Annual Report of the Audio Visual Department of the Palace Mission, Inc.

For the Year Ending March 27th, 2011




Peace, FATHER DIVINE, Redeemer and Savior of the World, WHO Sacrificed HIS All and All for Us, and Peace, to Our Precious MOTHER, WHO Stands Unmoved as the Perfect ONE Lighting Our Pathway to the Perfect Life of Christ, GOD, FATHER DIVINE!

Peace Officers, Trustees and Members of the Palace Mission Church, Peace Angels of the Kingdom and Peace Everyone!

The Audio Visual Department is thanking YOU, FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE
for the privilege of making this report.

FATHER'S and MOTHER'S Words are what this department is all about and of course without them  we would be helpless. The whole world needs these Words and here are two important  excerpts.

"You Cannot Live Safely Together Unless You Are Unified Together"

"The Spirit is speaking today in all simplicity but conscientiously and sincerely calling for that Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose so that the kindreds of the earth might live harmoniously and in unison together! The prayer for them to be One was to bring about that great at-one-ment for which you all have prayed all the way down through Christendom!
"Because of your Consciousness of GOD'S Actual Presence all doubts and fears are dispelled and you can live in Peaceful and Quiet Resting Places right down here! Because of the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD, the Abundance of the Fullness of the Consciousness of Good, no space is vacant of the fullness thereof! Now aren't you glad! ("So glad , LORD!" exclaimed the joyous assembly.) Because of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence you can walk in Peace on earth and find Good Will toward men in the fulfillment of the Scripture as predicted by the Angels when they came, as the Wise Men were going down to Bethlehem; according to the Gospel they sang,
"Glory to GOD in the highest and on earth Peace, Good Will toward men!"
We have come to bring you that Peace!— not only to bring the salutation of Peace but to bring the reality of it, so that you might live in Peace on Earth Personified!   January 10, 1950 A.D.F.D. Time 10:08 P. M."

That was especially for all Nations, Languages, Tongues and People. This next one is more personal.

"If you think about how old you are, why then you begin to think about getting old!"

"As I have often said, if you practice anything and keep it up daily, continually, you would never know the difference. In same like manner about getting old; you will never think about getting old, unless you think about how old you are; but if you think about how old you are, why then you begin to think about getting old!
"Therefore if you cancellate and dispel the thought of how old you are and how old you were, you will not get older unless you think about it, but if you think it and begin to stress it in your memory — you will get older according to what you think about it and you will feel the same, if you will allow yourself to! But work cancellation on that version of thinking how old you were, how old you are and how old you will be at a certain time!
"You will get there before you are there and you will be old before you are old!  So it is with each and everything else that is negative and undesirable — you can produce it and bring it to fruition in your experience, if you will allow yourself to, but if you are true and faithful and will not deviate nor digress in words and in thoughts, from the Fundamental, MY Spirit will lead you and give you victory and will keep you as you think you are! June 23rd and 24th, 1940 A.D.F.D. Time: 3:16 A. M.

Thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE, for those Life Giving Words!


The Audio/Visual Department of The Palace Mission Church, the coworkers and volunteers are grateful to YOU, FATHER and MOTHER, for the privilege to serve in this capacity and everything that is being done, if it is done right, it is YOU doing it. All of us in the Audio Visual Department would like to Thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER here and now and forevermore for the wonderful blessing of MOTHER and Miss Meekness Faith joining the Audio Visual Team doing proof reading of so much of the new material that is being added to the Library and the Internet: Thank YOU, FATHER, thank YOU, MOTHER.

As we observe and realize that the construction of YOUR Library is nearing completion we, with great joy in our hearts, do our very best to be as prepared and ready for the great days ahead. Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE!


The equipment in the A/V Dept. is maintained in good condition although some is aging and will soon require replacement and some additional equipment will be needed when we are moved into the new Library.

Data Base

The Data Base is still growing and now contains 14,253 entries in Word and is a valuable source of information even for us here in the A/V Department.


