Relax the Conscious Mentality — The Great Essential

"I do Not Care What the People Say about ME"

Re: Capital Punishment. 'It is a matter of impossibility to stop crime by capital punishment.

Killing a man will not prohibit that spirit from going on." — FATHER DIVINE

Our Father's Message at the Banquet Table 20 West 115th Street, New York City
Thursday Afternoon November 15, 1934 Time: 1:50 P. M.

Just according to the little song that Father sang prior to this glorious Message and Lecture that was given on the afternoon of the above date, so it is a Reality in the lives of millions and millions throughout the world; here or there, or wheresoever it may be, where the consciousness of GOD is at all times recognized that is where the Kingdom of Heaven is established, hence the Kingdom of GOD is at hand. Herein the Joy Celestial glows, for it is here, where the Healing Waters flow.

Father gave this beautiful Message which He preface with the song below recorded:

FATHER DIVINE holds the reins of the world

FATHER DIVINE holds the reins of the world

"Where the Healing Waters flow,
Where the Joy Celestial glows,
Here is Peace and Rest and Love,
Where the Healing Waters flow.

Oh, the Joy of Sin forgiven,
At His feet you are resting low,
Here is Peace, alike in Heaven,
Where the Healing Waters flow."

(Father Speaks as follows:)

Peace Angels and Peace to the visitors and strangers, and all of the inhabitants of our community, yea, of our great city. It is indeed wonderful! All of this can be your portion, if you will accept of it, and live it, as it is given. It is indeed wonderful!

That little song long since composed by the composer, brought forth into actuality in our present experiences this morning:

"Where the Healing Waters flow,
Where the Joy Celestial glows.
Here is Peace and Rest and Love,
Where the Healing Waters flow.

Oh, the Joy of Sin forgiven,
At His Feet (in the Spirit of meekness) you are resting low,
Here is Peace and Rest and Love,
Where the Healing Waters flow.

Oh, to lean on Christ's breast,
(The Breast of Consolation; to be consolated)
Here is Joy and Peace and Rest,
Here you sing your sweet refrain,
Where the Healing Waters flow."

It is a wonderful blessing, just to know there is a place where an individual can come or go, where the Healing Waters flow; where all of the sorrows and troubles and all adverse and undesirable conditions must go. When they come to this place or go to that place, wheresoever it is where the Healing Waters flow, of all of your afflictions, Mental and Spiritual, yea, of all of your physical afflictions, you can be healed, at this or that place, wheresoever it is, where the Healing Waters flow. Because of this, as it is, you can see millions coming from far and near, they all may not be visibly discerned this morning, but they are coming. They are coming, because

"there is something within them that holdeth the reins; there is something within them, they cannot explain."

They can tell you all they know, "there is something within." ("So wonderful Father," exclaimed the packed Assembly.)

This Mighty Love , this Mighty Magnetic Current of Infiniteness of the Infinite, is so fascinating the whole world has gone after it. They cannot help it, because it draws them to It, without their consideration, even if they resist or pull, they must come, for this something of whom you say I AM, is stronger than all of them. It is indeed wonderful! Hence they are coming spontaneously and voluntarily, recognizing and declaring they realize GOD is Present. GOD has established Himself among the people as a living reality, yea, as a living factor in the hearts and minds of humanity.

While one of the speakers was testifying a little while ago, MY Thought came for consideration the Mystery of the Greatness of the Spirit brought forth into expression, according to the individual's Revelation, or vision. It was a wonderful unfoldment of the Mystery of how the Great Universal Mind Substance forms Himself in the likeness of a Body and comes to individuals and expresses Himself to them, according to the dictates of their understanding. That is the wonderful Mystery. As I have often said, you don't read of, or hear of, MY true Believers who have risen from the Mythical Conception of GOD and of Heaven, seeing and discerning the Mystical Angels as are described by the different Religions. Why is it? Because they have been converted, they have been changed Mentally and Spiritually, and their sub-conscious mind has also been changed so that they will not even see things in the subconsciousness, as they have been seeing them. You never see one of the Angels now days, discerning the imaginary angels with long wings. ("Its true, FATHER," supported the Followers.)

