This Country As a Foundation for Utopia

The Shrine to Life at The Mount of the House of the LORD,
The Red, the White, the Blue. Gladwyne, Pensylvania, U.S.A.

The Shrine to Life at The Mount of the House of the LORD!


Office Talk Given by FATHER to Part of HIS Immediate Staff
Whilst in the Office Study of the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School of Pennsylvania
764-772 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Wednesday Afternoon January 14, 1948 A.D.F.D. Time — 3:14 P. M.

Whilst at HIS desk signing HIS outgoing correspondence, FATHER stopped suddenly, and with HIS pen poised in the air HE turned to us and gave forth these marvelous Words of Spirit and Life that are not only explanatory in interpreting the true Spirit of the Foundation of this Country's Government, but HIS Words fairly germinate into living reality the pure blossoms of the future government of the whole universe, wherein all shall dwell in Peaceful Habitation and Love, one toward another, under the banner of GOD Almighty!

Thank YOU, LORD, for THY Beauteous Condescension!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

This Country is the Country Seat of the Universe, the Cradle of Democracy and the Amalgamation of all Nations, of all Languages, of all tongues and all people!— the number that I, John saw in his revelationic prediction, of every nation, of every language, of every tongue and of every people, coming up through great tribulations, that had washed their robes in the Life of CHRIST, as being termed the blood of the Lamb!

We are the Sample and Example of Humanity characteristically, dispositionally and internationally, democratically and universally— the kind of people GOD Made! For

"Out of one blood GOD created all nations of men for to dwell upon the face of the whole earth!"

To this country omnifariously they came, but back to the Garden of Eden E Pluribus Unum we stand! That is why this Country was predestined to be the Foundation of the establishment of Utopia, for a Democratic, Evangelical Utopia is the Kingdom of GOD Legalized, where all mankind shall realize Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness with Equity and Justice for all!

When this shall have been Universally Established and Nationally and Internationally Legalized it will be a matter of impossibility for this Kingdom to fall— for it is written of ME, speaking of this dispensation in which we are now living:

"In the days of those kings shall the GOD of Heaven set up a Kingdom and will not leave it to others!"

But up until now and until then, unjust and wicked kingdoms will rise and wane; but the Kingdom of GOD as predestined to be, which is commonly called religiously the Church of CHRIST, Constant Shall Remain! I thank you!
