I Have Magnified (The Law) and Caused It To Be Honored By Millions
While There Are Those Who Are Dishonoring The Constitution and
Undermining the Foundation of Our Democracy. — FATHER DIVINE


Rockland Palace



Our FATHER'S Message given whilst at the Holy Communion Table Palace Mission Incorporated
155th Street & Eighth Avenue New York City
Sunday, June 28th, 1942 A.D.F.D. Time: 11:55 P.M.

While the masses were enjoying the material food at the Holy Communion Table for the sustenance of their bodies, the LORD GOD of Hosts, FATHER DIVINE, arose after many visiting guests had spoken, and blessed all under the sound of His Voice, as well as all humanity, with these Living Words of Spirit and Life, fresh from the Fount of His Omniscience, that whosoever will, might feast on them and grow mentally and spiritually as well as physically in His Statues of Righteousness. Justice and Truth.

FATHER brings out many beautiful thoughts for consideration and stresses the significance of CHRST ruling and reigning on the throne of our minds, for "Wheresoever a king reigns, there is where his kingdom is." Therefore, if CHRIST is allowed to have full and free access on the throne of our minds and over all of our affairs, then and only then will our love for Him be perfected, for perfect love will cast out all fear, and we need not fear Hitler, nor any of his cohorts, for CHRIST OUR GOD, FATHER DIVINE, will be the controller of our destiny, for He is the Beginning and the End of all Righteousness.

Our Great Redeemer, we humbly thank Thee!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is FATHER'S profound Message.)

PEACE EVERYONE! Here we all are again; in the unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose we remain, unifying the children of men, causing them to be partakers of the selfsame thing to become to be even as we are.

A little while ago in the singing of one of those patriotic songs, I thought of what the Holy Scripture said concerning this mystery of which we are now fulfilling,

"And He shall magnify the Law and make it honorable."

I thought of; the more GOD you get in life and in spirit and in mind, and the more of the Actual Spirit of GOD you allow to function in you, the more of real Democracy you will represent, for

"Where the Spirit of GOD is, there is Liberty,"

and we, the American people who express our civil liberties effectively, we are expressing the Reality of the Spirit of GOD in expression, hence, the Spirit of GOD as a great Renovator and yet, as an Eradicator, it eradicates vice and crime and all dishonesty and unrighteousness, but it builds you up in spirit and in mind. It causes you to take on the Characteristics and the Nature of your GOD. It causes you to bring into actuality the reality of that liberty that was spoken of by the Apostle saying,

"Where the Spirit of God is there is Liberty."

The Spirit will Give Life. Liberty and Happiness Automatically

Our Righteous endeavors politically, according to our political or national fundamentals, give us the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but the Spirit itself will give it automatically if you have the Spirit of GOD effectively and live it; therefore, we rejoice because over and above every opposition, over and above every criticism, we know we have lifted up a standard for this people in the fulfillment of the request of the scripture, GOD spoke through the prophet in the prophetic age and said,

"Lift up a standard for My people!"

There is a Highway thrown up in the wilderness and in the valley of the nations of civilization and even the valley of all creation. GOD is speaking through the valley and the shadow of death from time to time, and yet, speaking life, liberty and the Reality of Happiness. Oppositions arise from time to time, but the Spirit of the supernatural recognized Presence of GOD overcomes all that may arise.

For this cause we rejoice and glory in tribulations, knowing this, that tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience Hope and Hope maketh not ashamed. Such a Hope as this that I have in evidence this evening would not make you ashamed if you are susceptive to the Spirit of GOD'S Actual Presence, because it is telling you most distinctly, there is a Reality in what we are teaching, what we are living, what we are exemplifying and what we are demonstrating. In the abstract expression of our religious conviction, we see it demonstrated in this people.

Voluntary Abstinence of the Followers

Truly did I say many years ago by composition as a motto for the consideration of the people,

"I will preach CHRIST in words, but more so in deeds and in actions, and I will put My Spirit in the people and cause them to walk in My Statues."

Just look over this vast audience and yet, without a request of Mine Personally, without a demand made upon My following, My hearers, and My friends to cease to drink intoxicating liquors, without My request as a Person made upon them to cease to indulge in smoking and other little no-harm habits as vice, yet, not a true follower or believer would smoke a cigarette.

Just think of what it really means when you preach scientifically, when you preach in the actuated words of expression and not merely from the words that are written, for it is written:

"Behold, we put bits in horses' mouths that they may obey us, and we turn the whole body about."

This vast audience is merely a slight sketch and a reflection of what will be done universally by the bit of the Spirit I AM putting in the hearts and lives of the children of men and by letting this Mind be in them that was also in CHRIST Jesus.

