I Came to Lift the Under-Privileged and Those Who Have Been Downtrodden
That the Meek of the Earth Might Be Exalted

A letter from FATHER DIVINE to Senator Ellender


February 21, 1938 A.D.F.D.

Special Delivery - Registered Air Mail.  Return receipt requested

Senator Allen J. Ellender
House of Representatives
 Washington, D. C.

Honored Sir:—

I write as I wish to advise I have read a considerable amount of your filibustering speeches to the Senate.

I do herein respond to same in accord with, and in the defense of  the Constitution of this great country and the citizens of America, as being termed an American Citizen, of which I AM.   I desire to see the Constitution and its Amendments, with the Declaration of Independence, protected by the executives and representatives of this government, lest the government by the people, through the people and for the people perish from the earth.

For this cause, I have striven to cooperate with, safe-guard and protect the Constitution in words, but more so in deeds and actions.  By this I AM cooperating and bringing into subjection millions to Righteousness, Truth and Justice, that even Americanism might be converted and no longer be limited to the word as used in the expression "Americanism," but that which might become to be  true Evangelism.

Thousands and thousands of breeders, multipliers and committers of vice and crime, I have brought into subjection to the Christ  Jesus' Mind, where they are saved from vices and crimes to the extent they would not even smoke a cigarette, and I venture to say the Police Department of New York City and State and the Police Department of Newark, New Jersey and State can verify the same!

Therefore, as I AM a representative of Righteous Government, the same of which I AM daily speaking in its defense, I have given many lectures and AM giving many lectures daily, a good many of which are published in The New Day magazine; but under date of Wednesday, February  the 16th, enclosed please find same for your consideration, and for the consideration of the citizens of America and all civilization, that they all might take cognizance of this Message and bring themselves into subjection to the Spirit of it, that  all civilization might not perish from the earth.

But that the Kingdom of this world might be the Kingdom of our GOD and His Christ. and all might be even as I AM, for this leaves ME Well, Healthy, Joyful, Peaceful. Lively, Loving, Successful, Prosperous and Happy in Spirit, Body and Mind and in every organ, muscle, sinew, joint, limb, vein and bone and even in every atom, fibre and cell of MY Bodily Form.

                                                 Respectfully and Sincere, I AM

                                                                             Rev. M. J. DIVINE

                                                    ( Better Known as FATHER DIVINE)



Our FATHER'S Message Given at the Banquet Table No 20 West 115th Street New York City
Wednesday Afternoon February 16, 1938 A.D.F.D. Time: 1:50 P. M.

"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I shall draw all men unto ME."

This was the expression of Jesus the Christ, nineteen hundred years ago, and from thence throughout the world of Christendom, up until this present time, this statement has been a proven fact.  Today it is more a reality than ever before, for we are in an advanced dispensation— in and under the Reign of the FATHER, and as we endeavor to lift up Christ, the exalted Name which fills the heaven and the earth, CHRIST  our LORD, FATHER DIVINE, lifts us up individually, collectively and universally.  Our minds are transformed, hence our thoughts are pure.  In this way FATHER DIVINE is accomplishing a great work, too great in its scope to be rightfully discerned by men whose hearts are diseased  with the contagion of sin, and especially when they have become the victims of prejudice and portray themselves as does the much heard of Senator Ellender of Louisiana,who has made himself popular or unpopular by his recent aggressiveness in Congressional matters in the minds of the thinking public.

Now we would like to call attention to this very significant note of warning by FATHER DIVINE, by requesting that you senators, congressmen, President and all other representatives of the people, as well as the people themselves universally, "listen to this," the direct words of the Lord, as HE so plainly places before this whole civilization the Light of Truth which will preserve this government and all other government.  The failure of the acceptance of this Salvation will result in the perishing of our civilization and the complete eradication of our government.   Again, "Listen to this."  FATHER, our LORD, we thank THEE.

We hear the voice of the LORD as HE sweetly sings the following songs:


"Draw me nearer, nearer, Blessed LORD,
To the place where Thou didst rise;
Draw me nearer, nearer, Blessed LORD,
To Thy Precious Healing Side.
I am Thine, O LORD; I have heard Thy Voice,
And it told Thy Love to me;
But I long to rise in Thine Arms of Faith
And be closer drawn to Thee.

