No Condition Can Be Established That Cannot Be Overcome By the Recognition
and the realization of GOD HIMSELF Among the Children of Men

Our FATHER'S Message Given Whilst at the Holy Communion Table of the Circle Mission Church of Philadelphia,
764-772 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Wednesday Evening and Thursday Morning,
June 21st and 22nd 1944 A.D.F.D., Time: 2:32 A.M.


The Great Bronze Door of the Portal of Life Eternal, Woodmont


The beautiful and sincere testimony of one of a group of sisters from one of the Peace Missions in Canada was well worth considering and inspired this Glorious Message by the Lord of lords and King of kings, FATHER DIVINE. In her testimony she told of a wonderful healing performed by FATHER through the Power of His Holy Spirit, even telling of how one sister was raised from the dead just by their calling His Name and recognizing and realizing that All Power was in His Hands to lift her from such a condition. She told of another miraculous healing where a sister was isolated in a room because she was so near death, and of how FATHER'S Spirit allowed the door keeper to unlock the door, she said, and just by calling to the sister saying "I thank YOU, FATHER!" life could be seen returning to the body, and the sister now is rapidly regaining health and strength. The sister from Canada thanked FATHER for these wonderful Works performed by HIM and said that it was only accomplished by the recognition of GOD'S Holy Body being on earth today, for naught but the Holy Tabernacle can heal and save the children of men the universe over and lift this world from the condition to which it has fallen!

Therefore, read these Wonderful Words of Spirit and Life, for they are electrified with the Spirit of GOD'S Holy Body and will lift and renew and restore life and health, vigor and courage, happiness and peace to all who can and will but recognize FATHER DIVINE, GOD Almighty, and stand firm on their conviction!

Almighty Creator, we thank You for bringing YOUR Body to save fallen humanity!

The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:

Peace everyone:

Good health, good will, a good appetite, good manners, good behavior, all success and all wisdom, all knowledge and all understanding! These words I AM sending out and have been broadcasting for lo, these many years, to contagionize the atmosphere in which you live that you might imbibe them as you inhale the very life you breathe! Aren't you glad! To you who realize GOD now Speaketh, to you it is a living reality, and the words that are spoken are Spirit and Life to you if you can be fanatical enough, radical enough and believe in the fanciful convictions of others and of what they have said, enough to imbibe the Words I have spoken, to you I AM speaking Life, liberty and the Reality of Happiness!

It is written:

"For this cause many are sickly among you and some sleep, not discerning the Body of Christ!"

Because they did not discern the Body of Christ — I AM not speaking of the Spirit of Christ at this instance — but because they did not discern the Body of Christ many are sickly among you and some sleep that sleep of death because they do not discern the Body of Christ, being atheistically inclined, better known as metaphysically inclined, that do not believe in the Personification of GOD but merely recognize GOD as Something suppositionally discerned and understood by the world of superstition as a supposition.


The Personification of GOD

But oh, how glorious it is when you are fanatical enough to realize the Word was made Flesh and stands firm today — the Personification of GOD! — No longer merely the invisibilization of GOD but the personification of GOD as a Living Reality for those who are radical enough to believe it!

Why was it that life came back in the body? It was because the faith of those who declared it believed GOD as a living reality has a Personal Body, the Tabernacle, that should be, as predicted by John in his revelation "with men"!

". . . and He shall dwell with them and GOD Himself shall be with them and shall be their GOD and they shall be HIS people!"

Because of such a conviction, wheresoever it is once effectively established in the conscious mentality of humanity, things are accomplished that are miraculous and even absolutely unbelievable, because it is GOD in evidence in such people as was in the beginning of the creation! — Not a different One but the same One! — As in the beginning of the creation such a conviction even as Spirit and Spirit alone, without Flesh, Blood and Bones moved out on the face of the deep and said,

"Let there be light and light came forth!"

according to Biblical history. And that is the foundation upon which you are built to believe sincerely in the scripture! Aren't you glad! It came forth into expression; and even the earth being invisible, intangible, untouchable and absolutely non-material, as being termed or could be said from one angle of expression, immaterial, GOD said,

"Let dry land appear!"

The Visualization of the earth came forth into outer expression and there it was, and still here it is!


The Invisible Made Visible

The earth is no longer a supposition but as it was without form in the suppositional version of an unexpressed and invisible creation, it was merely a supposition. But when it was brought into outer expression, tangibilated and materialized, made visible and was a materializer — I say, "and it was a materializer," for the earth will make visible and material things things that are not material! Aren't you glad! But before that time, it being invisible, intangible, in short, it was void and without form — but by interpretation, invisible and intangible — when GOD said,

"Let dry land appear!"

it was such a faith in evidence in the creation and in the making, that dry land appeared, according to the scripture! And oh, how glorious it was, as it is, to see GOD creating and now re-creating, and bringing into expression that which had gone into the invisible realm, as expressive and operative as it was when it first appeared!

"Let dry land appear!"