Oh, how glorious it is to live in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose. For truly did one declare:

"Evil communications corrupt good morals, ill qualities are catching as well as diseases and a man is known by his company-keepers!"

Realizing this, I thought to vice-versalate such an assertion in the actuated words of expression and try not to create an evil influence, but to the extreme reverse, create a desirable and a righteous influence that righteousness might change the nature and the characteristics of this people; that righteousness might overcome the unrighteousness in them by association, by participation and by harmonization.

Good Is as Contagious as Evil

If by associating with the wicked, if you can be influenced by evil communications, can we not take it as a fact that we can be influenced by the good as well as by the evil? As I have often said, the good is as contagious as the evil, but the average person doe not stop to consider it. They look on the wickedness of man, of vice and crime and sin and debauchery to be contagious, but they do not stop to consider Righteousness is as contagious as wickedness and unrighteousness.

For this cause, the masses under the sound of My Voice have been affected by this great contagion.

Just think of this vast audience; thousands and thousands gathered here daily when I came here Personally. Not a one of My followers or even believers would smoke a cigarette! Not a one would use obscene language or profanity, for they have been transformed by the renewing of their minds, by the Spirit that I have put in them by harmonization, as a bit in the horse's mouth so that we might turn the whole body about. Not one would owe a just debt and refuse to pay it, matters not how long or how old it may have been, for they have been transformed by the renewing of their minds, for they no longer have the old mind they once had for they have a New Mind.

As the Apostle puts it in reference to the Life of CHRIST,

"Put off the old man with all of his deeds and put on the New Man, CHRIST Jesus."

It could have been said, "Put off the old mind with all of its ideas and opinions and all of its habits of vice and crime and all of its dishonest traits, tendencies and pleasures and put on the New Mind,"

for he did say on another occasion,

"Let this Mind be in you that is also in CHRIST Jesus."

So when this Mind that was in CHRIST Jesus is in you, you become to be a new creature characteristically, for the old will wane of its own abnormal weight when the new has taken its place.

There are many things I could say along this line, but I did not arise to speak. I have been speaking from time to time practically all day and still have another Communion Service to serve but I rose to let you, My visiting friends and hearers, know I am here Personally, and to let you know I have magnified the Constitution of our country as no man has!

"He shall magnify the Law and make it honorable!"

I have magnified it and I have caused it to be honored by millions while there are those who are dishonoring the Constitution and undermining the Foundation of our Democracy! A good many of them call themselves statesmen; a good many of them call themselves American citizens, daily undermining the Constitution and its Amendments and ignoring the Declaration of Independence!

I believe as one declared, that the religion of the world of the future will be in evidence according to our Declaration of Independence, according to our Bill of Rights enacted in every community and in all society. When this is rightfully and righteously established, we shall have a Righteous Government and that long-sought-for Kingdom for which you all have prayed will no longer be a dream, neither an imagination for the future, but a living Reality made Real, Tangible and Practical for you as the subjects of a Real Democracy shall become to be the personification of a living standard of Righteousness as exemplified in our Bill of Rights.

I cannot stress this thought too vividly, for the foundation of this Government, according to our Constitution, will lead men on to a Real Utopian Government for which you all have been seeking—the Universal Brotherhood of man and the realization of the Fatherhood of GOD, of which this is in reality the demonstration of it; but it will be Universally established, for truly without a doubt, we realize that the Law has been magnified! We realize that it has been made honorable. It has been honored as no man can, or has up until now, because it has been recognized spiritually and I have, and am sill holding revivals of Americanism converting men into True Americanism by the Spirit of GOD within them, by causing them to imbibe the Spirit and the Meaning of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

Not an American Citizen without Individual Independence

As I often say, I do not believe I could be an American Citizen if I did not express My individual Independence even as our country declared it as a nation! Every subject of a country should express the Constitution characteristically and individually even as the country declared it, or expresses it as a nation. This is My humble opinion!

For this cause, we know I have awakened Americanism into the hearts and lives of millions. I have caused them to recognize and respect and honor our Fundamental Documents, for we, the American people, if anyone should, should stand for Democracy, Liberty and Justice for all. Why? Because you have the First Fruit of the Spirit that will give you the privilege as well as it has already given it to you—that privilege, in other words, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!

By this, America, as it may be termed, has a chance to bring forth the CHRIST within her borders to fruition by giving her subjects the privilege to serve GOD according to the dictates of their own conscience . I know it is a hard saying, but yet, it is true.

