We Endeavor to Ignore Words That Tend to Sow Seeds of Discrimination,
Separation and Prejudice Among the Nations — FATHER DIVINE



FATHER, HIS Hand on the Bible and MOTHER DIVINE
and Miss Peaceful Love, MOTHER'S Roommate

FATHER and MOTHER DIVINE and Miss Peaceful Love

Our FATHER'S Message Given at the Banquet Table, 160 W. 126th Street, New York, N. Y.
Sunday Evening and Monday Morning November 13-14, 1938 A.D.F.D. Time — 1:40 A. M.

Bringing to humanity their full salvation and emancipation from the chaotic and deplorable conditions of the world; bringing to them that which they have long since sought and hoped for — the Truth concerning all things pertaining to life — FATHER DIVINE has come as the only Propitiator of mankind, that they might no longer walk in the path of darkness, but be led into the path of Righteousness wherein they are called!

Mankind the universe over are now taking cognizance of this great Movement as it is taking root in the hearts and lives of the children of men, causing them to walk in the newness of Life and lifting up a standard above all of the standards for those that are termed the downtrodden, the non-privileged and the under-privileged of the earth, that they might express the Righteousness of GOD and all of HIS Attributes, as exemplified among us.

Many visitors were present on this occasion as usual, including the Rev. Robinson of the Methodist Church here in New York, and a Rev. DePerrot of France, who were blessed to be FATHER'S guests at the Banquet Table. Both expressed their deep appreciation at being present with FATHER Personally, and how much they enjoyed the Message which HE delivered. The Reverends seemed very much impressed with this very scientific and sound Message, and in order that others may benefit and enjoy same, it has been transcribed.

(The foregoing statement comes from the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)


Peace Everyone: I would just like to say at this instance, in the proof reading of the Message, you may not get it accurately until it is proof read completely and printed. When it is released to the press and returned, we endeavor to have it accurate and in the proof reading of it, it may not be read so accurately or so legibly that you might understand it as you should.

But at this instance I would like to say we have visiting friends with us as usual. We are always pleased to have them with us and we want them to feel as if though they are home — feel as if though you are at home. I believe this is one of the outstanding places, if I must say it Myself, where a sketch of a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose is exemplified, which bespeaks the reality of the universal Brotherhood of man and the conscious realization of the Fatherhood of GOD as we will have it after a while.

Of every nation, of every language, of every tongue and of every people, such as may be termed the divers languages, tongues and people, we come. We stand and we come in the Unity of the Spirit as we are, just as you say we came.

What a glorious privilege to live in such a recognition! In the Unity of the Spirit , of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, dark clouds of doubts and fears and divisions will be dispelled from among us and Peace and Pleasure will have its access when we express such with the Spirit of sincerity.

I would like to say at this instance, those of our visiting friends may speak if they care to. Move volitionally, voluntarily if it is your desire; if not you may speak as we do. We will gladly introduce you according to custom if you give us your name, address and profession. Our custom is to give each and every individual a chance to speak volitionally as we do, but those who desire to be introduced we will gladly introduce them. I thank you.

(At this point a sister from Philadelphia gave a testimony of Praise and Thanksgiving to the LORD for what HE has done for her. She thanked FATHER for bringing her to see the Body safely and expressed the desire to learn more and more of this wonderful teaching while she was here. She said she recognized FATHER as being the True and Living GOD and to HIM all praises should be given.)

(An invitation was again extended the visiting friends by the secretary who mentioned we had in our midst, Rev. Robinson from New York and also Rev. DePerrot from France and stated that they should feel free to speak on any subject they wished.)

(At the conclusion of this, FATHER again arose and spoke as follows:)

Peace, Everyone: Good Health, Good Will, a Good Appetite with Good Manners and Good Behavior for everyone tonight. I have arisen at this instance to say according to the last speaker, all people are welcome to speak on any subject whichever, it matters not. Whatsoever your hobby may be or whatsoever your profession or calling may be, you are welcome to speak according to the dictates of your own conscience, especially if your speech will be and your speech is evangelical. But even if it is not evangelical, if it is political, social or what not, you are welcome to speak according to the dictates of your own conscience.