The Angels behind the Head of the
Holy Communion Table at the Divine Tracy Hotel are
Plaster Models of the Bronze at The Shrine to Life

The Angels behind the Head of the Holy Communion Table at the Divine Tracy  Hotel

The Mystical conception, according to your preconceived ideas and opinions will function in you, and God will explain Himself to you, according to the dictates of your understanding, yet it is GOD from start to finish, appearing in the likeness of the Angels with long wings apparently. That is the Mystery of the appearing of the Angels according to the different Religions, according to their different versions that man has pictured for them. It is indeed wonderful, therefore in every individuals consciousness, there is some concept of the Mystery of the Great Universal Mind Substance, the power of the Spirit of GOD'S Love, Mercy and Majesty, hence HE will appear to you, according to your conception, but remember, it is GOD from start to finish.

Just live in this recognition, by living so, the Fount of GOD'S Omniscience for you, will freely flow. It is indeed wonderful! It is flowing free for each and every individual, but it will flow so free for you, as it has flowed for others, therefore, you will enjoy the Abundance of the Light and Understanding that comes from the Fount of GOD'S Omniscience.

It is such a privilege to live in this realization, conscious of GOD'S Presence through every Mental and Spiritual Expression, your presentment it will be verifying your version and will be stressing it vividly, so you can teach it, and tell it to the people, there is a reality in the way you have seen it.

One of the speakers said, why they saw this great Spiritual Presence presenting itself as great soldier. It was the expression of the Majesty and Dominion of the Almighty coming forth into expression to give consolation to the disconsolated, to give zeal and courage to the fearful, that you might not fear, but that you might be of good courage "and fear not little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom."

Just think of it, as we stand today, according to the Revelation or Inspiration that was given the individual, all the forces and powers that rise in opposition to the Fundamental of Whom you say I AM. ("GOD, GOD, GOD!" shouted the throng.) The Spirit of MY Presence and the Presence of MY Spirit will still both it and them, without the help and aid of man. It is indeed wonderful! One who fought through forty-two different generations, fighting against every mortal opposition, fighting against every mortal version, conceived in the consciousness of the people and fighting against every human opinion that had been created among them. HE carried within HImself, the Victory, and that was Forty-Two , as it may be termed, B. C.

GOD is not asking a question, neither is HE asking a person to help HIM. GOD is not asking a question of information, neither is HE asking a person to help HIM, the Omniscience of GOD, the Omnipotence of GOD and the Omnilucence of GOD is sufficient to light up the darkest corners of the earth, with GOD'S Omniscience. GOD will search things out, and will give Wisdom, Knowledge and understanding to the children of this people, for it carries within itself, the Victory. It is indeed wonderful! but this prediction was verified before it was revealed. Everything that rises in opposition, shall be put to shame. It makes no difference to ME, if it were a country, if a whole country would rise in opposition to this Fundamental, this Fundamental, carries within itself, all of the powers that be, sufficiently to put to shame everything that rises in opposition to it. It is indeed wonderful! Not only a country but if all countries combined, as they have been doing, would rise in opposition to MY Spirit and MY Mind, still I would put them all down, just as I have been doing, and I will cause all things to bend.

These are facts and figures to stout to be denied. It is indeed wonderful! When the mortal-minded powers that are limited in the mortal human prejudice rise in opposition, that is just another great Epoch of an expression to take place, for GOD to unfold His Mystery.

Take these thoughts to consideration. GOD is just getting ready to work with you. The Spirit of all true Christendom, yea, even Judaism, has declared consciously or unconsciously, "mans extremity is GOD'S opportunity." When man has come to his extremity, that is a near step to the destination of that expression of all the mortal versions, for his mentality goes just a little bit beyond his extremity. His imaginations concerning himself, can only go a little bit beyond his extremity, therefore "mans extremity is GOD'S Opportunity." It is indeed wonderful! We should rejoice when tribulations and trials and oppositions arise, for they are arising, because your redemption draws near.

Every time there is a deliverance, before the deliverance of a new born — a new birth in the World, there is tribulation. Tribulation comes through the travail; as they are going in travail, there may be an appearance of of tribulation, before the birth of the babe. It is indeed wonderful!

"Tribulation worketh Patience, and patience Experience, and experience Hope and hope maketh not Ashamed."

