The Law Of Life

Re: Immigration, feeding the people, etc.

"As with an Individual So with a Nation, and as with a Nation So with All Nations
Universally or Internationally."

"It Is More Blessed to Give than To Receive." --- FATHER DIVINE

Office Talk Given by Father Divine In the living room at 1887-1889 Madison Avenue, New York City,
Monday, February 13, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time: 4:00 P.M.

The Law of Life


MOTHER DIVINE at Krum Elbow.


Many, now scattered in different parts of the world, can never forget the days in Sayville when FATHER Personally would delight HIS Children and visitors by taking time from HIS many activities to sit quietly in the living room and talk with them. At such times, of course, Children would gather until the room would be filled to overflow, and as always when FATHER would sit still, Words would begin to flow- Words of Wisdom, Words of Spirit, and Words of Life, such as never before been heard- Words which have echoed to the other end of the earth.

Reminiscent of those days was the occasion recently when Attorney A.M. and C. M. who visited Sayville in those days, talked with FATHER in the living room at HIS new Madison Avenue Home. Following the afternoon Banquet, and after a tour of inspection of the house, together with Mother and a Secretary, they sat in the living room, where FATHER joined them Personally.

Just as on similar occasions in Sayville, Mr. M. wished FATHER to talk. He spoke of national and international affairs, and asked FATHER if it did not look as though the world is headed for more confusion than ever. FATHER's reply, and the conversation which followed, recorded for the benefit of one and all, were as follows:

(The above comment comes from the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)


Apparently, yet I can see the refugees coming from every nation, from every language, from every tongue, and from every people. They will see, as they seek apparently, this Standard that I have lifted is the only hope of their redemption, therefore they will come running just as India did. It is Wonderful! I understand that Senator Wagner has introduced, or attempted to introduce by proposal, a bill to grant ten thousand refugees of every nationality admittance to this Country yearly, or something like that. That was somewhat on the line on which I had spoken concerning this Country being a Democracy and a Country whereby everyone would have a chance for development or unfoldment under the Constitution; that it was the only hope of the redemption of those who are commonly known as Jews, whom are a nation or nationalities composed of many, who have not a country. And, as I thought, how marvelous it was as a sample and as an example- Governor Lehman stands to let us see, they can make their advances in this Country as in no other country they can.

C.M.: Senator Nye, I believe, Republican of N. Dakota, said that this Country is not taking care of its own- in a lecture Saturday night- and why should they go out and bring in others? He was bitterly against it.

FATHER: Well, that is true in one sense of the word, yet the keynote to salvation cometh not by getting, but by giving. By Personal experience as an Individual I have proven it conclusively,

'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

For you gain more in return for that which you have given, than you could dare gain by actually receiving. I know there are lots of them who feel as though this Country should put a ban on immigration to prohibit people from immigrating even as much as they have been, because of the lack of work; because they are narrow minded. They do not see and know that, as they open up for expression of skill, of talent, of ambition, and of culture, more will be opened up to them. They do not see that! But, as I say, by Personal self- experience I can say,

'It is better to give than to receive,'

even according to the Gospel. This is not merely a supposition, neither merely a theological idea as given by the Christians nor by the Gospel, but it is a reality by self-experience, for as with an individual so with a nation, and as with a nation so with all nations universally or internationally if they can and will but accept of it and contact it from the same angle.

Naturally, almost any issue that is represented, you will find some who will fight it, but in this particular issue you will find many points in opposition, and you may be eager to find thoughts for consideration yourself. I recall one of MY Followers wrote the Government, the President in reference to same- "Why bother with others, and in your own backyard things worse than those things are going on?" Of course those things are to be considered. It is a reason each way you choose to take it, I mean. Nevertheless, if we start something by thinking not for ourselves alone, and looking not upon our own good, but for the good of others according to the Gospel, then in turn we will reap our reward if we faint not.