There is but one point that may be somewhat critical here — when we refer to people by using vulgar names concerning them. That is the only point where we might or could — I mean, if we could feel anyway's embarrassed or would cause anyone else to be embaressed by using any word whatever, so long as the words will be evangelical. In any of our speeches or speakers, we enjoy each and all of them speaking according to the dictates of your own conscience. Speak from your own stand if you care to; the only thought of it is, as I afore said, with some people with all of the different nationalities, of all of the different organizations we find the majority of the people from every phase of life will use segregated terms in speaking concerning certain people, but those terms, as I came to bring to the surface, are used for the purpose of lowration.

Some Might Be Embarrassed by the Use of Such Words

For this cause the word commonly used among the people in reference to some people, we consider those words should not be commonly used — that is the only thought which we might consider might be embarrassing. If it was such a thing as a person honoring ME, honoring any other person — giving homage to them with all simplicity and with all honor first — it could and would be embarrassing to use that which is commonly used among the general public when you speak of certain people, those of whom you may consider to be of a different, or some special group.

I find there is a publication called the Chicago Defender and many other papers use segregated terms in speaking concerning themselves and others. They use segregated terms more than some of the people do or some of the papers do that are not called that paper or the representatives of that paper — not called by the representatives of that paper. As they speak from the different angles of expression they do not stop to consider that in using segregated terms and in using vulgar names in reference to themselves and others, it is an expression of lowration, it is lowrating your guest, it is lowrating your representatives, it is lowrating your friends, the ones whom you might highly appreciate. But if you know them by a lowrated name, those who consider the lowrated degree of such a name that the spirit of such a name carries, why naturally, those who would observe or hear such a word might feel as if though it is is a lowrated degree of expression, a lowrated degree of unfoldment of the individual or individuals of whom you are speaking.

There are different vulgar names used by different people, names that are gotten out through resentment, through prejudice and through and by the bigoted minds of the people at times. Those names can be used commonly and they become to be a common phrase, a common usage among the people, but if you know the truth concerning the mystery, you know the names are used for the purpose of lowration and were spoken of in the beginning discountingly and disregarding such persons as such names may be called — that is the thought.

Descending to the Language of Men

As I say, I might start and call a few of the names in the language of men. Permit ME to descend and condescend to speak in the language of men at this instance. It is something I do not usually do, for those things that are vulgar, I do not desire to call even one among you saving as it is necessary for giving information concerning the mystery and the stand we have taken for Righteousness' sake.

You find there are those who are called 'Guineas'! There are those who are called 'Dagos'! You will find there are those who are called 'Crackers', especially in the South they may speak that — by those who disregard certain people. It was said for the purpose of low-ration! There is not a person by such a name, 'Cracker', but they have given that name for the purpose of low-rating the person in the consideration of some. Can you not see the mystery?

Some have been called 'buckras'! They have given that name as a name for the purpose of low-ration, to low-rate the person or persons in the sight or consideration of someone. The very name has caused resentment and strife to be handed down from and through the ages to this present time since such vulgar names have been established among the children of men. Although it is not taught generally in the different books of learning, we know there is such a thing as a vulgar name used by some calling people 'crackers' and 'buckras'! We know there is no such a thing as a person by that name or nationality, neither race nor a creed, nor a color!

We Try to Ignore Such Words

Then there is such a name called as 'Colored'! They use the name 'Colored' as a vulgar name equivalently the same! It is used and was handed down from and by those who desire to low-rate people they thought were not equal to them, there the name 'Colored' and the name capital 'N-E-G-R-O'! This was named for the purpose of low-ration and separation to bring about a distinction between the races of the earth in violation to the law of GOD and even in violation to the Constitution and its Amendments and the Declaration of Independence! Therefore, such words we do not use here as a rule. We endeavor to ignore such words that will tend to continue to sow the seeds of discrimination, sow the seeds of separation and Prejudice among the nations. We use the word that will tend to bring men together in the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose according to the Constitution and according to the Declaration of Independence!

