"We must Call for Righteousness, Truth and Justice to Be Enacted in All of the Politicians
and Especially the Officials. or Else We must Impeach Them or Move Them off of the Bench
or out of Office in Some Way!"

"Unless Men Accept Righteousness Vice, Crime and Sin of Every Kind
Will Be Multiplied."--- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message at the Righteous Government Forum, Auditorium, Greenkill Park, N.Y.,
Saturday, September 17, 1938 A.D.F.D., Time -- 9:30 P. M.



The Meeting was under way when the LORD Personally arrived at Greenkill Park and a great shout went up from the joyful throng as FATHER stepped upon the rostrum. Song after song rolled forth in thanksgiving and testimonies from the sincere hearts of those who recognized the LAMB so Meek and Lowly, yet so High and Holy; stirred the waters of the mighty deep; hence, these precious Pearls of Wisdom from the Fount of GOD'S Omniscience!

The nations of the earth are stirred, and daily and hourly are realizing more fully the need of PEACE on earth, good will towards men! For this cause they are coming, they are coming to the only Hope of the Redemption of all mankind, their FATHER-MOTHER GOD, Sweet FATHER DIVINE!

(The foregoing statements come from the transcriber, after which FATHER Speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! At this instance I would like to say, I thought to say while the last speaker was on the floor, when she first arose to speak; all of our immediate co-workers in the Righteous Government Department, those who are speakers especially and those who are representing the Educational Department of the Movement, we expect them to come forward and take the seats on the stage, that they might be represented and might speak and be called upon, that we might see and others around here might know they are here, whereby they can be called upon when it is necessary to have someone speak or read or have something to say in and on any of these subjects of which we are representing in our Righteous Government Movement.

Now I would like to say at this instance, if there are any visiting friends among us, in the which there are some, no doubt, we are pleased to have you come forward and take seats on the stage if you care to. If you do not care to come forward and take seats on the stage or if you do care to, we also would be pleased to have you speak on any subject you wish to speak on. You are welcome to speak on politics or on any subject that may interest you. The thing that may interest some of us, those things may not interest some others, but all of our Works and all of our Activities must be expressed before others can see and know whether they would be interested in that which we are representing.

For this cause I AM giving an open invitation to each and every visiting friend and others, to participate in this meeting if they care to, and participate in the act of speaking on such which you care to speak on. I would like to say, our Righteous Government Movement consists of every desirable expression of Righteousness, Truth and Justice; of modesty, competence and truth; of honesty, and any other expression in the Social, Economic or other fields of endeavor. This is what we consider to be Righteous Government; for all of our Works and Activities, they are controlled mainly by the politicians and by politics, then through legality, for politics causes things to be made legal and by legality the politicians control the people.


Reaching the Political World

For this cause we are endeavoring to reach every phase of life where the political world may be represented and where legality may be connected. All of our activities are controlled politically, socially, morally, spiritually or legally, but especially legally and politically -- our activities are controlled by these two great expressions and the expression of politics as the controlling force of legality. We must call for Righteousness, Truth and Justice to be enacted in all of the politicians and especially the officials or else we must IMPEACH them or move them off of the bench or out of office in some way! I have declared we shall do it and I have not refrained from My Assertion! We mean to establish Righteousness among this people and bring the legalization into actual and practical service for the benefit of the Kingdom of GOD on earth among men for which all Religions have so sincerely prayed.

There are those who may not understand that the legalization of our Righteousness must be considered, but I stress once again for the benefit of My hearers, My Friends and My People: unless you bring into actuality the legalization of Righteousness, Righteousness will be disfranchised continually and will not have an access in politics, neither in legality.

For this cause we desire to bring into the spirit of legalization, the spirit and the meaning of the Constitution in Righteousness, Truth and Justice that those who represent the political world might know they must live according to our Righteous Government under the Constitution. What a glorious privilege it is to realize what it actually means. It means nothing less than the establishment of Righteous Government in the hearts and lives and in the business and affairs of the children of men! Unless men accept of Righteousness in politics and in the legal field, why unrighteousness, vice and crime and sin of every kind will be increased and multiplied and eventually be universally legalized!


Legalized Crime

Men believe in LEGALIZED CRIME today! There are some who believe in legalizing the brothels and establishing them with a pretentious righteous motive. They will say, if you have legalized brothels it will keep the wicked people from committing crimes among the honest and respectable and law-abiding people. The legalization of unrighteousness can be considered and such has been the consideration of the people in many parts of the countries and even in this Country; but if we stop to consider once, the Legalization of Righteousness should be our aim, to bring into actuality the true Spirit of Christianity, CHRIST'S STANDARD, the CHRIST LIKENESS as exemplified by JESUS.

When this is brought into legalization we shall have a Righteous Government and GOD HIMSELF on the throne of the minds of the children of men will Judge this people with equity and there will be no more WAR and there will be no more DEATH, for the very Spirit of the CHRIST as exemplified and as exhibited in the Name of GOD HIMSELF will be recognized by all of the peoples of the earth!

