"All Must Recognize The Spirit of Religion, and Religion Alone Shall Have All Dominion Socially,
Morally and Even Politically. . . .
It Is for the Purpose of Bringing about the Reality of the Universal Brotherhood of Man
and the Conscious Realization of the FATHERHOOD of GOD."--- FATHER DIVINE

Our FATHER'S Message at the Banquet Table, 152-160 West 126th Street, New York City,
Monday, July 25, 1938 A.D.F.D., Time -- 2:15 P.M.

Penthouse Dining Room, The Divine Lorraine Hotel

FATHER and MOTHER  DIVINE in the Penthouse Diniung Room, The Divine Lorraine Hotel

PEACE EVERYONE! ("Peace, FATHER Dear!" responded the enthusiastic assembly.) Here we all are again, as I shall ever remain. It is a privilege to realize there is a possibility of mankind as individuals becoming to be in the unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose, as it was in the beginning of the creation. GOD created man in His Own Likeness and Image, and GOD placed him in a place of comfort and of convenience. They failed to live in that state of consciousness; therefore, they have fallen from their steadfastness in that state wherein they were placed; but through the Life of CHRIST as exemplified, GOD, through His Condescension, has put forth a Sample and an Example, that those who might concentrate on such a Sample and the Example, and harmonize with it, they would become to be partakers of the Nature and the Characteristics of this PRINCIPLE, by which we stand in the unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose.

It is the Name of your Savior that has brought you all together. This is not merely to bring about a great organization, from an organizational point of view, but it is for the purpose of bringing about the reality of the universal Brotherhood of man and the conscious realization of the FATHERHOOD of GOD. When this shall have been established in the hearts and minds of the children of men, there will be no more wars. We will not have any more race riots and divisions and nations against nations; but all of the inhabitants of the earth will be in the unity of the Spirit, and therefore, one would not attempt, by any means, to do anything that would be detrimental to the other, for he would know within himself he would be undermining his own foundation and destroying himself automatically.

For this cause we stand in the unity of the Spirit, in the unity of Mind, in the unity of Aim and of Purpose. By this we are limitless in expression, in activities, in our endeavors; therefore, GOD by Nature being Infinite, His Characteristics and His Nature are imposed upon us. In other words, we are partakers of GOD'S Nature automatically as individuals; hence, you will no longer be limited when you live in such a recognition.

I need not say more at this instance; I merely arose to say, as I said in the Message as read, we have visiting friends with us as usual, we always delight in having them, and we appreciate the presence of any visiting friends as well as those of My immediate Followers, and immediate Co-workers. For this cause, we refrain from speaking from time to time. This afternoon we feel somewhat desirous of doing the same. In other words, we somewhat desire to do the same, that we might refrain from speaking and singing for a little while, and give all our visiting friends, if they wish to, a chance to have a word to say. If you wish to speak volitionally as we do -- which is to say, move according to your highest intuition and move spontaneously, you are welcome to do so, if not, give us your name, address and profession, and we will gladly introduce you according to custom. I thank you.

(After several visitors responded, FATHER inquired again, saying:)

PEACE EVERYONE! Are there any more visitors or strangers who would like to have a word to say? (After all who desired to, had a chance to speak, FATHER addressed the assembly again, with this very significant Message.)

PEACE EVERYONE! ("Peace, FATHER Dear!" again responded the multitude.) Good Health! Good Will and a Good Appetite for everybody, with your hearts filled full of merriness, and the atmosphere "contagionized" with it. For this cause I came, and that is what I AM doing with it. It was as though I could hear My Spirit in the voice of someone saying:

'Every unjust official shall be moved off of the bench, and FATHER DIVINE! FATHER DIVINE! FATHER DIVINE ALONE shall reign.'

That was the echo and the song as though it was a Message came; but yet I know definitely what it was saying, but I thought I would bring it forth into consideration as it was a composition and a Message I AM conveying.