Oppositions are outward expressions of the Mystery of the positive and harmonious conception in that opposition that is rising. You may jot these thoughts down in your vocabularies. It is indeed wonderful! Every opposition carries with it a mental conception of the positive, harmonious expression, waiting to be delivered, when it has finished its travailing. It is indeed wonderful! "Travel on little children, until GOD be formed in you" As a person traveling into a far country, in the parable, in a country, but knew not the mystery of going in travail to bring deliverance to that which you know not; that which you had not yet understood, but you had conceived it, yet it was to be delivered through the travail, thru tribulations. Through resistance, the conception must pick its way through the bars of mortal limitations, to bring itself its own deliverance.

Isn't it a privilege to know this: When you afore know these things, while you are in travail, you can rejoice and be glad for you know within yourself your Redemption is nigh. ("Truly wonderful!" emphatically stressed the Followers.) Remember in the early days of this so-called depression, I came forth into expression, I was here from the beginning, as says the Scriptures,

"He was in the World, nd the World was made by Him, and the World knew Him not."

I was here from the beginning, but waiting for the time to come, when these trial and tribulations would arise, when depressions, adverse and undesirable conditions would come,and then and there it would be "MY Time."

When the time of depression, when the time of lacks, wants and limitations came, there and then was the time for GOD to reveal Himself to man. Every opposition, every conflict and all limitations, they all were to come, it was necessary for them to come into display that mankind might see and know nothing else existing other than GOD could dispel and eradicate such conditions, and establish the harmonious conditions for the inharmonious conditions that were among the people. Depressions and lacks and wants, adverse and undesirable conditions, sickness and diseases over flooded the people, yet GOD came into display as a Principle, yet Personified. He wished to, to show you the way out of chaos, that you might live no longer in subjection to the chaotic conditions, but bringing your bodies into subjection to the Supreme, that HE might rule over you and over them, and give you the victory over all things.

What do we care about the s0-called depression? It is indeed wonderful! Depressions and oppressions, oppositions and conflicts are but stepping stones, carrying within themselves in every expression, a mental and spiritual conception of the positive and harmonious conditions. It is indeed wonderful! Do you not see it manifested here daily? Not only here, but the universe over, as one of the speakers said — he had not seen ME in Person, nevertheless, he thought on ME, the Spirit of MY Presence reached him. It is indeed wonderful, and there I could inspire him, by MY Impersonal Presence, the same as the Personal, for the Impersonal to him, was the reality, at that time.

When you have all oppositions, when you have conflicts and conflictions to face you and combat you, it is a blessing. You should rejoice in those things, and be exceedingly glad, knowing within yourself, your test must come to the limit, and you must be sufficiently equipped with the Equipment of Salvation, to overcome every adverse and undesirable condition imaginable, for unless you are, you will not be qualified to overcome and sit with ME in MY Throne. It is indeed wonderful! Every opposition, every enemy, every expression of an enemy, from A to Z, must rise in opposition to you, and you within yourself, through the Christ must be able to overcome them, even death before you can rightfully and Righteously inherit your rightful inheritance for which Christ came.

Every opposition imaginable, every opposition and conflict you could slightly conceive in your consideration must be overcome. You must allow the Christ in you to rise to the extent of overcoming every opposition, that the mortal mind and negative thinking could suggest to you. It is indeed wonderful! Still you should be able to stand and withstand independently, victoriously a conqueror over every adverse expression, Mentally and Spiritually. This is the victory of which the Apostle was speaking. When the Apostle was speaking of the Mystery of the Victory, saying ,

"Faith is the victory that overcometh the world, or this is the victory that over cometh the world, yea, even your faith."

Remember your faith must be so advanced and brought to fruition in the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, until you have the victory over every adverse condition imaginable, matters not what come, matters not what goes and matters not what stays, have the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, Faith in HIM that liveth forever, of which is Christ your Redeemer in the name of faith, so equipped with the equipment of Salvation within you to overcome every opposition that could arise against you.

Live in this state of consciousness wherein you can say independently and undisturbed, without fear and without trembling, "I do not care, I don't care for a thing." It is indeed wonderful! Truly might have the Apostle said, and I verify these sayings,

"Be careful for nothing, but in everything give thanks and supplication."

It is indeed wonderful! Wear the world as a loose garment, "When you know you are right then go ahead." The mortal versions of men will cause you to doubt and fear, if you will allow them. It is indeed wonderful! The mortal versions of men will cause you to be ashamed, if you will allow them, but you must break the bars of conventionality, all men's theories and doctrines, as the veil thrown around the Temple Door, it must be torn in twain that you might see and look diligently in and see HIM a HE is.

