MOTHER DIVINE at The Great Bronze Door

MOTHER DIVINE at The Great Bronz Door

'We would that someone could bring YOU a sacrifice
Worthy of the Love YOU freely give;
We would that someone could give YOU a heart,
Lifted in Praise each moment of the night and day!

We would that YOU could find a body
Where YOU could reign supreme within;
A body that would cast aside every version, every opinion, every affection,
Every tradition and idea preconceived by man!

We would that someone could bring YOU a heart Loving YOU alone!
A heart that would not shrink, though oppressed by every foe!

A heart to whom the dark and the light,
Sorrow and joy, pain and pleasure,
Praise and condemnation, life and death, would be the same
Loving YOU above these incidents of mortality!

Yea, a body, willing to trample on its own will,.
That YOUR Mission might be accomplished!

We would that YOU could find a body that never tired in doing YOUR Will!
A body ever eager and anxious to search out YOUR Pleasure!

A body over thrilled and intoxicated With YOUR Holy LOVE!
A body to whom YOUR Will Is the sweetest thing she can dream about!

We would that YOU could find a body and mind so submissive, so meek and so sweet,
That whatever seed YOU would drop there would quickly grow
And flourish and produce the Fruit of YOUR Love!

A body that would respect YOU and hold YOU in Holiness and Reverence!
A body that would see Perfection in YOUR every Word, YOUR every Thought,
YOUR every Move and Plan!
A body consecrated in every atom, fiber and cell!

We would that YOU might find a heart, kind and true; A heart like a deep cool well,
Where YOU might turn and be refreshed
After long hours of bearing with. mortality's versions!
A heart, warm, and sweet.. with tenderness and praise!

And although we know that YOU could not stay away from such a heart,
Still this one should be willing to see others apparently blessed above herself
Yet keeping her devotion and sweetness
Yielding humility and tenderness as a flower for YOUR Pleasure!

And then, our Darling SAVIOR, when YOU have made this heart, as we pray YOU may,
Make us all like that one, that YOU may be pleased and glorified eternally!'
