I Shall Clean Up the City . . and All Communities Wherein I Preside

FATHER Explains the sin against the Holy Ghost

FATHER DIVINE Holy Communion Table

FATHER DIVINE  Holy Communion Table

Our FATHER'S Sermon Given Whilst at the Holy Communion Table
of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School of Pennsylvania
764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia[, Pennsylvania
Tuesday Afternoon August 15, 1950 A.D.F.D. Time — 4:35 P. M.

Truly, GOD, the Supreme and Righteous Judge of the Universe is here! Yea, the Savior and Protector and Redeemer of the world! And not an unrighteous thought, word, deed or action on the face of the globe passes unseen from the all-seeing eye of the Almighty as HE watches unceasingly and untiringly over the true and the faithful — Yea the Righteous Ones of that Kingdom prepared before the foundation of the world!

On this occasion the testimony of one relating what occurred to her just the previous evening served to prime the pump of the well-spring of Salvation to sound an ultimatum on a condition which exists not only in one community or city but extends nation-wide, and even into other countries, where those who have not the Spirit and Mind of GOD but rather the nature of the beast of carnality and criminality, run rampant in the land!

GOD Almighty's Words and thence HIS Actions and Deeds in putting an end to such by working to and through those concerned, are electrifying in their clarity! Therefore, without further ado, read this Vital Sermon and follow in the precepts laid down therein, for such are the laws and commandments of Righteousness, Truth and Justice as set forth by the Supreme Advocator of Perfection in both the moral, mental, spiritual, physical and sanitary codes of humanity!

Almighty Creator of the Universe, we truly thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

Peace Everyone: At this instance I have arisen to say, it is good to be here in the unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, and above all, conscious of GOD'S Actual Presence; realizing the Presence of GOD is the source of all supply and it will satisfy every good desire continually, now ,henceforth and forever!

I was just thinking about what Miss Beloved Hope said in reference to the intruder. It is a privilege to realize, though you may walk through the Valley and the Shadow of Death you shall or should fear no evil! — for David caught the glimpse of the mystery as though it was himself of whom he was speaking, but speaking of you and of all of the people as a Psalmic prediction, even down to this dispensation and to this present generation, when he said:

The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want!

That assertion, declaration and affirmation, as it may be termed, was a prediction as well as a declaration! For those of this and the coming generation it was a prediction:

The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want! Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death . . . Thou art with me, said he, Thy Rod and Thy Staff they comfort me!

If you can and will be actually conscious of MY Presence at all times and refuse to deviate in words, deeds or actions, and be governed by MY Spirit as I lead you inspirationally and guide you intuitively, you need not fret nor worry, for naught can hurt nor harm you!

Many times such experiences as the individuals mentioned; in other words the individual that mentioned the attempted intrusion — at least, it was an intrusion and worse than that of an ordinary intrusion — but owing to the fact MY Spirit and MY Presence were there, even though she had gone out of the way, out of her way at that time of the night to go home with the other sister to protect her, so to speak; yet I appeared sufficiently present to protect them! ("So true!" rang out the immediate verification.)

And I would like to say under such an experience and such an issue at this and at any other time — by all means co-operate with the Police Department and even the District Attorney's Department and the Grand Jury's Department, if it is necessary, to prosecute the lawless and the violators and intruders; for such as they who have no regard for man nor GOD and do not respect the Virginity and Virtue of MY Holy Ones! The law is for the lawless and prison is the place for criminals! — And under such an attempt, in many places they might get the electric chair! For such crimes must be eliminated and cast out of our land; and the children of GOD shall have access foe expression with the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence! And those who live under MY Mind and Spirit and under MY Jurisdiction can and shall live in peaceful and quiet resting places where naught shall slightly disturb them!

If you fail or have failed to have such Peace and such Pleasure such as GOD your Great Creator is producing, it is all because of some deviation or digression in the actuated words of expression, that would cause such an experience to befall you! Nevertheless, if such an experience befalls you, if you are intruded upon by any ravenous beast, you may know I AM backing the Police Department up in cleaning out this City and all other Cities of criminals who commit vice and crime and sin and debauchery of every kind! While yet, it is true, there is a Propitiation!

If one has sinned and has not sinned unto death, and will confess and forsake his or her sins, they can find mercy; for it is written:

If you confess your sins and forsake them, GOD is faithful and just to forgive you for your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness!

