A Harbor of Rest in the “Harbor City”

The Nazareth Mission Church in Sydney, Australia, Welcomes Everyone

By Staff Correspondent

Peace Elwood, Australia

In one of Sydney’s 27 municipalities called Drummoyne, on the corner of Tranmere and Therry streets sands a stately white brick building. Three flags hang above a neat white sign over the front entrance. They are striking and people stop to wonder why they hang there, three flags, the Union Jack and the Australian flag either side of Old Glory. But when they read the clear black printing of the sign, they know. It says “Peace Nazareth Mission Church FATHER DIVINE, Pastor”.

One hundred and fifty years ago, England “took over” this “Harbor City” from the Aborigines something like our Puritan ancestors “took over” from the American Indians and, on the picturesque shores of Fort Jackson, it is now a city suited to its setting.Drummoyne is six miles from the heart of Sydney. And because this old elite suburb is three fourths surrounded by water, as is Sydney itself, the front gate of the Nazareth Mission Church is just a minutes walk to the waterfront. This peninsula, where the mouth of the Parramata and the Lane Cove Rivers meet Sydney Harbor, is lovely Drummoyne Park, skirted by Henley Marine Drive.


Sir Thomas Henley’s Home

The Church building was formerly owned by Sir Thomas Henley, a philanthropist, who endowed Drummoyne with many improvements and whose name was given to an adjoining suburb.

The President of the Nazareth Mission Church, Mrs. Nell Ramsey, said of the late Sir Thomas Henley during a recent interview, “I feel that Thomas Henley was a philanthropist at heart and his early aspirations have been fulfilled.” She was, of course, referring to the present use of the building were he once lived.

Mrs. Ramsey, who is presently in this country, prolonged her stay from the April Celebration of the Anniversary of the Marriage of FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE.

“During the 1930's”, Mrs. Ramsey said when questioned about the inspiration and formation of the church, “three Australians returned from a visit to the United States a lawyer, his wife, a professional dancer and their young daughter. They made contact with FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE at Sayville, Long Island, where it was their great privilege to be guests for a month, seeing and experiencing much of the amazing work FATHER was accomplishing.”

“On their return to Australia,” Mrs. Ramsey continued, “they spread the news which ran from mouth to mouth and from heart to heart until groups were formed in both Sydney and Melbourne, the two main cities of the Commonwealth of Australia. Naturally then, Father’s Principles were given forth and The Divine Light and The Spoken Word distributed along with metaphysical books from any such centers already established.

“Gradually” Mrs. Ramsey explained “as HIS Holy Word was read, the conviction grew in temples and little afternoon tea groups met regularly at their own acquired humble beginnings until the time came when a Table was set regularly every Sunday evening. The procedure of service faithfully followed as closely as possible that which FATHER has patterned and unity was maintained with the Melbourne group so that, in our gaining of knowledge of our Savior here in the Fathership Degree we were as one people. "

Mrs. Ramsey spoke of her first visit to see FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE Personally. She said, “one of the members (meaning herself) visited FATHER and MOTHER in 1946 and remained around the Holy Body until after the first Anniversary of the Holy Marriage. Returning to Sydney the Anniversaries were Celebrated each year in public halls, drawing greater and greater numbers to hear of FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE.”

Referring to the acquisition of the present church building, Mrs. Ramsey said, “In 1951 FATHER manifested an edifice at 21 Tranmere Street, Drummoyne, which was duly dedicated in February, 1952.

“The all-day dedication service of the Nazareth Mission Church, Drummoyne, Australia, was an unforgettable day,” Mrs. Ramsey reminisced as she spoke of the wonderful transcontinental, inter-hemispheric telephone dedication received from FATHER DIVINE on this memorable day."


Church Dedicated by FATHER DIVINE

The dedication Mrs. Ramsey spoke of took place 6 A. M. Sunday morning, February 10, 1952. It was 9 P.M. the sane day in Australia and Holy Communion was being served at the newly consecrated Church. The place was absolutely packed. Mrs. Ramsey said.

Peace Elwood, Australia

"FATHER DIVINE said at that time,"

“We are happy to unite the United States, Australia and New Zealand in One Big Nation, in One Big Universal Allied Sovereignty in connection with all other Allies, to be unified throughout all eternity, one nation, one language, one tongue and on speech; for by the unity of the spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose I make all things possible universally. And harmony, fellowship and tranquility shall be universally established. And naught will be able to hurt nor harm throughout the universe, I say; for this great universal international and infinite Peace Mission Movement is going forth conquering and to conquer, conquering every foe that is in opposition to the fundamentals for which we stand.

“Therefore” Father continued, “I say truly, good health, good will, good appetite tonight. Yea today. And all of the inhabitants of the earth eventually will be partakers of it; for Americanism, Christianity, Democracy, Judaism and Buddhism are synonymous when they are unified together and the Universal Brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of GOD shall be recognized as our churches shall have been established from shore to shore and from land to land. There will be no more divisibility of nations, languages, tongues and people but all of the inhabitants of the earth will enjoy the abundant life and will recognize the Actual Presence of GOD, your Christ.

“Then I say to those who are now assembled, recognize the Actual Presence of GOD now, henceforth and forever. As you know, the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the source of all supply and it will satisfy every good desire, the very Presence of GOD unites the nations together, and as in the beginning of the creation, shortly thereafter when I said, ‘Behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do, that which they have imagined to do.’

“As you unify with this Truth, with ME, wheresoever you are and of one heart and of one mind, nothing will be restrained from you and all of them, yea, those there as well as here, to do that which you have imagined to do.

