You can see under "Righteousness Marches On" We Are Laying a Foundation
for a Universal Righteous Government in the Future --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message Whilst at the Banquet Table, 152-160 W. 126th Street, New York City,
Sunday Afternoon, October 2nd, 1938 A.D.F.D., Time: 2:50 P.M.



It is a privilege to be a possessor of good literature, and to always have the same on hand, covering every phase and topic of life, and treating every subject, whether it be religious, educational, political, scientific, inventional, industrial, professional or what not, with the utmost care. Regardless what the subject matter is that may be desired by one, it can be found in the archives of Heaven. For every problem, subject or expression that is known to man, it came from GOD, even though man may have later desecrated it when he came into possession of it. For this cause, we deem ourselves most fortunate in having the Dean of the Universe to teach us daily of HIS Divine Wisdom, which surpasses the finite wisdom of man, causing every individual to speak, move and act with GOD'S Understanding, if he will accept of this wonderful opportunity.

These great lessons, which are Blessings, are a part of our inheritance as heirs and joint heirs with Christ, and to us they are priceless gems, bestowed freely upon us, as a gift from the Savior of men. For these invaluable treasures, we offer unto THEE our Everlasting King, most sincere gratitude from the very depths of our hearts. Again we thank THEE, LORD.

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER Speaks as follows:)

Peace Everyone! ("Peace FATHER DEAR!" responded the assembly joyfully.)

The peace that we are enjoying can be enjoyed by all; that is, if the inhabitants of the earth will accept of GOD. If you do not accept of ME from a personal point of view, for your own sake, if you please, why not accept of ME from the point of Righteousness, Truth and Justice as we have exemplified it?

If you read this issue of The New Day, the issue of September 29, 1938, if you are open minded you are obliged to see and know, there is a reality in this Message. If you desire to get first hand information, those of MY Followers as MY Followers, of course you will read, but those of our friends whom you may find from time to time desiring to get information concerning MY Work and Mission, this in itself is an investment for you that is worth more than your millions, if you would but stop and consider and read MY Messages as given in this particular issue.

If you read all of these Messages in this issue, consisting of one hundred pages of real literature, of information concerning the Righteous Government of which we are representing, and of information concerning the different businesses and business representatives in this and other communities, who are advertising in the publication, in the consideration of the Lost and Found articles as advertised therein, there is enough information in this particular issue to consider any investment you have made— this five cent issue of The New Day, only five cents, of which it will cost you, will surpass all of your investments in stocks and bonds, and any other capital.

This issue of The New Day in itself, if you stop and read it for consideration, you will see there is more actual clean reading, or message of scientific truth in this, than all you have and may get out of many books as published, which would cost from two dollars and a half to five dollars a copy, of any ordinary message.

Then I say, stop and consider what GOD is doing for all humanity, as a Free Gift to the world —gratis to mankind, that HE might lift them and redeem them from all vice and from all crime and from sin of every kind..

Under "Righteousness Marches On", as you heard, if it were only this particular issue and this particular Message of Righteousness Marched On— in those pages, under that heading, in this particular issue, you can see definitely, to sow such seeds of honesty, competence and truth among the people,we are laying the foundation for a Universal Righteous Government for the future.

In all of MY Messages, yea, in all of MY Lectures as being termed Messages, I AM conveying to humanity the significance of the recognition of GOD'S Actual Presence and the great significance of accepting of Peace as the fundamental, as the hope of the redemption of humanity. I AM showing them definitely, by harmonizing with ME scientifically, we shall do away with prejudice completely. We shall do away with dissension, wrath and vengeance among the people. We shall do away with all distinction, segregation and every other detestable expression. We shall establish the unity of Spirit, Mind, Aim and Purpose, and all of the inhabitants of the earth after awhile will be even as we are here and now.

There will be no more division and distinction among the nations of the earth. there will not be any more confusion among them, for they will see eventually, the folly and ignorance of such actions of the expressions of prejudice, and of resentment, and of anger, of wars, race riots and other confusion resulting from such being inculcated and reincarnated in you. But let us continue to convey, re inculcate and reincarnate the extreme reverse expression to that of dissension, prejudice, resentment, anger, jealousy and all of those detestable tendencies, such as bring wars, race riots and all sorts of confusion, which cause the death of the lives of millions.

Oh, what a privilege to live in such a recognition and when the Spirit of MY Presence shall have been considered among all of the nations consciously, we will do away with war completely, and all men will beat their swords into pruning hooks and their spears into plowshares. This is the inspirationic prediction of the prophet telling of this dispensation of which we will be the fulfillers, for we are beginning to do that which he had predicted. Those things which you used for war and for destruction, you shall use them constructively. They shall be changed into instruments for constructive work, and not for destruction, for I will convert all of your energy, ambition, with all of your detestable tendencies, and cause them to serve GOD, by going in a different direction from the way they have been directed.

All of your emotions, energy and ambition even though they may be detestable and sinful, I shall convert them. I shall use them positively instead negatively, and I shall cause Righteousness to be expressed in the place of unrighteousness and Truth in the place of falsity. I shall let love and kindness be in evidence where violence and resentment and dissension were the expressions of your past experiences. Aren't you glad?

I shall get into millions and billions of the inhabitants of the earth, and cause them to recognize the Presence of Christ or else they shall pass off of the face of the earth, and shall not effect or hinder MY free Access. Oppositions will just merely be things of the past after a while, although they may rise from time to time; but GOD through HIS condescension, will lift HIMSELF and HIS Co-workers and friends and followers above such conditions, so far they will merely be a slight thing of the past. They will not be seen as things many, but as a slight thing of the past, to be considered if they can be slightly considered in your memory.

Just think how glorious it will be, when all of the inhabitants of the earth universally, shall have been brought into subjection to this Fundamental, and all will be meek and willing to serve and harmonize with the Spirit as has been exemplified among you!

The exemplification of harmonization, and the personification of the same, shall be made real in the heart and lives of men, when they all universally see ME as I AM, and stand for one common purpose. I thank you.
