"If I Be Silent For A Season It Would Be To Allow Gog And Magog To Battle
Until They Destroy Each Other.

"The Time Is Near To See Whether The Public And the Authorities Desire ME Personally
And My Mission Or Those Who Are In Opposition." --- Father Divine

FATHER DIVINE'S Message At The Banquet Table, 20 West 115th Street, New York City, N. Y.,
Sunday, July 11, 1937 A.D.F.D., Time: 3:30 P.M.



In the year 1914 when FATHER DIVINE, the PRINCE of PEACE, withdrew to some extent from the terrific combats of active campaigning and went into mental and spiritual seclusion, the greatest War that has ever been known burst upon the world. As HE went into the retirement that resulted in the quiet years at Sayville, the powers of destruction that had been engaged in opposition to HIM, were free to roam the world, causing confusion and destruction everywhere, the Great War, and finally, the greatest of all depressions.

When HE stepped out upon the scene again the great depression was on. HE drew the thousands to HIM so that many times one could not get near His Home in the little Village of Sayville and quickly HE transmitted HIMSELF to millions. HE wrote HIS Name in letters of living flame in the hearts and minds of the people everywhere, until news-writers declared HIM to be the -world's greatest Leader.

The world at large should worship at the Feet of HIM Who has the Key to every problem of War and Peace, and should Love and Adore HIM Who is their only Salvation! On every hand, however, the oppositions arise, legally, politically, socially, and in every other way. Though Righteousness Marches on and FATHER is Victorious in every issue, the Scripture has said of HIM:

'My Spirit shall not always strive with man.'

In the meantime the forces of destruction are piling up. It has been said that Europe is arming as never before; Russia, China and Japan are threatening each other, and that the United States is on the verge of Fascism.

Outlining what may happen, and presenting an ultimatum, to the world at large, while standing in the midst of thousands of True and Faithful followers at HIS New York City Headquarters, Sunday, July 11, FATHER Spoke as never before. The following were HIS Words of Power.

FATHER speaks as follows:

Peace Everyone! I rise as I have Risen! I Speak as I have Spoken! I Stand as I have Stood! But I desire to tell you something I had not yet told you. I have striven to refrain from Speaking on this point apparently. I AM not predicting, nor proclaiming to be a Prophet, but merely a reiterator of the predictions that have been made by the Prophets and Seers, and the Fulfiller of things that were to come. I will tell you something concerning some of them.

I have Spoken concerning the mystery of the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD, and the recognition and the realization of it - how the recognition and the realization of GOD'S Presence dispels all undesirable conditions, all sickness, all diseases, afflictions, discords and all adverse and undesirable conditions from every world.


The Time Is Near At Hand

While stressing this point quite vividly, I did not call your attention to the mystery - the time is near at hand when GOD shall present HIMSELF, to the public as I AM, and Offer Myself, My Mission, My Version and My Presence to be chosen between Myself and others by the public. The time is near at hand I shall present Myself, My Mission and My Work and My Calling, as it may be termed, to the Authorities and to the public at large, as an issue to be considered between Myself and others, for all of us cannot function together. All cannot function together if we are all in extreme opposition, one to the other. Therefore, I shall present Myself to the public,and offer Myself as a Representative, Myself, My Mission, My Spirit and My Activities, and let them consider which they desire - MY Presence or those who are in opposition.

They do not have to get petitions out for ME to go, but I can and I will present Myself, My Work and My Mission, as one issue of petitions, to see whether the public and the Authorities desire ME Personally, a n d MY Mission, or desire those who are in opposition.


Acceptance Will Bring Peace

Now when and wheresoever I withdraw Myself from the presence of the people My Work and My Mission - there will be no doubt a civil war, a revolutionary war and a race war combined. But wheresoever My Work, My Mission and My Activities are accepted whole- heartedly, there will be peace and harmony and even we will find harmonious conditions existing among and in the Cosmic Forces of Nature. The atmospheric conditions will work harmoniously and all of the people shall be happy, for I have presented to all humanity a Sample, and an Example of what I will do. As it is with ME and in MY Presence, whensoever I have access among this people I have shown them conclusively and distinctly the reality of the Peace Mission, bringing peace out of confusion, eliminating races, creeds and colors, abolishing the lacks, wants and limitations that will cause a civil war among the people.


Without Me A War Will Begin

The economic condition has been answered -the problem thereof. The problem there- of has been completely answered. All of MY Followers are taken off the welfare. They would not start a civil war because of the economic condition and on account of lacks, wants and limitations and the mistreatment of the people, as far as those things are concerned. But without ME, those things - I mean a CIVIL WAR will begin! Without ME a revolutionary war will begin! Without ME a race war will begin! And it will not be confined to these United States of America, but without ME there will be a Universal civil war in cooperation with a universal race war, in cooperation with a universal revolutionary war.

Now the time has come for even those of the chief Organizations of Civilization, such as the political world of expression in all Government, to accept of Righteousness, Truth and Justice as I present it, or accept of that and those who are in opposition, and they will find them- selves under a chaotic condition, for all of these conditions which I have explained will come, without ME, and there will be no remedy for them!


We Shall Have A Righteous Government

So you had just as well to start right here and right now! I have Declared, we shall have a Righteous Government. If I must needs be silent as an Individual, and as an Expression of the Mission as an Influence over this people-if I be silent for a season it would be only for the purpose of allowing gog and magog to get together to battle until they destroy each other, that GOD might come forth into expression when they have ended their confusion, and establish HIS Kingdom legally and universally on the earth, that mankind might recognize it, such as had not been recognized until I came!

Now there lie before the public two points for consideration. Accept of ME wholeheartedly and completely without reserve and commit yourselves openly, or reject ME, and I can and will not continue in expression as I have been, to interfere with you. I can, could, and no doubt would, withdraw Myself and allow that and those who are in opposition, to try their opposition and to try themselves in their actions. If you will endorse them and allow them to continue, I will let you see what they will bring you! They will bring just what I have told you. They will bring not only a race riot, but they will bring an international race war. They will bring a revolutionary war, and they will bring a civil war combined, all in accord, working in opposition to each other yet being in accord, for they are the works of "the other fellow" and not the Works of GOD! I thank you.
