"I Will Bring a Showdown to All Creation and Let Them See That They must Accept of Me
or Legalize Vice and Crime.

"Both Society and the Underworld Need the Love of the Redeemer and the Savior,
the Life and Liberty Your Creator Brings" --- FATHER DIVINE

OUR FATHER'S MESSAGE Given Whilst at the Banquet Table, 1887-9 Madison Avenue, New York City,
Wednesday, July 12, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time: 1:23 P.M.




This great TRUTH--the recognition of GOD'S Presence in Bodily Form on earth--might be compared to a volcano which smoulders beneath the earth's crust, breaking out from time to time in great eruptions as the nations of the earth are stirred. Of late these quakes are becoming more and more frequent, for as the SPIRIT reaches out to contact the minds of humanity, without knowing why, they do eccentric, unbelievable things, and thus the knowledge of this Phenomenon is spread.

More explicitly, the unusual step of a prominent society woman of Newport, R. I. in telegraphing an invitation to FATHER and His followers to visit her home, has caused a great to-do among her friends and other socialites, many of whom are opposed to having FATHER and His radical followers in their vicinities, because of their snobbishness and prejudice. This has brought much publicity to the Movement as front-page news throughout the world, and FATHER is being haunted more than ever by reporters and photographers seeking a statement from Him as to His views and what He plans to do. While not speaking to them directly, FATHER answered their questions most completely in no uncertain terms in the Message He delivered on this occasion, just before leaving for the Promised Land.


The Newspaper Reprint referred to was from the Daily News of Wednesday, July 12, 1939 A.D.F.D. and follows FATHER DIVINE'S Message.

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and FATHER'S Message follows the song which was sung before He rose to speak.)


'I AM the One, I AM the One, I came treading the winepress all alone; I AM the One, I AM the One, I came treading the winepress all alone.

All the way from Bozrah I came, I came treading the winepress all alone; I AM the One, I AM the One, I came trading the winepress all alone.'


PEACE, EVERYONE! It is applicable, it is transmittable, it is reincarnatable, it is reproducible and re-personifiable! That which is applied to the life of one, if it is something that is of an impersonal nature, it is applicable to others as well as the first one!

You heard Me say I AM THE ONE! The "I" of Whom you say I AM, as it is one I in the alphabet, the capital I in the capital alphabet is applicable to each and every individual, and all can apply that "I" to himself or to themselves and use it just as effectively, each of you, as anyone else.

This assertion when it is made and lived up to by the experience of the actual fulfiller, you can see, to you it is a reality. It is no longer something imaginary, but it has been made real, tangible and practical. Through the materialization of things, men observe and understand them. When those things are merely superstitiously and mythologically observed, they are not understood in reality--it is a mystery to those who cannot see things effectively.

But oh, how glorious it is to know the truth concerning the mystery and to realize the significance of the recognition of the ACTUAL PRESENCE of the CREATOR, your LORD and your SAVIOR, the AUTHOR and the FINISHER, the BEGINNER and the ENDER! "I AM the first and the last," said One. "I AM the beginning and the end!" The same Spirit is speaking today and it happens to be in evidence openly manifested among you.

That little composition I composed many years ago, but I thought to bring it to your consideration this morning, whilst the nation, yea, the nations at large, the nations universally, are stirred because of My Presence among the children of men. The people of this country and the peoples of the universe, they are stirred because of the MAJESTY of GOD on earth! But they cannot stop the MAJESTY that is the MAJESTY of the majesties! The great MAJESTY of all majesties is a living reality and has been made real, tangible and practical and shall crack the shell of every barrier and every limitation and prove His VICTORY over oppositions wheresoever they may be.

How glorious it is to realize GOD'S Name is superior to every mortal name! The Name of GOD, the SPIRIT of GOD, the Nature of GOD, the Office of GOD, is PERFECTION for the perfecters and a TEACHER and a LEADER for the leaders, the MASTER of Omnipotence and the CONTROLLER of all destinies. Aren't you glad!

