"The Cleansing of the Spirit and of the Flesh, Perfecting Holiness in the Sight of GOD.

"No One on Earth Should Be Sick." --- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message at the Righteous Government Meeting at the Bridgeport Extension,
468-470 Broad Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut, Thursday, October 5, 1939 A.D.F.D., Time -- 11:55 P.M.

Circle Mission Church, Bronx, N.Y.C.

FATHER And MOTHER DIVINE, Circle Mission Church, Bronx, N.Y.C.


One of the most pleasant experiences of the angels is to follow the LORD from place to place, on week-end tours, as HE visits the different Extensions in the Promised Land and elsewhere. One of the fine lessons learned in the Kingdom of Heaven is: be ye also ready, for you know not the day nor the hour, the LORD may travel, and when HE moves, HE moves in a hurry, for HE has work to do that no man can do. On this particular trip on this week-end when we arrived in the Promised Land, and sat with the LORD in the pavilion looking over the Hudson, watching the boats glide smoothly up the river, we could actually believe with assurance that "The Artists Colony," Milton-on-the Hudson, was truly the "Wonderland," brought into materialization, which fiction spoke of in childhood days in the story of "Alice in Wonderland."

Among other places visited on this occasion was "Little Kingston," equally as beautiful as Milton, although quite another style of dwelling. One would almost think that they were in some beautiful Spanish villa, when they arrived in "Little Kingston," with its beautiful variegated flowers, with its swings, lawn chairs, well-kept lawns and beautiful sceneries. These places are indeed scenes of beauty from the outside, and samples of immaculateness and godliness on the inside, for the Scripture declares,

'Cleanliness is next to Godliness;'

and this is one of the important lessons taught to all by CHRIST, Our LORD, FATHER DIVINE:

'the cleansing of the Spirit and of the flesh, perfecting Holiness in the Sight of GOD.'

From the Promised Land, we motored over to Bridgeport, Connecticut and were there in time for the Righteous Government Meeting, where we united with Mother and other angels, who by the leading of the Spirit had reached the Bridgeport Extension earlier in the day, and remained over, not personally knowing that FATHER would be there. It was a happy reunion for us all to be in the Presence of the LORD. The assembly rejoiced in the LORD in Thanksgiving and Praise, and several testified to the fact that they were in their homes and had retired when the Spirit of the LORD moved upon them to come down to the Kingdom. One lady told us that she was in New Haven in her home, but she was so drawn, she had to leave everything and come down to the Kingdom, and in coming, she was blessed to see and hear the LORD, Who gave this marvelous Message of encouragement to all, that we might not faint nor falter when trials and tribulations appear, for that is the way to Glory, explains CHRIST Our Savior. For Thy Matchless Love, Blessed Savior, we thank Thee. FATHER sang several beautiful little Songs prior to the Message, which are as follows:

'Love the LORD with gladness, with gladness,
Love the LORD with gladness, with gladness,
Love the LORD with gladness,
And do what HE bids you do.
'Love the LORD in obedience," etc.
Love the LORD in kindness," etc.
Love the LORD in singing," etc.
Love the LORD in Praises," etc.
Love the LORD in shouting," etc.
Love the LORD in dancing," etc.
Love the LORD in serving," etc.
Oh, be true and faithful," etc.
Love the LORD ALMIGHTY, and do what HE bids you do.'

Just before FATHER rose to speak, HE sang this little song, as the theme of the Message:

'Through tribulations deep, the way to Glory is,
The way to Glory is, the way to Glory is,
Through tribulations deep, the way to Glory is,
The way to Glory is.'

(FATHER speaks at this instance as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! ("Peace, FATHER Dear!" responded the happy assembly.) That little thought I brought up just then to convey to you, that you in turn might convey the same to the children of men, that they might see and know, the way CHRIST came is the way they should go, and the way to lead to Glory.

I was just thinking then, how at times you may feel as if though there are not many around, which is true, so far as you can see, but because of the victory, the battle has been fought and the victory has been won. For this cause you are not going through tribulations now as you used to have to go through; hence you do not be, or you are not, as sincere and as determined to call on GOD with the Spirit of sincerity and conscientiousness, as you did when you were in need. That is the mystery of those few remarks in the composition as a Message for your consideration:

'Through tribulations deep, the way to Glory is.'

