"Miriam and Aaron Thought Moses Should Have Married a Jewess, No Doubt, and That of
a Light Complexion. Because She or They Thought That, She Turned White as Snow."

"GOD Is the Same Today, Yesterday and Throughout Eternity." --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Sermon at the Holy Communion Table Krum Elbow Estate, Highland, Ulster County. The Promised Land,
Monday, September 1, 1952 A.D.F.D., Time -- 4:28 P.M.

A winter trek.

A winter trek.

It was during the picnic and Sixth Anniversary Review of the Marriage of CHRIST to His Spotless Church, when FATHER had an Office Talk read while HE served the Holy Communion, in the which it was very stressful to be considered. It was shortly after the proof reading of same, that our Condescending Savior was moved to give this very dynamic and soul-stirring Sermon to bring us all in closer fellowship with HIM.

Prior to this Sermon, right after the proof reading of the Office Talk, one of the secretaries arose and read from her notes, a radio broadcast that she had taken down earlier in the day, which was a very favorable report of FATHER and MOTHER, His activities and the honesty and integrity of His followers, stating in words to the effect that they were an asset to the community, an entirely reversed statement from what it was years ago when FATHER'S activities first started in that community, which brought to one's mind the old adage or saying:

'Two who came to scoff remained to pray.'

Thus it shows that time proves all things. Therefore, take cognizance of this profound Sermon, for in it lies the Fount of Eternal Life.

Almighty GOD, we humbly thank THEE!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is FATHER'S profound Sermon, with FATHER speaking as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! At this instance I have arisen to say, it is good to be here, to observe the universality of the Spirit of My Presence and the Presence of My Spirit. As you have both seen and heard, I will preach CHRIST in Words, but more so in Deeds and in Actions, and I will put My Spirit in the people and cause them to walk in My Statutes!

It is a privilege and a pleasure to realize on this, the Sixth Anniversary Review celebration of My Marriage to My Spotless Virgin Bride, as the Review of the Anniversary in Ulster County, in Kingston and here at the great Krum Elbow Estate -- it is a privilege to realize the Truth concerning things that concern you. As I have often said,

'Be of good courage and fret not yourselves because of the workers of iniquity, for they shall be cut off!'

The time that has been, will not be again!

I cease criticism and I extremiate adverse and undesirable conditions and establish your going in the land of the living and lift up a standard for this people so that they might observe true Christianity, Americanism, Democracy and Judaism as synonymous!

You have seen and you have heard what has been said by the press today, how the citizens of this community, and in fact all over this state, over and above all previous consideration of accusation, criticism and opposition, they are clamoring for this Truth and they recognize it as an Ideal to the public as well as to you. Not only as an Ideal, but as Asset to all communities in which I have established this Truth. The Press declared without exception, My followers prove to be perfect employees and have lifted up a standard of a true citizenry, which is to say, of Democracy and Brotherhood and true Christianity as a Sample and as an Example for all others.


Sample and Example of True Democracy Portrayed

Therefore, I do not regret what oppositions may have heretofore been, for every knock is a boost and every criticism is a praise! We are happy to say, we have the Sample and the Example of true Democracy and Christianity portrayed -- have it as a Sample and as an Example depicted and described not only here in this country, but in other countries where I have not gone Personally! You can see through the pictorial pages of The New Day carrying My Message, there are those in Europe, Asia and Africa and even in the worst of war-torn countries, tables laden with the Abundance of the fullness, and those who are partakers thereof are filled with Joy and Peace and Happiness beyond your reason to think!

Little would you have considered in the time of scarcity, of limitation, of adverse and undesirable conditions, in the war-torn countries, right amidst those who have been oppressed and suppressed and rejected and trodden down by those who have striven to keep Democracy away from the European Countries, here I AM there, where I AM not at Personally, raising the Flag of Liberty high and establishing Democracy, Brotherhood, Christianity and Americanism as an Ideal expression, a Sample and an Example for all of the people! Aren't you glad! ("Yes, GOD Almighty, so glad!" exclaimed the adoring assembly.)