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE at the Holy Communion Table,
Peace Center and Nazareth Mission Church, 128th Street, New York, New York

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE at the Holy Communion Table , Peace Center ans Nazareth Mission Church 128th Street, New York, New York.
Consecrate me now to Thy Service LORD,
By the power of Grace Divine,
Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope,
And my will be lost in Thine.
There are depths of love that I cannot know
'Til I cross the narrow sea;
There are heights of joy that I may not reach,
Til I rest in Peace with THEE.

                                 * * *

"I AM the One, I AM the One,
I came treading the Wine-press all alone.
I AM the One, I AM the One,
I came treading the Wine-press all alone.
There are none to walk right with ME,
I came treading the Wine-press all alone.
I AM the One, I AM the One,
I came treading the Wine-press all alone."

FATHER speaks as follows:


("Peace FATHER DEAR! exclaimed the throng enthusiastically.)

Here we all are again , and yet it is the same time, just once and forever the same.  Aren't you glad?

Now that first little composition sung for the consideration of someone; not only some limited person, but for many's consideration:

"I am Thine, O LORD, I have heard Thy Voice,
And it told Thy Love to me;
But I long to rise in Thine Arms of Faith,
And be closer drawn to Thee.
Consecrate me now,
it said,
to Thy service Lord,
By the power of Grace Divine;
Let my soul look up with a steadfast and unchangeable hope,
And my will be lost in Thine."
Draw me nearer, nearer, Blessed LORD,
To the place where Thou didst rise,
Draw me nearer, nearer, Blessed LORD,
To Thy Precious Healing Side."
                                            * * *

This is the place in consciousness where Christ arose; a place where Christ arose Personally, and a place where Christ arose in consciousness, a place where Christ arose from every angle expressible that others might arise and be drawn nearer, that place in consciousness where the actuality of the Christ Consciousness might be a living reality to all of us. 

How marvelous it is then to really be the reincarnators, the reproducers and the re-fulfillers of the Scripture, of the Life and the Teachings of Jesus.  By reiteration we produce and bring into expression the identical Characteristics, Nature and Life of your SAVIOR.

It Is Better to Endorse Righteousness

While listening to the reading of the foregoing Message, one given of recent date, I thought for consideration, how marvelous it is to live in the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence.  By you being conscious of GOD'S Presence your bodies have been brought into subjection; you no longer seek Justice by violence, but to the extreme reverse, you seek Justice and Truth by Righteousness instead of seeking it by violence.  But as the Message conveyed the thought, the thought of which I had conveyed some time ago,— those who oppose the Anti-lynching Bill, the same may come to them or may come to some of their close friends, their sons and daughters, or families; then they might desire to have an anti-lynching bill.  So I AM declaring to the inhabitants of the earth, it is better for them to endorse Righteousness; for if thy do not, they will meet with something just like themselves.

I often speak of — once upon a time, there was a goat crossing the boardwalk.  The boardwalk was very narrow and it was only passable for one at a time.  While this goat was on his way across the boardwalk, he met with a lamb, and this lamb, of course being meek and lowly, knew no way whatsoever to get by.  So the lamb stooped down and the goat reared up to butt him off of the boardwalk.   The goat jumped over him and went on his way.  The lamb arose and proceeded on his way; but what says the story concerning the mystery?  The lamb went on down  across the creek, into the meadow, eating grass, but in the same direction the goat met another billy just as he was; and this other billy, just as he was, reared up, for each one desired to have the way; and the two reared up together, and the two were butted over— overboard, and the two were drowned, while the lamb lived on.

Treading the Wine-press Alone

Now in the last composition you heard ME say,

"I AM the One,  I came treading the Wine-press all alone."
"He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
I said,
as a sheep dumb before her shearers, and he opened not His Mouth."

Aren't you glad?   HE was, according to the Gospel, crucified, dead and buried, which bespeaks the crucifixion apparently of Righteousness, which bespeaks the down-trodden of the earth, being down-trodden.  But after a while it did rise in the parable of Jesus,— the Lambship Degree arose, even though predictionally, HE was slain before the foundation of the world, but the same unfoldment of that Expression was Resurrected from that angle of expression.

I bring you back to the consideration of the former composition as sung— the former number:

"Draw me nearer, nearer Blessed LORD,  To the place where Thou didst rise."