When you go through trials and tribulations, you are keyed up to the highest pitch, if you are conscientious and sincere, but when everything is calm and apparently peaceful and quiet and poised without and within, and you do not have any opposition, you do not feel urged from the within to speak, to act, to fight against conflicting oppositions, in other words, conflicts in opposition, for the very spirit is inspired intuitively when you rise and have something in opposition to you.

Tribulations Cause You to Seek the Spirit More Diligently

The oppressions of the oppressors and the trials and tribulations and depressions cause you to be more deeply inspired. They cause you to seek more diligently the spirit of My Presence as a Helper and as a Co-worker; but when everything is working apparently harmoniously, you do not have that inner urge and awakened spirit within to speak and to act and to stress ME in your mind so vividly as you do when oppositions arise.

For this cause I say, "Through tribulations deep, the way to Glory is." One writer said,

'Glory in tribulations, knowing this, that tribulation worketh patience; and patience experience, and experience hope, and hope maketh not ashamed.'

It is a privilege to realize that tribulations and oppositions, conflicts and conflictions and all sorts of undesirable conditions cause the Spirit of GOD within to rise as your Emancipator, to give you your real emancipation from those conditions. For this cause, when you are persecuted and criticized -- I say, when you shall be persecuted and despised and rejected by men, and when they shall say all manner of evil against you, REJOICE and be exceedingly glad. "In that day leap for joy."

You do not see very much leaping when you do not have oppositions, persecution, or at least prosecution, for the very Spirit of GOD lying dormant within you will refuse to express and revive you again until you feel able and know you are in need of HIM. Can you not see the mystery? But when you are in need of My Spirit and stress it vividly with the spirit of sincerity, I will appear; because GOD is your Help in every need; but if there is not any opposition, if there are not any persecutions or accusations or condemnation, you do not need a Savior to emancipate you, for you are in a place of consciousness, so far as that is concerned, where you do not actually need an emancipation. Do you not see the mystery?

When Men Say All Manner of Evil Against You

Then I say, it is a privilege to live in such a recognition, and to build upon such a Foundation, realizing your oppositions, your trials and tribulations, your persecutions even and when men shall say all manner of evil against you, then GOD rises within you and manifests HIMSELF Supremely and causes you to be seen more distinctly, that GOD is with you, over and above oppositions. That is the mystery! Then I say,

'Glory in tribulations, knowing this, that tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience; experience hope, and hope maketh not ashamed, for the Love of GOD is shed abroad in your heart.'

Oh, how glorious it is to know the mystery! I rejoice to be here, and more so, especially when one of the speakers said that they desired to see ME, and could not, or would not stay away when she heard that I was here.

Oh, how glorious it is to observe the mystery, and to see how My Spirit will beget you! One writer said: "You are begotten again into a lively hope; a hope that is incorruptible and undefiled; a hope that fadeth not away." You are begotten again into the recognition of GOD'S Presence, and when you recognize GOD'S Presence and come into the realization of the same effectively, the reaction of your recognition and realization will bring something into outer expression for you, and that will be whatsoever you desire. Do you get the mystery?

Serve GOD By Praising HIM

Undesirable conditions are eradicated by the desirable being established in your consideration. You need not try to eradicate undesirable conditions, but establish the desirable and the undesirable is automatically eradicated by the establishment and the actuality of the desirable. See the mystery? Then I say, Praise GOD!

In that other little Composition which I brought out for consideration, was the thought of Praising GOD, and that was and is the way to serve GOD. That is the way to love GOD, and prove GOD'S Love and prove your love for GOD, by living and expressing according to your conscious Religious conviction.

How glorious it is to live in such a recognition, for by it you are lifted from undesirable conditions, when you recognize GOD'S Actual Presence as here and now with you. The recognition of it will bring you into the realization of such a recognition, for the recognition will cause the inspiration of GOD'S Presence to be in evidence, and in outer expression, that you might observe HIM, and that others might observe the same, as you recognize the Presence of your GOD.

Now when the realization comes forth into expression, the realization is the keynote of Salvation. It will unlock every barred and shut door. It will adjust matters satisfactorily for you. It will give you peace and pleasure beyond measure, and will lift you above all materialism, mortality and adverse and undesirable conditions by the recognition and the realization of GOD'S Actual Presence.