Then I say, we shall continue to lift up the Standard by Uniting all nations of the earth together and by bringing an end to all divisibility and by causing all of our United Allied Sovereignties to Unite Consolidatedly and bring an end to all divisibility wheresoever they may be and recognize Democracy, Brotherhood and Christianity and Americanism and Judaism as synonymous. I shall bring all of these great parties and organizations of humanity together and all shall eventually live in peaceful and quiet resting places as they do under the Jurisdiction of your Humble Servant!


Old Glory Flying In Other Countries

After a while there shall be no more warfare, no more bloodshed and no more divisibility among the nations, for our Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag carries in itself the very essence and substance of Brotherhood and Democracy, for it declares, we are One Nation, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All!

Looking over the pictures in the pages of The New Day, you see every place where they are holding Review Services as a Review of the Anniversaries, you can see they are blessed with Old Glory flying in other countries where they once were not permitted to even call the name of Old Glory there! In Austria, one of the territories -- subdivisions of Germany where Old Glory has been established, though it's under the Russian Zone, GOD is flying the Flag of the Free there as well as here; and we, the people, are happy to say that the same contagion shall universalize itself and be established in all countries abroad!

Here, we have it in the British Zone of Germany, old Glory is flying here! Aren't you glad! ("Oh, so glad, LORD!" again came the happy response.) It is a privilege to realize, real Americanism and Democracy and Brotherhood and Judaism are synonymous! As we have it here, we shall carry this FLAG and lift this FLAG in every country of the world, for it is a part of our religious ritual in the serving of our Holy Communions as a matter of course with respects of their Church Discipline, our Constitution and By-Laws of our Church and also in keeping with the Constitution of the United States and in keeping with these great Documents wherewith we all are protected to which all nations eventually shall have the privilege to Life, Liberty and the Reality of Happiness even as we have it Jurisdictionally!


Recognizing the Universal Brotherhood of Man

Then I say, let us live in this recognition. Through your Humble Servant, Old Glory is flying great and high -- the legalization of Americanism, the legalization of Democracy, the legalization of true Christianity, these are the expressions of GOD to the children of men to bring them universally into the melting pot of Democracy! On the outside cover of this current issue of The New Day you see Uncle Sam going from continent to continent carrying the message of what we are emphasizing, what we are advocating and what our Constitution really calls for! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD!" came the eager shout.) As he goes forth sowing the seeds of Democracy, of Brotherhood, of Christianity and of Americanism as synonymous, uniting all nations of the earth, we can rejoice of this great unfoldment of it as you personally and individually, severally and collectively enjoy it ourselves!

Here we have in Switzerland the Sixth Anniversary celebration of My Marriage to My Spotless Virgin Bride; Old Glory being given to all of the diners, just as we give out the place cards as a memorial also. They are contagionized with Americanism, with Democracy, with Brotherhood and with Christianity! They are recognizing the Universal Brotherhood of man by observing and believing in the Fatherhood of GOD as you observe HIM! Aren't you glad! ("Truly glad, Almighty GOD!" shouted the assembly.)

Just look over this celebrational banquet table, the picture as shown in Switzerland. Now do not try just to copy the abstract expression of what you heard, but realize, there is something bigger, greater and better than that of the outward expression, for the outward expression is but a sketch and a reflection of a percent of a fraction of a grain of the Mystery of GOD'S actual Presence and what HE is actually doing among the children of men! As I have often said, that which is demonstrated daily is but a sketch, therefore, I declared by composition:

'I will preach CHRIST in Words, but more so in deeds and in actions, and I will put My Spirit in the people and cause them to walk in My Statutes!'

Now isn't that a glorious privilege, to hear what My Spirit has done in these, My Following? As the Radio press declares, it is a Sample and an Example for others. They should copy after it as depicted. And some years ago it was more set up as a ridicule and as to be criticized; but they can see now that if all of the people of this country would but accept of My Message, I would free them from lacks, wants and limitations! I would free them from adverse and undesirable conditions! I would establish their going in the land of the living and there would be no more warfare and bloodshed, because the people is as has been said, they are One! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, Almighty GOD!" exclaimed the adoring host.)

'Behold, the people is one and they have one language, and this they begin to do; now nothing will be restrained from them to do, that which they have imagined to do!'

It is a privilege to live in such a recognition. By such, you also come into possession of your rightful inheritance as heirs and joint heirs with CHRIST, to be in that great number that has the Victory over undesirable conditions and over all inequality and division!