Can you not see the significance of refusing to use those vulgar names? It would not sound strange in many of the different audiences — in very many of the different audiences — if you would rise and speak, matters not what complexion you are, and mention that of which I mentioned a little while ago. You will hear them say you 'C—' people or we 'C—' people! You will hear them say capital 'N-E-G-R-O' and you will hear others say you 'N—'! They think it is a great thing but they do not stop to consider in MY sight it is equivalent to when you get up and say you 'Crackers' and you 'Buckeras' or any other such vulgar name that has been used for the purpose of low-rating the person or persons of whom you are speaking!

Now this is the only point in our Work or Mission whereby we take any exception. We do not approve of using either one of these vulgar names concerning people, for it was created by strife! Resentment and anger and dissension it created in the midst of the people. It was handed down through the ages by which millions have been robbed and spoiled throughout all of the nations.


CHRIST'S Prayer for Unity

If you notice MY Work closely and MY Activities, Yea, MY Spirit and MY Mind as I convey them, I AM bringing into actuality the Reality of that for which you all have prayed! Even the prayer of Jesus, He did not say, pray that there might be strife among you! He did not say, I pray that there will be division among you! Not the slightest division, much less than the thousands of divisions as described and reflected among the nations, but, " I pray that they may be One, even as We are ONE!"

Until we get out of language and out of our schools of learning, the study and stressing of such segregational terms and versions and the teaching such among the people, we cannot succeed successfully in bringing about Victory in the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose in the answer to the Prayer of Jesus,

"I pray that they may be ONE, even as We are ONE!"

If we use segregated terms concerning our fellow brethren in these different audiences, the segregated term in itself would bring about a separation and would bring about strife automatically, psych0logically, even if it was done unconsciously. Why? For where there is division there is strife! Hence, I refuse to call you by a vulgar name whereby you have been called by those who are prejudiced to you and resented you. I know you by the name Jesus taught you to be called by to bring you into the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose by stressing the Unity vividly and speaking it into action until there will be no longer division, but there will be Unity universally!

Walk In the Light

Oh, how glorious it will be when men learn the truth concerning the mystery! There are thousands of them see it since I have revealed it but they attempt to ignore it maliciously — a good many of them do; but when the Light is turned on, it is your dispensive duty to walk therein! Until the Light shall have come you cannot walk in the Light where is not any light, but when the Light is turned on it is your dispensive duty to walk in the Light that is turned on.

"He that walketh in the Light as he is in the Light, you have fellowship one with the other!"

Can you not see how the Unity of the Spirit comes about by walking in the Light? Then I say segregated terms are the only expression that caused division firstly. You are divided when you use a segregated term concerning your fellow professional fraternity brothers. Of course it is true men do not know very much about it because they have not been taught better until they are taught by the Spirit! They have been taught spiritually for nineteen hundred years in part, but for the lack of understanding of the Truth concerning the mystery, thousands have been led erroneously into the way of division, into the way of strife and even created hate and prejudice in the hearts and lives of their descendants! They even use the word an 'old this' or an 'old the other'! It has been handed down through the ages; hence they stamp in the very word that was used vulgarly, they stamp in that word resentment and disregard for the other. Can you not see the mystery? Therefore the offspring, yea, your descendents will reflect it as they come along. They see someone representing that one whom you have stressed to be an 'old this' or an 'old that'— an old "C" or an old "B" or an old "N"— any of those old cursed names!

Root Out the Cause

Your children will inherit that by nature psychologically and will express it in the act of their doing when they meet their brethren in the street, therefore strife goes on!