It matters not what may arise, regardless to the oppositions, regardless to the theories and doctrines of men, with all of their versions, or even all of your pre-conceived ideas and opinions, your human fancies, pleasures and their tendencies, even all of your simplest fancies, mental and Spiritual, you must be "don't-care-ish", as far as you are concerned.

I Am taking these thoughts to consideration Myself, as the reaction of any expression that might arise while standing in this liberty wherein I set men free. It is indeed wonderful! I recall an original composition composed for the consideration of the people many years ago, and it came forth spontaneously, as men were thinking and watching and beholding MY Personal and Spiritual Activities, it came forth in the melody as follows:

The music to the song "I don't care, I do not care,
I don't care what the people say about ME.
Oh,I don't care, well, I do not care,
I don't care what the people say about ME.
I don't care, I do not care,
I don't care what the people say about ME.
Well, I don't care, I do not care,
I don't care what the people say about ME.

Some may laugh, and some may scorn,
I don't care what the people say about ME.
They've got to come to judgment just as sure as you're born,
I don't care what they say about ME.
I don't care, I do not care,
I don't care what the people say about ME.
I don't care, I do not care,
Don't care what the people say about ME.
I don't care, well I do not care,
I don't care what the people say about ME.
I don't care, well I do not care,
I don't care what the people say about ME."

(Loud applause.)

Peace Everybody:

With such a recognition, with such a declaration, with such an affirmation and with such a consolidated foundation, if you stand, even as I did, you, as well as I, will have the Power and the Keys of Heaven in your hands. It is indeed wonderful! But MY not caring what the people say, not caring in the least as to what they would say, or try to do, being above the mortal versions, their theories and doctrines, and the fears and fancies and pleasures of men, I have the keys to all of the hidden treasures of the earth, by not caring and living in the state of same, making this declaration known: "I have the Keys to the Heaven"; by not caring within Myself, I have the keys to the hearts and lives of the children of this people and they are "open books" to ME. I can go in and out if I wish to. I can open doors that no man can shut and I can shut doors that no man can open, for I have the keys of the hearts of millions, they are open wide for ME to enter, and they will not accept , nor allow another.

It is fulfilled this day in your hearing, when you live in the "don't-caring state of expression" live it and be it, express it and act it in every way, the very victory over all adversities and over everything an individual could say, will be in you, once and forever. It is indeed wonderful! You must be radical enough to not care; so long as you are moved and controlled by the traditions of men, by their theories and doctrines, ideas and opinions, you are closed in the prisons of your ancestries — your ancestors. It is indeed wonderful! You are in the dungeons and prisons, as was with Ezekiel. It is indeed wonderful, and as in the case of Jeremiah. It is indeed wonderful! It only takes such as it did to bring him out, the same must needs bring you out.

Take these thoughts to consideration. Get from behind the bars of conventionality, all of the theories and doctrines of men, rise and walk in the liberty of this freedom, wherein you have been freed. If you live it, and express it in words, deeds and actions, you will carry within yourself a Law transcending all laws of man, for you will be the fulfillers of law and order without the power of men, without their authorizing you to do this or do that, without the consideration of same, without the conscious recognition or understanding of those things, the Spirit of MY Presence, will cause you to fulfill that which is right and just, and can automatically without your consideration.

Remember, when I first came to the City Personally, as an outward and open expression in holding these public meetings, the Officials thought we must have policemen, many of MY friends thought we must have them, and also policemen to protect us. ("So true" confirmed the great throng.) It is indeed wonderful! MY Spirit and MY Presence , is the protection. It is indeed wonderful! It carries within Itself, the victory over every adversity. It is indeed wonderful! Realize it, and Live it and Be it, others will see it, when they visualize it, they will eventually materialize it, even as we do.

We will make a Law among men without the organizing of such expressions, Personally, but subconsciously and mentally and Spiritually, I create a new Law and Order. I create a new form of government, "for the first Heaven and the first earth have passed away." It is indeed wonderful! I insert the Spirit of it right in the hearts and lives of men, automatically, automatically they will bring into display, a Law and an Order of things that cannot be condemned. That is the Mystery, that is why Christ Alone shall reign. It is indeed wonderful! Not because the Personal appearance, as an individual is in some way different from what others should be, but because of this Principle that I have lifted up as a standard, for you. It must be recognized from A to Z. It is indeed wonderful! A new form of government, the law that is within itself, the law of Righteousness, and it is implanted in the Soil of the Souls of all humanity, it must come forth spontaneously when they learn to relax their conscious mentality, the Spirit of GOD'S Presence will sponsor it.

