There is rejoicing throughout the world because of the advent of FATHER DIVINE
and HIS Spotless Virgin Bride, MOTHER DIVINE, who is the symbol
of the "church without spot or wrinkle— the Church Triumphant"

Campbellville, Demarara. British Guiana, South America

Campbellville, Demarara. British Guiana, South America Campbellville, Demarara. British Guiana, South America

It is the conviction of followers everywhere that has changed their lives and made upright, honest and peace loving citizens of them. This recognition of the actual ever-presence of GOD is the answer to bothe adult and juvenile delinquency; the solution to world peace; and the adjuster of every human problem.

Campbellville, Demarara. British Guiana, South America

Campbellville, Demarara. British Guiana, South America

"I have come" FATHER DIVINE wrote recently in a letter to the extension in South America, "that all mankind might know the Truth concening the mystery of GOD'S Presence. Whosoever therefore, will take on MY Nature and Characteristics will produce the reality of MY Mind and Spirit, and will become to be MY Bride — the Church, virtuous and pure in mind and body."