The Allness of GOD Reckoned

Now when you realize GOD is actually present, you have made null and of none effect the undesirable, and "the other fellow," for the ALLNESS of GOD and the consciousness of GOD'S Presence is reckoned. The nothingness of matter may be slightly considered, for the nothingness of matter is the only reality of matter when the ALLNESS of GOD has been actually established. See the mystery? One takes away the other. As day carries the night away, even so it is, GOD and good and the Spirit and the recognition and the realization of GOD dispels any and everything else that is opposite. See the mystery?

Then I say, it is a privilege beyond your reason to even slightly doubt, for you have seen by your own personal experience wheresoever I AM, I bring into actuality and into the conscious mentality of humanity, GOD'S ACTUAL PRESENCE as a living factor. That is the Gospel of the Kingdom. It is the Gospel of the Kingdom in itself, for I did say through the prophecy:

'His Name shall be called IMMANUEL, being interpreted GOD is with us.'

That was the Work and also the Mission, that mankind as preachers and teachers should have been preaching. They should have been teaching the reality of GOD'S Presence and should have stressed it so vividly until others would have gotten, and would get it, all over universally and would recognize GOD'S Presence even as you do when I AM Personally Present.

The Personal Presence Should Not Change Your Faith

The Personal Presence should not diminish your conscious conviction and your recognition and your realization of GOD'S Actual Presence when I AM Personally Absent. The Personal Presence should not take away from your faith, nor should it add to your faith, if you know the truth concerning the mystery; but your faith should be substantiated, and unshaken in confidence you should stand. Upon this Foundation, being substantiated in faith and unshaken in confidence, you would realize once and forever when I AM Personally Absent, I AM just as effectively Present, for that which I AM accomplishing I AM accomplishing it Spiritually. As I said, "It is not by power nor by might but by My Spirit." Can you not see the mystery?

Upon this Foundation if you will stand, you will have ME in consciousness at all times, and the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence creating and will create. It has created and will continue creating an atmosphere wheresoever it is not created effectively, and that atmosphere is the Spirit of GOD'S Presence. Can you not see the mystery.

The Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, can you not see what it actually means? The Spirit of the Consciousness -- if you are conscious of GOD'S Presence; that conscious conviction within you in the actuated words of expression and in your conscious mentality and in all of your surroundings will create an atmosphere of which is the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD. That atmosphere is the source and also the supply. It can and it will satisfy every good desire. That is the mystery.

Seed and Fruit

Then I say, if you keep on building upon such a Foundation as I AM stressing vividly until you get it effectively, that GOD is a living reality and is ever with you, then let it, and express it jurisdictionally and express it non- jurisdictionally as it may not apparently be wheresoever you are where I AM not functioning Personally, express it when you are in places where I do not have a Personal Domain; express it in the actuated words of expression with the spirit of sincerity and be conscientious with it, I will bring into actuality the reality of the Spirit of the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, and you will find yourselves bountifully supplied with everything your heart has desired. Matters will be adjusted satisfactorily, automatically without asking, for the Consciousness of GOD'S Presence, as the warmth of the sun, will cause your seeds that are sown to germinate and spring forth, and bring forth fruit according to the kind of seed you have sown. Can you not see the mystery?

Then I say, it is a privilege beyond all reason to doubt, or for doubt. It is a privilege beyond all reason for criticism by the most severest critic when they can see what GOD has actually done by being conscious of His Presence at all times.

'His Name shall be called IMMANUEL, being interpreted GOD is with us.'

This was the Mission for all Christendom, and all of the Religions, especially those that claim to be under Jesus, that GOD is with them, even before Jesus came Personally.

That was the Mission of the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom. This was the Good News and Glad Tidings that were transmitted and broadcast universally, and men from time to time, being inspired by it, on account of being conscientious and sincere, they would get it inspirationally, and would step out and start out at times to try to preach the Gospel, not knowing definitely the significance of preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, Good News and Glad Tidings, and this is the Good News and the Glad Tidings, "GOD is Present with you."

'His Name is IMMANUEL, being interpreted, GOD is with us.'

Preach the Kingdom as You Go

When you stress the Presence of GOD, and then the Allness of GOD and the nothingness of matter vividly, the very reaction of such a conscious Religious conviction will cause Good News and Glad Tidings to be extended from you as you go, for you will be preaching the Kingdom of GOD to the children of men. Aren't you glad?