For this cause I rise to say, the nations of the earth universally are stirred, but I have not done anything yet to what I will do! I shall shake society as never before! I shall let them know GOD is SUPREME and shall express His Supremacy among the children of men, and shall have all DOMINION on earth among them! Aren't you glad!

Upon this foundation in consciousness if you stand, you will see it come to pass in this present land, and GOD alone shall be recognized as the SUPREME, although looking just like a man. Why is it the peoples of the universe are stirred today and yesterday because of an attempt of a society lady to recognize the Presence of Your MAJESTY, the REDEEMER and the SAVIOR of humanity? Why is it they are stirred? They are stirred because prejudice and bigotry have had access and I have been ruling the nations of the earth; but I came to put a curb to such. The SUPREMACY of GOD in evidence shall be manifested among this nation.

Because GOD is SUPREME, therefore His SUPREMACY shall be manifested as the SUPREME ONE manifesting, advocating and demonstrating SUPREMACY, because of His RIGHTEOUSNESS and of His TRUTH and the act of JUSTICE He metes out to each and everybody. Aren't you glad!

Upon this foundation stand, and I will reveal the mystery of GOD'S ACTUAL PRESENCE among the children of men and I will cause them to come up or shut up! I will bring a showdown to all creation and let them see that they must accept of Me or legalize Vice and crime instead of GOD'S PRESENCE among the children of men! I shall continue to crack the shell of mortal limitations. Wheresoever these has been a limitation or a barrier, I shall break it; for I came to EMANCIPATE you! Aren't you glad!

Then I say, the MAJESTY of all majesties shall be established universally and I shall prove to the world conclusively GOD is a living reality among you--no longer something merely suppositionally discerned in your imaginations, to be seen in a mythological heaven but as a living reality made real, tangible and practical for the establishment of RIGHTEOUSNESS among humanity!

There are many things I could say along this line, but I believe I have said enough to stir up your pure minds, and especially those who desire to hear Me say something along this line. Aren't you glad! I shall not stop or be discouraged until I shall have brought judgment unto TRUTH universally even as I have it among you, and RIGHTEOUSNESS, TRUTH and JUSTICE MUST BE ACCEPTED OR OPENLY REFUSED BY THE ELITE!

Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery, for GOD in reality is with you. It is observable when it is made real, when it is made tangible, when it is made practical. When you can observe it scientifically and can express yourself in thoughts accurately, you can see it definitely, that there is a reality in GOD'S Presence with you.

I will let men see and know, and all of the universe, that GOD is not matter--GOD is not bound to that which is termed flesh, but GOD is a much supernatural as anything and everything else, and yet GOD is a PERSONIFIABLE and MANIFESTABLE in the material and on the material plane as anything else you may claim! GOD would not be OMNIPOTENT if He did not and could not have free access from every angle expressible. For this cause the NAME of GOD of Whom you say I AM, shall continue to conquer and to conquer every foe and every opposition that may have risen and may arise hereafter, for the mouth of GOD has declared it!

No doubt a good many of you listened in at the commentation over the radio a little while ago, speaking of the news of Newport, of which it mentioned the fact as if though the people did not want Me in Newport, Rhode Island. Why is it? Do they not want modesty? Do they not want DECENCY? Do they not want LIFE and LIBERTY? Do they not want the Constitution's and the Amendments' fulfillers?...those who are self-respecting, self- reliant and law-making and law-abiding citizens? Do they want something to the extreme reverse of that of RIGHTEOUSNESS, TRUTH and JUSTICE? Do they want the brothel instead of the House of GOD? Do they want VICE and CRIME in their communities instead of the CONSUMER and the DESTROYER of VICE and CRIME?

Now, which is it they want? Do thy want floods and flames? Do they want GOD in the name of the cosmic forces of nature as they had Him last year?...or do they want GOD in the Name of FATHER DIVINE, bringing PEACE on earth and GOOD WILL to mankind? Which is it they want? They can get either, for all of these things are applicable. I have access to express from either angle of expression, as I AM the EXPRESSER of the cosmic forces of nature and the WORKER of RIGHTEOUSNESS, TRUTH and JUSTICE and the Spirit of EQUITY and SQUARE DEALING among men!

Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery! When GOD works through the cosmic forces of nature, you know it is GOD working effectively because mortality cannot prohibit it. Now, do they want such as the cosmic forces of nature working angrily in destruction--the angry, raging waves there, to flood the community? Do they want a tornado with a ball of fire going through, consuming houses as a bombshell? Do they want the flu and other contagions such as man has not heard of? Do they want the bathing beaches to be contagionized with all sorts of filthiness of contagious and incurable disease germs? Do they want the food they eat to be infected by those germs? Do they want the oysters in the sea to be infected from sea to sea and from shore to shore? Do they want those things filled with the contagious germs of diseases that will destroy the people, or do they want GOD on earth in a BODY that is bringing PEACE out of confusion, JOY and HAPPINESS, LIFE LIBERTY and the reality of HAPPINESS? WHICH ONE DO THEY WANT?

Now, they can get either of these, for one of them must be in expression. I have presented Myself to all creation! I, through MY condescension, have presented MYSELF to society that I might redeem it! It is the CONDESCENSION of GOD, in LOVE and MERCY, that I, in the Name of the ALMIGHTY, of Whom you say I AM, would present MYSELF to the society of men, that I might redeem them out of their filth and corruption, debauchery and sin, dishonesty, incompetence and everything of that kind, that they might recognize the Presence of a REDEEMER and a SAVIOR among men!

Through My condescension I came presenting MYSELF to all of the children of men wheresoever they may be found, that they might be partakers of this NATURE and be contagionized with it and come into possession of their rightful inheritance--LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS, the reality of it according to the Constitution, such as they have been pursuing.

Oh, what a privilege it is to have this opportunity! All society wheresoever you may be found, if you will bring your friends or bring yourselves collectively or as an expression of a system, into subjection to the PRINCIPLE, there will be a chance for your deliverance, even as a chance for the underworld; for each needs the LOVE of the REDEEMER and the SAVIOR, the LIFE and the LIBERTY your CREATOR brings!...bringing SALVATION to the children of men; bringing PEACE, bringing HEALTH and bringing HAPPINESS to them, and bringing a power of PEACE on earth as Jesus did, where the cosmic forces of nature will obey Him and things that would work destructively cosmically, will become to be harmonious and work systematically for you instead of working destructively!

When the ship was at sea and the winds and the storms raged, when Jesus spoke PEACE in words, as it was said, the sea became calm, so the gospel says. The same SPIRIT is speaking today, as this was merely a slight sketch and a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of the OMNIPOTENCE of GOD and of the recognition of His MAJESTY among you all--how He could and would not only calm the raging sea, but would bring all of the cosmic forces of nature into subjection to Him and cause all destructive forces that had been working destructively to be calm and work in harmony with Him for the SALVATION of the children of men.

The cosmic forces of nature work in harmony with Me! Take it from your own experience and what you have heard and read concerning Me. Whensoever I AM having an outdoor demonstration, where I AM officiating and have free access among those who are demonstrating, the cosmic forces of nature they work in perfect harmony with Me. If they would be raging, if they would be violent, if they would be destructive, they become calm and they work in perfect harmony with Me so long as I AM along! Aren't you glad!

If in the POSITIVE direction the cosmic forces of nature are workable and work harmoniously for you and for Me, for My Name's sake, how about the cosmic forces of nature working destructively against those who are in opposition to Me and oppose Me; for GOD is LIFE, LIBERTY and the reality of HAPPINESS! I AM the FULFILLER of the Constitutional prediction of this country-- LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS! I have it and I give it to this people!

Upon this foundation if you will stand, I say, with substantiated faith and unshaken confidence, you will see that GOD shall rule the earth, as said a composition quite often sung in Christendom:

'He rules the world with TRUTH and GRACE, And makes the nations prove The Glory of His RIGHTEOUSNESS And the wonders of His LOVE!'