Hence if we do that which is just and good, and for the advancement of others, automatically we are advancing ourselves even though we may do it unconsciously. By Self-experience, as I say, I AM a Sample and an Example as a Person.

So they may have ideas along those lines, and it may be radical when they present them from time to time, but the Promise of GOD cannot fail, and by MY Spirit and MY Mind being the Nature of the Promise of GOD, why, naturally I can see the results we would gain by so doing.


Idle Land and Destruction of Food

The earth can apparently be over-populated, when we have thousands and thousands and thousands of acres of idle land lying doing nothing and it should be under cultivation. Then they are destroying the foodstuffs in the way of the farmers' produce and other things that we should have for practical service for the use of humanity. Such things as that they destroy; why not destroy it in the act of giving it to someone to help them? While they are destroying thousands and millions of dollars worth of foodstuffs, you see, they could use that foodstuff in a constructive way in the act of helping someone who stands in the need of help, and through the method of making interchange, why, naturally they would gain in turn for that which they are giving or would give.

Selfishness is the method of stagnation. If you desire to stagnate, be selfish. If you desire to advance or progress, you must let out to let in. If a person does not exhale, he cannot expect to inhale. The stagnant breath of life which he has inhaled will become so stagnant and foul, it will not be healthy for those with whom he comes in contact. That is why we like to get fresh air, you see. It is Wonderful! So, the Law of Life is an interchange of things. The Law of Life is to let go and let come, let out and let in. If we try to let in and have no let out, we may burst. If we try to let come and will not let go, we will not have place for expression. That is the mystery! So the very Law of Life itself is to let go, and then you can let come; let out and then you can let in; and as you let out, you will have space to let in, and it will expand as you let out: for as more comes in, it changes and expands more and more, and you will have more capacity for taking in, and you will also take in something new, and more constructive, and more beneficial than that which you are letting out all the time. It is a wonderful privilege to observe these thoughts.


The Law of Life

As I said in reference to the destruction or the loss of things which we lose- everything we seemingly have for our service, for our comfort, and for our convenience- that which is lost will come again, but will come increased and multiplied and will express more abundance, because that is the Law of Life.

Now I just mentioned that a little while ago, concerning what a commentator said about the Greenkill Hotel being destroyed one year ago from the time he made that announcement, one Sunday morning in October, I think it was. I do not bear record how long it was, because I forget about those things. The progressiveness o0f progress is so expressive until I forget about all of the negative of the past, looking to the Glory of the future. So, when he mentioned that, I said, "Well, that is true. I did say not only as the Followers said, they would gain a hundred times as much." So, it is a matter of impossibility to lose in reality. We may apparently lose, but we gain in turn for that we have apparently lost; so it is a true saying.

Now who would have thought, when they were trying to chase me from Sayville just about ten years ago, that we would have been in as many places as we have now at MY disposal- at MY service, being termed MINE, just as much for ME as though MY place was to be there, you see: although it was called MINE then, and it was MINE, humanly speaking; and yet in reality nothing is yours when you come to look at it in the right direction, because you will not always have it throughout all eternity. Some changes must take place, and therefore you are only using it anyway- anything that may be called yours. See the mystery? If it is perishable, or if it is not perishable, you are not going to have the thing or the things you have now, if it is perishable or not perishable. Therefore you had just as well to disclaim or disown it as your own now, and detach all mortal, legal claims from it, and go ahead and know it is not yours.


Wear The World as a Loose Garment

Now, at that time I did have something. I had that great big Home and a great big estate out there in Sayville. Mother and I had that great big estate out there; we disposed of it; we do not have a thing out there now- not legally. But how glorious it is to be here! How glorious it is to be here with all the limitless blessings, and the blessings increasing and multiplying everyday. Then, if they are expressive and enjoyable for ME, I know they are for you, and for all who will do accordingly. Isn't it Wonderful! It is indeed Wonderful!