It is not so much of a "Bleeding Side" now, but "to the place where Thou didst rise." I have lifted MY Followers from suffering and from the crucifixion. They shall not be crucified any more.   Aren't you glad?   I came to lift the under-privileged, and those who have been down-trodden, that the meek of the earth shall be exalted,

"For whosoever exalted himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."

Aren't you glad?

GOD Shall Have All Dominion

Then I say, the mystery is revealed.  GOD, through His Condescension, has shown you the way to come, through meekness and obedience, through lowliness of heart and of mind.  You shall see your GOD, and you shall see the reign of your King.  The time has truly come, GOD alone from this angle of expression shall Reign and openly have all Dominion and none shall hinder Him.  Aren't you glad?  That is what it is all about.  Then I say, the filibusters can continue, if they wish to, but as I explained through the experience of one of the speakers on Friday— Friday evening in this dining Room— it shows you what others will do while I AM trying to convert all mankind to Righteousness, Truth and Justice, that they might not seek that which is due them by violence; but others who are not converted to ME, will do it.

Then I say, if Senator Ellender and others who are fighting against the Anti-lynching Bill as filibusters, they should rejoice at MY  Coming, and Praise MY Name and should heartily endorse MY endeavors and cooperate with ME; for as I afore said, the boot may get on the other foot; and when different complexions, of what they consider not like them, will take their sons and daughters and themselves and lynch them, why, then they will desire an anti-lynching bill.  That is what I AM talking about.  Then I AM warning those who are in authority in this country; for the benefit of others, not for Myself, neither for anyone who they thinks looks like ME.  But I AM  warning them, "Righteousness is the only hope of their redemption, and the only way to solve this problem; not by violence, but by Righteousness; not by the sword, but by MY Spirit."

Millions Brought Into Subjection

MY Spirit has brought millions into subjection, caused them to cease to commit sin and vice and crime of every kind.  It has caused them to be self-respecting and law-respecting and law-making and law-abiding citizens; then I say, it should be considered; for it is not by violence but by Righteousness, and not by the sword but by MY Spirit.

I have not used violence to bring the millions into subjection.  I have not used  violence to stop the many crimes of every kind existing, not only in this city, but all over this corruptible country.  I have not used such to bring mankind into subjection, but I have used MY Spirit, as said the Scripture,

"It is not by power nor by might, but by MY Spirit, says the LORD."

MY Spirit has given victory over discords, and has given you your real emancipation from adverse and undesirable conditions. Then I say, they should rejoice and be exceedingly glad; for I AM declaring, 'Violence will break out, not with MY Followers'— all of those whom I have actually converted, they will allow GOD to fight their battles; but everyone whom I fail to convert, after a while they shall, or will resort to violence and attempt to put the boot on the other foot. That is what they will do.

That was a foretaste of it, by hearing a gentleman the other day speak of how he would like to go down South there, and kill at least twenty-five such as the filibuster.  It goes to show you, the reaction of such an attempt to prohibit Righteousness and to prevent it will cause the same spirit that is in the lynchers to get in others in the act of expressing their revenge which they have against the color.  It is not according to MY Teaching, for to ME it is foolish to look upon a person and hate him because another person appearing somewhat like that person had committed a crime.  I would not be that ignorant, "for GOD looks not on the outward appearance of men, but GOD looks on the heart."

Men Are Known by Their Character

In MY Teaching men are known by their character, by their disposition and according to  the Scripture, yea, the Epistle:

"A man is known by the company he keeps,"

and not by his personal appearance. But those who are on the outside and are not of MY Spirit and of MY Mind— this gentleman was just one expressing the sentiment of millions of others; and practically everyone who is of that which is called "MY color," who is not converted to this truth of which I AM stressing, they all have the same desire and the same opinion and the same mind and the same ambition, if they will not be privileged to express Righteousness and will not get Justice at the hands of the authorities.

As a representative of Righteousness, as an advocator of Truth and as an Eradicator and Dispeller of unrighteousness and violence, I request the honor of the authorities universally, but especially in this country to endorse Righteousness and pass upon it; for if they do not, violence will break out; not with MY Followers, not with one who is truly converted; for according to MY Righteous Government Platform, those who are MY real Followers would not fight his brother for any cause.  But the more who are not converted to ME, the more will be of that other lynching mob mind, and they will attempt to do things that are foolish— foolish things; for why should you hate a person because of his color, just because the filibusters happen to be of his complexion.