Then when I arise and speak these Life-giving Words of the Attributes and Characteristics of GOD into your conscious thinking and into action and when you imbibe them and go forth and believe sincerely, to you they are made a reality and no longer something imaginary!

You look healthy, do you not? ("Yes FATHER Dear!" replied the happy multitude.) When I say "good health!" the materialization of that health will take form in the bodily forms of the children of men and you will look at their hands — not only yours, but you can look at their hands and their hands will look new! You will look in their faces and their faces look so too! — Aren't you glad! — because the Life-giving Words are spoken into the consciousness of them, and in their consideration I have been established among the children of men. Therefore, you are it and them that will form these Words that I have spoken — the Good Seeds I AM sowing for the benefit of humanity!

"Good health, good will, a good appetite, good manners, good behavior, all success and all prosperity!"

You have never seen the personification of such good health and good appetite, such good health and good appetites and such good manners and such good behavior! You never heard of such Tangibilated and Personified as it is here where I AM until I came!


Sincerely Believe It and You Will Receive It

Then I say, when you sincerely believe it, automatically you will receive it, for it is contagious! It will affect your life! Others will see it in you, for I have long since declared scripturally according to the Epistle:

Evil communications corrupt good morals, ill qualities are catching as well as diseases and a man is known by his company keepers.

— (in other words) by the company he keeps!"

If this is true in the negative, how about the Positive? Can you not express ME? AM I not as operative? AM I not as expressive? Can you not see? ("Oh, yes! FATHER Dear," cried the enthusiastic audience.) oh, how glorious it is to visualize Something you have desired, Something that is desirable! For

"The thing you vividly visualize you tend to materialize!"

And as you materialize it you realize it! Can you not see the mystery? Because you could not realize it if it was merely a supposition. If you only imagine something you do not realize it, but when it is materialized and you can see it in your hands and feel and see that you are new and see that you are young, then you have made those things real in your consciousness and your conviction because it has been materialized! Now you realize it. Oh how glorious it is!

Then I say, the conviction of GOD'S Presence, of GOD where GOD is on duty, will solve your every problem, for GOD is the adjuster of all matters and will adjust matters satisfactorily for you! Can you not see the mystery?

So it is a privilege to live in the Actual Presence of GOD Were GOD is on duty and at home at all times! But your conviction of GOD stamped in your memory and established in your consciousness, such a conviction will solve your every problem. Aren't you glad! As I have often said Jesus said,

"He that receives one in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward. He that receives one in the name of a good man shall receive a good man's reward. And he that receives one only in the name of a disciple, he shall not lose his reward!"


GOD Will Be to You As You See HIM

According to the way you receive HIM, such blessings will come to you according to the way you see HIM! If you see HIM as a "good man", GOD will be as a "good man" to you. But if you see HIM as the Son, Christ will be as the Son to you. If you see HIM as GOD HIMSELF, as declared the last speaker, then GOD will be Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent to you! — and such a recognition cannot be competed —

It is written or it has been said whichever,

"The 'other fellow' is mighty but GOD is All Mighty!"

That is that Almighty Power that comes in when you recognize the Almighty One! You see, that recognition transcends every condition that can be, matters not how they may be imagined! No condition can be established that cannot be overcome by the Recognition and the Realization of GOD HIMSELF among the children of men!

So death may try to come, as was in the experience of some, but by such a Recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence and GOD HIMSELF, death was obliged to go, for the last enemy to be conquered is death, and GOD Alone can conquer him! Can you not see the mystery?

I often think of the thought where it reads in the Bible — also, this is also found in the revelationic prediction of John, better known as the Book of Revelation:

"And the dragon made war with the saints and he overcame them!"

He could not and cannot overcome GOD! He made war with the Lamb but he overcame the saints. He cannot overcome GOD! Now each of these expressions in the quotation in its illustration are parables and predictions, yea, they are prediction-ated parables of what would be done! — the parable of the saints and the parable of the Lamb, the parable of GOD HIMSELF; a degree of unfoldment manifested to Perfection in the GODSHIP Degree in the highest order of unfoldment!

In the Book of Hebrews the writer mentioned Something being made after the order of Melchizedek,

"without the beginning of days and without the end of life"!

So you can plainly see these are things well worth considering! I stress these thoughts for your consideration.

Now such Belief you must imbibe and have, to overcome everything! If you believe I AM a "good man" I can only do as much for you as a "good man" can. But if you believe according to the testimony of the last speaker and are convicted of it conscientiously and sincerely in the heart, and that conviction has been awakened in your heart and you in your body are exerting your conviction in all conscientiousness and sincerity, I can do what GOD can do for you — and with GOD all things are possible!

But on the other hand, if you think I AM a "good man" I will give you a good man's job and give you good service at it; in other words, if you can get a "good man" to do anything like this then get some more "good men"! Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" shouted the masses.) But to you, if you get in any kind of difficulty and you want to be delivered, it takes Something Bigger and Better and Greater than a "good man" to reach your condition. Then you may call on ME in the day of trouble; I Will Deliver You! I thank you!

