

When you personify that which you have actually vividly visualized, you have become to be the Word that was made flesh. You are the flesh of that which you have thought. That which you have spoken, you are the personification of it. The Word is made flesh and dwells among us.

Now I AM the Personification of all Success and all Prosperity! I AM Prosperous, I AM Successful! . . . I mean, Personally! I AM Healthy! I AM Happy! I AM Loving!! I AM Kind! I AM everything your harmonious and contrite heart can desire. By this you can plainly see, as with ME, so with thee, if you will allow such to be. That is the great mystery. Aren't you glad!

Then I say, let us universalize this of which I AM, until all mankind becomes to be partakers and reincarnators and materializers and re-personifiers of the desirable instead of the negative. The Word is now made flesh. When the Spirit speaks in you as though it is you as a person, it may merely be, as far as you are concerned individually, an affirmation you are making; but that affirmation when it shall have gone through the confirming process and you become to be the confirmation of that affirmation, then you can make your declaration known, for you are the personification of that which was merely an affirmation theoretically expressed in the beginning.


Creation Being Repeated

We are re-creating a new earth and a new heaven. Aren't you glad!

"Behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness."

Can you not see the mystery? Can you not see the re-creation of a new heaven and a new earth, which merely means the repetition of history, which merely means to repeat history.

History is repeating itself and the creation of all creation is now being repeated and we are in actions in the act of our duty reiterating history; for

"Actions speak louder than words."

Hence, I AM reiterating that which has been iterated in actions and others can observe it more distinctly and much better than I could Personally tell them.

Then I say, live in this recognition and build upon this foundation. You can see this great Contagion sweeping the universe and bringing everything into subjection to those things that come into its wake. Can you not see the mystery? Can you not see Harmony resulting wheresoever I AM?

"Peace extends and abides like a river, Sorrows like sea billows roll away,"

but GOD HIHSELF is Ever-Present, for GOD HIMSELF came to stay!

GOD Will Manifest the Perfect Picture

Upon this foundation if you will stand, you will not have an occasion to fret nor worry. Even though there are those who call on ME from afar, you will know definitely GOD is Ever-Present and GOD is just as expressive without HIS TABERNACLE here as HE is with IT, if you are the same in thoughts, in words, in deeds and in actions, if you are the same accurately from every angle expressible and will manifest nothing less than the Perfect Picture, you will be the reproducer of the same and you will not have an occasion to reproduce nor re-express nor re-incarnate anything that is not desirable; for the thing you concentrate on vividly, you tend to materialize.

How glorious it is to live in such a recognition, and as Dr. Broadman said a little while ago, allow yourselves to be taught wisdom from the Fount of GOD'S Omniscience, which comes from the insignificant apparently. It comes at times from the illiterate! It comes from those who are ignorant, from the most sincere, contrite heart that is meek and lowly—there is where you will find your GOD, if you take it Scripturally or if you take it Evangelically; for what said the Scripture concerning Moses? He was meekest of all the earth in his day.

What said Jesus according to the Gospel Evangelically?

"The meek shall inherit the earth and the righteous shall dwell in the land forever,"

said David in his Psalmic prediction concerning the mystery. Aren't you glad!

Now we are rejoicing and we are exceedingly glad to see Peace has come to abide. If you who observe this mystery, or even theoretically can observe it, if you do not observe it whole-heartedly mentally and spiritually, I can by inspiration and by harmonization teach you wisdom. From all undesirable conditions you can be emancipated and dwell in the Presence of GOD forever and forever. I thank you.

(After a moments pause FATHER continued.)

Now I did not rise at this instance to say very much, but I thought I would convey a thought to you concerning the lesson you are being taught, the lesson of that which was brought out by the composition we just sang. GOD is teaching you of HIS Salvation, teaching you in the actuated words of HIS Own expression. You can see the actuated language of expression and actions. As they speak accurately, they are observable and understandable.

Animals Understand Actions

Even in the animal kingdom they can understand the actions of Kindness, of Love and of emotions, though they may not understand your words you speak from your vocabularies. Can you not see the mystery? You may say go or come in words from your lips, but your very actuated words of expression they will understand them, for they have an instinct and a sense of feeling that will inspire them and teach them wisdom by your emotions and by your actions, for

"Actions speak louder than words."

The very animals in the forest understand your actuated words of expression. They will come or go at your very beck and call. Aren't you glad! Now you can call them by beckoning to them. You can drive the animals away by your emotions and by your expressions in your actions, but you may not drive away nor do anything to them by merely saying a word from your lips. Can you not see the mystery? But GOD speaks wisdom scientifically in the actuated words of expression.

When GOD speaks, HE speaks to the instinct or to the intuition of the living creatures. If you are of the animal kingdom, or if they are of the man kingdom, you can speak to that which is in them, that intuition or that instinct or that inspiration by which they are inspired, and they will move or act accordingly. That is the mystery.

Then I say, we shall continue to bring into actuality the reality of the Positive instead of the negative until all humanity will produce that of which we are expressing, and they will be teaching and telling others even as I AM telling them of this Holy Love; Love that is beyond degrees; Love that goes into Infinitude—this Infinite Love and this Infinite Peace! I thank you.