Mother Divine: Yes, FATHER always taught us to wear the world as a loose garment. HE used to say if that place could pass away we would get a hundred for that one.

FATHER: It is Wonderful! We may try at times to obligate our minds on something or in some way, and MY Spirit will just lift ME from every seeming would be obligation, and every seeming would be responsibility, and emancipate ME Personally from all those seeming obligations and responsibilities immediately, and have MY Mind absolutely free from them as I live in that recognition. It is indeed Wonderful!


'In perfect peace I'll keep thee whose mind is stayed on ME, and you shall dwell in peaceful and quiet resting places.'

You see, we rejoice in everything, isn't it a sense of peacefulness and quietness here? You can come in here and sit down and be quiet and undisturbed. So many places you can go and rest and relax! So many places all over, we can have without any obligation, without any responsibility, without any cares, absolutely care free. Then, this is it of which was spoken of by the mouth of Jesus, saying,

'If you continue in my word, you shall know the Truth And the Truth shall set you free.'

You are free indeed then.

Mother Divine: Something to Glorify YOU for!


Former Things are Passing Away

FATHER: If I did not know that mind, I would think Mr. M. was drawing ME out now- trying to draw ME out; because this is something like he used to; always like to come around Sayville, and say that was just the way he thought it should be; just an expression like that, just a real life to live, and live that; you should just live and express it as a home unfoldment is at home. Well it is true, you see. You get away from the form of religion, you get away from the form of churchanity, and the form of the customs of organizations, you see. You get away from those things, for the former things are passing away.

C.M. : This is mighty sweet, I know.

FATHER: It is wonderful! As long as you stay in this attitude, and in this vibration, or these vibrations whichever, and stay in this state of consciousness where you are just now, undesirable conditions cannot come. If a pain would want to come to you, it could not come in reality. It could not come through such a state of consciousness and in such a vibrated degree of unfoldment as this in which we are now living- just now. Remain in it, and it will be all right. It is Wonderful!

C. M. : ( The speaker here expressed her regret for apparent lack of courage to get up and acknowledge publicly her appreciation of the blessings she had enjoyed as a result of her contact with FATHER. She wanted to know how she could get such courage.)

FATHER: Through letting the Holy Spirit have Its Way. If you want to keep quiet, all right. But if you want to speak, then let the Holy Spirit have its way. It could be a sense of mortal feeling from a human point of view that would try to hold you back. Now I try at times, not to speak MYSELF as a Person; yet the very time when I try not to speak Personally as a Person, that is the time I speak from MY Omniscience and not from the conscious mentality.

To Speak or not to Speak

You see, the conscious mentality is inadequate to speak and explain things as I do; but as I speak inspirationally and intuitively, I will always bring something to you that is of both old and new, so far reaching and convincing, and satisfying to the mind, you will know it is more than mortal to command. You see the mystery!

So, at times you may desire to refrain from speaking, or you may desire to speak; the Spirit may be leading you to speak and explain something for the advancement of the Kingdom, or something you are inspired with, and yet there may be a sense of a mortal tendency tom try to hold you back. If you speak, if you are led to speak, you will gain the victory over that sense of human feeling that would tend to hold you down or hinder you, and you will find yourself helped by those who are connected, and especially to ME, if you are in harmony with ME.

So, that is the mystery! That is why I said this morning, in these places where we assemble, if a person has never spoken before, if they speak and are in harmony with the Spirit internally, - not so much by what they say externally or openly, but if they are in harmony with the spirit internally, MY Spirit will lift them, and will give them vigor and courage to speak and to express. When you are lifted up in these high vibrations, you gain victory. You have more power over your infirmities, whatsoever they may be. If they are mental infirmities, if they are spiritual infirmities, or if they are physical infirmities, you gain more vigor, and courage, and energy, and gain more power combined with the Spirit, to overcome such things that may be weakening to yourself as an individual. C.M. : ( At this point the speaker spoke of the effect of resentment. She said she had felt resentment over some incident that had occurred, and immediately she began to lose weight. )