John saw in his revelationic prediction of this dispensation in which we are now living and of this particular time of which I AM now speaking -- he saw a new Heaven and a new earth, for the first Heaven and the first earth are passed away. John saw the Holy City and the New Jerusalem coming down from GOD out of Heaven -- coming down from the imaginary GOD in the imaginary Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. He said,

'the Tabernacle of GOD is with men and HE shall dwell with them!'

He saw a new Government, in other words, the Government of the Kingdom of GOD as visualized and as recognized in the imaginary conception of the children of men, coming down from that imaginary Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. What a glorious privilege to observe such a mystery!


The Imaginary Heaven

This revelationic prediction of John -- I AM quoting now, Revelation of the twenty-first chapter -- was well worth considering, for John saw the Holy City and the New Jerusalem coming down from GOD out of Heaven! This was an imaginary Heaven, understand ME! It was not the reality of Heaven as made real among the children of men, but as an imagination, even as all of the divers superstitious Religions have been imagining a Heaven above all of the other planets. Many of them have such imaginations in the spirit of sincerity! They are conscientious in their endeavors to bring about Righteousness in themselves individually and convert others into Righteousness that they might inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, but it is an imaginary Heaven.

Men have not yet come up to Heaven, to that imaginary Heaven of which the average person is speaking. Jesus said,

'No man has ascended up to Heaven but HE that came down from Heaven, even the Son of Man which is in Heaven!'

This was to see and let you know definitely, it was an imaginary concept transmitted and reincarnated in the hearts and lives of the children of men concerning a Heaven geographically. They would not conceive the idea that it was a Heaven of reality in a STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS where the spirits of just men are made PERFECT! But oh, what a privilege to observe! John described it and depicted the Heaven, that imaginary Heaven coming from GOD, yea, from the imaginary GOD out of the imaginary Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, this coming down to the earth plane; that imaginary Government of Righteousness as had been imagined by the "imaginers" -- that Government was coming down in Righteousness, in Truth and in Holiness!

It was no longer to remain in the imaginary concept of things, neither in the invisible and merely on the Spiritual plane, but John said,

'I saw it coming down from HEAVEN, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband!'

Aren't you glad! By this I can see the government of the fondest imagination of the children of men concerning that imaginary heaven coming down to them.


The New Heaven and New Earth Created

Have I not brought into actuality, the reality of your Fondest Imagination, no longer keeping you in a superstitious, imaginary world of expression, but bringing you down to the conscious recognition and the realization of your fondest imagination wherein dwelleth Righteousness? THE NEW HEAVEN AND THE NEW EARTH I HAVE CREATED! I AM daily re-creating in the hearts and minds of the children of men a New Heaven and a New Earth wherein dwelleth RIGHTEOUSNESS! Now aren't you glad!

Upon this Foundation if you and the whole of civilization will stand, I will emancipate them from all undesirable conditions and the miseries, depressions, hardships, lacks, wants and undesirable conditions the millions and billions have been undergoing, will be dispelled once and forever and GOD HIMSELF will be established and recognized and realized among them.

A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH! This is the Heaven of Righteousness, no longer merely something superstitiously and suppositionally discerned, but that which was in your superstition and imagination in the imaginary world of expression, I bring both it and them down to the earth plane and cause you to enjoy your fondest imagination as a living reality among men! Aren't you glad!

Then I say, tell all the world at large that the Kingdom of GOD has truly come! The prayer is answered for all mankind!

'Let THY Kingdom COME and THY Will BE DONE on earth as it is in HEAVEN!'

Your imaginary Heaven has been your concept and you fondly imagine GOD sitting on a throne and the True and Faithful sitting at Right Hand.


GOD Revealed the Imaginary Heaven

It has been taught you by the imaginations of the superstitious ideas and opinions of men. It was an inspiration to them from their superstitious ideas and opinions because they had not been born in this advanced Light of Spiritual civilization, therefore they were sincere, a good many of them, but they were seeking and stressing and visualizing an imaginary Heaven in their fondest imagination until GOD from that angle of expression, through their superstition, revealed an imaginary Heaven to them. But oh, what a glorious privilege to see that imaginary Heaven from your fondest imagination and the imagination of all of the superstitious Religions, coming down from that imaginary GOD out of that imaginary Heaven! What is it coming down for? To be made REAL, to be made TANGIBLE, to be made PRACTICAL, to be made an Expression of Righteousness exemplified among us, to establish a RIGHTEOUS GOVERNMENT, for it is a Righteous Government in itself!