I thought a little while ago, how I have said from time to time, "every unjust official shall be moved out of office. If I do not do it by the ballot, I will do it by My Spirit." While thinking along that line, I thought how men are voted into office. If an official -- a prospective official, a candidate, desires to be elected, a good way for him to be elected is to oppose ME, for in politics they desire to have corruption and more corruption. As politics is corrupt, they desire more corruption; therefore, they will select and elect those who oppose Righteousness, Truth and Justice. They will be placed in office no doubt, if you please; but remember, it is not a great thing to be placed in office to be thrown out; for if you go up in an airplane, about five thousand or ten thousand feet and jump out, you will have quite a fall, will you not? More great will be your fall than if you would stay down here on the ground.

Then I say, the unjust officials who have been selected and elected in opposition to My Plan and My Purpose, I AM working cancellation on their reputations, and their influence, and when this shall have been accomplished they will fall from the lofty state wherein they have been exalted; for the corruption that is in the unjust and unrighteous politicians, they carry those whom they desire to endorse them and support corruption, dishonesty, incompetence and untruth. For this cause, many of the great officials, such as never before, of recent months, have been indicted. They are being thrown out of office by the wholesale; and there are those who fought to get in office, they are glad to get out of office by getting out at the point of the pistol -- at the point of their own pistol. This goes to let you see and know, "every unjust official shall be moved out of office." Aren't you glad?


Get Them In and Throw Them Out

Now those who oppose ME and openly express it, they may readily be elected - - first selected and then elected by the corruptible politicians. Maybe they will be; but they are thrown out of office, and when they are thrown out in the divers ways of expression, by impeachment -- such unrighteousness and dishonesty, they will feel the effect of it much more than if they had not been elected. That is the way to lick them; to get them in it, and then throw them out of it. As much as they rejoiced at being selected and elected in corruption, even so will they regret it, and their friends and relatives will regret it just as much, and much more by them being dishonored and impeached and thrown out of their office. That is the mystery. I mention this because there was a certain one seeking office who spoke against ME personally; that individual was elected and went into office, but how long did he stay there? Every unjust official shall be moved out of office. GOD is not bound to the ballot, neither to the world of politics -- by no means. GOD is not in politics as the country, as the United States of America, being bound on the north, on the south, and on the east to the west. GOD has no barriers. GOD is not bound, neither has HE any bands on HIMSELF; neither does any other man have any bands on HIM; therefore, if GOD is not functioning in one manner of expression alone, remember, there are millions of others in which HE can function, and there are ways and means whereby HE can express, that have not been made as yet, for GOD will make a way where there is no way; and GOD will make means where there are no means. Where there are no foundations, or, where there is no foundation, whichever, for one to build upon, GOD can and will make one. GOD Speaks In Their Own Language

How glorious it is to know your GOD! While listening to the reading a little while ago, I thought, it is something to consider how GOD speaks to the people in their own language, yea, in the diverse languages at times, that they might be able to understand. By understanding, they may get in touch with His Mind. But as I afore said, the unjust officials, they are selected and elected because of the corruptible politicians and their desires to hide themselves in their corruption; why, naturally, unrighteousness will try to hide, but there is always something in the Great Universal Mind Substance that will turn the light on them.

Just think of one claiming to be a maker of laws -- of the laws of this country, which is under the Constitution; the laws, rules and regulations of this country upon which they are founded, and under such a Constitution, the amendments of the Constitution, and the documents as inscribed on our coins, and other documents or inscriptions, whichever, as recorded under the Constitution, representing "E Pluribus Unum"; representing the United States of America; representing the Constitutional rights of the children of men, as they should be as lawmakers; yet the Constitutional rights are attempted to be taken away from those who are under-privileged by some of the so-called lawmakers, endorsing segregation and discrimination, declaring that segregation is of GOD!

To separate yourself from that which is unjust, such a segregated concept of your mind should be endorsed; to separate yourself from everything that tends -- from all things that tend to undermine the Foundation of Righteousness, such an expression may be considered; but from the angle of expression, such as they are speaking, merely the segregation of people, such a segregation is not according to the Scripture, neither is it Constitutional.


For What Purpose?