Pledge of Allegiance to Our Flag A Living Reality

Look over this vast audience and over all of the audiences over which I preside, in this and in all other countries. We have brought an end to that line of demarcation! We have brought an end to racism! We have brought an end to sectarianism! We have brought an end to all divisibility and we have made the Pledge of Allegiance to our FLAG a living reality by converting humanity generally into the recognition of it!

Then we need not say more at this instance, as GOD is speaking in the actuated words of expression. Many years ago I told you by composition as a motto for the consideration of the people:

'I will preach CHRIST in Words, but more so in deeds and in actions; and I will put My Spirit in the people and cause them to walk in My Statutes.'

Aren't you glad! ("So glad, GOD Almighty!" came the happy response.) When the people walk in My Statutes, they will no longer be on the bread lines! They will no longer taking the dole! They will no longer be undesirable citizens, but will express a citizenry of a true Democracy and of Christianity as the Sample and as the Example for all humanity! Aren't you glad! ("Oh, so glad, FATHER Dear!" again came the enthusiastic reply.)

Just think of bringing all of the people together, bringing them into the recognition and the realization of your real citizenry as we have it. Then I say, live in this recognition and build upon this foundation. Even though there be some few who may at times unthoughtfully speak erroneously and discourteously and discreditable to ME and to what I AM doing by disrecognizing My Ever and Omnipresence and by disrecognizing My Omnipotence, Omniscience and My Omnilucence that will give you Light in every direction!


It Is Detrimental to Speak Critically Concerning ME!

Therefore, some may seem to think, the one spoke and said as the proof reading of the Message of the Office Talk conveyed, where that one thought -- had to say concerning I keeping them up all night. They didn't have anything to do. They had no business to be there if they were not satisfied, and if they did not desire to be and do as they wished to by staying as they did. It was only for the benefit of those that were interested that I had the pictures shown, showing the pictures of the travels in the European countries, in Australia and in other countries, sound pictures and very educational! But those who did not or do not desire to have those pictures or see those pictures at any time, they are not obliged to do so unless they wish to! But it is detrimental to speak critically concerning ME! I AM a Life Wire! Many have been cut off of the stage of action and many have been automatically blasted by a blast of that which they knew not, neither do they know now, by thinking and speaking critically concerning things they know not!

As I explained concerning Miriam and Aaron, I bring this to your thoughts quite often for consideration, as Miriam and Aaron thought Moses should have married a Jewess, no doubt, and that of a light complexion. Because she or they thought that, she turned white as snow; and people are not white unless something ails them! Any time you see white people, something has ailed them! They are cursed and afflicted in some manner of expression! But she was what the people ordinarily call such, the same as you ordinarily call those of the Gentiles, Caucasians and others; you customarily call them such as that by speaking vulgarly! But they are not snow! They are not the color of snow, and who wants to be the color of snow? So, because they thought like that and thought Moses should have married a Caucasian, as it may be termed, one of a lighter complexion, she turned lighter than what she wanted to be, because she did turn white! The Bible says she turned as white as snow with leprosy!

So you can plainly see definitely, that is the mystery of how things happen at times. Some have thought that I should have married an African or Afro-American or someone of a darker complexion and they have turned as black as My patent leather shoe! They were not black, but they were called that. They were vulgarly called that, such as millions have vulgarly called ME the same! But when they wanted ME to marry someone of a dark complexion, they turned just as they wanted ME to marry someone!

Miriam and Aaron, neither one of them were white! That's vulgar! And those who use such terms, they speak vulgarly, very ill-bred and unrefined in comparison with this advanced spiritual civilization in which we are living! But because they thought she or he should have married someone of at least as light a complexion as they were and as being called what she turned to be -- but she was not that first -- she turned to be that way; and then they wanted ME to bless them so she wouldn't be snow! See the Mystery? ("Yes, FATHER Dear!" exclaimed the assembly.)

And we have had some examples and some samples among us of those who have thought critically concerning ME, and desired to or wanted ME to marry someone of a dark complexion, and because they wanted ME to marry someone of a dark complexion, they turned as dark as My patent leather shoes, and some are still that way -- frightful to look at! Just the complexion, because you do not see people as tar! And you do not see people the same color as snow! If you do, something is the matter with them!