The 2010 report on the audio records still stands. The 900 records are still being transferred from analogue to digital format. As stated last year  there is much material on stainless steel wire reels or spools that should be preserved and transferred also but it will require some new way of doing this as there appears to be a shortage of personnel apparently.


Peace Mission Movies Movies are still being preserved digitally. Some are already available on the Internet.


The Library, March 2011.

The Library, March 2011. The Library, March 2011.    We thank YOU, FATHER and MOTHER, that all these records are constantly being prepared for presentation in the beautiful Library. We are still living in breathless expectancy waiting for the Dedication of this beautiful edifice.

FATHER DIVINE'S International Peace Mission Movement's Web Sites, four in all, will be part of the vast content of information that will be available in this Library.

Site #1.  - - is the home web-site that is to provide access to all the material as audio and video material that will be available in the Library much more abundantly than on the Internet.

#2.  - - Produced by Sharif Sabirov with the ability to upload and post video and audio material.

#3. - Search:  - Aaron Hermes Enaharo - Radio broadcasts WTMR, Sunday 7 PM EST time, USA plus Internet broadcasts, Sundays 7 PM EST, USA - -. Also this site will contain some of the information mailed to top Federal and State Government Officials, including the President and his staff and others.

#4.  - http://taylorstreetstudio/fatherdivineproject - Produced by Mr. Will Leurs and Dr. Leonard Primiano includes very good movies taken primarily at the Divine Tracy Hotel, of the Holy Communion Service and some interviews with MOTHER plus some of the Followers etc.


We keep on getting E-mail responses in appreciation of the web sites, etc. Here are some interesting ones: (See the enclosed sheets.)

To finalize this report here are three more excerpts of the Immortal Words of FATHER DIVINE:

#1 FATHER says, speaking to all those whom HIS Spirit has reached:

"'Millions of souls are waiting for you.' While they are waiting with ME for you, you are waiting patiently with ME for others, as well as they are waiting for you. You may not be conscious of your Everpresence with GOD, but that which is real in you, and that which you really are, will be With ME even though you be a failure. That Impersonal Presence, that which is the reality, is patiently waiting."  Monday December 23, 1935 — 4:30 P. M.

That's something to consider, isn't it? Read it again.


"Then I say, it is a privilege to realize, whatsoever you off handedly desire, it can and will be accomplished for you; if not for you as a person that endeavor and that desire will fulfill your ambition, even though you are inefficient. Just think of it. Whatsoever you actually desire! GOD would not give you a desire that HE could not satisfy. If your desires are unselfish, if your desires are non-fleshly, if your desires are immortal, GOD will not and would not impart a desire to you, nor quicken one within, that HE could not satisfy completely. There is a satisfying portion for every desire. For every request there is a supply, and for every problem there is an answer. Now isn't that Wonderful! The answer must be made to fit and suit the problem, to answer the question when it is requested. Therefore the Spirit of MY Presence, with the Love of MY Impersonal Presence, will answer every question, even though I AM Personally absent."    January 10, 1950 A.D.F.D. Time 10:08 P. M.

We're so glad, FATHER! The desire of the A/V Dept. presently is that the Library will fulfill it's part of YOUR Mission and that the world will accept the Message given by YOU through by the Library, as well as by the Internet and also as given by YOU through the Ether.


"So I AM saying this to let you know that there is nothing impossible with MY SPIRIT!  I say, MY Spirit can and MY Spirit will do it if you can but have Faith sufficient to X-rayly behold the Spirit and not observe the Person or the Personality, for I transcend  MY Own Personality and refuse to allow MY Following to stress necessarily MY Personality for their salvation! But as they stress MY Impersonality and Unindividuality for their salvation, they get results for they are going back to the foundation of the Creation and they are getting in contact with the Spirit that moved out upon the face of the waters and began the Creation of all Creation!"  March 12, 1950 A.D.F.D. Time: 6:25 P. M.

FATHER and MOTHER in response to this excerpt I'll say here, speaking for all of YOUR Followers, "FATHER, We'll go with YOU all the way!"!


  For all of the A/V Dept. Co-workers and Volunteers, etc.

                                                                                    Philip Life