But on the other hand, who knows definitely who is sinning against the Holy Ghost? For it is written,

Of every sin a man shall be forgiven, saving the sin against the Holy Ghost!

Those who consciously or even unconsciously rise in opposition to the truth and speak derogatorily and erroneously by calling the Holy Spirit — the Holy Ghost, in other words — out of its actual name and nature and consider It is the spirit of the "other fellow", you are sinning against the Holy Ghost, for which there is no forgiveness!

One who rises in opposition critically and accusingly or maliciously and violently against the least one of these MY believers, they are rising against the Holy Ghost, for which there is no forgiveness! Aren't you glad! (oh, so glad GOD Almighty!" exclaimed the Congregation.) Therefore, woe unto him that striveth against his MAKER! GOD, your FATHER is your Creator!

So live in this recognition of being Conscious of GOD'S Actual Presence, knowing that GOD is with you right here, now, henceforth and forever, and not just suppositionally! You have lived in the world of imagination. long enough. I have taken you out of that world of superstition into the world of recognition and into the realization of that which you once merely surmised — imagined — and brought into the Consciousness of GOD'S Actual Presence, where Peace shall flow like a river now, hence forth and forever!

Be conscious of GOD'S Presence! — but remember, as I have declared authoritively and legally, that our Chief Executive politically, nationally and governmentally, is a minister of GOD for Good for you! If you do that which is just and right you should fear not; but if you as an individual or as a nation do that which is evil, and will not do that which is just and right — fear! For "He spares not the sword in vain!"

(FATHER looks toward a huge picture of our Chief Executive, President Harry S. Truman, on the wall, above his head appearing the quotation, "He is a minister of GOD to thee for good" (Rom. 13:4) and beneath his picture appearing the quotation, "Not Peace for our time but Peace for all time!" Harry S. Truman; and FATHER says:)

You may look upon the picture and take cognizance of MY Message and observe the quotation as given. You will see and you will know I have made our Chief Executive a Minister of GOD for this Nation! Aren't you glad! ("So glad Lord!" exclaimed the joyous assembly. Father then glances behind HIM toward the picture hanging on the wall of Uncle Sam, depicting him stepping from continent to continent, sowing the seeds of Brotherhood, Americanism, Democracy,Christianity, Judaism, etc., as synonymous, and FATHER says:) Uncle Sam is going stepping from continent to continent, from hemisphere to hemisphere; Evangelizing the world with Democracy, Americanism, Christianity and Peace, so that the nations of the earth might come together as I have drawn you all together; through which you will be fully protected and free from all doubts and fears and have your real emancipation!

Then I say, Stand together in unity, and

"Fret not yourselves because of the workers of iniquity, for they shall be cut off!"

It is written in the scripture,

"The wicked shall slay the wicked. The meek shall inherit the earth" and "The righteous shall dwell in the land forever!"

Therefore, I say, "Fear not" This is an immortal promise — The promise made by GOD, your Great Creator. Your LORD and your SAVIOR!

Then I say,

Let this Mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus, WHO, being in the form of GOD, thought it not robbery to be equal with GOD, but made HIMSRLF of no reputation and took upon HIMSELF the Form of a Servant, and was made in the likeness of men!"

To make yourself of no reputation personally by following in the footsteps of Jesus and your FATHER you will learn to love one another better! You will learn to transcend others and even your own personalities and transcend your own individualities, so that you might contact the Almighty, the Redeemer and the Savior of which and of whom is untouched by personality, untouched by individuality, and revels in His Own Liberty without materiality! Aren't you glad! (So glad, GOD ALMIGHTY! declared the entire congregation.)

Before I had any material observation of an expression, according to the historians, as given, I in the name of Spirit and Spirit alone, without flesh, body , blood and bones — as being termed the Spirit of the LORD, the LORD that was to come, moved out upon the face of the water and said,

Let there be light and there was light


Let dry land appear! —

the beginning of the creation of the materialization of all things! Can you not see the mystery?(Yes, FATHER, Dear! affirmed the entire congregation in unison.)

Until dry land appeared, GOD was as though invisible! GOD HIMSELF was invisible and the earth was invisible! Man was intangible but tangibilate! Man was intangible but tangibilate! Man was non-material but materializable!Can you not see the mystery? (Yes LORD! came the response.) Man was invisible, as afore said, being of the earth, which was void and without form; and the prophet caught the glimpse of the mystery when the time came, when prophets came into the land and predicted the mystery of MY Coming, before I came, and declared to the children of men predictionally in the prophet age;

HE has no form nor comeliness, but when thou shall see HIM there shall no beauty desire HIM!