Then I say, it is a privilege -- a privilege above all privileges -- when GOD in Consciousness can remain over and above every opposition, over and above every conflict and antagonistic, conflicting thought that you may inculcate or reincarnate , over and above every conceived or preconceived idea or an opinion that is in opposition to the Fundamental, by stressing My Spirit vividly and realizing it with the Spirit of sincerity, "Lo, I will be with you now, henceforth and forever;" but you must be conscious of GOD'S Presence as effectively when I AM Personally Absent as when I AM Personally Present.

The Personal Coming of CHRIST was to bring into the conscious conviction and the recognition of the conscious mentality of humanity, GOD'S Actual Presence, and when this is established effectively, the once-predicted prediction given by your Savior is a living reality: "Lo, I AM with you always."

Prophet, Priest and King

Jesus made that prediction, as your Prophet, as your Priest and as your King; as the Prophet above all prophets and as a Priest above the priesthood of the holy priesthood of the holiest; One made after the order of Melchizedek, being without the beginnings of days and without the end of life; but through His Condescension appearing at a certain time in a Bodily Form, as being termed "A Child Who was born." It was merely an expression, but this Spirit of which I AM now speaking, CHRIST, Whose Personal Name was Jesus, was made after the order of Melchizedek, without the beginning of days and without the end of life. He did not have any ancestors, neither any descendants. He had no relatives or kin, saving those who were of GOD; but according to the versions of men, it was essential for them that He might come in the likeness of them as though He was born among the children of men. Can you not see the mystery? GOD appearing to His people to give them life and liberty, to bring them into the recognition and the realization of His Actual Presence.

Did HE not say HE was in the world and the world was made by HIM, and the world knew HIM not? GOD was with you before HE had any Body; therefore, HE did not have any beginning of days, neither had HE any end of life, but according to the mortal versions of men, it was essential for CHRIST to come as though He was born among them, speaking in the actuated languages of men, that they might understand His Language when He speaks to them. Can you not see the mystery? And this was done, yea, once, twice, that they might observe the mystery and gain victory over the superstition that had caused them to believe that GOD was not with them. Can you not see the mystery?

Preaching CHRIST'S Presence

Then we take you back to the prophecy of old, before Jesus, the Personal Body came, and

'His Name shall be called IMMANUEL, being interpreted, GOD is with us.'

This was the Work and this is the Mission of the Gospel of the Kingdom, preaching CHRIST'S Presence and GOD being with them in reality. When this is preached and taught convincingly and effectively, men will get it and they will conceive it even as you have preconceived it, and they will observe the mystery in reality, and will say with you, "GOD is with us! GOD is with us!" Aren't you glad?

The keynote of Salvation and the Key to every problem, the SOLVER of every problem is coming forth into expression, for the recognition of GOD'S Presence will tell you more distinctly than you can by telling it personally. Can you not see the mystery? The recognition of GOD'S Presence will tell you that GOD is His Own Interpreter. Why? Because HE created you; because HE made you; because all things are made by HIM, and without HIM there was not anything made that was made; therefore, HE knows all about it.

Then keep GOD in consciousness effectively then you will see more distinctly, GOD is His Own Interpreter, and will give you the understanding necessary concerning the mystery, to any and all of His Creation.

GOD A Living Reality

How glorious it is to live in the Actual Presence of GOD, where GOD is a living reality; no longer in the superstitious world of expression as discerned superstitiously by the superstitious, but observe GOD as a living reality, made real, tangible and practical for all humanity, as your Redeemer and as your Savior, your LORD, your Maker and your Creator.

How glorious it is to live in such a recognition! But this cometh by the teaching and the preaching of CHRIST being in the world. I recall hearing a person say the other day, "It sounded like someone was preaching." If every individual in the world, as it may be termed, would allow ME to rule within, there and then I would preach in them.

Prejudice is destructive. If you cannot use your prejudicial tendencies one way, you will use them another. You will direct your prejudices and your bigotry at the different expressions of life, through selfishness, through covetousness and through jealousy; but what came JESUS the CHRIST for among you? He came to redeem you from such a curse; of all of your cursed, mortal prejudicial tendencies and of all of your fancies and pleasures, that you might recognize GOD your LORD and your Savior, and realize His Ever Presence. Oh, how glorious it is!