Can you not see the mystery is now revealed? For GOD HIMSELF is among men and shall have free access on earth--that is, if they live-- that is, if they be, GOD shall have free access and shall be recognized supremely from this angle of expression, and shall prove it to the world conclusively, GOD is not bound from any perfectible or perfection angle of expression, to races, creeds or colors.

PERFECTION is not bound to races, as they may be called! PERFECTION is not bound to creeds or colors, as they may be termed. But PERFECTION will manifest itself in the most insignificant just as it did in Jack Johnson in the sporting world and in Joe Gans and now in Joe Louis. I will let all creation see and know GOD as PERFECTION, which is the PERFECTER, is not bound to races, creeds or colors, but as a PRINCIPLE, as an IMPERSONAL OMNIPOTENT EXPRESSER, GOD will express and manifest PERFECTION wheresoever you will let Him and your hearts and minds are ready to receive Him and allow Him to express within you.

As in the sporting world--in other words, in the prize ring, directly--I might direct your attention to PERFECTION at this instance being represented in the body called Joe Louis; in the religious or spiritual world you might fathom that out as you may. You may think for yourselves where PERFECTION can be found, where the MASTER MIND of all masters and the MAJESTY of His Presence can be actually reckoned justifiably and considered universally.

Nineteen hundred years ago, through the condescension of GOD, in LOVE and MERCY CHRIST came, as being termed One among the most insignificant--the valley of the nations at that time. The nations of all creation at that time were all above those nationally that were commonly known as Jews, but GOD'S condescension was that He chose them because they had chosen Him. GOD, through His condescension, came in somebody they thought was a Jew nineteen hundred years ago, because the Jewish nationality at that time was classed as the least among the nations--the valley of the nations of all creation, and such a valley was to be exalted according to the Scripture.

'He shall exalt the valleys and bring the mountains and hills low.'

Now, whether they want it or not, it is TRUE! This is not a selection and an election by the people, by the majority vote, but it is preordained according to the plan and the purpose of JEHOVAH, GOD, and I AM fulfilling it! It is a hard saying, but yet it is true! As I have often said, I have not done anything or said anything yet to what I will say and do! Aren't you glad!

Upon this foundation if you will stand, lo, I will be with you, and that LO that has been promised and has been said He would be, was the LO "I" as I have declared, that had declared that all power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.

'Lo, I" (this power) "will be with you." "Lo, I will be with you!'

But firstly it was considered and recognized predictionally that CHRIST had received all power and all dominion, and such an expression of CHRIST and His DOMINION, which means the same, when I say, "I will be with you alway."

Listen and observe what I say:

'All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.'

This was firstly stressfully established, and when this recognition had been established, then He declared Himself as being with you alway. Aren't you glad!

As a Person, as an insignificant Man, it would have profited nothing for Him to be with you, but with the POWER that was given--all DOMINION and all AUTHORITY in heaven and in earth, or on earth, whichever, then it was good for Him to be with you. Can you not see the mystery?

Until you get the POWER, your being with Me would profit nothing! It might be detrimental to Me, but with the POWER that was given from heaven, all DOMINION, why then, when I AM with you, all of the POWERS that be are brought into subjection, for the POWER that is with you is the POWER of heaven, and GOD is the RULER and the CONTROLLER of your destiny and will adjust matters satisfactorily for you, if GOD is with you effectively. I thank you. I thank you. I thank you!

The New Day: July 13, 1939 A.D.F.D., Pg. 5


FATHER DIVINE Receives Offer of "The Castles"
at Fashionable Newport

Wednesday, July 12, 1939 A.D.F.D.
By Frances Kilkenny

Newport, R. I., July 11--With an absence of haste that to Newport's eyes seemed and almost deliberate snub, Father Divine, New York's so-and-so "God," accepted tonight--with reservations--an invitation to establish another "Heaven" in this sacrosanct Summer capital of society.