Negative Expression is Always Detrimental

FATHER: Resentment is detrimental! Fear is detrimental! Anger is detrimental - regardless of what may cause such to be. You see, it is not helpful nor constructive to your mentality, neither will it affect your physical structure harmoniously. It will affect it inharmoniously. See the mystery? So resentment, or anger, or fear, or any of those detestable tendencies, regardless to what you may feel that prompts you to be resentful, regardless to what you may feel may have caused you to get angry, and how much you had a right to get angry or fearful - any of those three especially, those three characteristics or expressions which are destructive, inharmonious- at least, inharmonious- they are detrimental to your mental and your physical structure. Therefore it is good to refuse to indulge in them, regardless to what may have caused you to feel as though you should be resentful; regardless to how you may feel that you should have been angered at something, or should be angry; regardless to how you may consider why you should have feared or should fear, something.

Those tendencies, those characteristics are detrimental, and in reality they are destructive; for anything that is detrimental in opposition to your senses of feelings and inharmonious to you, they are in reality destructive. If they do not destroy you immediately, they will destroy your happiness, your peace, your joy or your sense of humor. At times they will destroy something about you that is desirable, something you desire to express. Therefore they are destructive, and it is good to overcome such by refusing to indulge in them. It is Wonderful!


If not Constructive They Are Destructive

I have often said, regardless to what may cause a person to get angry; regardless to what may cause person to get mad; regardless to what may cause a person to be frightful and fearful, even if he has a cause to be mad, or filled with prejudice, or resentful from any angle expressible, why, naturally, it is not constructive, it is destructive; for it is inharmonious, it does not fit in the system, it is not suitable for the advancement of any living creature, especially humanity; especially- more so especially, if you are Angelically inspired, or Angelically lifted from mortality's version.

C. M.: Sometimes those old things get in, and you do not know they are there.

FATHER: Well, remember- this is not an adage, it is a quotation-

'if you hear of any person inquiring after me, or asking for me, tell him I said first deny himself.'

Unless you get rid of self completely, and all selfish tendencies, though they may be in all and you may be justified in having them apparently, unless you get rid of those things, why, when something comes along that is not in harmony with you personally, it will affect you in one way or the other, you see. That is the mystery!


Self Denial The Great Essential

Yes, a denial of self is the great essential- to deny self from every angle expressible; as I was saying to some of the Children the other day, to even forget about your own self completely as an individual and as individuals. If you can remember or consider your self from any of the different angles, you are bound to have self pity or self justification within yourself, or something of that sort, which would tend to cause you to use your energy and your ambition and your mentality, and even your physical activities for the purpose of helping self, when it should not be done, you see; for the purpose of justifying self against someone else or against something else. You see, that is the thought. But if one could get in that place in consciousness where they could but say in reality, as they said in the beginning of receiving the blessings,

'Here Lord, I give myself away, it is all That I can do .'


'Just as I am, without one plea, O Lamb of GOD, I come, O Lamb of GOD, I come to Thee.'

If they could say that with the spirit of sincerity from the very depths of the soul, and just be willing to let go and wear the body- the world of self- as a loose garment completely, as I explained it and have been explaining it recently, how glorious it would be! How marvelous it would be to wear the world of self completely as a loose garment, and refuse to care anything about self! As explained to-day, if GOD chooses to speak through any individual, glory in that one through whom I AM speaking! Glory in the Truth wheresoever it is manifested! Glory in it, and connect with it, harmonize with it, and ignore even the slightest thought of self that might be in you- "I wish I could speak, or express, or live, like the other one ."

'Thou shalt not covet'

- thou shalt not envy. Envy is almost the same as being resentful. It is Wonderful!


You Are It!

So, if you could get away from that, and connect with the connectors, and harmonize with the harmonizer, with that which is right- whether you are right or not, and put it on- you are that something. You are It! I mean, in reality! If you know the Truth, you are as much of Righteousness, Truth and as anyone else.