Just think of it, the very law that controls the Heavens and the Earth, and all of the Powers that be, the Invisible Forces of Nature that have been in mankind, and those Powers that have been in the Hand of Nature, in other words, the Great Controller of both it and them, dwells in the lives of the children of men. When man learns to still himself, as said the Metaphysicians, "Relax," but not learning the great significance of Relaxation — Relaxing does not merely mean for an individual to get to a place in the corner of the room, and cease to move physically, the great relaxation that is essential is to relax your conscious mentality. Your conscious mentality being active is a hindrance, it will prohibit the Spirit of GOD'S Presence, as the infinite within you, from working. It is indeed wonderful! Remember Uzzah when he took a-hold of the Ark, because the oxen shook it; the anger of GOD was kindled against him and it smote him by the Ark of GOD, and there he died

Your conscious mentality from the mortal version, being active , will prohibit you from expressing the way you should express, but if you will only relax your conscious mentality, there is a law within you, lying dormant and waiting patiently for you to be still as individuals. When you still our conscious mentality, when you still your personal egos, refuse to be egotistic, the Spirit of GOD'S Presence is willing and ready and will operate automatically. That is why I say, this Truth shall rule the universe, with or without you as a person, with or without any other individual as a person, for it is the same as one of the speakers said, in the beginning as it was, so it is today, having no form nor comeliness, being able to have millions of bodies in the Beginning, but would not give Himself a Body, until HE gave you yours.

Just think of the Love, just think of the Mercy, just think of the Infinite Intelligence, as an outward expression, the Spirit of GOD, as GOD in Reality, but without a Body, moving and speaking everything into observation, having not yet given Himself a Body, (It is indeed wonderful!) but giving you and other bodies, and visible expressions, yea, even to the Hand of Nature, vegetation and every other expression, GOD gave a body before HE gave Himself a Body. GOD gave the Earth a body before HE gave Himself a Body, for HE found, after HE created the Earth, it being bodiless, without form, it was void, and unprofitable, but to make such expressions of His Creation profitable, it was essential to give them bodies. To make you profitable it was essential for ME to give y0u a body, after having a body to make you profitable, it was essential to make you practical, so it is today, if you are impractical you are unprofitable, and you will be good for-nothing, and after awhile, you will not even have a body, but to the contrary, if you will continue to live that way, you will eventually be bodiless.

I have struck the line of the Practicality of GOD, of Spirit and Mind that you might live in this recognition and become to be practical and profitable servants. It is such a privilege, that is why they are coming from far and near, as far as they can hear of ME, they will desire to get to ME, while yet, they are traveling to find ME, but, "Lo, I AM there." Lo I AM there wheresoever they are, for what do they want or care about the Body? ("I love that Body, because it is my salvation," shouted a great multitude in sincerity.) It is indeed wonderful! What do they want it for?

At The Mount of the House of the Lord.

Contentment At The Mount of the House of the Lord.

Dial in on the Fundamental and "Be not dismayed what e'er betides, GOD will take care of you." It is indeed wonderful! Remember, this is accomplishable, with or without a Body. The Body cannot hinder it, the Body cannot prevent it, but it is accomplishable, with or without the Body. That is why I can make MY Declaration known absolutely independently. It is indeed Wonderful! When you stand in this recognition you can speak openly and independently, without fear and without trembling, knowing within yourselves you are not confined not bound to your bodily form, knowing within yourselves, you are reincarnatable, you are reciprocatable and reproducible, and you are re-creatable, you can be recreated, for this is the Great Re-Creation of all things, if you choose to term it that way from that explanation.

Now you are feeling good , are you not? ("Yes, FATHER Dear." remarked the gleeful assembly.) It is because you are in the atmosphere of the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD, and GOD'S Consciousness and the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, they are united. It is indeed wonderful! That is the mystery. When you as individuals, as humanity becomes to be Conscious of GOD'S Presence, the Consciousness of GOD and the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence are united. It is indeed wonderful! Being Conscious of GOD'S Presence, your consciousness of GOD'S Presence is united to the Consciousness of GOD. GOD'S Consciousness and your consciousness of GOD'S Consciousness blend instantaneously, they become to be One verifying that of which was said:

"They that are joined to the Lord, are one spirit."

