FATHER DIVINE Grants Interview to Miss Jeanette of New York, Seeking Healing


FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE, 128th Street, New York City

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE, 128th Street, New York City

In HIS Private Office of the Peace Center Church and Home, Inc. of New Jersey,
122-126 Howard Street, Newark, New Jersey,
Thursday Evening February 12, 1948 A.D.F.D.
Time - 11:55 P. M.

(The Secretary speaks firstly as follows:)

FATHER DIVINE, this is Miss Jeanette of New York City.

FATHER: Peace!

Miss Jeanette: Peace, FATHER!

FATHER: All right, Miss Jeanette. What did you want to see ME for?

Miss Jeanette: I have been in bed four years, in and out, and I could not get out but for a little while. I am wearing a spinal support now. I was only entrusted to come out and see YOU. I came out last week but I had to go to bed and stay. They brought me over here in a taxi and I would like to travel all over to YOUR places. I like to get out of bed and I wish YOU would do something to help me with my heart trouble and spine condition!

FATHER: I was telling them this morning when they brought the mayor's case to ME, of the heart, I said,— at least, the doctor or the message brought it out this morning — and I told them it was not anything serious in his case.

Miss Jeanette: Yes.

FATHER: And I said that which is commonly considered as heart trouble can be cured if the person will take it easy and make the rightful contact!

Miss Jeanette: Well I tried everything , FATHER, and I felt that love was the only thing could help the heart!

FATHER: It is true; love for GOD would help.

Miss Jeanette: YOU see, I studied astrology and the different ways of loving people, and it seemed some I can't love. And I love to come over here and I felt maybe I could,

FATHER: Well, it is possible to eliminate almost any ailment or complaint, because Love is truly the panacea for every ill!

Miss Jeanette: Yes, if I could just forget about the ailments!

FATHER: Yes. And as I was going to tell you, if you contact ME conscientiously and harmoniously and sympathetically, automatically the Spirit works scientifically, because that is the plan of GOD—that peace on earth and good will to men and life and liberty should have access among them!

Miss Jeanette: Yes.

FATHER: And when Love, as you say, has free access for expression and there is nothing to disturb it, no obstructions or nothing to uproot it, why, automatically it adjusts matters satisfactorily!

Miss Jeanette: Yes.

FATHER: And as in the experience of MY Own and others with whom I have come in contact, it works so Supernaturally it is called miraculous! It is considered as though it would be a miracle, because it is so far reaching and works out systematically but supernaturally it is called a miracle!

Miss Jeanette: That is a wonderful understanding!

FATHER; And all thing of GOD, when GOD Works, it is supernatural and it is miraculous to the human material mind— to the material concepts of man. They have to rise above the ordinary thought that usually puts them down and keeps them down through superstition, through doubts and fears, and the like! Fear is one of the great enemies of the life. As soon as you get something and the doctor tells you you have something like a complaint or murmuring of the heart, or something of that sort—

Miss Jeanette: Rheumatic heart.

FATHER: Yes, rheumatic heart, or something of that sort— if it pertains to the heart or is near the heart, people get frightened and it brings those things on!— while such things could be easily overcome if one could but relax their conscious mentality and cease to struggle mentally, but trust GOD conscientiously and sincerely, and then let that conscientious and sincere desire go out to GOD! For your prayer, to all religions and for all religions— the Jewish, Christians and Mohammedans and all— even if they are not conscious of it— that prayer to GOD which come from the conscientious, contrite, sincere heart— that desire from the heart which is conscientious and sincere— that is the prayer that GOD hears! Regardless to what prayer book they use, that desire or prayer must come from the heart for a person to get the desired results! And Christ or GOD, is the panacea for all ills!

So, if you can relax your conscious mentality and trust in GOD wholeheartedly, why

Miss Jeanette: I have gone to all the churches but it is YOU I keep thinking of and YOUR Books I have to pick up and read!

FATHER: So glad!

Miss Jeanette: And I have been in Christian Science for the last fifteen years. Now I go to a church up here on eighty-fifth street; but I still feel I have to come over here, because I see YOU! I just keep seeing YOU!

FATHER: Well, I appreciate that; but I can reach you wheresoever you are, and I can adjust matters satisfactorily when you contact ME sympathetically, conscientiously and sincerely!

Miss Jeanette: Sincerely— yes.

FATHER: Because

"It is not by power nor by might but by MY spirit, says the LORD of Hosts!"

Miss Jeanette: Yes, I understand that.

FATHER: So, if you just rest assured that the Spirit will do it, the Spirit will actually do it, as well as it makes the way possible otherwise, on the material plane, or I might say, economically, if I must use the economic surrounding with which I am concerned as a Sample and as an Example to show how one can accomplish all things and can overcome every obstruction— every difficulty— every adverse and undesirable condition!— by merely trusting conscientiously and sincerely in the Infinite!

"He that puts his trust in ME shall never be confounded!"

Miss Jeanette: (happily): I sort of forget the heart when I am around YOU, or when I think of YOU! I had been thinking of getting to Pennsylvania, and Jersey first. I didn't know how to get around in Jersey after staying in bed for four years— I lost track of how to live and travel!

FATHER: Oh, you can go off on pleasure trips— not necessarily exciting ones or that would cause excitement.

Miss Jeanette: No, spiritually though, I want to travel.

FATHER: Yes, traveling in Spirit with something in the mind that is harmonious to your thought and sympathetic with your ideas concerning ME, concerning MY Work and Mission,

Miss Jeanette: Yes, Yes!

FATHER: and matters not where you may be, it is just as operative and just as expressive; it can and it will help you and bless you!

Miss Jeanette: (rising): Thank YOU, FATHER! Thank YOU, FATHER!

FATHER: I thank you. Peace, and many Blessings!

Miss Jeanette: Peace!