Then why should you let MY Thoughts, or MY Work, or MY Mission, monopolate any of those impersonal qualities, or attributes, or characteristics? They are all impersonal. You have as much right to them as I, and you have as much right to try to protect them, and justify them, and you have as much right to physically care for them as I. It is Wonderful! When you know the Truth, whatsoever I AM doing or whatsoever anyone else is doing, if it is right you have as much right to it as they have, and you have as much right to protect them, you have as much right to spend money to take care of them, as I have, or anybody else. That is the mystery!

I think I had better stop, because it is deep. It is yours! It is yours! Why not! You have as much right to it as anybody else, and it is as much yours. Even words- even though they may come through another. See the mystery? See the mystery! It is deep, but yet it is true, and when you see it effectively, you step up under it, you see.

You see, the churches are just merely a slight sketch of a reflection of a percent of a percent of a fraction of a grain of a percent of the mystery. When you go in your church, you consider- "Well, this church- this is our church," or something like that. Well now, the Spirit of the Truth- the Movement of Righteousness, Truth and Justice is not monopolated by an individual, it is impersonal, the same as the principle of mathematics. Now, it is as much yours as it is MINE; why should you let ME monopolate any more of this Righteousness than you or any other individual? Why should you impute it or cause it to be MINE, any more than it is yours or any other's? I think I had better stop! It is free for everybody! It belongs to all! Every good and desirable expression of Righteousness, Truth and Justice- things that you may call MINE- if it is right, the right things belong to everybody. It is Wonderful!


No Comparison with GOD's Work

That is what I said in part the other day when Mr. K. was here and spoke of what he had done. There are some people may think, "Well, I have done so much", as was brought out there when he said he had done so much for ME or for the Movement. There is not a professional's profession on earth to be compared in any instance, in any way whatever, with the Work, and the Profession of the Almighty.

There is not enough work on earth to be done, professionally, physically, mentally or spiritually, to be in comparison with GOD as much as one percent of a fraction of a grain of what GOD's Work and Mission are, to and for the children of men. Can you not see the, mystery?

Then it is no comparison, when men will compare it. Many times they say, "What I have done- what I have done." As I mentioned in MY Message, no doubt you will also get it in the New Day of this week, when Mr. K. Said he had done so much for ME, or something like that, or for the Movement- if he is worth so much a day or an hour for his professional services, how about GOD? Is there any comparison? It is wonderful! They may say, "Well, I am doing it for the Movement, or for YOU, or for the Peace Mission, or for this, that or the other", and think that I have a monopoly on it as a Person. I do not!


It is All Impersonal

So then you have a right to any and everything I have spiritually. It is the same as the Christian Movement. It is the same as the light of civilization. It is not shut up in some one place, it is expressive for each and every living creature, and all can and will eventually enjoy it- all who will live and see it. They will all see and know, it is all impersonal.

Now then, do not feel as if though you do not have as much right for expression spiritually and from every other angle of expression, as I MYSELF as an Individual, for I have set before you an open door. It is all impersonal. It is all for the good of all and for all humanity. Isn't that Wonderful!

Mother Divine: It is like Mr. said the other night, "What a beautiful Table"; and I said, "It is, and won't it be Wonderful when everybody . will enjoy it all over the world like this?"

FATHER: It is all the same, and eventually everybody will see it. It is only a matter of time, and all will evolve into this great at-one-ment, and will come into possession of their rightful inheritance as we are now enjoying it, but they must raise their consciousness to contact the CHRIST Consciousness, and live accordingly, whereby automatically they will be lifted insomuch, and will be recipients of it. It is Wonderful!

( As FATHER ceased speaking, and condescendingly excused HIMSELF to go to HIS Office, no one wanted to say much, for HIS Words went on ringing, and the satisfying Peace of HIS Presence remained, causing all other words to seem empty and vain.)