My Spirit Will Do It Automatically

But I'M so glad, I need not try to defend Myself to justify Myself nor anyone else! That which I have come to do, I will accomplish it with or without you and with or without ME Personally! I need not do anything Personally to accomplish My Endeavors! My Spirit will do it automatically, for the Spirit of My Presence will adjust matters satisfactorily and will carry out My Plan and Purpose to the letter without a physical effort!

Then I say, live in this recognition. Be conscious of GOD'S Ever Presence! It will solve your economic problem! All of your economic problems as nothing else can solve them! I say, My Presence will solve your economic problems as nothing else can solve them! All of your economic problems can be solved economically, for I have declared by composition and I'M continually declaring the same:

'The Spirit of the consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Source of all supply and it will satisfy every good desire.'

Aren't you glad! ("Yes, LORD!" responded the assembly.) They are conscious of My Presence in the European countries, and that is the Key to the Mystery of the Scripture. In war-torn countries, in all of the places where there is a great emergency, if this can be gotten over them, to be conscious of My actual Presence, where I AM Personally absent as where I AM Personally Present, you problem will be solved once and forever and it will be done automatically!

When Simon on the Mount of Transfiguration saw the transfiguration of Jesus, lo, they fell as dead men! When they arose, Jesus said, "Whom say the people I Am?" But he spoke convincingly according to his conviction that Jesus was the CHRIST, the Son of the Living GOD. I said,

'Upon this Rock I shall build My Church, and the very gates of (you know what) shall not prevail against it.'

See the Mystery? Not only so, but I said,

'Simon, I give you the Keys of the Kingdom, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.'


This Key Will Solve Every Problem

The economic Mystery of supply has been supplied! I have loosed the hidden treasures of the earth! (FATHER turns to a Reverend sitting at the table and says:) I have loosed them, Reverend, and I have unlocked the barred and shut doors of supply! I have never asked anybody for a penny and I do not expect to do it! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, GOD!" enthusiastically came the shout.) But with this Key of the Conviction that I was revealing to Simon, that Key, as it was revealed to him, and I said, "Flesh and blood did not reveal this to thee, Simon, but My FATHER which is in heaven!" Read the Bible for yourself, if you wish to! I said,

'I gave you the Keys of the Kingdom, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven!'

Can you not see the Mystery?

Therefore, the Keys to the economic supply of material things, I have given you the Key to unloose everything on the material plane, the economic situation, to solve your every economic problem and to adjust all matters satisfactorily for you, the Key of Knowing that CHRIST is a living reality and no longer something just imaginarily!

Flesh and blood did not reveal this to Simon, but My FATHER which is in Heaven,

said He!

Therefore, whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven!

I have loosed the economic problems and solved them! Just look at the abundance of the fullness of the consciousness of good! Just look, there is no space vacant of the fullness thereof! I have solved the economic problem! I have solved the racial problem! I have solved the political problem! I have solved the intellectual problem; for I have loosed those things on earth and in Heaven and I AM loosing them for the people as they believe ME, and I AM giving them free access for expression even as I have it; that's why they are blessed so abundantly!

Sixth Anniversary celebration by the Circle Mission Church, Home and Training School, incorporated, of Panama. We have the problem solved in Central America, in Australia, in New Zealand and in all of the places where they live according to My Teaching; I supply them with the abundance of the fullness if they are conscious of My Presence, for that is the Key that will open the doors and the treasures of earth and of heaven! This is not strange to us! We have it like this every day! If there be a question as to whether it is true, come around at any of the places over which I Personally preside and you will see the Abundance of the Fullness on every side just as I have it right here where I AM Personally! The Spirit of the consciousness of the Presence of GOD is the Same Spirit!


The Same Spirit In Every True Believer In GOD

As I was telling a party just the other day, you have been taught in all of your churches of learning; in other words, your churches of religion, GOD as Spirit and Spirit alone moved out upon the face of the waters and began the Creation of all Creation, according to the historians. And as HE began as Spirit and Spirit alone, to those of you of the Christian world especially, stressfully it should be within you vividly established, that the Same SPIRIT that moved out upon the face of the water is the Same SPIRIT in each and everybody! It is the Same SPIRIT in at least every true believer in GOD! Those of you of the Christian world, especially those of you who believe in Jesus as the Redeemer and the Savior, I have heard practically all under Christendom say:

'I knoweth that my Redeemer liveth, for He liveth in my soul.'