“It is a privilege to live in this unity and fellowship for I AM here and I AM there and I AM everywhere if you recognize MY Presence and live thus accordingly, thinking and knowing the same at the selfsame instant, the very Spirit of GOD’S Presence is functioning in bringing about the Universal Brotherhood of man and the conscious realization of the Fatherhood of GOD and eventually there will be no more warfare and no more bloodshed. We will bring an end to Communism and all of the subversive elements of men that try to destroy the faith of man in GOD.

“For truly, I came in a Personal Bodily Form for the purpose of establishing the recognition and the realization of the Presence of GOD and to universalize this Infinite Love among the children of men and to propagate virtue and holiness, honesty, competence and truth among them through and by MY Spotless Virgin Bride; She of whom you not only all admire but adore and love so well. “Let these thoughts be with you as you are dedicating and consecrating this church tonight. Let it be in your walls and in your sayings and recognize MY Presence as your church is consecrated and dedicated, and recognize it as something that is from everlasting to everlasting, for MY Truth is everlasting and MY Truth and Peace endureth to all generations. Then I say, let this be with you in this dedication and let it go forth into all other extensions, unifying yourselves together with the unity of spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose, and those of MY adherents there shall feel MY Presence here and now and here and there equivalently the same as where I AM Personally.

“So many blessings and unity and tranquility, I, this night, yea, this day, do dedicate this church to and for the Glory of GOD and the Kingdom Of GOD on earth among men, that we might have one universal kingdom as the universal brotherhood of man has been established so that Peace on earth and Good Will to men shall be made a living reality universally!

“So take these thoughts to consideration. Give MY Peace, MY Love, MY actual Presence to all of the inhabitants there and those of the visiting guests and those of the friends, as well as those of the members in MY Churches there, MY immediate following.”

New Look at the Church

The Church has taken on a “new look” recently. The picket fence surrounding the church property has been replaced by a new wrought iron fence but the bronze name plate on one of the brick pillars at the front entrance remains to indicate that this is The Nazareth Mission Church, Home and Training School of Australia and that FATHER DIVINE is the Founder, Bishop and Pastor.

From this gate the path leads to the main entrance and onto the entrance veranda. Once in the foyer, a door leads to the music room where Bible classes are held and general praise services are conducted. Across the room from the piano two lovely portraits of FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE hang on the wall.

Another door off the foyer leads to the large Holy Communion Hall where a u-shaped table is spread after he fashion of FATHER DIVINE’S Personal table at the Circle Mission Church in Philadelphia and the earlier Sayville Table. A large sign over the table reads “GOD’S Holy Communion Table”. Another set of portrait pictures of FATHER and MOTHER adorn the Communion Hall.

A table is set in an adjacent foyer to accommodate the people when the church is crowed.

A large kitchen speaks efficiently and links up with a pantry where extra china and glassware are stored and where the flowers are arranged for the Banquet Table decoration.

The Venetian blinds of the second floor veranda have recently been replaced by modern glass louvers and a new sign directly over the entrance has been added.

Going through a mirrored entrance hall and up the front stairway are the living quarters for sisters. An outside stairs from the back also leads to these quarters by way of a balcony.

A guest rom is kept at all times so that any sisters wishing to stay over or traveling through Sydney might be accommodated. The housekeeper’s room is situated next to the guest room. This room has extra accommodations which can be used if necessary. There is a Rosebuds dressing room and double bunks on an airy balcony which is glass enclosed providing accommodations for four. Leading off this balcony also is another spacious bedroom with two beds, making up the rest of the rooms on the second floor.

Two members of the Australian Rosebud Choir are residents at the church. One of these is Miss Roma Graveur, more familiarly known as “The International Traveler”, a name given her by FATHER DIVINE because her work teaching with the Immigration Department of the Australian Government, keeps her traveling between Australia and Europe.

A neat brick courtyard separates the outside stairs at the back of the church from the garage, laundry and brother’s conveniences. Directly behind this are the spacious lawns of the church and the rose garden.


Church Services

On Tuesday and Saturday evenings at 6:30 Holy Communion is served. These services are conducted the same as all other such tables in Peace Missions throughout the world,

Saturday evening, however, is the main service of the week. Then FATHER DIVINE’S Sermons are heard by wire recording during the course of the service and at times His Messages are read from The New Day, a commercial newspaper to which FATHER DIVINE contributes HIS Words gratis.

A Bible class for sisters is held every Tuesday afternoon. Those who come together read the Bible without trying to interpret it, according to FATHER DIVINE’S instructions for these classes. HE has said the Holy Spirit will intuitively interpret for the individual.

The Lillybud Choir held its first investiture on December 25, 1955. At that time nine Lillybuds took their vows of chastity and consecration to the church. This is the older feminine group of the church.

Sundays at the church is a day of leisure, the main praise services being held on Saturday evenings.

Frequently on pleasant Sunday afternoons luncheon is served in the garden at the church. At other times the members picnic and swim at the beach or the park at the waterfront.

Other swimming facilities are convenient. One is the Olympic Pool which conforms to Olympic standards. At this pool many young Australian Olympic champions are trained. A municipal pool is also in close proximity to Nazareth Mission Church.

Help is always given to those less fortunate non-members of the church in the way of clothing and meals when the need is made known, although a chance to be independent and not so much charity is the wiser boost given to most by the church.

Those who wish to take advantage of this harbor of rest in the “Harbor City”, the Nazareth Mission Church welcomes everyone with open arms and a warm heart. Here, as in most large cities around the world, can be found a percent of a fraction of a grain of the wonderful Work and Mission of FATHER DIVINE.