That is what the Heaven means; in other words, it is a government, but when it comes down from your fondest imagination into your conscious recognition and realization out of your superstition, then and there you can reckon GOD'S Actual Presence as the Hope of the Redemption of all humanity! Then you are in this Light of this advanced civilization whereby you can Spiritualize and Evangelize the world with whom you come in contact, for those who live in mortal consciousness, they do not know the CHRIST! That is why they are stirred and worried about ME, because I came to teach you Wisdom from the Fount of GOD'S Own Omniscience instead of teaching you wisdom from the human, limited, finite information as being called human education! I came to teach you GOD'S Omniscience from the Infinite One, instead of teaching you something merely from the limited, finite minds of men with their human, limited information as being termed education!


The Earth Must Recognize This Teaching

For this cause, the earth is stirred as said the last speaker, and millions and billions must recognize this Teaching because it is coming from the Fount of GOD'S Omniscience from whence flows all Wisdom and all Understanding. Aren't you glad! Beloved ones, let us consider this Truth as explained for your own sake, for from sinking sands of materialism you are lifted! From the mortal versions you are lifted, I say!

As a speaker mentioned the other day, how she used to be in classes and get invitations to go to different auditoriums where the teacher would receive twenty-five dollars for five lessons from each and every person in those classes! DAILY, I AM TEACHING THE WISDOM AS EXEMPLIFIED AND AS GIVEN AS A SAMPLE AND AN EXAMPLE FOR ALL HUMANITY! Daily, I AM Teaching from at least two thousand to three thousand as a matter of course at My Banquet Table; teaching them, giving them three and four and five lessons each and every day, ABSOLUTELY GRATIS, ABSOLUTELY FREE! Just think of it! And there are those who are called psychologists and practitioners of the divers philosophies, charging five dollars a lesson when I AM giving from twenty-five hundred to three thousand every day, four or five lessons daily, absolutely gratis; and if there is any comparison, I would be glad to have an outside stenographer -- not Mine; for those who would be critics may think My Stenographer might not give the public justice. I would be glad for any outside stenographer to try to make any comparison with MYSELF, My Message and any other philosopher or any other teacher, practitioner or any other person teaching any science or any information . . . and yet MY SERVICE IS ABSOLUTELY GRATIS!


You Are Welcome to Make Comparisons

I AM saying this to say to you My hearers, My immediate Co-workers, Followers and Friends . . . this Message is a FREE GIFT TO THE WORLD, GRATIS TO MANKIND! But if you desire to make comparisons, you are welcome to make any comparison with any other individual you desire to, for MINE is FREE, it does not cost anything -- only to come, sit, listen and hear!

Oh, what a privilege to realize that imaginary Heaven coming down from that imaginary GOD -- that GOD had been imagined by many different, devout individuals, especially those of the Religious superstitious, but they could not and did not see the REALITY of such a GOD, neither did they see the REALITY of such a HEAVEN! For this cause, John saw in the revelation -- yea, it was a revelationic prediction of this present dispensation, when I would call from your imaginary Heaven and from imaginary GOD, the Heaven that was the fondest of all Heavens in your consideration; I would bring such a Government down from your fondest and highest imagination to the earth plane and I would enact such a Government among the children of men and establish the Kingdom of GOD on earth among them!

This is it of which I AM Speaking when I AM telling you about our RIGHTEOUS GOVERNMENT PLATFORM and the RIGHTEOUS GOVERNMENT of which must envelop the world as it is enacted and manifested among you all.

'Righteousness and Judgment are the habitation of HIS THRONE! The earth saw and trembled!'

Can you not see the earth trembling now at the Voice of the ALMIGHTY and at the Judgment and the Understanding I AM exemplifying? Causing the children of men to recognize GOD'S PRESENCE among them and causing them to WILLINGLY and VOLUNTARILY bring themselves into subjection to HIM and cease to commit vice and crime and sin of every kind but to the reverse of such things, express HONESTY, COMPETENCE and TRUTH in all they say and in all they do!


A Glorious Government

What a glorious Government will we have universally when this shall have been universally established! For all of the Kingdoms of the earth shall bring themselves into subjection to it and will recognize the CHRIST with all of their heart, even as you do right here where I AM, as I AM here where you are! What a glorious privilege to live in such a recognition! You feel good, do you not? It is a great SPIRITUAL AWAKENING!

Truly might have the Sonship Degree said,

'I Am the Resurrection and the Life! He that believeth on Me, though he was dead, yet shall he live!'


'Whosoever liveth and believeth on Me shall never die!'

Aren't you glad!

I did not mean to say so much but you led ME out where the water was deep and I was obliged to struggle to get to the shore! I believe I came near swimming! I thank you.

PEACE EVERYONE! Just before we make our seeming departure, I would like to say, on next Saturday evening we move that the Spirit as the master of ceremonies and as the chair lady and other official representatives will carry on the Meeting at the High Falls Garage at the Roundout Creek. Those who desire to participate in these Meetings are welcome to do so. Come if you care to visit and participate, and on the other hand, if you do not care to participate, you are welcome to come and listen to what has been done, and listen and hear and see what we are doing and saying. I thank you.