I have heard them say, I mean those of the Christian Protestant world of expression of that unfoldment of religion especially, where you have said:

'I know He has risen, for He has risen in my soul.'

CHRIST has RISEN in your soul! HE's the Same One that moved out upon the face of the water and said,

'Let there be light and there was light!'

HE's the Same One that said,

'Let dry land appear," and dry land came forth into visibility and into outer expression!

Be Conscious of My Actual Presence! If you are a little prejudiced after the manner of racial conception or mortal bigoted after the manner of religion or anything of that sort, just know that it is true that CHRIST did move out upon the face of the water with or without anybody, according to the historians; was without any BODY at that time; and if you do not want to take it that I AM HE, know within yourself , the SPIRIT of the LORD IS THE SAME TODAY, YESTERDAY AND FOREVER AND THROUGHOUT ALL ETERNITY!

And as HE spake, HE moved on the face of the water without anybody! It wasn't a Catholic nor a Jew nor any such an expression at that time, but HE moved as SPIRIT and SPIRIT ALONE, WITHOUT FLESH, BODY, BLOOD and BONES! HE was just what HE was and just what HE is without any visibility of anything! HE IS JUST THE SAME! HE IS JUST THE SAME! Aren't you glad! ("So glad! So glad!" shouted the multitude.) JUST THE SAME TODAY, NOW, HENCEFORTH AND FOREVERMORE! HE IS JUST THE SAME! THAT SPIRIT AND SPIRIT ALONE -- AS IT WAS WHEN HE WAS SPIRIT AND SPIRIT ALONE, BEFORE HE SAID, "PREPARE ME A BODY AND I'LL GO DOWN!" HE'S THE SAME ONE! I'M NOT ANOTHER! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, LORD, so glad!" shouted the multitude.)


My BODY and No Other Body Could prevent ME!

So then I say, take cognizance of My Message and realize, GOD is the SAME today, yesterday and forever; with or without a religious abstractional manifestation or recognition; without all dogmas or anything else, GOD IS THE SAME TODAY, YESTERDAY AND THROUGHOUT ALL ETERNITY!

Then when you are conscious of GOD'S Presence as HE was, yea, just as HE IS, the Spirit of the GOD'S Presence is just as Operative and just as Expressive as it was when It was without any Body and had no form nor comeliness so you could admire HIM! See the Mystery? I AM THE SAME WITH OR WITHOUT ANY ADMIRATION! Aren't you glad! ("LORD, GOD, so glad!" sanctioned the audience.) I AM THE SAME TODAY, YESTERDAY AND THROUGHOUT ALL ETERNITY, I AM THE SAME! I AM THE SAME!

'GOD speaks and listening to His Voice, new life the dead receive, The mournful, broken hearts rejoice, the humble poor believe!'

Then I say, because of your consciousness of GOD'S Presence and of His Omnipotence and Omniscience and of being the SAME yesterday, today and throughout all eternity, you know HE IS JUST THE SAME AS HE WAS BEFORE HE HAD ANY BODY! MY BODY WILL NOT PREVENT ME! MY BODY WILL NOT HINDER! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, so glad!" shouted the masses.) My Body and no other body could prevent ME or neither could it hinder ME! Before I had any earth, I moved upon the face of the water AS SPIRIT AND SPIRIT ALONE, WITHOUT FLESH, BODY, BLOOD AND BONES! And when I took on a body of the earth, and the earth made visible and tangible when it was void and without form, it did not hinder ME! It did not prevent ME! I'M JUST THE SAME! I'M JUST THE SAME AND WILL BE THE SAME THROUGHOUT ALL ETERNITY! I CANNOT BE HINDERED! Aren't you glad! ("Oh, so glad, Almighty GOD!" exclaimed the faithful and true.)

Mortality's version may try to depict something mortal mindedly, yea, carnal mindedly, because the carnal mind is enmity against GOD, yea, it is hostility against GOD, and it rises in all hostileness against GOD to try to destroy the Holy One of Israel, but they cannot do it! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

Then I say, I'M THE SAME! THE SAME Today, Yesterday and Throughout All Eternity, WITH OR WITHOUT A BODY! NAUGHT CAN PREVENT ME! Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" shouted the assembly.)