'His Name shall be called IMMANUEL being interpreted, GOD is with us;'

yet this interpretation in the actuated words of expression in your daily activities told them, GOD is Present. What said the Apostle concerning the mystery on another occasion? Did He not say, speaking in psalms and in hymns and in Spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to GOD? Did He not say,

'Rejoice in the LORD alway; and again I say rejoice: Let your moderation be made known to all men, the LORD is at hand"?

GOD Ever Present

This is accomplished by you being convinced within yourselves that GOD is Present here and throughout all eternity. This conviction will give you victory over every difficulty, over every trial and over every tribulation, over all undesirable conditions, because it is GOD HIMSELF with you when you hold GOD in consciousness in your conscious conviction as being ever present; then as you think, so it is, and "according to your faith, so be it unto thee." Get this, and get it effectively, you will have victory over every difficulty; you will have victory over all undesirable conditions, because CHRIST in your recognition, by stressing Him vividly, will be your real Emancipator and your Savior now, henceforth and forever.

Just think of it. GOD emancipating all undesirable conditions from you, all undesirable conditions, and giving you your real freedom from every angle expressible! Think of GOD in opposition to every opposition and every adverse and undesirable condition, as light is against the darkness. You need not try to get the darkness away by any other method nor means saving to turn the light on, and darkness is gone. Think of GOD in your life, in your business and in your affairs and in the affairs of all mankind diplomatically, and in the national affairs and international affairs politically of the great political machinery!

Observe GOD'S Presence with them, adjusting matters satisfactorily for those who seek HIM and giving victory over undesirable conditions for all of the true and the faithful. As light dispels darkness, I have stressed it, GOD your CHRIST is rich and all you need. For every adverse and undesirable condition, CHRIST is the positive and the desirable for them. Can you not see the mystery? Then keep CHRIST your GOD in consciousness effectively, and GOD will work those things out for you, just the same as you consider the light for the darkness: that is the answer to the problem.

Turn on the Light

How will you get darkness out of the house or any other place at night when the sun goes down? How will you get darkness out of it? The problem has been solved. You can get darkness out of it, and you know how to get it out, but you do not do it, and you need not bother with it, but just turn the light on, and the light will do it.

You have heard ME say over and over again, "My Spirit will do it." Then get My Spirit and get it effectively, and My Spirit will do everything necessary for you. That is what I AM talking about. It will work automatically without your conscious consideration, without any physical or personal effort or method of mortality's to help you. My Spirit, My Presence will do it, but get ME effectively, and know it and My Spirit will do it. That is what I AM talking about.

Matters are adjusted satisfactorily, just as effective in all things, if you get CHRIST your GOD. Even as the light is to dispel darkness, and is the master over darkness, and has the mastery over it, even so is GOD; and even the adverse conditions that have been chronicle conditions and circumstances that may be scientific and prenatal. Get GOD effectively and GOD'S Presence in your conscious mentality; when GOD in you has been actually established, HE will adjust matters satisfactorily; will adjust matters satisfactorily and will eradicate all of the negative and undesirable, for it is just as expressive and just as operative as the light is concerning the darkness. Can you not see the mystery?

Light Will Come If the Conditions Are Right

It is not strange to know that the light will come into the room, and the darkness will go out of the room, if you get the right size bulb, and put in your socket, and if your wiring system is adjusted satisfactorily, and attached to the high tension wire from the powerhouse, and then turn your switch on. You have not slightly thought a question whether you would have light in your room; you know you will.

Now know that you will have all things adjusted satisfactorily, and everything for you and for others, if you get GOD effectively in your consciousness, and keep HIM there continually. Be the same at My Personal Absence as you are in My Personal Presence in deeds and in actions; then I will work for you effectively, and will adjust matters satisfactorily for you, and naught will be able to hurt you nor harm you, nor hinder in all of your endeavors. That is the mystery. GOD in Consciousness, justifying things.

Truly might have one said by inspiration -- as an Epistelic prediction of the Apostle he was speaking when he said,

'Therefore, being justified by faith, you have Peace with GOD, through our LORD JESUS CHRIST.'

Then your Peace that passes, yea, surpasses all human understanding is considered and is actually established when you are conscious of GOD'S Presence in reality, and will actually stay conscious of it. I thank you.

