The Unity Mission Network of Churches - 1959
Like FATHER DIVINE'S Holy Communion Tables,
His Churches Extend Around the World

FATHER DIVINE said years ago that His tables would extend around the world.

At that time those of His hearers, although they believed every word He said would come to pass, could not see how it would be done.

Today, not only do FATHER DIVIN'S Holy Communion Tables circle the globe but they are set up and conducted in Peace Mission Churches in foreign countries.

Unity Mission Church, 117th Street, New York City

Unity Mission Church, New York City

Unity Mission Church,
Banquet Hall in Philadelphia, PA.

Unity Mission Church, Banquet Hall in Philadelphia, PA.

The Unity Mission Network of Churches is among these. Starting in New York City at 103 West 117th Street it has branched out to Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles and countries abroad.

There are other branches in Philadelphia. The Church maintains a Bible Institute where there is an extensive religious library which is open and free to the general public.

Unity Mission Church, Philadelphia, PA

Unity Mission Church, Philadelphia, PA.
Unity Mission Church, Bible Institute
Philadelphia, PA.

Unity Mission Church, Bible Institute, Philadelphia, PA.

The Main church building in Philadelphia was formerly a Pennsylvania Railroad YMCA and is therefore much suited to the purpose of large gatherings. The spacious auditorium also has a balcony. The Holy Communion is large enough to hold an eight-wing table that seats hundreds of people at one setting. The lobby and class rooms are large and comfortable and the gymnasium in the basement is regulation size.













Unity Mission Church, Chicago, Ill.

The Holy Communion Service at the Unity Mission Church, Chicago, Ill

The Church in California, USA

The Church in California, USA

Germany, Unity Mission Church

Unity Mission Church

The Peace Mission in Switzerland

The Peace Mission in Switzerland

In Chicago and Los Angeles there are branches of the Unity Mission Church as well as in Rheineck, Switzerland and in Goeppingen, Germany.

And so Peace Mission Churches continue to spread out and expand like the roots of a large tree, stemming from one supreme fact that FATHER DIVINE is GOD.