It is indeed wonderful! That is why men can become to be as though they are gods. As though they are gods. Why? It is because you can be so planted with the Consciousness of GOD, in consciousness until your consciousness will reflect GOD in reality, apparently.

That is the mystery.

"They that are joined to the Lord, are one spirit."

It is indeed wonderful! For this cause , man should leave father and mother and cleave to the wife, that the twain shall be one flesh, nevertheless I speak concerning Christ and the Church. That is why you can see them coming, as an outward expression speaking in deeds and in actions, for the outward expression, is but the condition of the mind within, hence they are coming from far and near, outwardly expressing the conscious conviction and the realization of the unity of GOD and man. It is indeed wonderful! They are coming from the Far West of this Country; coming from the Far East of the Old Country. It is indeed wonderful; coming from the European Countries; coming from the South American Countries and all of the Countries, as an outward expression of the conditions of the mind within, showing you conclusively, the Body, the physical expression, is but the mental and Spiritual conception. It is indeed wonderful, in other words, the physical expression is but the Reflection of the mental and Spiritual conception, you have conceived. It is indeed wonderful! Therefore you are coming from far and near as an outward expression of your sincere devotion, from the within, for you are sacrificing and denying yourselves externally and physically for the Spirit and Spiritual calling, wherein you are called.

Now you can see it, as it is expressed here, so will it be the universe over. They are leaving the Fatherland, they are leaving the so-called Motherland, they are leaving the visible expression of everything that claimed them, according to the mortal version, for the new and living birth wherein I stand. It is indeed wonderful! It must be with or without that which is termed "you" or "ME". It is indeed wonderful! I say, "It must be, with or without that which is termed "you" or "ME". That is to say, it must be with or without the visible expression of either of us.

The Mission and the Work of the Almighty must be fulfilled on Earth among the people, and none can hinder it. It cannot be prohibited for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it. It is the same as trying to stop crime, by Capital Punishment. It is a matter of impossibility to stop crime by Capital Punishment. It is something that is Incorruptible, Undefiled, it cannot be stopped, it cannot be handicapped, saving by a Power that is greater than it. The Fundamental of Whom you say I AM, is the only thing and the only One that can prohibit or prevent vice and crime. It is indeed wonderful! Killing a man will not prohibit that spirit from going on, for as he is translated from one, he goes to another and he may rise in another more operative and more effective than he was in the one that was slain. If the negative and undesirable can be so operative, remember the Positive is greater, and can and will work more effective.

When they thought they would put an end to Christendom, or to the people believing that Jesus was the Christ, when they tried to stop it, they only increased it. By killing the Apostles and Crucifying Jesus, they only increased the mystery and caused millions to believe it, who would not have believed it, if the same would have remained in that Personal Body without interference. That is the Mystery. For nineteen hundred years, this Mystery of which I AM now speaking, was opened to the eyes and ears and understanding of the people, but they could not see it, neither could they perceive it, because their hearts and minds were not opened to Spiritual things but the Mystery was open to them.

"Christ was in the World and the World was made by HIM, and the World knew HIM not,"

although HE did say,

"I thank THEE that Thou hath hid these thing from the wise and prudent, and revealed them to Babes."

Their eyes were closed, hence the veil of materialism stood between them and these things, therefore, they could not see them. It is indeed wonderful, but they should have apparently, observed long since the Mystery of Capital Punishment, just increasing and multiplying the expression of that one who is being capitally punished.

Just take these thoughts to consideration, when they tried to crucify JESUS, and thought they had crucified HIM, when He was Resurrected, and would not stay here in the Personal Appearance to convince them that He was resurrected, He went away to leave them to think if they wished to think it, that He had not been Resurrected, but still He would convince them that His Spirit was sufficient to add millions to His Organization. It is indeed wonderful! That is the great Mystery of the disappearing of Jesus the CHRIST as a Person, to convince mankind conclusively, I do not have to be with you Personally, neither do I have to help them Physically, but MY Spirit is sufficient. I AM more operative, as to say, without MY Personal appearance than I AM with it, therefore, I will disappear MY Personal Appearance for a Season and let them see and know I AM here and I AM there, therefore, I have no place to go.

