The Powers of Civilization are seeking a Way . . to Find Peace Without War

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table,
152-160 West 126th Street, New York City, N. Y., Thursday, Jan 12th, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time: 1:43 P. M.



An afternoon of joy unspeakable and full of glory was enjoyed by the vast organization which had gathered in the Presence of the Lord, FATHER DIVINE, during the serving of the morning Banquet.

Not only were several more Messages which were recently given by Him proof-read, but before the afternoon had passed two more glorious and dynamic Lectures were given by the Personal Tabernacle of GOD Almighty.

In these pages is the first Message of this occasion, which tells of the importance of reading and heading His Words of Spirit and Life as published in The New Day magazine verbatim,and if this is done with an open mind , His Spirit will act as Interpreter and make the meaning plain.

Dear Savior, we thank THEE.

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and FATHER'S Words follow.)

Peace Everyone!

That little thought as a consideration in the transposition or trans-composition I speak as a Message to this congregation and to all of the inhabitants of the earth universally, if you do not even so much as speak the dialect as being termed the English language, as I quite often say, but broken English— if you speak any other dialect under civilization, you should seek diligently to get information from the New Day publication, for it carries MY Message, yea, MY Words verbatim.

Then I say

"Everybody should read MY Word."

By reading The New Day publication vividly and with the spirit of sincerity, open-heartedly and open-mindedly, I will give any person or persons in the universe information such as they cannot get out of books and by teachers of any special or non-special education.

Oh, it is a privilege to realize what GOD really means to this generation! If you take MY Words verbatim and consider with the spirit of sincerity, if you do not understand them distinctly, MY Spirit through concentration will by transmission give you all information, for GOD is His own Interpreter and HE makes things plain.

If you do not get all of the understanding, if it is not explanatory in itself by Message, the Spirit of it will give you the interpretation of it, if you will concentrate on the Fundamental and have an open mind to receive the Message, the Spirit of it will give you the interpretation of it, if you will concentrate on the Fundamental and have a open mind to receive the Message with the Spirit of Sincerity. I will give any living creature information and I will bring any living creature who is open minded into harmonization with ME and cause both it and them to see that GOD is a living reality, the hope of the Redemption of all humanity.

Then I say,

"Everybody should read MY Word."

But remember, MY Word with the Spirit of Sincerity, believers and unbelievers and non-believers alike, you all should read MY Word and you will get information, for MY Words are recorded verbatim in The New Day publication.

Then I say, you should read MY Word if you want first-hand information and do not desire to be led erroneously, which is detrimental to you; for if you rise against the tides of MY Spirit, it is like fighting against commonwealth. Then I say,

"everybody should read MY Word."

Oh, it is a privilege to realize what it means— the life germ of Salvation and the life Magnet of all creation—

"Everybody should read MY Word."

Without this you cannot do a thing, matters not from whence you cometh or where you are going, or have been, you should read MY Words; for MY Words are Spirit and they are Life for all living creatures even the animal kingdom. Aren't you glad?

That little composition, the transposition of it is well worth considering for this prevent issue.

"Everybody should read MY Word."

Whilst the last speaker was speaking, I thought how marvelous is is for you to recognize the Actual Presence of your GOD. The audiences and the different assemblies wheresoever I AM when their minds are open to and for them, I electrify the audiences wheresoever they are, if I AM Personally there and considered. My very Presence electrifies you, does it not? You know, it is Wonderful, is it not? And you feel good, do you not? Just MY Presence is actually electrifying — not only to your spirit and your mind, but even to your bodily form.

MY Presence causes the magnetic current of GOD'S Infiniteness, by the electrons of electricity that are in you, to electrify your physical bodily form and to magnetize the places in which you stand and wheresoever you are getting around!

Whilst the last speaker mentioned the Message— this may seem a little unbelievable and insignificant — MY cablegrams I sent to the powers of Europe and to this Country's' chief executive and others, you can see they have got together now in among these great dictators, and the powers of civilization, they are seeking out a way by MY information and by MY instruction to find peace among themselves without war. can you not see the mystery? And as I electrify any congregation, even so electrify I the nations of the earth and all the cabinets of civilization when they recognize MY Actual Presence by MY Magnetism and by the electrons of electricity I AM transmitting. Even transmitting electrons of electricity— not only the energy of them, but the very transmission of the "trons" themselves I AM transmitting. Aren't you glad?