Not the Person But the Principle

Why should you hate him?  Why should you hate them?  Even if you had a right to hate your enemy and those who desire to kill you and lynch you, as the filibusters do, why should you hate another  person because they are of his or their complexion?  You should not hate him because of the complexion; it is the character and the spirit in the person.  It is not the person, but the Principle.  So then, as I say,understand the mystery.  Those who commit such crimes as lynching and are endorsed by the law-makers of our country, it is plain to see what they are doing.  They are creating and expanding and extending crime on that which they term to be "the other side."

I AM forewarning this country as an individual and as an Ambassador of Peace, that every man might look diligently to what he or she does or says.  Whatsoever they may do, whatsoever they may say, they should be watchful and mindful how they entertain such violent thoughts and endorse such things; for the tide of such a spirit will change.  It is not confined, it is all impersonal.

Mob violence does not belong to a special complexion.  It is all transmittable, for it is all impersonal.  It will be transmitted in a different complexion if it is continued, I AM  telling you.  The "other fellow"  has no special color.  He gets in everybody in whom he can get.  If he gets all he can in one appearance and through and by one appearance, then he will get in another, and he is the same one.  It matters not how he may come, he is the same one.  Therefore, I say, know within yourself, it is not matter nor personality nor materiality doing those things, but it is the spirit of violence, it is the spirit of dishonesty.  It is the spirit of incompetence, and it is the spirit of unrighteousness— in short, the spirit of the "other fellow" himself, the spirit of the "other fellow" himself transmitted; and he is universal, if you will allow him to be.

A Warning to America

Now some folks will delight in that— to know that "the other fellow" is transmittable and reincarnatable, for they desire to do those things, some of them who are not converted unto this Truth.  They desire to do those things.  I have been hearing them talk about it for the last fifty years.  I mean right here in this country.  They desire to do those things, those who did not and could not do those things. But the time will come, "the other fellow" will get in them so forcefully, that if you do not check him he will be the expression of himself in another complexion and not according to the former complexion of mob and lynch violence in the complexion of which he has been in; for he will get in other complexions.  He is "the other fellow," you know.  He is as sharp as the Almighty; therefore, I AM fore—warning the inhabitants of America, especially, to take warning.

It is better for them to consider MY Message, and allow all Americans to be converted; for I have declared the Constitution of this country as the fundamental for the redemption of all humanity, that Americanism when it shall have been truly converted and brought into subjection to Righteousness, Justice and Truth as I have it, will no longer be Americanism but it will be true Evangelism, according to the Constitution.  There and then shall this spirit of Peace under and through the Constitution, through the spirit of legalization and through the Trinity,— the spirit of Americanism shall go forth as true Evangelism, endorsed by politics and legality; sent out with a document to carry a Message to the other countries that they all might be converted to the Fundamental for which I stand under the Constitution.

When All Mankind Shall See the Light of Truth

How marvelous  it will be then, when all mankind shall be converted to this light of Truth of which I AM expressing and all the inhabitants of the earth universally will be absolutely independent and free from lacks, wants and limitations and emancipated from all depressions.

I need not say more. I believe I have said enough to stir up your pure minds.  This Message shall go to all of the civilized world.  They all shall see and know that this Message did not come from man.  They shall see and know universally that which they have heard of, which has been as a Stone rejected, has actually become to be the Head of the corner.  Aren't you glad?

Upon this foundation if you will stand, you will not have an occasion to fret nor worry; for GOD through His Condescension, with Love and Mercy will be all humanity's Real Emancipator, no longer merely talking about being free from a physical slavery; but when you are emancipated from a mental slavery which millions have been undergoing from the early existence of civilization, then and only then,will you have your real emancipation.

I have declared the emancipation of the bodies of the children of men was only a partial emancipation, and only a fraction of the real emancipation for which I came.  Since the American citizens have been emancipated, those who were enslaved, and emancipated as far as history is concerned, they were merely emancipated partially as an abstract expression; but still they were enslaved by the prejudicial and slaveric children of men.  That is what they want to do to all of you and everybody else, to keep you enslaved; but as I have it on MY Immediate Staff and under MY Personal Jurisdiction, so shall I have it in every civilized country as well as in this country, and especially in the darkest corners of the South.