Three thousand were added to the church in one day, by the disappearing of the Personal Bodily Form. By the oppositions that rose against HIM, it caused the Spirit of His Presence to be transmitted just as effectively and just as operatively in three thousand in one day, where He would, or could have remained in that One Bodily Form, as being termed "JESUS the SON". That is why we can speak positive. We can stand in the liberty where with this Fundamental, this Understanding, this CHRIST has set you free. You do not have to fear in the least, not in the slightest degree, for the Spirit of MY Presence will work just as effectively with or without you. It is indeed wonderful! That is what it will do. That is the Mystery.

Oh, that men could but see it, know it and believe it. When you cease to function apparently, in one individual, you know within yourselves, the functioning will be more expressive in another. It is indeed wonderful! I have never lost a thing. The different individuals coming representing ME, some may come as singers,poets and different composers with different gifts and talents expressing the different talentsof our present civilization in our Spiritual awakening and yet individuals may feel as if though we need them. When they cease to function in one, the functioning in another is more effective. The gifts and talents, the callings and expressions are more operative, when they return in the second,

"for He taketh away the first, that He may establish the second."

Not a friend or relative, nor a kin, neither a desirable expression you have enjoyed that has come through an individual, as being termed "your own", that was to fill that identical expression or office, that cannot come again, and be more effective in another, than it was in the one that is gone. Isn't it wonderful? ("Truly Wonderful FATHER," assured the assembly.) It matters what office they may fill, if in mortal consciousness they stand as a sister, a brother, a husband or wife, or friend, relative or kin, or any office or expression that you may need, it matters not who they may be, when they cease to function in one, the next one that comes, will be more operative and more effective and more functionable. It is indeed wonderful! It is better and better every time. That is the Mystery. It is a matter of impossibility to lose a thing, not only on the Spiritual plane, but even on the material plane, it is a matter of imposibility to lose a thing, with the right concept and the understanding of the Mystery of reincarnation.

"If I go not away" said the Body called Jesus, "the Comforter will not come." Jesus could not comfort you as I can, could HE? ("No, FATHER Dear," shouted the Devoted Followers.)

Take these thoughts to consideration. The Sonship Degree could not even so much as keep you from the evil. It is indeed wonderful! It takes nothing less than the Fathership Degree, therefore, greater is This Demonstration and This Expression and This Dispensation than that of the Dispensation of Jesus the Son.

You never heard of such a Spiritual Awakening under the Name of the Son: you never read of so many people ceasing to commit sin and vice and crime and return from all of those wicked things, as these have done, until I came. It is indeed wonderful! All of this is accomplished by the Name of the Son and by the Name of the FATHER.. Firstly, the Name of the SON, through His Teaching, through His Life and through the way He led you. His Leadings led you in the way of Righteousness, that you might gain Fellowship with the Almighty. It is indeed wonderful! but He said Himself in a way of speaking, He could not deliver you from the evil. It is indeed wonderful! Indirectly He said it plainly; I cannot deliver you from all evil. It is indeed wonderful! He taught you to pray it, and you all have said it, as I afore said. If you did not pray it, you said it: "Lead us not into temptation," He told the Father, not the Son, for the Son told you to pray to the Father to "Let Thy Kingdom come, and Thy Will be done." He told you to pray to the Father to lead you not into temptation. He told you to pray to the Father to deliver you from all that is evil. He told you to say to the Father, "for Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power and the Glory Art Thine forever," and not the Son.

Take these thoughts to consideration. The Fathership Degree of Expression, the Fathership Degree of Perfection, is the only hope of your Redemption, and the only hope of your Deliverance from all adversities. It is indeed wonderful! Then I say, "if the first did not go away, the second could not have come." That which was in part He taketh away that He might establish Perfection, that He might establish that which is Perfect in the lives and in the places of that which was in part.

These are facts and figures —you cannot doubt them. They are so logical, they are so plain and simple, you can see them according to the Scriptures. It is indeed wonderful; hence, as I say, "in all of your getting get understanding;" live in this recognition. If all the visible expressions of your participation and cooperation would disappear into the invisible states of nothingness, from whence the visible expressions came, still GOD in His Own Majesty, Dominion and Authority, would be the same, and more effective for you. I thank you.