If we get at the cause and root it up and root it out, the effect will wane of its own abnormal weight! There is not any reality in the effect when the cause is not in existence! Do away with the cause and the effect will be no more; it will soon die of its own unreality for it was not real from the beginning! I mean the cause of division, the cause of strife and the cause of prejudice, the cause of all the different wars, race riots and every other confusion humanity has experienced since the world began!

Get at the cause of those things and do away with them; they will have no longer an existence in the hearts and lives and affairs of the children of men.

How glorious it is then I say, to live in such a recognition and build upon a foundation where we can bring an abolition completely to all vulgarity and refuse to use vulgar names the same as we refuse to talk vulgarly concerning other things! Can you not see the mystery? Vulgarity merely means falsity put forth into expression and the use of vulgar vulgarity, the usage of falsity; therefore you are taking on the false nature daily, of your ancestors by using vulgarity commonly.


Otherwise All Are Free to Speak From Any Angle

Then I say, that is the only point whereby it might be criticizable in our midst. If a person would try wilfully and persistently to impose a vulgar name upon ME, that is the only thing— or willingly or maliciously continue to try to stress something that is false concerning others. But other than that, your respective profession, mission or calling, your respective religion or even your respective political affiliation, you are welcome to speak from any of the divers angles of expression you wish to. You may move volitionally if you care to; I will support you in the act of your speeches you choose to make and will not criticize you personally nor will I allow others to do it under MY Jurisdiction where I AM functioning, if you speak concerning your respective party or respective profession or respective mission, respective calling without criticism of others or if you desire to criticize others, constructive criticism is accepted by ME concerning MYSELF and these. I AM sure the majority of MY hearers can appreciate the stand I have taken in the lifting of a standard for this people and teaching the educators and the teachers of this civilization Wisdom concerning the Foundation and the Offspring of Segregation.

You can appreciate it because regardless to your classification — qualification, whichever — you may be qualified from every angle expressible to fill any official duty under the Government; if you are known to be some one of these vulgar names by which humanity is called, you would not be permitted to fill such an official duty because of the vulgar name by which you are called!


Such Vulgar Names Are Thieves and Robbers

Millions and billions of dollars individuals have lost just because of the vulgar name by which they are called! The vulgar name is a thief and a robber! The vulgar name has robbed you all! Robbed you out of positions, rob you out of comfort and convenience!

If you would only take a trip from a commercial point of view and on a public utility in some parts of the South you are requested because of the vulgar name by which you are called, to get back and take the back seat and go in the smoking car, and other ways whereby you are robbed and spoiled by the vulgar name by which you are called! You are robbed out of your Constitutional Rights! From all the different angles expressible you are underprivileged to the Constitution and it's Amendments and in a great measure in some places you are non-privileged to it! Can you not see the mystery?

Then those who are open minded, regardless to your respective profession, mission or calling, regardless to your alleged nationality, race, creed or color, you are obliged to see MY Stand and you are obliged to appreciate MY Stand I have taken for the uplifting of all humanity. When you see people who have been robbed out of billions and billions of dollars financially just because of their nationality, race, or color, can you not see it is time to stop and consider and do something for the downtrodden? For the underprivileged and for this mistreated of the nations of the earth I came in a Bodily Form!

When you stop and consider as I afore said, the millions and millions of dollars financially from a monetary point of view, the peoples of the earth have lost and are losing because of their respective so-called race or so-called color! Just think of the different conditions that are existing in this country and other countries because of the races or nationalities and the colors! Such things should not be mentioned or considered in this advanced civilization! They are undermining the Foundation of civilization!


Without the Truth Civilization Will Perish

Without the recognition of the Truth of which I AM stressing and conveying and unless men bring themselves into subjection to this Message I bring, they will eventually find the government for the people, by the people and through the people perishing from the earth! Not only the government as an individual organization, but even civilization itself, the Light of Understanding of of all the intelligent, it will perish from the earth itself, the hope of all of the Spiritual and mental and even scientific advances, such will perish from the earth itself except they accept of this Message that I AM bringing!