Coming Through Great Tribulation

Now is not this a beautiful physical bouquet— a beautiful bouquet?  You can see the outward expression of it,— of every seeming complexion, of every seeming nation, of every seeming language and of every seeming people expressing that which was spoken of in the revelation concerning the mystery.  John declared he saw a number that no man could number coming up through great tribulations.  You all have come through those things, and others are coming through those things of every nation, of every language, of every tongue and of every people, for they are many.

How glorious it will be when all mankind realizes the Truth concerning ME, ("GOD ALMIGHTY!" came the glad shouts of the multitude) and stand with ME whole heartedly; for that is exactly what they will do universally,— all who will be living and remain on the face of the earth.  Aren't you glad?

Nineteen hundred years ago, little did they think when they crucified Jesus as a Person, that the universalization of the very Spirit of Christianity would be a living, universal standard for all religions!  They did not think it, but the advancement of Christianity began at the time when Jesus was crucified, because HE ceased to function as a Person, and His advancement and His Kingdom were extended and spread.

The Constitution and the Law of the Spirit of Life

Oh, it is a privilege to live in the Actual Presence of GOD.  Men who are called, supposed to be representatives of our great country, supposed to protect the Constitution and stand for it,— the very Constitution itself and the discovery of America was for the purpose of giving the inhabitants of this country a chance to serve GOD to the dictates of their own conscience.  That is why I came to America to root out corruption from all politics and from our government under the Constitution; to protect and stand by the Constitution and the Spirit of it, and to convert that part of it that is not righteous; and yet the Constitution will be MY protection continually, and I will protect the Constitution and the two will work together,— the Law of the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus as the Personification of same, the Advocator, the Emphasizeror and Demonstrator.

I AM transmitting the Law  of the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus  to others, and yet I AM legalizing it and causing the Constitution to be an endorser, according to its promise to grant each and every citizen his right to serve GOD according to his own conscience.  That is what it is all about.  We are working together and I AM talking about the Constitution of this country, and its amendments, MYSELF and MY Righteous Government Platform and its present and future amendments, shall be the Fundamental for which all civilization must stand, and endorse it and verify it universally.  Aren't you glad?

For this cause each and every one of MY Followers will inculcate and reincarnate and produce and reproduce the Spirit and the meanings of the Constitution.  They will develop and produce that which is in them, that which was declared by our country's independence.  Each and every individual must produce the spirit of Independence  and be individually independent even as the country as a nation has declared it.

What it Means to Be Under the Constitution

How marvelous it is to know what it really means to be under the Constitution.  The Constitution should be in each and every individual, and every individual as an American citizen should express it.  The truth of Americanism when it is brought to fruition, if it is converted and brought into subjection to Righteousness, Truth  and Justice, will be true Evangelism by which all of the nations of the earth will be converted.  Aren't you glad?

I would like to say if there are any publishers of books or representatives of the press here, it is your privilege to take what I have said, not only to take same down in your notebooks by shorthand, as MY stenographers are doing; but take it in your vocabularies and live it— all of that which I have declared; and all of you, if you are brought into subjection and your writings and all other expressions of you, when they are converted, you will become to be an expresser of that which I AM expressing.

It would be a good idea, for those of you who are political and legal representatives to jot those thoughts down in your note-books.  Those of you who are writers and publishers of books and editors and publishers of papers— the press generally— should accept of this Message and take it to consideration, and get it on record, just exactly what I AM telling you this afternoon; for the time is not far away when men will see and know definitely just what I have told you is true.  They should rejoice at it.

I heard you say through Christianity,

"He rules the world with Truth and Grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glory of HIS Righteousness,
And the Wonders of HIS Love."

As I was thinking a little while ago, when you love ME whole-heartedly, the love for GOD in expression will cast out fear. It will cast out undesirable conditions and all negation, such as have been in your mentality and in your system.   You will not have an occasion to worry. You will not have an occasion to fret, if you allow MY Spirit to lead you and to guide you, especially if you love ME whole-heartedly.

Why is it you are fearful when you come around ME?  You are fearing for your life.  You know you are scared of ME.  It is because you do not love ME.  If you love ME you are not scared of ME.  Aren't you glad?  Then live in the Actual Presence of GOD, and you will not by any means, think that His ways are hard, but you will love Him so.  You know it is sweet when you love HIM;  and when you love ME, all doubts and fears go; yea, all sickness and diseases will go; all adverse and undesirable conditions, with every sense of negation, will leave your mentality and your system and your physical body will be healthy and happy if you whole-heartedly love ME. I thank you.