As a radio broadcasting system will catch up words and messages and programs of different types and convey them through the ether and even from abroad, across the ocean, by the short wave, even so transmit I MY Message by your thoughts to ME, and by the thoughts of humanity, the electrons of electricity are being transmitted. Aren't you glad!

Then when he spoke, I thought of how it is when I come in these different audiences where the minds are open and ready to receive ME: if they are unbiased and open minded in any organization or institution, they can be inspired by MY Actual Presence and be given information intuitively and inspirationally by the Spirit of MY Presence such as no man on earth can tell you.

Oh, it is a privilege to live in the Actual Presence of GOD, where GOD electrifies the audiences and the congregation in which HE enters and magnetizes everything that comes in contact with HIM, because GOD by nature is electricity and magnetism! Aren't you glad!

It is a privilege to live in the Actual Presence of GOD and see MY Words are Spirit and they are Life. They will magnetize all humanity and cause them to become to be attractable to attract necessary and desirable things to them, that none might live in wants or limitations. Whatsoever is necessary, when you receive MY Message and live exactly according to MY Teaching, the Spirit of MY Presence through harmonization will be your magnetism. Aren't you glad!

By this you will attract everything necessary and draw it to you automatically. It will come unthoughtfully at times, for the very Spirit of MY Presence as magnetism for and to the nation will magnetize all creation and cause them to be all attractable to attract the desirable instead of the negative; because that of which MY Spirit really represents, it will attract that of its own kind which is Perfection. Aren't;t you glad!

Upon this foundation if you will stand, you will see every Word I said in MY cablegram and in MY telegram to the President and Message I transmitted to the Associated Press, you will see and know most distinctly, GOD is a living reality among the diplomats and among all of the powers that be. I AM bringing them automatically into subjection to ME, or they all shall be failures!

The Spirit of MY Presence and the Presence of MY Spirit as I AM— and it is ME— I AM without a Body and yet I AM with one— MY foes shall not prohibit MY Work from going on! Aren't you glad! The powers of the universe, those that are commonly known as the great political powers, the great political machinery universally, they all must recognize MY Message from time to time as I send it, even as I sent the cablegrams to the powers of Europe and to this Country. They all must recognize MY Actual Presence and consider it, for I AM the thing to be considered with or without a Body!

You see, as I electrify these audiences when I speak and when I rise, by MY dynamic Words— it could have been said "dynamited" Words of explosive mental forces— I AM transmitting, I will cause the explosion to touch the heart and minds of the hard hearted, those who are "hard-cased" or "case hardened". I will cause the explosion to penetrate them and burst then as a safe-cracker cracks a safe and gets in it!

Truly might have Jesus, the great Love Master said,

"Behold I come as a thief in the night,"

and after the resurrection He entered in and the door was shut. Aren't you glad! I will get in your heart! I will get in your mind! Those whom I do not get in inspirationally and intuitively by inspiration and intuitively by harmonization as a safe-cracker cracks a safe and gets in it, I, with MY dynamic Words and "dynamitic" explosive understanding, with MY thoughts transmitted, will enter in, even if they are opposed to it. Aren't you glad!

As with an individual, so with a nation, and as with a nation, so with all of the nations universally, or all nationalities internationally, for GOD is absolutely Impersonal, with or without a Body! Aren't you glad! The electrifying of the audiences in which I enter and to whom I AM speaking, even so electrify I the nations of the earth universally and bring them all into subjection automatically and cause them to come into harmony with ME, Now is no it that something to consider? Can you not see MY Work and MY Program are well worth considering and shall be established universally, for it is an unselfish issue— it is for all people. I thank you.

Peace Everyone!

Aren't you happy? You are happy just to look at ME! Now you can see what a good look will do. A good, harmonious look will cause you to feel all anew, will cause you to make up your mind to be true, to confess your sins and forsake them, that you might be One with Me as you have been!

That is exactly what MY Presence, MY Magnetism and MY electrons of electricity will do for you — will quicken and awaken the very life substance lying dormant in you, and cause you to recognize MY Presence and love ME better and better!

You feel good when you love GOD, do you not? It is a different feeling from the love of mortality! Aren't you glad! If you do not want MY Love just say you do not and I will not worry you any more! I thank you.