For what purpose did GOD suffer the Government to inscribe on our coins: "In GOD WE TRUST"? "E Pluribus Unum" -- "One composed of many"? For what purpose, if all of the American citizens, and all who are living under this flag be obliged to support the Constitution and its amendments, of this Government, if it were not for the purpose of bringing about a moral betterment universally, and especially nationally? It would not have been adopted; but in opposition to the great Fundamental, the Constitution, men are selected and elected, and they are attempting to undermine the very Foundation of the Constitution of which they have been sworn in to protect.

Every time that an official speaks a word in opposition to the Fundamental, and a word that is not according to the Constitution and the amendments thereof, if such an official will speak it officially, he is undermining the Constitution of the Government by which he has been sworn in to protect throughout the career of his office. Then I say, such an official should be immediately impeached and thrown out -- off the bench immediately.

He or she is unworthy to fill an office, if such persons will speak the least word in opposition to the Constitution, in opposition to any of the amendments in connection with it. That is exactly what thousands of them are doing, endorsing laws, rules and regulations that are in extreme opposition to the Constitution, and trying to undermine the Constitution and its amendments; but if this would be permitted to continue, why, the Government that we are supporting for the people, by the people and through the people, would perish from the earth. But it is a privilege to foresee all of these things, and fore-warn those of our representatives in Congress and those of our co-workers as constituents of the representatives in Congress, to select and elect only those men and women who are willing to stand for the Constitution and its amendments, and who will not speak one word in opposition to the Constitution, nor any of its amendments. It is the same as a person speaking against the Holy Ghost religiously, if you please.


Unjust Officials Shall Be Put Out

It has been declared, "Every sin a man does, shall be forgiven him, but he who speaketh against the Holy Ghost, there is no forgiveness." Politically, those who would speak a word in opposition to the Constitution and its amendments, immediately such a person should be impeached and thrown out of office, and be even disfranchised, for such an individual is an underminer of the Constitution under which we are living, by which is our protection, and of which we are protecting.

Take these thoughts to consideration! Jot them down in your memory, and consider My MISSION. I will continue to carry on until I shall have accomplished that for which I came, and throw every unjust official under the Constitution and its amendments, from every angle expressible, out of office completely. This is exactly what I will do, for I have unified the two together, for the purpose of bringing the earth into the unity of the Spirit with the Heavens, and the Heavens in unity with the earth. Aren't you glad?

Then I say, I shall not be discouraged until all mankind shall see and know definitely, each and every individual who will speak a word against the Holy Ghost religiously or inspirationally, such a person is not a subject and a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven: vice versa on the material or political plane; the individuals or officials who will speak a word against the Constitution and its amendments, those who are in opposition to any of them, if they are sworn into office under the Constitution to protect the Constitution, when they are speaking words and trying to make laws unconstitutionally in opposition to the Constitution, such persons should be impeached equivalently, even as you are when you speak against the Holy Spirit.


GOD Is In the Land

This is a great thing, beloved ones; but there are thousands and thousands, who did not years ago, know that I would come as I came, and would do what I AM doing; but as I came, I come; and as I come, I AM doing that for which I came. Aren't you glad? I shall all mankind see and know, GOD is in the land; and GOD does not only have Dominion in the Heaven, but the earth belongs to the LORD; for one has declared, and I re-declare the same:

'The earth is the LORD'S and the fullness thereof; the cattle on a thousand hills are Mine, and they that dwell therein.'

I know they have striven to keep GOD in Heaven, and the Heaven up in some mythological place of expression; but GOD, through His Condescension, has truly come, and shall have ALL Dominion on earth among men. In politics, in legality and in every other expression, sociality and in intellectuality, or the intellectual world, or what not, wheresoever man is found and desires to have dominion or influence, GOD shall have dominion over both it and them, and none shall hinder HIM. For this cause I came!

Then I say, I have brought the Heaven to the earth plane, and the Laws of Heaven down to the children of men, and they must recognize HIM as LORD of Lords and as KING of Kings. Aren't you glad? Then I say, every unjust official shall be moved out of office and tell them I have made that threat. If I do not do it by the ballot, I will do it by My Spirit; for it has long since been declared,

'It is not by power nor by might, but by My Spirit, declared the LORD.'

I AM declaring it. I AM declaring the same to you all.