I have said much more than I had thought to say, but as afore said, when I get on certain points, it is so far reaching, yea, they are far reaching and they are soul stirring! They are soul reviving! I cannot hold MY Peace!

Then I say, consider the Mystery and refrain if you please from teaching and using vulgar names among the people, for such is the cause of race riots, wars and strife of every kind, just because of division among them as described, for

"Where there is division there is strife."

If you retrace your thoughts back, all of the wars we have ever experienced, they come through and by such division or such expression by the selfish and greedy minded people! One thinks he is better than his fellow-citizen or fellow-countryman or his fellow-country in connection with his country. These things can be overcome by the Teaching of CHRIST as exemplified and as stressed daily in this life in the midst of you all.


There Is a Reality Among You

Just look over this vast audience as a daily expression and as a matter of course — in the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose where I AM Personally, and actually it has been established the same where I AM Personally absent, but I stress it more persistently and more convincingly where I AM Personally, for you can see the more expressive effect of it where I AM Personally! It can be demonstrated where I AM Personally and I can take two hundred and fifty thousand people through the streets of the city of New York as I did in cooperation with others a few years ago and they did not have the slightest report of disorder by the Police Department, it is plain to let you see and know there is a reality of something among you!

As with an individual so with an organization; and as with an organization so with a nation; and as with a nation, so with all nations; for GOD in one man was the expression of Life and the Redemption of all humanity! GOD came as the expression of Life and the Redemtion of all humanity in JESUS, but in the adamic state of consciousness of which was personified, "in Adam all died, but in JESUS CHRIST all shall be made alive!"

Then I say produce the Characteristics and the Nature and the Spirit and the Mind of you Savior! Bring these qualities with all of HIS Attributes to fruition within you and you as individuals will be the expressers and the manifestors of CHRIST and when this is established among the nations, in CHRIST all will be made alive, all will be made Righteous, all will be made just and true and they will be honest and competent too.

How glorious it is to know it! Just as you can be as you see them under the sound of MY Voice here and now, so can it be universally whether I AM there Personally or absent Personally, for MY Spirit is just as operative. Aren't you glad!

"I will put MY Spirit in them and cause them to walk in MY Statutes!"

The transmission of the Spirit of GOD to this people is a s much a reality as the transmission of a broadcast message from yonder station. Aren't you glad!

Let us live in this recognition continually! In Peace and Happiness I will keep you, for I AM Happy, I AM Joyful and I AM Peaceful and all of these qualities will be yours for the asking by the actuated words of expression, by actually asking in the way of living and doing what I tell you. Aren't you glad!

How glorious it is to live in such a recognition! All of your misunderstanding will be dispelled! All of your negation within will also be dispelled and the chaos and the chaotic conditions will be eradicated one and forever, for GOD is the Eradicator by HIS Name when it is presented. I thank you.


Peace Everyone! I would just like to say to our visiting friends and especially our guests at the Table, if they are not led to speak and they desire to go as the time is quite well expired, they are welcome to do so. I appreciate your presence and the appreciation of your actions, your acts toward the Spirit of the Movement, by even respecting the audience and the Spirit of the Movement enough to remain when you would be going according to custom; yet we appreciate your presence. If you wish to stay longer you are welcome to do so, stay as long as you please, but if you feel like going, you are welcome to go.

I have always accustomed MYSELF to free and release any person who desires to go, even if it is a laity in any of our audiences, but especially I respect the clergy for the Names sake. Your mission may be calling you for some other purpose; you know what you are called to do and what you are led to do. Feel free to speak if you care to, and if you must go, we appreciate it just the same and we consider you should go if you are led to do so. I thank you.


(Editor's note: See also ND, 3-27-65 p. 21-23 Article "As the Pendulum of Equilibrium Swings " or "650327ar.html"

Again see also ND 3-27-65 p. 20-22 A disertation with readings. given by a member of FATHER'S staff or "650327nd"