When Angela C. Kaufman, wealthy widow with a grudge against Newport, this morning offered her $100,000 mansion, The Castles, as a cote to which Divine "angels" might flock for rest and repast, the city was downright shocked.

But shock gave way to amazement when, after night had fallen, Father Divine, concluding a somewhat bewildering exchange of messages, wired: "Thank you for your kind invitation, which is receiving consideration. Wheresoever I am convinced from the within that my personal activities will be more constructive in the act of bringing an abolition of segregation and discrimination and establishing righteousness according to the Constitution and the Amendments, I am glad to be represented in the act of promoting truth and integrity according to the Declaration of Independence. If a final decision is reached please wire me or send special delivery letter giving direct information on what terms you desire to receive myself and my followers and when it would be most convenient for yourself and others concerned."

The best Newport minds agreed that Father Divine, at least, was not rushing to crash society's portals, although there was a definite hint of willingness to educate the city to the benefits of seeing more of hoi-polloi.

Mrs. Kaufman's troubles began a month ago when she remade the former home of Richard Washburn Child, author and one-time Ambassador to Italy, into what she hoped would become a night spot.

The house is an imposing mansion, at 19 Greenough Place, a block from Bellevue Ave., one of Newport's most elegant thoroughfares. For neighbors, Mrs. Kaufman has such notables as Perry Belmont, the Bradford Normans and the Austin Ledyard Sands, Newport's mayor, Henry S. Wheeler, lives just two doors down from The Castles.

So bitter was her pique, that, taking a page from the book of New York's Republican lawyer, Howland Spencer, who so resented President Roosevelt's Administration that he sold his Krum Elbow estate--directly opposite the Roosevelt Hyde Park home on the Hudson--to the Harlem Messiah, that she wired Divine last night: "A friend is calling you as well as a friend of Dr. Greer in Sayville, L. I., 1936. Do you remember? Newport is seething in corruption and politics. I own a castle. Kindly advise me when you will visit here. Can arrange a gathering fitted for your calling."

And tonight she fired her ultimatum at Mayor Wheeler, who is, one may judge, really concerned. Unless the neighbors who deprived her of a license to operate a bar, buy her home within forty-eight hours, she said, The Castles will definitely go to Father Divine.

Mayor Wheeler, whose home is two doors down the block, commented only that `something would have to be done.'

Neither he nor the aldermen who comprise the license commission had any power to grant Mrs. Kaufman her desired license, he said. The Mayor lives beyond the 200-foot radius and only the majority of those living within that distance could alter their original rule.

Had Mrs. Kaufman desired to open a place on near-by Bellevue Ave., he pointed out, there probably would have been no objection. Only last year, the Midtown Bar was opened there by no less celebrated personages than Prince George of Russia and Ashley Chanler. The place was a dismal flop, the project being abandoned this year for the reason, the Mayor said, that Newporters do their drinking at home.

According to her own records, Mrs. Kaufman spent $25,000 in her remodeling, but she indicated a willingness to sell the house to New York's cult leader for $10,000 or even give it away.

"I don't want to have anything more to do with Newport," she reportedly told friends. "I want to rent The Castles to some worthy person and I think Father Divine is just the man. He is doing a lot of good and he is paying his way."

Mrs. Kaufman in 1937 gave equally snooty Bar Harbor, Me., its first semblance of a night spot when she opened a place there called the Harbor Inn. By a strange mingling of evangelical and ship's cabin atmospheres, her place enjoyed a definite vogue.

While a small orchestra wailed and crooned in the ship's grill below, Mrs. Kaufman was wont to sit with customers upstairs discussing religion and matters of the soul.

Emblazoned in four-foot letters in the ceiling were the words: "God our Father. Trust in Faith."

And if she has her way in Newport, The Castles may one day be emblazoned with "Peace, It's Wonderful," the message of Father Divine.

(*Hoi-polloi - The common people; the masses)