It is a privilege to live in such a recognition and to build upon such a foundation as this one, for when Simon became conscious of GOD'S Presence by intuition and spoke it by the Spirit volitionally,

'I say the Thou art the CHRIST, the Son of the Living GOD,'

I said,

'Upon this Rock I shall build My Church, and the very gates of (you know what) shall not prevail against it.'


Just Know GOD Is Present

You should never have a blowout on your car! You should never have any tire trouble if you are with ME, and if you are with ME, you would have no trouble with your cars or with anything else! Never have any! Things cannot prevent ME, but I can prevent hindrances! I can prevent obstructions, adverse and undesirable conditions, because I AM the ADJUSTER of matters and the PREVENTER of all obstructions and adverse and undesirable conditions!

Upon this Rock I shall build My Church! Upon this Foundation, to say and to know,


To KNOW that GOD is actually PRESENT here and now, once and forever, and will be here throughout all Eternity!

When you KNOW it conscientiously and sincerely, your problems are solved once and forever and matters are adjusted satisfactorily for you. You will be able to go in Peace and sin no more! Aren't you glad! ("So glad, GOD Almighty!" shouted the eager throng.) JUST KNOW GOD IS PRESENT! That is the KEY to all underground treasures! The KEY to the Mystery of the Scriptures! The KEY to the Secret of the ages! The KEYS of the prophets, the princes, and the seers and the sages! Aren't you glad! ("So glad!" came the happy response.) Anything that was in them, you have the KEY to unlock those Mysteries that were hid in their treasures -- in the vocabularies of those who were prophets, priests, kings and seers and sages, whatsoever was in them, though it may have been in their vocabularies invisible and unseen, if you have faith in ME and get this KEY mentally and spiritually you can go in and out and find pasture!


Be Mindful How You Speak Critically Concerning Your Savior

I need not say more. I believe I have said enough to stir up your pure mind. I first thought to convey that thought for your consideration, as the proof reading of that Message of the Office Talk was stressful to be considered. Be mindful how you speak critically concerning your Savior, your Creator and your Maker! You sever yourself from ME, and you wonder why! And I AM just what I AM declared to Be Attributely! I AM what I AM declaring Myself to Be Characteristically, and if you speak critically concerning ME, you deprive yourself of all of this of which and of what I AM, and you will be in lacks and wants and limitations, adverse and undesirable conditions, because you have spoken critically concerning your Creator! That's the Mystery!

Miriam and Aaron, they spoke critically or discourteously concerning the Creator. "Has HE not also spoken by us?" Which was to say or speak as if though I wasn't Just! GOD wasn't Just and GOD respected Moses more than HE respected them. Just the same old spirit as it was with Cain in reference to Abel. Cain was jealous of Abel because GOD had respect unto Abel and unto his offering. But Abel gave all he had! Cain only got some of the worst of the old corn and fodder, or whatsoever it was to offer unto the LORD. Something he didn't want! Then GOD was angry with him and did not respect his offering because it was not respectable! GOD respected Abel and his offering because it was respectable! Abel offered the best of all he had and it was appreciated by the LORD, and GOD blessed him and counted him worthy, although Cain tried to slay him, and the story goes, that he did slay him; but though he was killed, yet he did live, and GOD heard his voice crying up from the ground! Aren't you glad! ("Yes, LORD!" came the reply.)

So that is the way it is with many people, they are unjust and dishonest and critical, ready to criticize GOD and ready to try to measure GOD with the measurement of a man, and that of an unjust one. That's why I called your attention to the fact of that little composition that I brought out many years ago right up here in Kingston, when two so-called Rosebuds were standing out talking apparently for hours at the time, it appeared to be; and I, in My Office and others, were stressfully talking on things pertaining to Life, and they, mortal mindedly, with their minds drifting into materialism; I brought out this little composition as an expression for them, and for all of the people:

'Minds and attention, love and devotion, ideas and opinions, all concentrated on the Fundamental.'

But I KNEW they did not have it all concentrated on them, BUT WHERE ARE THEY TODAY? I thank you.