Truly, CHRIST was born outside of the Gates of Jerusalem! Aren't you glad! And HE was crucified outside of the Gates of Jerusalem. There was no place found in the Inn for Him, and it is the same thing today; but with or without Legality, with or without Churchanity, with or without Society. I AM going on! Aren't you glad! I know they do not wish or want the legalisticness of the Truth to be established as it is, for it is a threat to everything else but itself. But if I do not have anyone else to stand with ME, I AM going on!

I shall not be disturbed and I shall not be discouraged until I shall have established the Truth from shore to shore and from land to land even as I have it here under My Personal jurisdiction, with or without legality, with or without society, with or without anybody else, I AM going on!

GOD as One Man

It is a glorious privilege to realize, it is a common saying quite often used,

"GOD in one man is the majority!"

But I heard the Spirit declare:

"GOD as one man is all of it there is!"

That is what it is all about! That is what they are stirred for, because GOD as one man can accomplish all things! Over and above every opposition, over and above all criticism, over and above every knock and every conflict, GOD is omnipotent!

Then I say, live in this recognition! Build upon this foundation, for that which I have endeavored, I will accomplish with or without a Body! Oh, how glorious it is to observe the Mystery! GOD uses human agencies at times and works mysteriously to carry out His Plan and Purpose. Aren't you glad!

Just then, I brought to My consideration what I heard Father Ford saying a little while ago how the group or groups with which he is connected are working to bring an abolition to all of the injustices inflicted upon the people and all of the unjust acts of the children of men by bringing into actuality the reality of a Real Brotherhood; not only religiously but businessly in all of the businesses and in profession, labor and trade. Oh, how glorious it is to realize GOD deals in the affairs of men and will carry out His Plan and Purpose to the letter! And it is immaterial to ME through whom it is done, GOD is the One who is doing it! Aren't you glad!

I Personally said it before others thought of it, but if I can use others to cooperate and carry out My Plan and Purpose to the letter, it is all right. Aren't you glad! You all know it was more segregation and discrimination in the City of New York before I Personally came to the attention of notice of the public, than it is now!

The President Will Be Affected by the Contagion

I AM contagonizing the atmosphere in which I live and others will be affected by it, so effectively until they will go forth even as Father Ford and others. Not only Father Ford and his group, but President Roosevelt! Aren't you glad! They are all about a good work, carrying out My Plan and Purpose officially and religiously and socially to the letter because I AM a living sacrifice to that end, and My Spirit will do it! Aren't you glad I said, My Spirit will do it with or without a Body! Before GOD had any Body, He moved out upon the face of the deep, according to Biblical history, by His Spirit, but the imbibation of the Personification of that Spirit will not prohibit it! He is just the same with or without a Body! Aren't you glad! Therefore, it will be carried out to the letter!

When I hear the Chief Executive say things such as he said in the prayer he prayed on Flag Day, asking for that which we have here (Aren't you glad!) those of you who heard the prayer and know it, you know he, as the Chief Executive for the people of America, was asking for just what we have right here—asking for brotherhood, was he not? Asking to bring an end to segregation and discrimination and bring the freedom of the religious worship of our subjects of this Democracy, or words to that effect. That is what the prayer meant.

So it is a wonderful privilege to realize GOD is carrying out His Plan and Purpose to the letter. The Personification of Spirit does not prohibit it! The materialization of the same will not prohibit it, for the Word was made Flesh! I know we look upon the Body of Jesus, it is true, as that Word that was made Flesh, but the universality of the Spirit and of the Mind and the Materialization of the same is reproducible and repersonifiable and we all can see and know,

"Ye are the temples of the Living God."

GOD Will Walk in His Temples

GOD has said,

"I will walk in them,"

did he not? I speak scripturally to those who understand the scripture because I do not wish to have you misunderstand ME. You are the temples of the Living GOD. GOD has said,

"I will walk in them and dwell in them!"

He has declared,

"The little leaven leaveneth the whole lump."

I AM sure nothing less than the CHRIST is the Leaven! Aren't you glad! We mean for this Leaven to leaven the whole lump, and eradicate and dispel all of the "other fellow" and all of his traits, his tendencies, his fancies and pleasures and allow GOD to dwell within until the Kingdom will be obliged to be effective on earth. Why? Because,

"Wheresoever a king reigns, there is where his kingdom is."

We know GOD is reigning in the hearts and lives of the children of men, for to His Throne He did not ascend this time, but He descended. Men ascend the throne, but CHRIST descends the throne. CHRIST is high above everything else, and when He, through His Condescension descends the throne of the minds of the children of men and reigns on the throne of their minds, it is a condescension for Him to do it, and He has to descend to do it. Can you not see the Mystery!