GOD was invisible then! (Can you not see the mystery? (Yes LORD! came the reply.)

But GOD was making ready for HIS coming into expression, to tangibliate and materialize and ,yea, even personify HIMSELF among the children of men, so that they might see HIM and not desire any beauty of HIM, for HE would be beautiful enough! (So true! exclaimed the adoring worshippers.) That is why you say, Isn't HE beautiful?—Not because of the tangibilization and the personification of beauty observed but because of the intangibilization and the Invisibilization of GOD'S Beauty, but spoken of by you, by the Spirit from your inner urge! Can you not see the mystery? (Yes, GOD ALMIGHTY! declared the congregation adoringly.) You could not help it— you had to say Isn't HE beautiful? But it was not that which you saw visibly. The visibilization of GOD'S beauty is put forth into expression in HIS duty!— in HIS blessings to the creation! All of HIS creation— that is MY beauty! Can you not see the mystery? (Yes LORD! came the exclamation from the adoring worshippers.)

So then I say, rEjoice and be glad for I AM here to stay!

But when the intruders, invaders and raiders and those who would ravish you try to take you, you would not compromise with them! Let the law have its course, or else you could not blame the police department for feeling as if though it would not be any need for them to, through you, to apprehend the criminals, the gangsters, the raiders and invaders and ravishers unless they are prosecuted by those through whom they are to be prosecuted! I have a trap set for them!

I AM a fisher of men! I declared in Jesus to Simon Peter: I will make you fishers of men! You will cast your nets n the right side and I have a trap set for all sorts of criminals! They have no business walking around here free. They are a menace to decent people;they should be apprehended and put in prison!— for without me they would take the advantage of you completely and do just as they choose to do you!

The same as it was brought to MY attention about a month ago: one of the followers was coming— one of our members from one of our churches, said a lady walked up to her crying and said she had everything she had taken from her, all her money! She said she— this lady— came out of a theatre, and the one to whom she was speaking was one of MY followers or members of our churches, came out of one of our churches. There were aa number of came out of the church, standing, waiting for a bus, or something of that sort. This lady said she did not have a penny!— said when she came out of the movies a man pretending to be— who claimed to be and was pretending to be, a cab driver, had his car there, and told her to get in— he would take her wheresoever she wanted to go. This was someone who was not a follower of mine!

So she got in and told him where she wanted to go, and he took her out in the woods of Newark, so I was informed, and took her handbag and all of the money she had! Did not even leave her a dime to go back to the city with! Drew a gun on her and did everything an animal of that type could do and would do, and left her in the woods, and told her that he was not going to take her back to the city! Such kind of beasts from the animalistic kingdom should be behind bars!— And if we the decent and respectable people, do not apprehend them and put them in, who is going to do it? (:So true, GOD ALMIGHTY!exclaimed the entire congregation in unison.)

(FATHER turns toward the sister Miss Beloved Hope, who had testified:)

If it had not been for ME, you don't know what that man, or whatsoever he was, would have done to you! I know he was trying to do all he thought he could! But it a common phrase quite often used here in America: ome people are prison bait or are baits for criminals! Someone will try to pick on them! And we will catch the criminal, but they will not catch you! Aren't you glad! (So glad, LORD! declared the joyous assembly.)

It is written in the scripture,

Behold, I come quickly and MY reward is with ME to reward every man according as his works might be!

Then I say once again, I shall clean up this city and this community and all communities wherein I preside! With or without a ballot and with or without legality MY Spirit shall do it and shall do it effectively and none shall slightly hinder ME! Aren't you glad!! (So glad, GOD ALMIGHTY! exclaimed the joyful congregation in one accord.)

Then I say, live in this recognition and build upon this foundation, being conscious once and forever GOD is Present with you forever and shall be throughout all eternity! I need not see you nor contact you, neither need you contact ME Personally especially. Since GOD is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God is also EVER-Present, with all of HIS Omnipotence and Omniscience and Omnilucence, to look in the dark corners of the earth and search and find those who may try to hide in the darkness and think GOD or you or no one else can see them! MY Omnilucence will focus its rays in those dark corners and crevices of the earth and shall pick them out and bring them before the bar of Justice!

You must, if you know the truth concerning them and if you are one who has been intruded upon, prosecute them to the limit of the law!— For the Law is for the Lawless and prisons are for criminals! I thank you.