Man Left GOD'S Business Undone

I know, as I afore said, they have striven to keep GOD in Heaven. GOD did not have any business down here on earth among men; but I came, and I AM attending to My Business, for they have none. Man was here to attend to GOD'S Business, but left it undone. Aren't you glad? Then I say, the unjust officials shall be moved out of office -- trying to make laws, rules and regulations and customs in violation to the Constitution and in violation to the amendments, and yet they are sworn in by the Bible, or by the Name of the ALMIGHTY; having pretentiously expressed the recognition of the endorsement of the ALMIGHTY, of them being worthy to fill such an office; for they have taken the Name of the ALMIGHTY, or the name of the Bible. They take either of these two as their endorsement, as their representatives to represent them and to verify them as though they are worthy men to fill such official duties for which they are sworn in.

How glorious it is then, I say, to live in such a recognition where GOD Himself through His Condescension is here on earth attending to His Business. This is also verifiable by the Gospel; for what said Jesus concerning the mystery of which we are now experiencing? Jesus said, "The Kingdom of GOD is like unto a husbandman," a great farmer who bought a vineyard and let it out to husbandmen. He let it out. He was the Lord of a great vineyard. He brought it into subjection to Himself and He let it out to husbandmen to keep until He came. He said those husbandmen became very selfish, or words to that effect, and tried to take the jurisdiction of this vineyard; but what did the Lord of the vineyard say in a long time, or after a long time?


Even the Son Was Rejected

He said,

'I will send My servants to gather of the fruits of the vineyard.'

He sent some of His servants; but they in turn sent them away, beating many of them, and sending them away shamefully wounded. He sent another and another, and another, and another, and continued, until after a long while, the Lord of the vineyard said,

'I will send My Son, they will reverence Him.'

But when He sent the Son, which represented the Sonship Degree of expression, which you all have been representing, they said,

'Here comes the heir, we will kill Him, and the inheritance shall be ours.'

They took His Son and slew Him, and cast Him out of the vineyard, that the inheritance should be theirs; but what says the mystery in the parable? "The Lord of the vineyard shall come Himself, and shall destroy those husbandmen and give the vineyard to others."

This is exactly what He has done, and exactly what HE is doing. GOD, through His Condescension, has truly come down from Heaven. It was merely an imaginary Heaven, it was not a real Heaven, but GOD came down from that imaginary Heaven to the conscious recognition and the realization of millions, and is bringing the reality of such a vineyard to those who dwell upon the face of the earth.

Now HE shall give the vineyard to others and they shall no longer have dominion, nor usurp authority over this people, for they are unjust and corrupt and a perverse generation; therefore, I shall move them or convert them. If they are converted and brought into subjection, all the better for them; but if they neglect this great Salvation and will not be converted, I will move them and give the vineyard to others. That is the mystery!

GOD Shall Not Be Hindered

Then I say, GOD, through His Condescension, has truly come on the earth plane, and shall continue to function under the Constitution of this Country and its amendments and endorse and protect the Constitution according to His Plan and Purpose, and bring all of the powers that be into subjection, until they all shall be converted or shall be moved off.

Oh, it is a privilege to observe the mystery; for the unjust officials shall no longer usurp authority over this people; for GOD Himself shall reign and have all dominion, and none shall hinder HIM. Those laws and rules that are not according to the Law of the Spirit of Life, which I AM expressing, I shall move them out of the Constitution, or repeal them, and establish laws, rules and regulations under the Constitution that will be according to the FUNDAMENTAL for which we stand. Then I shall continue to move out of office those unjust officials and shall continue and continue with or without My Person, until I shall have officially established Righteousness, Truth and Justice, just as I have it under My Personal Jurisdiction religiously.

I hope man now understands, it was not for the purpose of merely bringing Religion to the earth and having Religion as an abstract factor or expression of our lives; but that Religion itself put forth into expression must be the real factor and the real expression of all of our life, of all of our activities, and of all of our endeavors, whether they be mental, Spiritual, material or physical; it matters not what they may be, these powers that be, must be brought into subjection, and all must recognize the Spirit of that which is called "Religion" and Religion alone as being termed "Religion," shall have all Dominion socially, morally and even politically. I thank you.