Through His condescension, He is dwelling in your hearts and minds, is He not? Isn't He dwelling in your heart and mind? Every true Christian, CHRIST is dwelling in your heart and in your mind, and He has made your mind His Throne and brought your power and your domain under His control, and there is where His Kingdom is.

"I Came to Stamp CHRIST in Your Mind"

As far as you are concerned, GOD'S Kingdom is that which was your domain since He has descended the throne, as being termed, ascended the throne. Aren't you glad! I came to stamp CHRIST in your mind! What said the Epistle concerning the Mystery?

"I will place My commandments upon your mind and I will write them upon the tablet of your heart, and your sins and iniquities I will remember no more."

CHRIST has been stamped in your mind and there is where He has control over you, over yourselves, therefore, you cannot do as you used to do. You do not feel like drinking liquor now, do you? You do not feel like holding up men now, do you? You do not feel like telling lies and doing dishonest things otherwise, because CHRIST is on the throne of your mind! I stamped Him on the throne of your mind by your concentration on ME vividly. You have depicted the CHRIST so vividly by concentration, I reproduced the same in your consciousness and stamp Him in your memory and you cannot forget Him. I think I had better stop! To ME, it is too plain to be criticized. CHRIST has truly descended the throne of your mind and reigneth now, henceforth and forever and has brought all of your power into subjection to Him!

"Wheresoever a king reigns, there is where his kingdom is."

He was to come like that! He was to come like that for He did say, "The Kingdom of GOD is within you!" Did He not say it? Well now,I want the people to know it is within them. But until CHRIST has control, it is not the Kingdom of GOD. When the "other fellow" has control, it is the kingdom of the "other fellow." But you can see the abstract expression of the influence of the Kingdom here, can you not? You can see Brotherhood, Fellowship, Unity, and you can see Harmony and Happiness! You can really see the Abundance of the Fullness, for wheresoever there is Love, there is no lack.

A Prosperous Administration

All of you like to have a good President, do you not? I mean a good president of the United States; because when you have a good president, you believe things will work well, do you not? So we have a Good President on the throne of our minds who has brought all of our power into subjection and under His control. Now this is a prosperous Administration! No panics up here in this Administration since CHRIST is ruling and reigning! No depression or anything of that sort, for He is reigning now!

This may be a little strange, beloved ones, to say to those who do not know and have not heard, but this is the beginning of the one thousand year reign. The one thousand year reign! You all have read about it, but this is the beginning of it, and CHRIST is reigning on the throne of the minds of the children of men. I AM not talking about a person sitting up on some great big throne, but as the principle of mathematics rules the world of accounts, so shall CHRIST rule the nations of the earth! These are facts and figures too stout to be denied, and I AM facsimile-ing what I AM telling you daily. I AM causing others to be partakers of it! It is not a selfish issue! It is not a personal affair. It is an impersonal affair! It is free for everyone!

When CHRIST has full control of the heart and mind of a man, there he has brought his body into subjection to Him, and all of his domain or dominion. There and then, to him the Kingdom has truly come. That is the way we will have it all over the world and there will be no lack, no more wants and no more limitations. There will be no more depression, but the abundance of the fullness of the consciousness of good will be the experience of each and all. Now this is the Sample, this is a matter of course because CHRIST has control here. I would like to say to our visiting friends, those who have not seen, those who have seen, those of you who have seen and heard, you can bear witness to them, what you have seen and what you have been seeing for lo, these many years. That is why we love and stress our Constitution because through it, we have the right to serve GOD according to the dictates of our own conscience, and by the Constitution and the Constitutional protection of this democracy, we have brought forth the CHRIST within to fruition where we could not have done it elsewhere. It could not be done elsewhere! You Could Not Bring CHRIST to Fruition Outside of a Democracy

For you would not be allowed to praise and serve GOD according to the dictates of your own conscience, and you would not have the privilege to believe in GOD sincerely and convincingly according to the dictates of your own conscience, therefore, you could not bring forth the CHRIST to fruition to give you your real emancipation.

Paul caught a glimpse of the mystery in the eight chapter of Romans. He said,

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in CHRIST Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, for the Law of the Spirit of Life that is in CHRIST Jesus, has made me free from the law of sin and death."

That law that was in CHRIST Jesus is your Real Emancipator and you could not give vent for expression for this Law within to be brought to fruition in some countries. That is why I say; Americanism is the Wayshower to Salvation.

For this cause, I work hand in hand with the Constitution, with the Declaration of Independence and with our Bill of Rights; and our religious Work and Mission, I deem them to be synonymous! I thank you.
